نتانياهو ينتقد اداء اليونيفيل في لبنان بعد مقتل جندي اسباني

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انتقد رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو اداء قوات الامم المتحدة في لبنان اليونيفيل بعد مقتل جندي اسباني من القوات الاربعاء الماضي.

ونقل بيان صدر عن مكتب نتانياهو ليل الاحد الاثنين قوله في محادثة هاتفية مع الامين العام للامم المتحدة بان كي مون ان "قرار مجلس الأمن رقم 1701 لا يطبق على الأرض" موضحا ان "جنود اليونيفيل لا يقومون بالتبليغ عن تهريب الاسلحة الى جنوب لبنان".

وتنتشر قوة الامم المتحدة الموقتة لحفظ السلام منذ العام 1978 اثر احتلال اسرائيل اجزاء واسعة من جنوب لبنان. وتوسعت مهماتها في العام 2006 بعد صدور القرار 1701 الذي وضع حدا لحرب مدمرة استمرت 33 يوما بين حزب الله واسرائيل.

ويبلغ عديد القوة الدولية نحو 10 آلاف جندي ينتمون الى 36 دولة، بينهم حوالي 600 جندي اسباني.

والاربعاء تبنى حزب الله هجوماً على قافلة عسكرية إسرائيلية مؤكدا وقوع "قتلى وجرحى" من قبل مجموعة سميت "مجموعة شهداء القنيطرة" الذي سقطوا الأحد في 18 الجاري بغارة إسرائيلية في بلدة القنيطرة السورية. إلا أن الجيش الإسرائيلي رد بقصف بلدات جنوبية معترفا بسقوط قتيلين منه وسقوط سبع إصابات.

وقتل جندي اسباني من اليونيفيل، الاربعاء، في حين لم تعترف اسرائيل رسميا بمسؤوليتها عن مقتله بينما اكدت اسبانيا انه ضحية اطلاق نار اسرائيلي.

واضاف البيان "اعرب رئيس الوزراء عن اسفه لمقتل الجندي الاسباني واتفق على اجراء تحقيق مشترك مع رئيس الوزراء الاسباني ماريانو راخوي".

واكد نتانياهو ايضا ان "على المجتمع الدولي توجيه اصبع الاتهام الى ايران التي تقف خلف الهجوم على حدودنا الشمالية والتي تحاول انشاء جبهة ارهابية ضد اسرائيل في هضبة الجولان".

وتصاعد التوتر منذ 18 كانون الثاني الماضي بعد الغارة الاسرائيلية على منطقة القنيطرة السورية. وعزز الجيش الاسرائيلي بشكل كبير وجوده على الحدود منذ هذه الغارة التي لم تعلن اسرائيل رسميا مسؤوليتها عنها.

التعليقات 53
Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 11:41 ,2015 شباط 02

let the UN do a tribunal and punish the party who infringed the most resolution 1701
god bless democracy

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:25 ,2015 شباط 02

netenyehoo just explained why they hit the UNIFIL, they apparently werent satisfied with its performance.

Missing humble 12:13 ,2015 شباط 02

Same evil heart, like Ebola, Butcher, and other historical criminals.

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:06 ,2015 شباط 02

and certainly you stand on the side of light in the war of good against evil. right?

Thumb EagleDawn 13:15 ,2015 شباط 02

Try to read properly before answering and stay on topic

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:22 ,2015 شباط 02

hi eagleyawn, are you still earning your daily shekel by copy-pasting other people's comments?

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:47 ,2015 شباط 02

shame on you for being such a hateful sectarian slime, your slander and trash are not worthy of an answer.

Thumb Mystic 16:39 ,2015 شباط 02

What a joke Netanyahu is.
He orders Resistance fighters killed, okay we are enemies after all.
But what did that UN spaniard do? He was stationed there under international law, which proves that Israel once again have no respect for that what so ever.
This will only amount to further international criticism, by the way, that spaniard is a martyr, just like all others that got killed by the zionists.

Thumb Mystic 19:27 ,2015 شباط 02

SLA Lahd Army your demigods, welcomed Israel. Not the regular people of the South, Merkava tanks rolled over their crops and grain. It is the takfiris whom enjoys themselves in Israeli field hospitals.

