"رجل دين" إيراني يحتجز 17 لمدة 16 ساعة في مقهى بسيدني قبل مقتله مع رهينتين
Read this story in Englishقتل المسلح الذي احتجز رهائن في مقهى في وسط سيدني الاثنين، اضافة الى رهينتين اخريين، كما اصيب اربعة اشخاص بجروح، بعد ان اقتحم عناصر الشرطة الاسترالية المدججين بالسلاح المقهى الواقع وسط سيدني بعد 16 ساعة من احتجاز 17 رهينة.
والقى رجال الشرطة القنابل الصوتية واطلقوا النار داخل المقهى الذي دوت داخله اصوات الانفجارات بعد ان تمكن عدد من الموظفين والزبائن من الفرار.
واقتحمت الشرطة المقهى بعد تبادل لاطلاق النار ما ادى الى مقتل "المسلح الذي تصرف بمفرده" والبالغ من العمر 50 عاما، بحسب مفوض شرطة نيوساوث ويلز اندرو سكيبيوني.
واعلنت الشرطة وفاة رجل (34 عاما)، وامرأة (38 عاما) بعد نقلهما الى المستشفى، بحسب الشرطة.
واكد سكيبيوني في مؤتمر صحافي ان احتجاز الرهائن "كان عملا فرديا. يجب ان لا يدمر هذا او يغير طريقة حياتنا".
وصرح كريس ريزون الصحافي في تلفزيون القناة السابعة التي تقع غرفة تحريرها مقابل المقهى انه جاء في مكالمة من اتصالات الشرطة ان "رهينة قتل" ما دفع الشرطة الى اقتحام المبنى دون انذار.
وقال مصور فرانس برس انه شاهد نقل جثة من المكان بعدما دخل عناصر الشرطة المقهى وسط دوي انفجارات.
وادخل شرطي عمره 39 عاما الى مستشفى رويال نورث شور الذي استقبل كذلك امرأة في الاربعينات من عمرها مصابة بعيار ناري في ساقها، وامرأة تعاني من الم في الظهر، بحسب ما صرحت المتحدثة لوكالة فرانس برس.
وبعد ذلك تم ارسال روبوت لرصد القنابل وتفكيك المتفجرات الى المبنى الذي يقع فيه المقهى فيما اعلنت الشرطة انتهاء حصار المقهى، ودخل العاملون الطبيون للاعتناء بالرهائن.
ولم يعثر على متفجرات في المقهى.
وذكر تلفزيون ايه بي سي وغيره من وسائل الاعلام ان محتجز الرهائن الذي رفع في وقت سابق علم تنظيمات اسلامية متطرفة، هو "رجل دين" ايراني يبلغ من العمر 49 عاما واسمه هارون مؤنس.
ونشرت وسائل الاعلام صورا له وهو ملتح ويرتدي عمامة بيضاء، وقالت انه مفرج عنه بكفالة بعد اتهامه بارتكاب عدد من جرائم العنف.
وبدأ حصار مقهى "لينت" الواقع في ساحة مارتن في وسط سيدني صباح الاثنين، وقامت الشرطة على اثر ذلك باغلاق الحي المالي في سيدني فيما حاصر مئات من رجال الشرطة المقهى.
وقال ماني كونديتسيس المحامي السابق لمؤنس انه يؤكد للاستراليين ان عملية احتجاز الرهائن ليست من تنفيذ جماعة ارهابية منظمة.
وصرح لتلفزيون ايه بي سي "هذا عمل فردي عشوائي .. وهو ليس عملا ارهابيا منظما. انه شخص مضطرب فعل شيئا مشينا".
وذكرت صحيفة "ذي استراليان" ان مؤنس "نصب نفسه شيخا" وانه بعث رسائل مسيئة الى عائلات جنود قتلى، وهو مفرج عنه بكفالة بعدما اوقف بتهمة التآمر في قتل زوجته السابقة.
وقالت انه وصل الى استراليا كلاجئ في العام 1996 وعاش في جنوب غرب سيدني.
ولم تكشف الشرطة عن هوية محتجز الرهائن، الا انها لم تنف ما جاء في التقارير.
وسارعت طهران الى ادانة الحادث.
وقالت الناطقة باسم وزارة الخارجية الايرانية مرضية افخم "اللجوء الى مثل هذه الاعمال غير الانسانية والتسبب بالخوف والذعر باسم الدين الاسلامي الحنيف لا يبرر باي ظرف".
وذكرت الحكومة في وقت سابق ان دوافع محتجز الرهائن غير واضحة.
وقدم المسلح الذي كان يحمل بندقية، العديد من المطالب عبر وسائل الاعلام الاسترالية، الا ان الشرطة طلبت عدم نشرها.
وكانت استراليا التي تشارك الى جانب الولايات المتحدة في الحملة ضد تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية، رفعت في ايلول مستوى الانذار من الخطر الارهابي الى حال الانذار القصوى ولا سيما حيال خطر المقاتلين الجهاديين العائدين من القتال في سوريا والعراق.
وعقد رئيس وزراء استراليا توني ابوت اجتماعا لمجلس الامن القومي للتعامل مع هذا التطور "المقلق".
وبعد حوالى ست ساعات على بدء عملية الاحتجاز خرج ثلاثة رهائن رجال. وبعد ساعة تلتهم موظفتان فرتا كذلك من المقهى، وبعد ذلك تمكن عدد اخر من الاشخاص من الخروج من المقهى في وقت متاخر من الليل.
ومن بين الاشخاص الذين تمكنوا من الفرار ايلي شين التي قالت شقيقتها نيكول على صفحتها على فيسبوك "نعم، لقد تمكنت اخيرا من ان اراك. انا مسرورة جدا لانك بامان".
ويعتبر حي مارتن بليس حيث يقع المقهى، المركز المالي لمدينة سيدني ويضم العديد من المباني المهمة ومن بينها مبنى برلمان ولاية نيوساوث ويلز، والقنصلية الاميركية، والبنك المركزي الاسترالي وبنك كومنولث الاسترالي.
واغلقت العديد من المتاجر والمكاتب في المنطقة ابوابها مبكرا بسبب الحادث، ولم يشاهد سوى عدد قليل من الناس يسيرون في الشوارع التي عادة ما تكتظ بالمارة.
وتزامنا، اعلنت الشرطة الاسترالية انها تنفذ عملية اثر "حادث" وقع في دار اوبرا سيدني التي تم اخلاؤها، بعد العثور على طرد مشبوه على ما يبدو.
والغيت الحفلات المسائية في دار الاوبرا.
ودانت اكثر من اربعين منظمة اسلامية استرالية الاثنين احتجاز الرهائن و"اساءة استخدام" الشهادتين من طرف "افراد مضللين لا يمثلون الا انفسهم".
وفي ايلول رفعت الحكومة مستوى التحذير من الهجمات الارهابية، وقامت الشرطة بمداهمات واسعة لمكافحة الارهاب في ارجاء البلاد ولم تعتقل سوى شخصين.
ويقاتل اكثر من سبعين استراليا في صفوف الاسلاميين المتطرفين في العراق وسوريا. وقتل عشرون على الاقل من هؤلاء مع تصاعد المخاوف من تطرف عدد متزايد من الشبان وامكان شنهم هجمات لدى عودتهم الى بلادهم.
وفي اواخر تشرين الاول شددت استراليا تشريعاتها لمكافحة الارهاب فمنعت بشكل خاص اي سفر بلا سبب موجب الى دول تعتبر بؤرا للارهاب الدولي.

