شبطيني تعتبر أن لا رئيس "قبل اتفاق أيران وأميركا": حزب الله يدافع عن نفسه

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رأت وزيرة المهجرين أليس شبطيني الأحد أن ايران تعطل انتخاب رئيس الجمهورية حفاظا على حزب الله و أن "لا امكانية لانتخاب رئيس قبل توقيع الاتفاقية بينها وأميركا"، معتبرة من جهة أخرى أن الحزب "يتمسك عن سلاحه لأنه يدافع عن نفسه".

وقالت شبطيني في حوار لها مع صحيفة "اللواء" ينشر غدا الاثنين أنه "منذ تشكيل الحكومة اتفقنا على ان تؤخذ القرارات بالتوافق وهذا لا يعني الاجماع"، لافتة الى أن "الفيتو يقبل من الوزراء اذا كان لاسباب جدية وليس لاسباب شخصية وخلافات سياسية".

وعن عمل وزارتها، أوضحت شبطيني "ألح دائما على طلب المال لاعطائه لاصحاب الحقوق المهجرين كي اقفل هذا الدكان".

وتوقفت عند ملف رئاسة الجمهورية "لا امكانية لانتخاب رئيس قبل توقيع الاتفاقية بين ايران واميركا"، مشيرة الى أن "ايران تعطل انتخاب رئيس الجمهورية لانها ترغب بانتخاب رئيس يتوافق معها سياسيا كي لا ينزع سلاح حزب الله".

واجتمعت الحكومة الخميس الفائت بعدما كانت قد توقفت عن الاجتماع من 12 شباط الفائت وسط غرق البلد في حالة شغور رئاسي منذ 25 أيار 2014.

و أضافت شبطيني لـ "اللواء" "ميشال عون يساند حزب الله لانهما من الاقليات، وحزب الله يقاوم داعش اكثر من اسرائيل".

وإذ اعتبرت أن "حزب الله والشيعة والنظام السوري يدافعون عن معركة وجودهم، والحزب يتمسك بسلاحه لانه يدافع عن نفسه"، قالت شبطيني أنه "لا مانع من ان يكون لحزب الله سلاحه فهو لم يستخدمه في الداخل".

وسألت "بماذا ندافع عن لبنان اذا كان الجيش لا يملك السلاح وكذلك المقاومة"؟

وخلصت الى القول "اذا رضي حزب الله عن الخطة الامنية، تطبق في الضاحية الجنوبية. فهو اقوى من الدولة ومن الجيش".


التعليقات 47
Thumb Mystic 16:55 ,2015 آذار 08

Tayeb okay, now find a President that can accept the Resistance like Gen. Aoun, then we can all continue.

Missing greatpierro 17:18 ,2015 آذار 08

What about democracy?

Thumb Mystic 17:50 ,2015 آذار 08

There is no democracy around here, the people are not voting. Taef agreement is based on secterianism.

Thumb the_roar 17:52 ,2015 آذار 08

You know about democracy? which democracy? the democracy you posted against where the people vote for pres?

that democracy?

Missing helicopter 05:24 ,2015 آذار 09

HA arms are to prevent the Christians from exercising their rights under Taef and the General is sold out to failitate that ...... F.T. told me so.

Missing cedars 17:25 ,2015 آذار 08

I formed a resistance in my village when I was 10 yrs old, any kids who approached my streets, theyhad to abide by my rulings and kiss the ring, otherwise I stormed them with rocks and air guns at the time. Is this the country you want to live in? Have a state within another state, tap and listen on my phone calls because you are the resistance and only you know it better and call the shot on who is the enemy of the state. You are a part of the game but not the judge. Try to get that into your head.

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:51 ,2015 آذار 09

did you sacrifice yourself when kids from the other neighborhood came to massacre your and take your houses? sounds like you were a bratty bully, not a resistance.
ps: nobody else than the STL, m14 and their tool rifi tried to tap on everybody's phone calls.

Thumb Elemental 17:58 ,2015 آذار 08

A real deserving president wouldn't accept a foreign group pulling strings. Aoun is only "accepting" because if he speaks ill of your revolutionary guards, it's his family that pays the price: Memorandum of "understanding" very democratic!