Thumb Machia 12:13 ,2015 شباط 02

"Darabne wa baka, Saba'ane wa shtaka"

Thumb Machia 12:24 ,2015 شباط 02

The problem with Israel is that the majority of its citizens do not want a just peace with the Palestinian and with its neighbours.
Extremism reigns within Israel and within its supporters in the US, especially AIPAC.
All US administrations and US congressmen and the vast majority of the US media stoop to the power of the Israeli lobby.
The more moderate J-Street is sidelined but also caves to the pressures of the extremists.
International sanctions have to be imposed on Israel in order to end its occupation and colonization of the rest of Palestine.
Until this happens, the Middle East will remain a troubled region that will endanger world peace and security.

Thumb kanaanljdid 20:26 ,2015 شباط 02

Actually most of the Israelis I met in France or in other countries are thirsty to make peace with Lebanon and to be able to know Lebanese.

Maybe American or Diaspora Jews are different and more prone to be extreme (like Lebanese living in France are far more extremists and fanatics than real Lebanese), but I can tell you with what I know that Israelis are really willing to live in peace with Arabs and especially with Lebanon.

Thumb kanaanljdid 20:31 ,2015 شباط 02

Peaceful Lebaneses should only care about peaceful Israelis with whom they are semitic brothers, and not about extremist Lebaneses and extremist Israelis.

Thumb Machia 07:04 ,2015 شباط 03


I am not talking about the citizens of countries who happen to be Jewish. I am talking about Israelis and pro-Israel lobbyists in the US.
Israelis elected the likes of Netanyahu, Lieberman, Bennett, etc. to lead them. When an Israeli prime minister was close to closing a real deal with the Palestinians, he was shot.
Israel today occupies, colonizes, expropriates, assassinates, destroys and breaks international laws every day and their only excuse is that they are relatively better than say Syria or Iran.
Israel is not an Arab affair. It is a global one. The West and the ex-USSR created it and they should keep it in check. Colonization and racism are not acceptable in 2015.

Thumb geha 12:29 ,2015 شباط 02

not exactly true. one has to read this carefully and we notice the following:
- for Israel, the 1701 has not been implemented by the UN and the Lebanese army.
- for Israel, the UN force should have reported all arms smuggling inside the area of the 1701, which has not been done.
- while the Israelis are sorry for the death of the Spanish soldier, they have a joint Israeli/Spanish investigation about it.

in short this is preparation of the scene for the upcoming war.

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:08 ,2015 شباط 02

lol thanks mr israeli spokesperson, never missing a chance to share with us their point of view, as if we didnt already hear their lies a million times before.

Thumb EagleDawn 13:23 ,2015 شباط 02

oh look the iranian and khomeini propaganda department is open again!

Thumb the_roar 14:04 ,2015 شباط 02

If you want to pretend to be a deceased female, iceman..no probs.
but I will help you to better understand who truly undervalues the females you wish to be & pretend to stand up for.

The Saudis refused to get on a bus driven by a female during the Asian cup played here in OZ...

Thumb EagleDawn 15:47 ,2015 شباط 02

the_roar: stop harassing nomra.jean and focus on the article. Do you ever have anything of value to offer? It seems ice-man caused you an inferiority complex. Seek help

Thumb the_roar 16:27 ,2015 شباط 02

"the_roar: stop harassing nomra.jean"
I wouldn't dream of harassing a woman who has been dead for over 50 years.

But I would like to offer some much needed help for iceman who continually posts about women rights & who is guilty etc.
Just thought he would like to know it was the Saudi's who refused to board a bus in Australia simply because a woman was the driver.

Thumb cityboy 17:02 ,2015 شباط 02

LOL geha, I won't even label you an israeli because i dont think an israeli could be as pro-israeli as you are in your post. Thumbs up to you for the laugh.

Thumb cityboy 17:56 ,2015 شباط 02

no endlesstexas, I would have no reason to pick on geha if he didnt make it so easy to do so with some of the idiotic ideas he comes up with, much like you most of the time. Just saying.

Thumb geha 19:28 ,2015 شباط 02

cityboy, FT, southern, mowaten, ....

if you do not like my comments.... just do not read them :)

what is it that makes you read each single comment I have? is it the fact you know it is correct and that truth hurts you so much, that instead of commenting on the substance, all you do is attack me personally.

this shows how empty you all are, and, so .... useless :)

Thumb cityboy 17:28 ,2015 شباط 02

haha FT, you are right, definitely the husband would be geha. Look how aroused he was to be in the presence of his hero Bibi.

Default-user-icon _mowaten_ (ضيف) 17:43 ,2015 شباط 02

haha @cityboy, you and I have the same sense of humor!

Thumb the_roar 13:58 ,2015 شباط 02

& may you ice-man aka normajean, terrorist & a 1000 guest names including roukuz, be able to have a day off from Naharnet.

how was your weekend, iceman-normajean ?

