جعجع يؤكد "جدية وصعوبة" الحوار مع عون: قتال حزب الله بسوريا ادخل لبنان بـ"معمعة"

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أكد رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع جدّية الحوار المرتقب مع رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" النائب ميشال عون، معتبراً ان لبنان يعيش "شبه شلل سياسي".

وفي مؤتمر صحافي عقده في معراب، ظهر الاربعاء، اثر ارجاء جلسة انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية، قال جعجع: "7 أشهر ونصف ليسوا بالقليل من دون رئيس لبنان".

وأضاف "تصوروا بلد مثل لبنان بخضم بالازمة التي نعيشها يعيش البلد شلل سياسي"، مردفاً "هناك وزراء يتحركون ولكن كله لن يؤدي الى اي مكان جدي من دون رئيس للجمهورية".

والفراغ الرئاسي يخيّم على لبنان منذ ايار الفائت لرفض الرئيس السابق ميشال سليمان تمديد ولايته وفشل النواب في التوافق على اسم رئيس، ووفق الدستور فإن الحكومة "مُجتمعة" تتولى صلاحيات الرئاسة.

الى ذلك، راى جعجع ان "هناك شبه شلل سياسي في البلد ومقاطعة جلسات انتخاب رئيس الجمهورية غير مقبولة".

وتطرق جعجع في مؤتمره الى الحوار المرتقب بين "القوات" و"التيار الوطني الحر"، مؤكداً ان "الحوار جدي للآخر، ولكن المسألة ليست سهلة".

وتابع "هناك فروقات كبيرة جدا كان تضعنا في مكان وهم في مكان ولكن لا عداوة شخصية بيننا وبين الوطني الحرّ خصوصا بحزبين بجم القوات والتيار".

ولفت الى اللقاءات التحضيري هي من أجل ان "نتقرب من بعضنا البعض وبالأمس بدءنا بالتقارب عبر ارسال ورقة من التيار للقوات والعكس صحيح".

وأشار الى ان "هذا الحوار هدفه تطبيع العلاقة بين التيار والقوات وتجنب التشنجات واسقاط الدعاوى وهذا كله يساهم بطريقة جدية".

من هنا، علّق جعجع على المقابلة الاخيرة لعون والتي أجريت يوم الاحد، حين قال: "انا اريد الجمهورية أولا قبل الرئاسة"، بالقول "نحن أيضا نؤيده والذي قاله عون صحيح ومن بعد ما ننتهي من الجمهورية ننتقل الى الرئاسة".

ويجري امين سر "تكتل التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ابراهيم كنعان مع رئيس جهاز الإعلام والتواصل في القوات اللبنانية ملحم رياشي، للتحضير للقاء عون وجعجع.

من جهة أخرى، لفت جعجع الى ان "وجود حزب الله بهذا الشكل اليوم يشكّل مشكلة كبيرة وقتاله في سوريا ادخل لبنان في "معمعة" كبيرة ".

ورأى ان لبنان لم يعد يستطيع تحمل "عبء اللجوء السوري الى لبنان"، مؤيداً "تدابير الحكومة للحد من مجيء اللاجئين".

دخل قرار فرض سمة دخول على السوريين القادمين الى لبنان حيز التنفيذ اعتبارا من الاثنين في إجراء يهدف الى الحد من أعداد اللاجئين.


التعليقات 19
Default-user-icon roukuz (ضيف) 14:59 ,2015 كانون الثاني 07

I wonder what you are doing flamethrower as you rest in pieces and tranquility at your final destination.... RIP

Missing humble 17:03 ,2015 كانون الثاني 07

What if he received orders from Ebola to stay quiet?

Thumb charlesmartel 17:19 ,2015 كانون الثاني 07

i will never vote for a bobi would you?

Missing humble 17:58 ,2015 كانون الثاني 07

You mean LF leaving Saudia and joining Irania?

Missing humble 18:05 ,2015 كانون الثاني 07

More seriously, the best scenario that could happen to Lebanon is when leaders (christians and muslims) will stop obeing to outside orders. Stop being agents, Stop getting money, stop getting weapons, stop executing external agendas. This is called independence, freedom and neutrality. Outside this scenario all leaders will continue to being corrupt and will continue destroying Lebanese interests.

Thumb Mystic 21:18 ,2015 كانون الثاني 07

takfirilover, just incase you didn't know. The Resistance are all Lebanese, even if you reject that fact, everyone knows it to be true.

Foreign occupation no, and Geagea right there was for foreign intervention in Lebanon by both America and Israel back in the day, he probaly still is.

Thumb nickjames 21:53 ,2015 كانون الثاني 07

Mystic the "resistance" is not all Lebanese, because only Hezbollah and their associated saraya are allowed to carry weapons, while all other Lebanese are arrested for carrying illegal arms (notice how I didn't say only Shi3a are allowed to carry weapons). The Shi3a are not the problem. Hezbollah's weapons are the reason why this country is divided. You can argue all day trying to justify their weapons, but the fact is half this country thinks their weapons are no longer legitimate i.e they're using them on Lebanese instead of the "Israeli enemy."

