لودريان: الأسلحة الفرنسية ستسلم إلى لبنان في نيسان وتتضمن "سفنا حربية"

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أعلنت فرنسا الأربعاء عن ضرورة تحديث وتجهيز الجيش اللبناني من أجل مواجهة تداعيات الأزمة السورية المستمرة والتي تقوض الإستقرار.

وقال وزير الدفاع الفرنسي جان ايف لودريان في بيان رسمي الأربعاء أن الأسلحة الفرنسية للبنان عبر هبة الثلاث مليارات دولار السعودية سيبدأ تسليمها في نيسان المقبل "ستتضمن عربات مدرعة وسفن حربية ومروحيات هجومية وذخائر وأجهزة اتصال".

وأضاف لودريان في البيان "في مواجهة التهديدات لاستقرار لبنان يجب تحديث القوات المسلحة اللبنانية، وتجهيزها وتدريبها للدفاع عن سلامة هذه الدولة الصديقة لفرنسا".

وضمن هذه الخطة "سيتم إجراء دورات تدريبية من قبل القوات الفرنسية" لعناصر الجيش، بحسب الوزير الفرنسي.

في كانون الاول 2013 أعلنت السعودية عن هذه الهبة. واستمرت المفاوضات طيلة عام كامل منذ اللقاء بين لو دريان والملك عبدالله بن عبد العزيز في تشرين الاول 2013 ومن ثم زيارة الرئيس فرانسوا هولاند في كانون الاول.

وفي المرحلة الاولى، ستتم اولى عمليات التسليم عبر "عمليات نقل يقوم بها الجيش الفرنسي"، وتضم آليات ومدافع وصواريخ مضادة للدبابات من الجيش الفرنسي.وستقوم فرنسا في وقت لاحق بتسليم معدات يتم انتاجها بشكل تدريجي اما المروحيات فستسلم في المرحلة الاخيرة.

وخاض الجيش في اب مواجهات عنيفة مع مسلحين في محيط بلدة عرسال الحدودية قدموا من سوريا ومن مخيمات للاجئين داخل البلدة في الثاني من آب الفائت، قتل فيها عشرون جنديا و16 مدنيا وعشرات المسلحين، وانتهت بانسحاب المسلحين الى جرود البلدة، علما انهم ما زالوا يحتجزون 27 عنصرا من الجيش وقوى الامن الداخلي.

وخلال معركة عرسال تعهدت الرياض بتقديم مليار دولار إضافية الى الجيش، أعلن عنها رئيس تيار "المستقبل" النائب سعد الحريري.


التعليقات 49
Thumb -phoenix1 12:45 ,2015 شباط 25

Very good news indeed, this is the ONLY way forward. Let the Lebanese Army become stronger, let it assert its authority in every single square inch of Lebanon, and let all the armed groups, Hezbollah, the Palestinians, the As7ab Al Dakakin and everyone that is not part of the constitutional armed institutions of the land. Only the Lebanese Army can protect this country, the rest should pack up and call it a day. let the weapons come.

Thumb Mystic 14:38 ,2015 شباط 25

The Resistance is part of the constitution by law, so is it's arms. By the way, didn't France say they would send these weapons last year?

Thumb geha 15:06 ,2015 شباط 25

check again: the resistance is not recognized in the constitution.

Thumb Mystic 15:14 ,2015 شباط 25

Yes it is, but the M14 ofcourse wants to change that.

Thumb Mystic 15:33 ,2015 شباط 25

Read about the Doha agreement.

Thumb geha 16:35 ,2015 شباط 25

the doha agreement is not part of the constitution :)

Missing greatpierro 16:56 ,2015 شباط 25

Mystic the constitution does not mention the resistance ; even if it did, it would not mention a terrorist criminal militia.

Thumb amatoury114 16:59 ,2015 شباط 25

Fystic va jouer ailleurs mon pote....by law you are a terrorist , and no france did not say anything last year..you dont remember you commented last year why is it taking so long and that we will never see any arms and it all a show and a hoax....ur a cynical bitter person

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:52 ,2015 شباط 25

Sounds like a good news, but let's first see what exactly is going to be shipped and if it ever makes it here. They've been announcing it every week for 2 years now, and there's always some more "final touching" to be done...