(the islamist flag up),these Australian should be warned by Rifi not to touch or burn the flag or else ma heik our minister of justice

The West were warned, from the very beginning, now the takfiris they funded are backclashing on them, as forseen.

Earlier this month Monis announced via his website he used to be a Rafidi (shia), one who rejects legitimate Islamic authority and leadership, but “now I am a Muslim”.

you guys are all effed up. Do any of you even think before you post?

The more the West turns a blind eye to Salafist terrorists, the more they'll get of this.

too bad for you guys this guy turned out to be a shiite ayatolla...

lol, just goes to show you how ignorant and prejudice they are, funny though!

He wasen't a Shia any longer, he rejected shiism and embraced takfirism. Read it up on google

YOu the roar, have the mentality of a dysfunctional baboon, and your comments proves it.

Thanks hopper, may the Lord who created us all in his image, forgive you for thinking he did such a lousy job when he created me.

Not all Muslims are terrorists, just as not all Christians are not right wing nuts nor Jews members of a worldwide conspiracy. Religious bigotry contributes nothing worthwhile, only hatred and ruin.
I don't care about any religious affiliation. He's a criminal getting undeserved press.

Very true, the sunni vs shia dispute has got to be the most embarrassing thing that the muslim community is currently dealing with. This idiotic subject needs to stop.

I was thinking the same thing exactly the same thing @cityboy!!!! We are so so much alike it is not even funny anymore. I hope people don't think we are the same poster. Please, change your style a little bit so as to avoid confusion.

