"التغيير والإصلاح" يدعو لـ"حسم" معركة الحدود ويناشد السعودية "جمع الشمل العربي"
Read this story in Englishطالب تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" الثلاثاء الجيش اللبناني بالتعاون مع الجيش السوري سعيا نحو "حسم" معركة الحدود الشرقية مع المسلحين القادمين من سوريا، متمنيا من جهة أخرى على السعودية "توحيد الأمة العربية".
وأسف الوزير الأسبق سليم جريصاتي في بيان رسمي للتكتل بعد اجتماع عقد في الرابية عصر الثلاثاء "للهجوم على الجيش وسقوط شهداء وأبطال من ضباط وأفراد الجيش وانتهاك السيادة من قبل تتظيمات تمارس ارهابا ممنهجا على المدنيين الابرياء والعسكريين وتأسر عكسريين وتساوم عليهم مساومة دنيئة".
وخاض الجيش معركة عنيفة الجمعة والسبت الفائتين ضد مجموعات جهادية في جرود بلدة رأس بعلبك ما أدى إلى سقوط ثماني ضحايا منه وأكثر من 20 جريحا، إضافة إلى عشرات القتلى والجرحى من المسلحين.
وعليه رأى التكتل أن المطلوب "تعزيز المواقع العسكرية والتنسيق مع الجيش السوري للقضاء على الإرهاب"، متوقفا عند توقيت الهجوم بعد زيارة قائد الجيش لعرسال "ما يدل على الإستخفاف بالمؤسسة العسكرية".
وأضاف جريصاتي ردا على سؤال "لا نزال ننتظر السلاح الموعود إلى الجيش والذي يمكن بواسطته أن نتصدى للإرهاب ونحن نطلب تعزيز المواقع لأن الهجمات تتم بأعداد كبيرة جدا والمطلوب من الجيش ألا يطلب فقط غطاء سياسيا قد لا يمنح له بل أن يحسم المعركة بأقل أضرار ممكنة".
وكرر قائلا "نعم للتنسيق مع الجيش السوري دون خجل أو وجل أو حسابات سياسية ضيقة لا تصب أبدا في مصلحة لبنان".
وبعد زيارة للنائب ميشال عون إلى السعودية الإثنين للتعزية بوفاة الملك عبدالله بن عبد العزيز أمل التكتل "أن تسعى السعودية دوما إلى جمع الشمل العربي وتوحيد الأمة العربية والتصدي للإرهاب"، مذكّرا أن "المقصود إرهاب إسرائيل والتنظيمات التكفيرية".
في شأن آخر رفض التكتل أن "يملي السياسيون إملاءاتهم على القضاء فيتهجون على قاض ويطلبون تنحيته في ملف حساس وهو ملف شاب مقتول"، في إشارة إلى ايف نوفل الذي قتل على طريق فاريا - كفرذبيان ومطالبة النائب السابق فريد هيكل الخازن بالتوسع بالتحقيق وليس ختمه بـ"ثلاث ساعات" من قبل القاضي بيتر جرمانوس، على حد قوله.
وأضاف جريصاتي "لبنان كله براء (من القتلة) فكيف بكسروان التي تتمسك بالمؤسسات".
وحول صرف 191 موظفا من كازينو لبنان قال "سبق أن جرى الاتفاق مع أصحاب الشأن بتثبيت قسم من المتعاقدين والكل يتقاسم المسؤولية".
وإذ شرح أن "الإصلاح مطلوب في الكازينو وكل المؤسسات أما فئة التنفيعات فلا أحد يحميها إلا أننا نطلب عدم الثأر السياسي وعدم اتخاذ التعسف منهجا للتعاطي مع المتعاقدين".
وجدد جريصاتي القول "لم تراع ظروف 190 موظفا متعاقدا في قرارات صرفهم . نعم للإصلاح لا للكيدية والتعسف والثأر السياسي".
Former Minister Salim Jreissati said at the end of the bloc's weekly meeting: “We call. for cooperation between the Lebanese and Syrian armies to achieve this goal.”
The moment the LAF cooperates with the Assad terrorist regime is an insult to Lebanon
Assad terrorist regime? who made them terrorists? are they terrorists because they defend their land?
what is beyond belief is the same people who want to hate on Syria now were the people supporting the Syrians when they had their boots on their necks in Lebanon.
wrong time to be calling them names...think about your stance.'
most shameful.
seems you forget that aoun has been calling syria a terrorist regime for decades before selling his soul to iran...
short selective memory FPMers have... the one that fits their propaganda of the day.
maybe you should read more carefully...it will help you from rushing to post & making a tool of your self on a reg basis.
They are terrorists because they have hijacked our country for decades. Because they commit their murders in Lebanon and Syria. Because of Beaurivage. Because of the Assassination of Lebanese figures by tens if not hundreds, etc, etc, etc ya roar!
reissati: Military posts should be bolstered and cooperation should take place with Syrian army to protect Lebanon's border.
Traitors but we knew that...
Jreissati: Why hasn't the case of the fourth basin at Beirut port been tackled by cabinet?
Why? Are you not represented in the cabinet?! Showboating as usual
Once again you're correct, Lebanese are indeed traitors & you should continue supporting Isil, Nusra, Qaida etc.