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:53 ,2015 شباط 25

amatoury: "by law", really? by which law exactly?

Thumb lebanon_first 19:55 ,2015 شباط 25

mowaten. Funny. But true.

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:51 ,2015 شباط 25

"vigilante.flamethrower" lol you have some serious issues dude. Yes, I said "2 years" instead of "1 year and a few months", is that all it takes to make you lose your marbles? You must really be a small man with a huge inferiority complex (pijama is that you? lol)

Thumb chrisrushlau 16:03 ,2015 شباط 25

I hope al Rahi's representative in Paris emphasized that the 18,000 howitzer shells included in the first barrage of the package should be sent by sea, not by air, collectively and not individually, and not by their own propulsion. Using Israel as the middle-man in the transaction may introduce some forgiveable confusion in this area.

Thumb lebanon_first 18:21 ,2015 شباط 25

texas dont mind chrisrushlau. From his posts, you can see he is a christian hater, and he doesnt see things straight.

Thumb amatoury114 20:46 ,2015 شباط 25

mowaten i am just going by the same logic law that mystic was following that considered the doha agreement part of the constitution.....listen by any standards a big grant like this to the lebanese army is a blessing and we should not spit in the face of the Donor!!! saudi arabia whether u like their ways or their society has been the single most supporting country to lebanon...and please don't tell me that their plan is to impose their ways on us lebanese!!!

Thumb -phoenix1 13:18 ,2015 شباط 25


Thumb -phoenix1 18:25 ,2015 شباط 25

(1). Mystic, thanks for making your support of the army clear, way to go. But you see, in politics things do change, so what could have held up yesterday could change tomorrow. In our context, the Lebanese Army has shown its mettle for some years now, since Nahr El bared, and against all the red lines that were imposed on it, the army did a great job, and above all, stayed united, purposeful, truly humane and professional call it the real baptism of fire but the army was born anew. Today any doubt anyone may have harbored since, all of it has gone, the army is today even better, still truly bonded and is receiving real weapons and not leftovers as you claimed, rumors now have it that we shall or might be receiving F5 planes from the US.

Thumb -phoenix1 18:30 ,2015 شباط 25

(2). Mystic. I have good reasons to feel that now everyone has seen the mortal dangers paused by I.S and the rest of the Takfiri evil groupings, everyone knows the challenges awaiting Lebanon from these filths, and everyone now knows and trusts the Army as the sole guarantor of peace and security. So dear Mystic, truth is that militias, call them whatever you want, they'll start to go, one by one till only the state will remain the only armed presence of the land. Yasser Arafat and his filthy gang of PLO sobs was the one that made Lebanon look like a terrorist state, but you and I and all know that Lebanon has never been a terrorist state, it was simply too weak to even talk, let alone stand. Now Hezbollah might find itself in that same predicament as the PLO, tarnishing the Lebanese state's very fundamentals, but you see ya Mystic, I am one who will clearly abstain from calling Hezbollah a terrorist group.

Thumb -phoenix1 18:34 ,2015 شباط 25

(3). Mystic. Till this day I will still see Hezbollah in good fraternal faith and would dearly love to keep having it this way. But if every time we want to have a new PM, or a new President, or a new Army chief, or even a plain folk singer coming to perform in Lebanon and have HA meddle, then will come the time when HA will begin to look a lot like the PLO. You want the army to reign supreme, then you will have to support it unconditionally and without any conditions attached. I will recall Bachir Gemayel's words, "The best equipped militia, the best organized, the most powerful is not even one bit as even a weak state". Our time has now come to accept facts, the state of Lebanon is the only option for everyone, no alternatives exist in all cases but the state, the state and the state.

Thumb -phoenix1 18:38 ,2015 شباط 25

(4) Mystic. Then whereas it concerns Hezbollah as being constitutional, I am truly sorry but there's nowhere in the Lebanese Constitution that says so, there's simply an understanding from the days of the late Rafic Hariri who made the triangulation, but it's nowhere in the constitution. Personally I have ZERO hostility against Hezbollah, I feel no harm for it, I would be most happy if Hezbollah though surrenders its weapons gradually to the state then continue purely as a political party like everyone else.

Thumb lebanon_first 19:43 ,2015 شباط 25

Phoenix bro. Well written. But don't tire yourself.

