قوى 14 آذار ستعلن ورشة عمل "لإعادة رسم خريطة تحرّكها"
Read this story in Englishتخطط قوى 14 آذار الى اطلاق ورشة عمل "لإعادة رسم خريطة تحرّكها" وسيتم اعلانها خلال احياء الذكرى العاشرة لتأسيسها، وفقاً لما اشارت اليه المعلومات الصحافية.
والاحد، افادت صحيفة "الانباء" الكويتية، ان "قوى 14 آذار تعكف على التحضير لإطلاق ورشة عمل تقويمية".
وعن غاية اطلاق الورشة، اوضحت الصحيفة انها " تهدف إلى إعادة رسم خريطة تحّرك وتحديد آليات العمل لمواكبة التطورات المتسارعة في لبنان والمنطقة".
وفي السياق، اشارت الصحيفة عينها الى انه تم تشكيل " لجنة مصغرة من كل مكونات 14 آذار ومن مستقلين" لافتةً الى انها " تعقد اجتماعات متواصلة تتعلق بوثائق الورشة وأسماء المدعوين".
ولفتت إلى أن أعمال تلك الورشة "ستنطلق في 14شباط كما انها ستمتد على مدى شهرٍ كامل لتختم في 14 آذار الذي يصادف هذا العام ذكرى انطلاقتها العاشرة".
ختاماً، اوضحت "الانباء" انه وخلال الاحتفال، "سيصار إلى صدور وثيقة شاملة تضم نتاج النقاشات وترسم الخطوط والعناوين الأساسية لاستكمال مسيرة ثورة الأرز مع مراعاة المتغيرات الإقليمية والدولية".
كما سيتم التوصل، الى " بلورة خطوات وخيارات تنسيقية بين مختلف مكونات 14 آذار".
وتترقب الاوساط السياسية الكلمة التي سيلقيها رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري في الاحتفال بذكرى 14 شباط الذي يجري التحضير لإقامته في البيال، وهي ذكرى اغتيال والده، رئيس الحكومة السابق رفيق الحريري، ورفاقه في السان جورج في 14 شباط 2005.
Your only viable roadmap is an armed uprising against this sectarian militia. Otherwise, you will always be marginalized in shaping Lebanon's present and future.
Looool yeah, the LF and PSP fully rearm, KSA $3 billion grant goes to Mustaqbal militia, another $1 billion to buy over Aoun to rearm his Lebanese Aouniyeh Forces and a few more million for Franjieh and his Marada; and the entire country unites against tyranny once and for all! Lmao
Yeah right, why don't you two take your butts overhere, and start the uprising? Don't run back to the U.S when you get smashed. 2008 May, what a great time.
How is the uprising going? 2008 May - The humiliating defeat of M14, that proved all Lebanon that they are nothing else, than big talks with no action.
Even M14 zionist supporters recognized their weakness.
I remember it like yesterday, "Hezb days are numbered" only to get your behinds smashed by irregular SSNP and Amal fighters in the center & suburbs of Beirut.
Mystic, why do you always put me in the same group as M14, especially when I have never said Hezbollah's days are numbered. Unless you meant you've been on this site since 2008 when people said their days were numbered, which would be hilarious.
Furthermore, why are you proud of 7 Ayyar? It was some of Lebanon's darkest days. And please, just because you saw a picture on Wikipedia of SSNP flags in Hamra doesn't mean SSNP had fighters. Hezbollah invaded Hamra, who else has the power to shut down Future TV? Lmao.
When did I mention Wikipedia? It is pretty clear you have no clue about SSNP, they do have fighters and they are not very bad neither, they have been eager to battle the LF, for a very long time, and I think that day will happen, if M14 tries something smart again, Hezb doesn't even have to do anything, SSNP can take you guys alone if they have to.
Those days were the brightest for the M8, not for the M14 ofcourse, after all you got smashed around.
SSNP fighter below, ransacking Hariris office.