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 14:35 ,2015 شباط 02

this chat explains it all
the article is about israel and majority of chats are sectarian (...chia , christian ,....)
this is the zionist plan
god bless democracy

Thumb -phoenix1 14:58 ,2015 شباط 02

Mr. Netanyahu, we must write a song with the lyrics for you and your friends Hezbollah, the title must aptly be, "scratch my back and I'll scratch your back".

Thumb cityboy 17:12 ,2015 شباط 02

six hezbollah members lost their lives just over a week ago, you call that scratching my back.

Thumb cityboy 17:59 ,2015 شباط 02

I dont buy into the election drama, israel democracy is a sham.

Thumb nickjames 20:35 ,2015 شباط 02

Cityboy, you're simply out of the game.

"War is politics by other means." Carl von Clausewitz

Thumb beiruti 16:46 ,2015 شباط 02

Israel violates 1701 as much as does Hezbollah. This is the kettle calling the skillet black. He's almost as nutty as le petite generale. Like Aoun, this guy will do anything to get elected and hold power.

Thumb the_roar 16:49 ,2015 شباط 02

nice to know the General is what still has you foaming, beiruti.

Thumb nickjames 17:41 ,2015 شباط 02

"The prime minister noted that U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701 has not been implemented and added that UNIFIL soldiers are not reporting on the smuggling of weapons into southern Lebanon," his office said.

Netanyahu, while the UNIFIL may or may not have been implementing 1701, who the hell are you to say that? You do sorties over Lebanon everyday, in violation of 1701.

Thumb cityboy 18:01 ,2015 شباط 02

dont do this to me nickyjamie, you forcing me to give you a thumbs up for a good post. are you sure you are feeling ok today.

Default-user-icon roar_the_wolf (ضيف) 17:44 ,2015 شباط 02

when will @wolf post or did you retire him?

Thumb nickjames 18:31 ,2015 شباط 02

Cityboy, unlike all you stupid posters, I criticise ALL sides when I see something I don't like. While yes, Hezbollah and Aoun are the most frequent victims of my verbal assaults, I have criticised March 14 (mostly Gemayel and Rifi), the Zionist Arab kings (as Big Qawmi calls them), the US and Israel. Just because I may sympathise with one side more than the other, that does not mean they get immunity from me.

I read something I don't like, I call them out for it. That's what I'm best at. And all you people are so stupid, naive and ignorant to blindly support a political party, and you don't acknowledge that those you support are participants in a worldwide conspiracy to keep Lebanon weak.

Thumb cityboy 18:51 ,2015 شباط 02

Well i commend you for calling things the way you see fit, but first word of advice, never start a post with: unlike all you stupid posters. It is hard to take you serious after reading that. By the way, what makes you say we are so stupid, naive and ignorant bunch blindly supporting one political party, your words, because if you really believed that, then you wouldnt seriously be wasting your time debating us fools.

Thumb nickjames 18:54 ,2015 شباط 02

City, you actually asked me a good question. Why do I waste my time arguing with stupid, naive, and ignorant people? Because I just do. I like debating, I like trying to convince others, I like to win arguments and silence people (you should've seen Flamey and Mystic on an article from yesterday). And most important: it's fun talking about Lebanon to be honest.

Thumb cityboy 19:07 ,2015 شباط 02

well try to be a little more open before you call others stupid, you can learn a lot from Flamethrower, and mystic. If you are referring to them as stupid then you really need to reevaluate your self. Flamethrower puts just about any one on this board to shame. you got a long way to go to be at his level.

Thumb nickjames 19:17 ,2015 شباط 02

Haha I'll take that as a joke, City. I've put Flamey to shame so many times, he claims his posts are deleted when in fact I shamelessly refresh my page to see if he responded. While you may agree with their views, trust me I own Flamey and Mystic. You're a much better debater than them. I say the words stupid and ignorant a lot from arguing with Flamey and Mystic all the time. It's a habit lol

Thumb nickjames 18:36 ,2015 شباط 02

You don't acknowledge that those you support have done anything wrong. Idiots like Flamey truly believe that Aoun fought against Syria, when in fact he used Syrian-controlled areas to smuggle artillery to use in his personal war with Geagea; and when Syria blitzed Baabda, Aoun simply left his family and soldiers in the Palace as he fled in a tank to the French Embassy.