HA put itself in a position where it is controling the country by bullying its peace loving unarmed partners. It did a soft coup in 2007 and is since controlling lebanon. Albeit, they are not abusing power as much as they could, and they are willing to respect some rules of the game (when it suits them).

I agree LAF needs to get stronger. But dont delude yourself. HA will never surrender its weapons. Why would it? it is controlling the country. For this to happen, we need either:
1- to be instructed by Iran to return weapons- why would iran remove such a strong card?,
2- destroyed by Israel which is nearly impossible since HA will hide in civilian areas.
3- Attacked by the LAF which wont work because army will split because shia have more loyalty to HA than the army, since HA is paying them stuff...
4- Assad falls from power and HA becomes weaker. Pretty unlikely, but most unlikely from above pts.

Thumb lebanon_first 19:44 ,2015 شباط 25

point 4 is most likely. not most unlikely

Thumb freedomarch 13:35 ,2015 شباط 25

As one of "them" said, 3bn dollars, Yeah right. Hope the army get the weapons and training that it needs to exert it's cintrol over any "party's" ambitions" to extend foreign control. Peace with all in the time of peace but if these groups are determined to control ... what should we do?

Thumb -phoenix1 14:39 ,2015 شباط 25

Freedom you know what they don't say, "What's good for the goose is not always good for the gander"? Good, in this case people like the partisans of Hezbollah or their lackeys at the FPM, or the Palestinians and those radical Sunni forces, none of these want to see a strong Lebanese Army, and why? Because a strong Lebanese Army translates into a viable and fully contiguous Lebanese State, a state that is then fully capable of imposing its will on the land and on everyone. By default that means that all the militias and those who used the militia weapons to impose their will on everyone in Lebanon will weaken then fizzle away. The secret is simple, strong army equals strong state with strong constitutional institutions equals Adios Sayo Nara to all militias, yes, militias, the sickness of Lebanon since independence.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:42 ,2015 شباط 25

Once we have a strong state backed by a strong Army, then no foreign power can impose on us anything either. The army can continue to remain under civilian administrations, but the civilian administrations and by default the politicians will dare not play hanky panky anymore as the stronger state need no longer fear anyone, be it Lebanese or foreign. Once done, everyone can relax knowing that one less problem in the Middle East has been solved. let the army protect and rule.

Thumb Mystic 15:17 ,2015 شباط 25

Don't expect the a strongly armed army, aslong as the West are the ones arming them. The day the LAF can take weapons from all countries, will be the day it is strong.

I want the army well armed, just like you do Phoenix. The difference between us is, I want the real weapons I do not want to get the leftovers.

Thumb Mystic 16:46 ,2015 شباط 25

Why should I answer any of your questions, when you fail to answer mine? I have asked the same question for three days now, and you never give me a straight answer.

This is the fourth time now, and anyone reading our comments will notice your appearence texas. By the way I also saved your comment with a screenshot, that you wished the IDF and U.S marines destroyed Hezbollah in Syria. Even though you claimed to be an anti Israeli for years.

- If the LAF & Lebanon were such a good friend of the United States, then how come they don't provide the army more sophisticated weaponry?

Thumb Mystic 17:30 ,2015 شباط 25

Yes texas, I dare to do it too. Now you will probaly say it's a fake, but we both know this is true texas, even if you deny it. Naharnet deleted it though, to protect you.

- Ladies & gentlemen, anonymetexasusa openly admitting his support for the Israeli Defence Force & U.S Army.


Thumb lebanon_first 18:24 ,2015 شباط 25

Mystic. your screenshot thingy is unacceptable.

We should all be able to give our opinions in Naharnet forum, we should disagree, (else it would be boring).

But what you did with Texas is below the belt. He could report you for that.

Thumb Mystic 19:14 ,2015 شباط 25

Do you deny your own words on Naharnet texas? I knew you would claim this is false, not surprising me.

You know this is true texas, and today I know what sort of person you are. I will remember that from now on, and remember.

Do you deny you are pro Israeli Defence Forces aswell?
You just claimed again, that you praise their so called "Slaughtering" of Hezbollah.

How is this below the belt? I am simply reposting his own comment, he wrote in public open screens. Now he is such a coward, that he denies it. Any readers that followed those comments, would know I am right, even texas knows it, but surely hides in panic now.