They do have fighters lmao what a bunch of thugs who borrowed weapons from Hezbollah?? Lol are you really trying to convince me that the 2awmiyeh led the invasion?? And where's the picture of the 2awmeh fighter leading the charge in front of Starbucks??
They have been eager to battle the LF? Why, because the Ouwwet stayed out of 7 Ayyar??
One more thing: you've been contradicting yourself about 7 Ayyar just by trying to prop up SSNP. You say how 2008 was glorious for Hezbollah because it crushed the Zionist uprising, then you say that M14 was crushed by irregular Amal and SSNP fighters. So who won 7 Ayyar, was it Hezbollah, or was it Amal and Qawmiyeh??? (Of course you don't have to answer, I'm just pointing out your self-contradictory nonsense)
Resistance nickjames, SSNP is part of that, just like all M8 is. I love the fact, that you denied any presence of SSNP fighters during the 2008 clashes.
You also deny you are pro M14, which is even more hilarious.
Loooooool I'm sorry for denying ANY presence of 2awmiyeh, really. But let's be real here: what exactly is a "fighter"? Just anyone who can pick up a gun and raid an office? An armed robber can accomplish that. You saw De Niro and Kilmer in the movie Heat? They knock over a bank using M4 carbines. Just because you're holding a weapon doesn't mean you are a fighter, Mystic.
Another thing: if all of M8 is part of the Resistance, where were the Aouniyeh fighters???
De Niro and Kilmer not only knock over the bank, they kill many LAPD during their getaway. Just because they're killing people with weapons doesn't make them fighters, they're criminals.
And I'm gonna state my opinion on M14 for you one last time so we don't have confusion later on: the government needs to be overthrown, all the politicians need to be imprisoned including M14. But if that's not gonna happen and I'm left to choose between M8 and M14, then I chose M14. So if that makes me a M14er in your eyes then so be it. But I have made my position very clear multiple times on this site.
"our support will go to the army alone and to the resistance as a political entity."
Huh?!?!?!?!?! What would be left to resist if the land has been liberated, Mustaqbal and Rifi's Internal Salafi Forces????? Do you even think about what you're saying?? Do you know what "resist" means or is it just a word that's synonymous to Hezbollah??
Resistance as a political entity lmaoooooo yeah they'll resist the LAF (that's if Shebaa Farms is ever liberated, which sure as hell won't be, otherwise they can't use cabinet statements about Shebaa to justify their illegal weapons)
please do not respond to inept people like Mastica and alike. You put your intelligence at their low level.
If you have the will to keep arguing, they will stop because you take what they said and turn it against them. Look above
Flamey you stfu you are a filthy bastard who revises history more than anyone on this site. YOU ARE THE REASON I JOINED THIS FORUM, because your views are sickening, they are pure propaganda, based only on Aoun's stances and not based on what's best for Lebanon. Your views have given me so many headaches, but I keep arguing because I'm a keyboard warrior and would rather have headaches than see you get the last word in an argument (which is funny because you always try to sneak in lame comebacks twelve hours after I humiliated you).
You are a disgrace to this site. Did I already say your views are sickening? (scrolling up, yes I did say that).
Ebola, ISIS, nusra, da3esh, boko haram, Butcher, Iran, and alike impersonate evil. Can you convince evil to become good?
kindly, add the reason he posts on naharnet is "unlike people like you, he is into conversing with the opposite side, which explains his presence on naharnet." LMAO
Caporal is a traitor to the Christians. He hopes by being a servant to Ebola and Iran he will be president. But he is a loser and will never achieve anything. His mental illness will explode and he will end up in an asylum for mad people.
Hahahahahaha he's so stupid, please scroll up to where he tried continuing the argument between me and Mughniyeh.
nickjames 3 hours ago
If you have the will to keep arguing, they will stop because you take what they said and turn it against them.
13 minutes ago
Humble, do you see their silence? Remember this day, just one of many days where I have done this to them.
It is possible to tame their mononeurons!