A "resistance" is an armed opposition. In the 80s and 90s, it was an armed opposition (resistance) to Israeli occupation. A resistance does not go into other countries for any reason.

Thumb Mystic 01:09 ,2015 كانون الثاني 08

We've had this conversation, for quite some time now. You keep writing the same, so I will do it too.

To resist takfiris, before they takeover Lebanon, is not an invasion. Especially not, when the Syrian government themselves, invited the Resistance to aid them.

Just like Syria supported the Resistance during the 2006 war, now we support them in their struggle. Unlike the M14, whom cheered and hoped for Israeli victory.

Why did your so called Ouwwet, not resist Israel & USA invasions? Because they worked with them all along, and the Phalangists are the lackeys of the Zionists.

You are not a resistance, when you pledge Israel and USA to take over Lebanon.

Thumb nickjames 05:29 ,2015 كانون الثاني 08

Why can't Hezbollah be entirely deployed on the borders inside Lebanon? Because that would be resisting. That would be resisting a takfiri invasion, not preemptively striking them outside of Lebanon. Preemptively striking someone is not resisting, it's attacking. And it doesn't matter who's an ally of Hezbollah (Daesh could be Hezbollah's ally and Hezbollah can attack Assad for all I care). The point is they are attacking somebody outside of Lebanon, which invalidates their claim to be "resisting"

Thumb Mystic 08:48 ,2015 كانون الثاني 08

Don't be ridiculous. You rather want us all to sit on our hands, while the takfiris slaughter us all? Whether they resist or not is your personal opinion.

I would certainly look forward to see, how many of you power hungry, LF and Kataeb people would flee to the West, as soon as your areas were endangered by da3esh, not all of us are rich & have this opportunity to flee as you do.

The latest incident in France, shows that takfirism is spreading everywhere. It makes no difference that the Resistance is in Syria, the takfiris would've attacked anyway.

Why don't you answer my question about Ouwwets alliance with Israel/USA?

Thumb nickjames 09:44 ,2015 كانون الثاني 08

I will answer it. So if pledging allegiance to Israel and the US nullifies their status as a resistance (like you said) how is pledging allegiance to Iran and Syria any different?

And the argument started when you said "the Resistance are all Lebanese." We're discussing the definition of "resistance."

What determines if one is a resistance is not just about allegiances, it's about where and what they're fighting for.

Thumb nickjames 09:48 ,2015 كانون الثاني 08

Going to Syria to prevent a takfiri invasion is still illogical. Hezbollah can easily deploy 20,000 men on the Lebanese frontier and protect the borders from an invasion. But they're not, they're just fighting on Iran's orders to help Assad.

If it was really about takfiri, they'd have secured our borders instead of inviting takfiris

Thumb nickjames 09:54 ,2015 كانون الثاني 08

You really think it's a coincidence that after Sayyed Hassan publicly acknowledge his party's involvement in Syria, the bombs in Dahye started? Are you really that naive to think that was a coincidence? Hezbollah wants takfiris to come because it gives Hezbollah yet another reason to keep their weapons

Thumb Mystic 19:12 ,2015 كانون الثاني 08

Aha, what do you call the U.S coalition airstrikes then? Is that Resistance outside their borders? Don't play the hypocrite western game with me nickjames.

Thumb nickjames 03:52 ,2015 كانون الثاني 09

When did the US ever claim to be a resistance?????????????

Thumb nickjames 21:59 ,2015 كانون الثاني 07

The Ouwwet -- Bashir called them the mou2awame al-Lebnaniyeh -- were opposed to the Palestinian presence. They resisted the Palestinian presence, and afterwards the Syrian presence. Say all you want that he was an Israeli collaborator, but the Ouwwet never went to fight outside Lebanon. They stayed in Lebanon because they were a "resistance." You cannot resist something that is outside your country, that's attacking.

So by definition, you cannot say Hezbollah are a "resistance." They are a militia, no better than the Ouwwet, no better than the PSP, no better than the PLO guerrillas. The civil war ended 25 years ago, yet there is still a militia operating outside state jurisdiction (operating above the state's authority). That is a civil war concept still going on today...

Thumb nickjames 18:06 ,2015 كانون الثاني 08

It's funny how you two still ignore one fact: Hezbollah could fight off a takfiri invasion by being deployed inside Lebanon...

Thumb Mystic 19:31 ,2015 كانون الثاني 08

Why wait for the takfiris to surround and invade Lebanon, when they can be fought in Syria for away from the Lebanese people? You want to endanger the Lebanese peoples lives, by inviting the takfiris to come fight us here? It's rather funny, how you actually want the takfiris to conquer Lebanon.

Missing helicopter 23:18 ,2015 كانون الثاني 07

Dialogue 3ala rasy w3ayni. Dialogue for the sake of mellowing opinions is always welcome. But when dialogue becomes the only way to accomplish something because some parties choose to trample on the consitution and the rule of law then this is as unhealthy state as it can be. Allah yestor.