Thumb Mystic 19:19 ,2015 شباط 25

If Naharnet decides to ban me for reposting other members comments, then they should ban all commentators here on this forum.

I for one, will go directly to An Nahar office in Beirut, and complain to them face to face, if that is the case.

Thumb kataebi1965 13:38 ,2015 شباط 25

that is fantastic NEWS , The terrorists and headcutters are right on your doorsteps , Lebanese ....wakey wakey
How about compromising and putiing a @!#$% president also , as to secure Lebanon a bit ? oh and by the way , how about getting rid of around a million Syrians who are living illegally ??

Thumb Mystic 14:37 ,2015 شباط 25

First you wanted to get rid of the palestians, now you want to get rid of the Syrians. Don't you phalangists learn from your mistakes?

Thumb kataebi1965 15:29 ,2015 شباط 25

get rid of all of them Mystic , including Iranians

Thumb Mystic 15:44 ,2015 شباط 25

Why not the Saudis? Oh I forgot, they are M14's loanshark.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:49 ,2015 شباط 25

Lol pijama, big mouth, small man. The only thing you could ever throw out is yourself, which you already did.

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:55 ,2015 شباط 25

"vigilante.flamethrower" hahahaha dude I love how pissed and frustrated I make you. A piece of advice: seek help, these pitiful expletives aren't doing anything for your inferiority complex.

Thumb kataebi1965 15:33 ,2015 شباط 25

Mystic and his cronies (see profile pic) are not in favor of arming the army with new weapons . We know your Persian agenda ....YA Lebanese ??

Thumb Mystic 15:46 ,2015 شباط 25

Arming the army with real weapons, to counter Israel. Yes I am indeed for the upgrading, I do not see any benefit from these western backed deals, this is hardly enough to combat takfiris, let alone Israel.

Thumb lebanon_first 18:28 ,2015 شباط 25

Mystic Israel is not our only enemy. We have other enemies. Palestinians, Assad, Iranians, Nosra, Daesh. You have to start seeing the world in more than one dimension.

Thumb kataebi1965 16:06 ,2015 شباط 25

we don't want "clean money or weapons" from the fuse that has held this country ransom since 2006

Thumb kataebi1965 15:59 ,2015 شباط 25

counter Israel ? you are ridiculous ,,,you need planes , aircraft carriers , frigates , the whole infrastructure of ports , planes , training areas , etc.. you have none of these and Lebanon is way behind as a soldier to soldier fight

Thumb kataebi1965 16:01 ,2015 شباط 25

Your Syrian friends made sure to diminish the army as much as possible ,in the 30 heavenly years they were here . Now we have you

Missing humble 19:06 ,2015 شباط 25

Ebola has destroyed coexistence. I do not want to live with backage civilization.

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:56 ,2015 شباط 25

Mate i could swear I saw you earlier, are you that hobo who ran across martyrs square screaming "Ebolaaaaa, Ebolaaaaa!!!!!"

Default-user-icon jaaar ibn iblees (ضيف) 07:42 ,2015 شباط 26

mowaten is that your best attempt at sounding funny?

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:27 ,2015 شباط 26

humble is that your guest name?

Thumb freedomarch 20:13 ,2015 شباط 25

FIRST, thanks to Naharnet for reporting these news. SECOND, it seems that the wil to take the Lebanese army, Government and people hostages in the hands of the terrorists militias is so huge and very advanced in planning, funding and determined to stop all progress and only simple Naieve people can't touch this with their own hands, nod just a feeling or a doubt. THIRD, Why a simple fact that thevnational Lebanese army getting help do stir such sentiment? Explain it ! Beside looking at this reafy to swallow country is slipping back to it's patriotic Lebanese will and hands, I don't see other reason. CLEAR traitors full of hate and disgust to anything that does not peomote Except their own dark plans to control.

Thumb Binar 18:29 ,2015 شباط 26

"The Defense Ministry said in a statement that the deal, first announced in 2013, will supply French armored vehicles, warships, attack helicopters, munitions and communications gear.
The deal also includes training programs for the Lebanese army run by the French military."
What about surface to air missiles to defend the Lebanese air space ?
Just wondering...