مسؤول اسرائيلي: اسلحة "حزب الله" تفوق ترسانة الاتحاد الاوروبي
Read this story in Englishاعتبر مستشار الامن القومي الاسرائيلي السابق ياكوف اميدرور ان "حزب الله" يشكل احد اكبر المخاطر التي تواجه بلاده في العام 2015 لافتاً الى ان "اسلحة الحزب تفوق ترسانة معظم الدول الأوروبية مجتمعة".
ونقلت صحيفة "جيروساليم بوست" الاسرائيلية بأحد تقاريرها، صباح الخميس، تصريحاً لاميدرور يعتبر ان "اسرائيل يجب ان تتحضر لمواجهة ثلاث تحديات في العام الجاري: الاول هو التصدي للانتشار البري لحزب الله والثاني هو خطر اندلاع حرب استنزافية ضد حركة حماس في قطاع غزة".
اما التحدي الثالث الذي حذّر منه اميدرور، فيكمن في "احتمال القيام بحملة عسكرية ضد ايران".
الى ذلك، وصف المسؤول الاسرائيلي "حزب الله" بأنه العدو "الأكثر خطورة" الذي يتهدد اسرائيل.
وشرح ان تهديد حزب الله لتل ابيب يحمل في طياته سبباً مزدوجاً: "فهو يمثل قوة ايران الممتدة في المنطقة والتي تتعارض مع مصالح اسرائيل بشكلٍ خاص، كما انه في الوقت نفسه يسعى للسيطرة على لبنان".
عليه، قارن اميدرور الاسلحة والذخائر التي يملكها "حزب الله" بتلك الموجودة لدى الاتحاد الاوروبي، موضحاً ان في حوزة المقاومة حوالي 150000 صاروخ وقذيفة.
واضاف: "هذه الاسلحة نادرة واساسية وقد تفوق قوتها ترسانة معظم الدول الأوروبية مجتمعة".
ووفقاً لأميدرور، فإن "المقاومة منشغلة بدعم النظام السوري الذي يخوض حرباً "حاسمة" لمصير بلاده".
وتابع: "الحزب حارب مع العلويين لأنه بحاجة لبقائهم في السلطة، فإذا لم يسقط نظام الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد، سيزداد عدد مسلحيهم وسيتمركزون اكثر في لبنان ودمشق".
ومن الجدير بالذكر، ان حزب الله يحارب الى جانب القوات النظامية منذ اندلاع الحرب في سوريا في آذار 2011، وذلك ضد المجموعات الارهابية التي تسعى للاطاحة بالنظام.
وكان الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله قد نفى، في مقابلة مع قناة "الميادين" ستنشر مساء الخميس، أن عناصر الحزب "استنفدوا" في سوريا.
The party “was formed with a dual purpose in mind - It represents Iran’s long reach in the area and against Israel, while at the same time it aims to control Lebanon,” he added.
and you allowed them to do exactly that...!
Israel and the terror party use each other to justify their own goals. Israel to appear under threat and the terror party to appear as defending the country. They serve the same objectives. Both terrorists and partners.
you guys share every israeli point of view and celebrate every word they say like it's gospel truth.
yet when we call you israelis in disguise, or israeli-supporting traitors, you act like offended maidens.
"saying its arsenal has exceeded the firepower of most European states combined."
LOL isnt that a little exaggerated ya general amirador?
"yet when we call you israelis in disguise, or israeli-supporting traitors, you act like offended maidens."
It is ironic that you refer to us as traitors, as Israelis in disguise when in all reality every traitor, every spy, every paid agent and traitor to Lebanon has been a member of Hezbollah, your own kind and of your own community.
"every traitor, every spy, every paid agent and traitor to Lebanon has been a member of Hezbollah..."
typical anti-HA and completely untrue. only a handful of spies were found in HA, while dozens and dozens of others were found that had nothing to do with HA or its community.
and having said this, it is NORMAL that israel would do everything to get spies inside their ENEMY. they dont need to infiltrate the lebanese forces or mustahbal because these work for them.
mowaten "they dont need to infiltrate the lebanese forces or mustahbal because these work for them."
So why you accuse Israel of assassinating Rafiq Hariri and other M14 leaders?
The Nazis aimed to control the world... and they were destroyed... Hizbollah will follow sooner or later... Hopefully sooner...
yea, it's HA trying to control the world, not the US, not Israel, not the kings of oil and gluttony. pop that bubble dude
countries with assets like gaz and oil platforms think 1000 times before making a war
all hizb needs is missiles to destroy these platform and financialy they would win any war with Israel so beware Israel now you as other your trapped so think wisely
apartheid states are doomed to live in fear and disappear eventually
nelson mandella
Both Israel and Ebola wants war. They are destroyers of human life. For which purpose?
Israel is in deep fear. They are hoping the Resistance will use all their resources in Syria. Good thing there is two open fronts with units standby 24/7.
As a follower of Khomeini I will forgive & pray for those who insult my Lord, Sayyed Hassan Nassrallah.
if your imaginary friend was anything like you, she probably wasnt worth the paper the chocolate was wrapped in.
First of all, this ex-adviser has got it all wrong, Hezbollah does not have that kind of firepower, countries like the UK alone would render Hezbollah's into a tiny if not invisible dot comparatively speaking. Then what about France, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden, come one, only a fool will ever believe such a statement. However and despite it all, no one can belittle the kind of arsenal Hezbollah now has, nor the kind of secret understanding between HA and Israel, they've been known to rub shoulders often, especially in times of difficulty. However, having said that does not preclude the fact either that secret marriages of convenience can rapidly turn to inconvenience whenever one of the couple overgrows the other's feelings, thus one may be tempted to say that Israel could be preparing its divorce from a wife that's become too big for the bed. OK, Mystic, now the way is open for you to rant.
Do you really when Bush and Blair talked about Saddam's nuclear arsenal and how he could launch a nuclear attack on London within 45 minutes. Same story here....
Phoenix all I can do is laugh at your comment. Israel have more firepower than most countries of the World. Yet they failed to destroy the Resistance.
You sure they failed? Seems like they wanna keep the resistance to me. Gives them an excuse to invade Lebanon whenever they want.
Mystic, you know something, for me at least you will always be a person I'll treat with genuine kindness, even if we do differ sharply at times on many points. I know Israel has firepower, I was however going to reply to you but Ex-Fpm did it perfectly for us all. Israel is keeping Hezbollah around just like the West kept Saddam around till there was no reason for them to keep him around. Priorities change with changing times, wars are not about wars alone, wars are mainly for other reasons, economic gains one of them, spoils of war if you wish to call it. Let me be perfectly honest with you, I am realist whereas it comes to the Jewish state, no love and no sympathy either, yet that will not prevent me from feeling very worried for Hezbollah and us all Lebanese, because we are not entering a new phase in our history, a lot more lethal than before. Remember falling oil prices mean bigger profit margins for the West and the US. The rest I'll leave to you to figure out.
When did I say anything about keeping them for later? I said they wanna keep them, period. Hezbollah's strength keeps Lebanon weak and its government compromised. Hezbollah's participation/takeover of the Lebanese government gives Israel (at least in their mind) justification for its attacks on Lebanon.
Everyone knows the statement made here, is nothing short of hallucinating.
But just watch how M14ers react to it......