Idiots like you believe Hezbollah are the protectors of Lebanon, when in fact they are conspiring with Israel to keep Lebanon weak. They claim to be liberating Shebaa when they're clearly not (it's been 15 years), they get us in a fake Hareb Tammouz: Israel gets military victory, Hezbollah gets divine victory, and Lebanon loses from a war that didn't even involve the Lebanese army (here is when Flamey argues the LAF shot Israeli aircraft and died side by side with Hezbos).

Thumb cityboy 18:44 ,2015 شباط 02

Wrong, Lebanon is not weak, so i cant agree to anything else you said past that. Lebanon is more respected now than the days we were simply a casino resort or a playground for rich arab johns to come and enjoy a holiday. We also have far more equality between all of lebanons sect which makes us even stronger than before.

Thumb nickjames 18:50 ,2015 شباط 02

Hahahahahahahahahaha Lebanon is not weak loooooooooooooooool that's the joke of the day City. I'm gonna stop calling you Dahyeboy because clearly you're not in Lebanon to know the reality of the situation there. What city is in the background of your picture?

Thumb cityboy 18:54 ,2015 شباط 02

no nickyjamie, when lebanon goes crying for a peace treaty with irael or goes begging to the amerians for aid, then you have a right to call lebanon weak, in the mean time, have some pride. got to go.

Thumb nickjames 19:12 ,2015 شباط 02

Southern, everyone is against arming the LAF. This includes the West, the Zionist Arab kings, and Iran. They are all co-conspirators against Lebanon. What's my alternative? That's a tough question, if I had the solution I sure as hell wouldn't be on this site haha. But I'll say this, European countries like France, Germany -- countries not under as much Zionist influence as America (believe me they're not, they're starting to recognise Palestine as proof) -- these countries need to send arms to the LAF.

But part of the problem is Hezbollah and Aoun. The US and Saudi are not arming the LAF because as long as Hezbollah is the most powerful force in Lebanon, the West suspects that the LAF will share weapons or take orders by Hezbollah on how the weapons are used (a lot of LAF are Aouniyeh). Also, the political dysfunction. The West does not want Aoun to be president, because they don't want to be arming the Lebanese Aouniyeh Forces who collaborate with Hezbollah.

Missing peace 19:23 ,2015 شباط 02

"if you don't agree with HA role, then what's your alternative to fortify the LAF?, "

very simple = let hezbollah integrate the army and be under ITS orders! not the orders from iran! if you hezbi lovers were lebanese before all it is what you would ask for! let nasrallah bark as a politician not an army chief! that is all!
let hezbollah give its arsenal to the army then it will be strong!
but you do not believe in the LAF so you wouldn't like hezbis to be under its orders, plain and simple...
you just believe in the state of hezbollah not the state of lebanon!

Thumb nickjames 19:30 ,2015 شباط 02

Peace, your idea is implausible. The West will not simply accept Hezbollah fighters being integrated into the LAF. Hezbollah fighters are radicalised militiamen, they are not members of a state's armed forces. You can't just merge the two and sing kumbaya.

Missing peace 19:31 ,2015 شباط 02

then they just should give their weapons to the army.... radicalized or not.
Don't they say they respect the army and never will shoot at it? so the army should take their weapons like all the other milita did!

Thumb nickjames 19:37 ,2015 شباط 02

Just give their weapons to the army lol again the world doesn't work that way. Iran pays Hezbollah hundreds of millions of dollars to be stronger than the army, Hezbollah is not just gonna lay down their weapons lmao. And the idea of Hezbollah's rockets going to the LAF won't happen, that gives Israel a motive to destroy all of Lebanon once again (they'll say Hezbollah has infiltrated the LAF war-making decisions, which they kinda already are).

When the militias disarmed in 1990, that was a much different story. It was the end of a civil war, Syria won the war, the Ta'ef government had unrivalled authority, and all the factions (except Hezbollah) wanted to start a new country under Syrian tutelage.

Thumb nickjames 19:39 ,2015 شباط 02

Hezbollah meanwhile wanted to continue doing their own thing in the south, in which they basically formed their own statelet.

Missing peace 19:40 ,2015 شباط 02

i know hezbollah will never give thier weapons as they do not respect Lebanon nor its institutions.... if they did they would have given their weapons a long time ago! that is what the hezbi lovers fail to see: that their beloved militia does not work in the interests of Lebanon but for their sole agenda! so when they pretend to be "patriots" it is pure hypocrisy and laughable!

Thumb nickjames 19:42 ,2015 شباط 02

Peace, I already know all this. I was just answering Southern when he asked what my suggestion for strengthening the LAF was.