االجميّل الأب "يستقيل" من رئاسة الكتائب لصالح "ابنه"
Read this story in Englishمن المتوقع ان يستقيل رئيس حزب "الكتائب اللبنانية" امين الجميل من رئاسة الحزب ليترك صلاحياته لنجله سامي الجميل الذي "يسجل مواقف سلبية"، وفقاً لما اشارت اليه المعلومات الصحافية.
فقد كشفت صحيفة "الاخبار"، الثلاثاء، ان "الحزب سيعقد مؤتمره العام، الصيف المقبل، عملاً بالنظام الداخلي الذي يقتضي تنظيمه كل أربع سنوات".
ونقلت عن بعض الكتائبيين قولهم ان " الجميل سيعلن حينذاك استقالته من رئاسة الحزب على أن تؤول إلى نجله سامي".
واشارت الصحيفة الى ان ردود الفعل "تباينت" حين علمت الخبر، ولا سيما بعد الموقف الاخير الذي اعلنه جميّل الابن، السبت في بريطانيا، داعياً "الى نزع الجنسية عن اللبنانيين الذين يقاتلون الى جانب النظام في سوريا".
كما انه، ووفقاً للصحيفة عينها، فإن سامي "منع توجه وفد قيادي من الكتائب إلى الضاحية الجنوبية لتقديم العزاء بشهداء القنيطرة، علماً بأن والده قدّم تعازيه، على الهواء مباشرة في برنامج تلفزيوني، واتصل بقيادة حزب الله".
والاحد، في 18 كانون الثاني الفائت، اعلن حزب الله عن مقتل ستة من عناصره بينهم مسؤول عسكري ينشط في سوريا والعراق، اضافة الى نجل القائد العسكري للحزب عماد مغنية الذي اغتيل في العام 2008، وذلك بغارة اسرائيلية استهدفت بلدة القنيطرة في الجولان السوري. كما أعلنت ايران عن مقتل احد جنرالاتها في الغارة.
غير ان الاربعاء الفائت، تبنى الحزب هجوماً على قافلة عسكرية إسرائيلية مؤكدا وقوع "قتلى وجرحى" من قبل مجموعة سميت "مجموعة شهداء القنيطرة"، إلا أن الجيش الإسرائيلي رد بقصف بلدات جنوبية معترفا بسقوط قتيلين منه وسقوط سبع إصابات.
عليه، اوضحت "الاخبار" ان بعض الكتائبيين "فضلوا التبرؤ من مواقف سامي الجميل واعتبارها شخصية لا تمثل الحزب برمتهه".
كما اضافت، وفقاً لبعض الكتائبيين، انه يعتبر "مسكوناً بهاجس رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع ومتأثراً بمواقفه الحادة، ظناً منه أنه يشد القاعدة المسيحية من حوله".
Now this is good news. Amine, without being too disrespectful, you have rendered the Kataeb irrelevant. You should have never returned to Lebanese politics after your presidency.
But he is known to make fiery speeches and statements. The newspaper quoted him as saying on Saturday that all those fighting in support of the Syrian regime should be stripped of their Lebanese nationality.
- Yes, finally someone got balls to say what's right.
Gemayel the father disagrees with his son over fears that his criticism would have a negative impact on the rapprochement between the Kataeb and Hizbullah, it added.
- What rapprochement between the Kataeb and Hezbollah? Amine, all you fear is your last son being killed because he's not afraid to call out Hezbollah. You have kept the Kataeb weak because of your appeasing stances, because you're simply a word that begins with P and ends with Y. Bashir and Pierre Junior were both assassinated at 34 years because they stood up for their beliefs, while you let Lebanon rot and didn't give a damn. Let your last son take the honour to lead this party.
Ironic enough, Sami is now 34. Let's hope he lives long enough to have an impact on Lebanon.
Everything we are suffering today are the consequences of the most inept mandate of Amine. Raw7a bala raj3a.
funny you denounce this while the same principle is applied for M8ers... nasrallah declaring himself leader for life: that is very democratic indeed... aoun placing his whole family at key posts in FPM it is not nepotism indeed...
so i suggest you to sweep your own camp before coming and bark like a raging dog here just... just because you see M14 your pavlovian reflexes take the upper hand and like a dog you are let you bark out of pure reflex, but intelligence? none as usual....
the day you will put these behaviours on the same level for BOTH M8 and M14, you will be credible! but by barking at one side and not denouncing your own side proves how biased and idiot you are...
oh! and before you insult me of being a M14 paid propagandist let me be clear: these parties are the reason why Lebanon is still in the middle ages, placing one's son head of the party clearly shows how inefficient they are and how people are manipulated into the cult of personality rather than putting forward debate on ideas and platforms... these parties are just good to throw in the litter bins of history ( and you among them...)
but people seem to love following them as it is reassuring to let them think for you , no questions asked, and if you are from the same religion or region you may go and lick their boots to get a job... they buy your silence and support : and that is the same for BOTH sides! M8 and M14! so the day you will be objective about this you will deserve respect... till then? you are just like them, a brave little FPM sheep follower....
before nasrallah elections were held regularly to replace the leader... nasrallah cancelled it. FIRST distortion of truth as usual with FPM bullshitters like you... "
a confirmed lie from peace"
oh! then prove me wrong hypocrit FPM DOG....
during the sixth conclave in 2001 of the shura Council nasrallah was elected FOR Life... check your sources idiot... before elections were regularly held....
"i am against democracy "
so we understand better why you support hezbis and aoun: two dictatorship parties... and we understand better your way of thinking: repeating what your leaders say, no matter if they are right or wrong! just repeat them as a faithful dog, it avoids thinking...
thank you for confirming what everyone says here about you = you cannot think by yourself other than through the rhetoric of your leaders like every fanatic of a dictator....
you invent stuff (nasrallah leader for life): check it moron...
"and only took leadership of his own party 10 years ago while you have your party's people who already are grooming their heirs but refuse to see that." i do not refuse to see it ! i even told you about it...
now if your brain cannot understand what it reads it proves how fucked up you are!
i advise you to read what i wrote and ask your mummy to explain it to you....
At long last Amin Gemayel is leaving the Kataeb. Good move, time for the old to leave and the young to enter the stage. Sami is good in my view but he has to carve out his own colors, being under his old man's shadow was never a good thing till he decided some 2 years ago to carve it out for himself. Now I can see a renewed and rejuvenated Kataeb, maybe as similar as the moves of Bachir Gemayel's. Long live the Kataeb.
if naharnet are terrorists or zionists then go and sue them! otherwise shut you mouth and choke....
Typical Lebanon,the son of a leader is a leader and the lebanese got the habit of saying that they are modern
Two things.
You guys are all TROLLS. Its not an insult its a word. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_(Internet)
Naharnet moderators - As usual leaving this forum to be jungle. This is not free speech. This is 10 or so unemployed trolls. Ghassan & Gibran Tueni are twisting and turning in their graves may they RIP.