I agree with you but it is not fair to blame all people who were born into a religion for the work of a few extremists.
There are more than one billion Muslims, pushing it to the extreme, let's suppose there are 20 million extremists does that make the remaining 980 million responsible?
Same thing could be said of any factor that distinguishes human beings, be it race, height, sexual orientation, nationality, etc.

to be clear I agree with the_roar but for the generalization.
I hope our fellow Lebanese in Australia will not be harmed because of the action of this crazy Iranian refugee.

Earlier this month Monis announced via his website he used to be a Rafidi (shia), one who rejects legitimate Islamic authority and leadership, but “now I am a Muslim”.
No roar, he wasen't Shia.

Nobody accused the Sunnis for anything, takfirism is not a sect. That is what you people don't understand.

100*+ the roar ty for the good post it is a sad day for us in Australia

"Seige is over & Good luck to all Arab looking people living in Australia from now on....thanks to Islam."
Ignorant as usual *Coughing Lion*

Read in context & hopefully understand what the message is.
Oh well you are fixated on M8-M14 & can't be objective..but do try.

I don't often agree with you Roar, but when I do, it's over a common concern for how we are losing our Humanity due to ridiculous sectarian/political differences. It's sad to see how steadily we are degenerating into those political idols of ours who are not above politicizing even the gravest of tragedies.
Once again though, m3awwadeen bi salémtak. Hope you find yourself in the company of the typically cool Aussies and not the fringe bigots. Cheers.

Many thanks for your kind words, Maxx...God bless you & your posts from now on will have much substance to me as you have proved to be a most decent human, first & foremost.
Aussies are cool, Maxx & things will get back to normality in time.
I was most disappointed when I checked to see the reaction on Naharnet & found the same Shia vs Sunni celebrations.
I learned something today...Most on here cannot post a decent comment at the most sensitive of times....shameful.

M3awwadheen bi salemtak ya Roar. Glad to see that you're otherwise alright. But don't you think that the Muslims themselves, from both sides of the divide - not just in Oz but all over the world - are equally sick and tired of having morons kidnapping not just people, but Islam itself as well? Each time something like this happens you have Muslims all over praying "Please don't let it be a Muslim who did this, please don't let it turn out to be a Muslim!", fearing an Islamophobic backlash.
I'm just glad that most Australians seem to be aware of that too, and are being awesome and supportive of the Muslims: http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-30479306
Cheers mate.

Come on Roar, you have far more intelligence then to write something like that. Why not take a deep breath, wait a few days, question yourself whether this incident even took place. I know this may seem like a radical thing to ask but ever since 9-11 one really needs to question how much truth we are really being fed to us in the media. Any secret services agency can stage something and the media role will be to hype it as true in order to achieve a political aim. You know very well, most muslims are just like any other peoples trying to earn a living. We are currently witnessing a smear campaign against muslims and arabs largely for political motivations. It is no surprise, the usual suspects are sending more of their military to the middle east, including the zionist controlled Australia.

Ok, sorry Roar, i read some of your further posts, I see you were trying to make a point. got it.

you missed the whole point once again....good onya M11..have a nice day.

I can only say naharnet don't give F???? About posters on this forum but thank your the roar for your good post 100 + m8

Roar stop trying to look like you're above everyone else on this forum, and stop trying to look like now you hate "this sick religion called Islam." Because if your first post on this article was genuine at all, you would never be defending Hezbollah. You would never except a fanatical Islamic group, be it Sunni or Shia, to be controlling Lebanon and its Christians; you would not accept the idea that these fanatics are the "resistance"; you would not accept these terrorists "working side by side with the army."
So please, don't ever call Islam a sick religion again until you stop supporting Hezbollah, because they're part of the reason why parts of Islam are indeed sick. These people, be it Hezbollah, Deash, Nusra, Ikhwen, Hamas, Boko Haram, etc, are all blasphemous lunatics who are the reason why Islam is perceived as a sick religion.

nickjames, where does Hezbollah control the Christians? Do you see them, burn churches? Do they make them pay jizya? Do they force them to convert? Cut their throats? Behead them?
All those facts above, has one answer = ZERO times did any of that happen.
Resistance are existing to defend Lebanon, against Zionist/Takfirism and all their other minions. Which is why only "Christians" supporting Israel are against the Resistance.