Never expected anything else from you ex-assir lover.
disassociation policy? the one that allowed the tkfiris to build a fortress on Lebanons border & kill LAF members as they pleased?
that disassociation policy?
the one made by the PRESIDENT OF LEBANON...
but we know you do not believe in the lebanese institutions but in the syrian ones as all FPMers....
Tying the LAF's hands & allowing the takfiris to mass on Lebanons border doesn;t tell me you love Lebanon.
disassociation policy....lol good onya ..you little beauty!
They warned you about Assad when he had his boot on your necks in Lebanon..but you decided to support Assad instead..remember?
now that Syria has left & Isil, Nusra are at your door...you want to hate Assad & love the new & bigger threat.
deranged thinking at its best
Only you can answer that eagledawn...As for me...one name ever!
get used to it.
oh btw..I was wrong about you being a mod..if you were you would know I have only ever used the one name....now buzz troll.
sure you would love to ally with terrorists against other terrorists... no wonder terrorists understand each other...
you d be proud to hide between the boots of the syrian army licking them and shining them as usual....like in the old days, remember when aoun called them terrorists but not in the 90s as you pretend, but till 2005 when he came back and started licking their a... to get back some power....
but i am sure hezbollah will do what it takes to push the army into the war alongside syria... maybe a little more bombings pinning it on sunni fanatics as usual...
pityful you are idiot and filthy FT.
Southern, allow me to shed some light on the pro m14 commentators that reside here.
When the FPM suggested closing the border & allowing the LAF to secure it & only allow genuine refugees into Lebanon via a secure crossing...our esteemed m14ers were outraged at the FPM for being so heartless.
now 2 million refugees later & most not known who or what they really are
& Isil & Nusra entrenched in Arsal etc, they cry about the situation of the refugees etc.
in short, our esteemed m14ers are haters who disagree for no other reason than hate flows through their veins...No rational enters their minds or equations....pure hate which brings bigger problems like the 2 mil refugees unaccounted for.
let them remove them now if they can!
don't worry M11: people like FT have no shame into changing allies, it all depends on their interests...
if FPM tell them we shall make peace with israel you ll see them all become pro israelis...
just like aoun who was for decades anti syrian now defends them and loves them! LOL
yes people like FT who opposed Syria whilst it was in Lebanon has no shame.
he should be more like your kind peace, support Syria whilst they had their boots on your neck in Lebanon.
Oh how they distort the truth & how they u8nderstand shame.
God help the world.
What is wrong with that? The Syrian regime has been an enemy to Lebanon and not long ago it has sent Samaha with dozens of bombs to create terrorist attacks in our country. And you want the lebanese army to collaborate with this tyrant and murderous regime.
pupeteer : i suggest you do your homework and you ll find out what the syrian regime did concerning islamists... if not, then continue in your ignorance if it helps you be happy....
"Lebanon was the first victim of Syrian terrorism. And this was one of the main reasons in 1978 to list Syria as the first terrorist country on the US Department of State list of terrorist states. Back then, Hizballah and Hamas did not even exist.
One cannot rationally dissociate the Syrian regime from terrorism. Syria provides safe haven for a myriad of terrorist organizations, directs their operations, and uses occupied Lebanon as their main field of training and operation. " Michel aoun
FPMers now love syria and praise the lebanese army to cooperate with terrorists against terrorists ... tfeh
In the years that preceded the uprising, Assad and his intelligence services took the view that jihad could be nurtured and manipulated to serve the Syrian government’s aims. It was then that foreign jihadists first entered the country and helped to build the structures and supply lines that are now being used to fight the government. To that extent Assad is fighting an enemy he helped to create.
The regime’s well-honed strategy for dealing with such events – organising staged demonstrations, allowing people to vent their anger on state television – was no longer an option: the Salafists were unappeasable, they wanted to go to Iraq and kill Americans. For Assad and his intelligence chiefs, this presented a serious challenge; after weeks of hesitation, they decided to embrace a bold new strategy: rather than suppressing the Salafists’ rage, they would encourage it.
Allowing the Salafists to go to Iraq was thought to be a good idea for two reasons: first, it got rid of thousands of the most aggressive Salafists with a taste for jihad,
Practically overnight, Syria became the principal point of entry for foreign jihadists hoping to join the Iraqi insurgency. Inside the country, Assad’s intelligence services activated their jihadist collaborators. The most prominent among them was Abu al-Qaqaa, a Salafi cleric from Aleppo who had studied in Saudi Arabia and whose sermons attracted hundreds – sometimes thousands – of people.
No one doubts that jihadist groups in Syria draw on external support and international networks, including foreign fighters from across the Middle East and even Europe. But the reason they were able to mobilise them – and mobilise them quickly – is that Assad’s government had helped to set them up.
So you have it. This guy is the dirtiest and most corrupt of the inner circle. A grand traitor. Remember him.
This is democracy and freedom of speech. You may not agree with your opponent but thank god we can write freely in this forum. You may want to move to Iran, Syria, or Saudi where you may enjoy no freedom of speech.
You get it wrong. M14 are neither with Assad regime not with Isis but with the moderate Syrian opposition. It suits m8 supporters all well to say that if m14 are against Assad it means that they are pro Isis
Wow I missed this argument. Sorry Roar for ignoring you... but after reading all the comments, I'm glad I wasn't involved. Such a joke how you guys think.