"مناطق عسكرية لحزب الله" تمنع الجيش من الاقتراب الى جرود البقاع
Read this story in Englishيعرقل "حزب الله" عمل الجيش في تطبيق الخطة الامنية في بعض جرود البقاع الشمالي، لأنها "مناطق عسكرية وتدريبية لعناصره"، وفق ما اشارت اليه مصادر لبنانية.
ونقلت صحيفة "عكاظ" السعودية عن مصادر مطلعة، الاحد، قولها ان ّ سبب عدم انتشار القوى الامنية في جرود بعض القرى البقاعية، يعود الى " تصنيفها من قبل حزب الله بأنها مناطق عسكرية".
واشارت الى انه يتم فيها " معسكرات تدريب" لعناصر الحزب.
بناءً عليه، لفتت المصادر الى انه "لم يتم القبض على مطلوبين كبار بعد ثلاثة أيام من تطبيق الخطة الأمنية في بعلبك".
ولا تزال القوى الامنية المشتركة تستكمل تنفيذ الخطة الامنية في البقاع، حيث تعمل على ملاحقة المطلوبين وضبط المخالفات،وقد اثمرت الايام الثلاثة للخطة، توقيف قرابة الـ100 شخص، وضبط 45 سيارة مسروقة، هذا الى جانب 26 دراجة نارية خارجة عن القانون وضبط كميات كبيرة من المخدرات.
فوفقاً لبيان صدر عن قيادةالجيش، وصلت حصيلة الجولة الثالثة للخطة الامنية الى 33 شخصا من المطلوبين و9 سيارات و26 دراجة نارية من دون أوراق قانونية.
يُذكر ان وزير الداخلية نهاد المشنوق قد قام بجولة تفقدية الخميس في البقاع يرافقه المدير العام للامن العام اللواء عباس ابراهيم ومدير عام قوى الامن الداخلي اللواء ابراهيم بصبوص، حيث اشاد بالخطة الامنية التي استهلّت يوم الخميس، واكد انه وعلى الرغم من فرار عدد من المطلوبين الى الاراضي السورية، الا ان الهدف هو منع عودتهم او توقيفهم لدى محاولتهم ذلك.
يُشار الى ان رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري، قد اكد في الشهر الفائت ان الخطة الامنية، التي سبق واعلن المشنوق اتطلاقها في البقاع الشمالي "في وقت قريب"، "حاصلة ولن تكون كسابقاتها"، معلناً ان القوى العسكرية ستبقى متمركزة فيه، لأن "لا تساهل" في تنفيذها.
So naharnet digs deep to find a Saudi source to put a negative spin on the efforts of our security forces all the while taking a jab at HA. Should we expect anything less from naharnet.
so mowaten and his cityboy alias has to dig so deep to criticize naharnet and put a negative spin on its reporting all the while to defend his beloved terror group.
The negative spin has nothing to do with our LAF, it is about HA. We all knew all along that HA harbors and encourages crime that is in their financial interest and the interest of its Jihadists.
HA and ISIS are two sides of same coin.
"reported the Saudi daily Okaz on Sunday." bahahahahahah enjoy this very credible report ya bunch of shills.
KhizEbola? Poor KhizEbola, the Islamic, Iranian, long arm, or Revolutionary Guards of Khaminai, Baseej like described by themselves, would not allow the Week Lebanese Government to touch any of it's hero theifs, kidnapers, killers and drug dealers, not now not in 3 days or not in 300 years.
Some Lebanese will never understand that even if you burn our lands in some regions in Bekaa, hashish will grow again naturally, why we don't have a proper legislation and add revenue to our state via proper exporting to Amsterdam and several USA states? What's the problem in hashish and the social taboo we have?
"A state in the place of the State" destroying the institutions..
Never forget the traitor supporting them!
Of course that Hezb will prevent security forces from entering their training camps.
Because their training camps are sacred nurseries where future wars are invented, where the seeds of future instabilities of Lebanon are planted.
The training camps are where the next crusade against greek cypriots or kabyle algerians or sikh indians are prepared. These foresaken training camps are to prepare for future wars of others to the benefit of others by lebanese. This way, HA can continue to drag lebanon through years of instability.
Naharnet themselves are controlles by Saudi authors. Finding every possible means to smear the resistance, even fantasy stories.
bless anyone person, entity, organization, brigade or country that inflicts pain and suffering, death, torture, and destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia and its members, supporters or followers wherever they may be.
HA exists because for many years their community was ignored, and slighted by the rest of the Lebanese in General for many years prior to their takeover. They made lots of babies. They are against many of us who may prefer peace with Israel or alliances like Egypt and or Jordan and or KSA. We are so diverse due to foreign agendas. There are very few political agendas that are purely Lebanese. LF loves the Jews too much and will allow them to rape the south. jumblatt does whatever to keep his people alive. Aoun will sell his soul to be president. Hariri is moderate but allows extremists to flurry so he has some muscle. HA only cares about spreading its religion and Iran. There are Shiites who drink but they really want to shut down all of the liquor stores. Just look at all of the threats they send to Christains in"their" areas. We are too diverse. We are screwed.
Shias are direct descendants of "god", they are men of "god", fearless fighters who will conquer the world through their resistance.
Mystic or the-roar or whatever other name you go by: ice-man is in Rio de Janeiro with his family attending the Carnival while you sit here on naharnet posting 10-20 comments per article:)
Hey Drug Dealer, Consumer, If a real man tell us what you like about Islamic Iran beside aiding sectarian to control ? As for Salafis ...,, take them to Iran there they will find same dress code same mentality and people they can live with happily ever after.
You. Hashish grower / consumer, pure filth. I find you equal to da3esh and nusra, The Lebanese army is above you and what you hide behind.
Like everybody else here??? Uhm, only a third of lebanese have poenician blood and thats only some phoenician blood. So in other words, some lebanese have some lebanese blood. If shiites are phoencian then why does nasrallah and so many other shiites claim to be a sayyid? (sayyids are from saudi arabia of course and the arab bani hashim tribe).