I see, so what makes someone a terrorist is not using car bombs, but it's beheading people and forcing them to convert, right... Mystic, have you forgotten what "terrorism" means?
Let me remind you, it means "the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims." 7 Ayyar is the prime example of terrorism. Hezbollah used violence and intimidation to take over Beirut and make a government that favoured them. Doesn't that qualify as "political aims." That's just one example of terrorism, I'm not even talking about all the political assassinations, I mean they were political, right? After all those who died were politicians...
Mystic, it's fine if you're Shia and Hezbollah gives you free electricity and moteur and whatever. But don't ever try to convince me that they're not terrorists. And don't try to convince me that they're a resistance.

An example of a "Christian" supporting Israel using Mystic's magic formula..
"In Lebanon there was a UN Resolution, the resistance has prolonged the time of occupation. There was a proposal from Israel in 1994." - Michel Aoun

Do you know what real terror is? This article ofcourse relates to it, but don't act like your beloved Lebanese Forces, ever did any terror. Sabra & Shatila ring any bells?
The 2008 clashes, were the M14 that tried to muscle out the Resistance, they got their heads smashed in, and their zionist plot failed. Resistance is resisting people like you, whom want Israeli supremacy over Lebanon.

The Eden Massacre, too was a terrorist act. Geagea is a well known terrorist massmurder in all of Lebanon. So drop your bullcrap, and don't act all rightous with me.

First of all about Sabra and Shatila, do you know who carried it out?? Are you sure it wasn't Hobeiqa working for Syria??? If Israel wanted a massacre they would have rolled their tanks through the camp and levelled it. Hobeiqa was a traitor.
And lmao of course you bring up Franjieh. Did you know that it was a retaliation? Did you know that Franjieh had whacked a Kataeb politician six days earlier?? And Gemayel ordered the hit, so that makes him a terrorist now?? And also, Geagea was shot before he even got near the house. He was severely wounded, Hobeiqa was the one who killed Franjieh

Please when you argue with me, try to keep things in perspective. While yes, the Ouwwet did some things, it was in the middle of a civil war, where everyone else did things. Berri killed more Palestinians during the War of the Camps than Ouwwet in Sabra and Shatila. And Jumblatt terrorised how many Christian towns in the Harb al-Jabal??? So please Mystic stop bringing up things from 35 years ago

Karantina massacre, al-Zaatar massacre, Sabra & Shatila massacre. The list goes on and on, and the LF/Kataeb did the Israelis dirty work.
First you begged the Syrians to enter Lebanon, on your side. Then you sided with the Israelis when they intervened in 1982. There is no honor about you guys at all.
Be it 35 years ago, or before that. Doesn't change that it was the purest form of terrorism.

They did want Syria's help, but once they made it clear that they're occupying, the LF turned against them. Ouwwet were taking weapons from Israel since the beginning of the war, they didn't just ally with them in 1982 so quit trying to distort things. You also forgot that Israel also entered in 1978 after the ba7riyeh massacre in northern Israel, remember? But of course, you just hate Israel and have no problem with all the Palestinians who took over Shia lands in the south then tried to take over the whole country...

The problem with people like Mystic is that they've forgotten the meaning of terrorism, when it's a really simple definition. First it was car bombs, then hijacking planes, then guys hiding in caves, now it means beheading/crucifying people and forcing people to convert. When it's proven that Hezbollah are terrorists (1983 Marine barracks bombing, embassy bombing, 7 Ayyar, assassinations, etc) he compares them to Ouwwet which is irrelevant. Everyone was guilty during the civil war. But Hezbollah has continued its terrorist operations unabated since 1982.

roar, you are being emotional again. Why do you not read the link I made above?

You don't give two Fs -- right now, but come tomorrow you'll be back to your normal self being a Hezbo-Aouneh. "Our politics" yet you're on this site until 5am praising Aoun and the resistance for defending Lebanon, please... All I said was if your post was real, you would be against all types of radical Islam. Maybe today it was an awakening for you, that these types of people can come where you live and take your city hostage.
If your first post today was serious, from now on I want to see changes in your thinking.

Mystic, you are opening the war files and there, everyone is guilty. Everyone. We are talking about Lebanon in 2014. We had enough of war. The only militia that is still armed is Hezbollah. It is time to respect our minds, stop the propaganda and join the Lebanese army.
If Hezbollah cares so much about arming the military than they should give them all their weapons and stop being a militia.

But Hezbollah is not only a militia. Its members are accused of killing Rafic Hariri and many other Lebanese civilians and politicians. It is accused of invading Beirut with its weapons and that is decades after the civil war and the general amnesty that was granted.
Without this amnesty Berri, Jumblatt, Aoun and senior Hezbollah members would all be "technically" in jail.