Thumb the_roar 18:01 ,2015 آذار 08

You just lied once more...do you have no shame?

or your hatred allows you to lie so blatantly .

The only leader who suggested to allow the Lebanese people to vote directly was the General...you disagreed.
now tell us headbanger....who is waiting for outside influences?

lol @ m14ers getting very desperate indeed..bigger & bigger lies

Thumb Elemental 18:03 ,2015 آذار 08

Assuming I'm M14, that's a laugh, and coming from yet another foreigner? greater laugh. How are you your eminence? I see you're getting your usual ego fill for the evening.

Thumb the_roar 18:04 ,2015 آذار 08

No, I'm merely slapping you around..not so hard when your lies stick out like a sore thumb.

Thumb Elemental 18:07 ,2015 آذار 08

Right lol, enjoy your throne your highness, I'm sure you feel quite special today. Here's what you're seeing here folks, Iranians and an Australian who has never been to Lebanon yelling at a genuine Lebanese....kinda like what Hezbullah do on a routine basis. Foreigners pushing on natives of the land :).

Thumb the_roar 18:08 ,2015 آذار 08

Yes I'm Australian but you're no Lebanese.

But I am still entitled to show up your blatant lies.

not that hard I must say..you're a compulsive liar.

Thumb Elemental 18:09 ,2015 آذار 08

You're entertaining with your NPD my good foreign sir.

Thumb the_roar 18:12 ,2015 آذار 08

You no longer could debate the lies you started I see, so now you moved to your BS tactic of distortion.

oh well ..distort away m14er..I'm sure the Guest distorters will arrive soon to help you distort some more.
lol@ failed m14ers

Thumb Elemental 18:15 ,2015 آذار 08

Coming from an arrogant foreigner who has never been here, you wouldn't get it. I could care less about M14 or your precious M8. You clearly have no clue how it works here, yet you were the one who began insulting, nice work with the NPD.

Thumb the_roar 18:17 ,2015 آذار 08

No one needs to insult a liar like you..you do a perfect job all by yourself.

Now learn who offered the Pres be elected by the vote of the Lebanese people directly with no outside influences & who refused & is awaiting outside orders.

move along liar.

Thumb Elemental 18:20 ,2015 آذار 08

Ok there my Aussie foreigner :) feel good about yourself tonight?

Thumb the_roar 18:22 ,2015 آذار 08

Oh I feel G8 my ISis lover friend.

Thumb Elemental 18:23 ,2015 آذار 08

ISIS and HA are garbage, you're so pre-programmed, I wonder who influenced you ;)

Thumb the_roar 18:24 ,2015 آذار 08

Facts headbanger...only allow facts to steer your course.

not lies as you have demonstrated so clearly.

Thumb Elemental 18:27 ,2015 آذار 08

I'm sure, not only do you have a severe NPD, but also psychiatric splitting, I really hope you get the proper treatment. "Facts" lol and who begain insulting whom? I'm dealing with a spoiled brat here, did I "insult" your buddies?

Thumb the_roar 18:30 ,2015 آذار 08

No you lied...you're a compulsive liar..all I did was refute your lies

so far you have done absolutely nothing to defend your lie because you know I toasted you with some simple truths.

now you resort to what m14 know best,...distortion.

pfft @ failed m14 liars.

Thumb Elemental 18:32 ,2015 آذار 08

Always have to have the "Last word" huh? I hope you're happy with your ego boost for the day :) Rest on your throne down in Australia with pride knowing you "know" better than the people who are genuinely from here :)

Thumb the_roar 18:34 ,2015 آذار 08

I only intend on showing this forum & the readers what a habitual liar you are.

You lied , I refuted it...now you're crying about it.


Thumb Elemental 18:37 ,2015 آذار 08

Where did I lie? All they see is a poor soul from Australia with NPD going off as if he knows all. And no, I'm not "crying" but whatever makes you feel special my foreign friend :)

Thumb the_roar 18:41 ,2015 آذار 08

lol & you think others need help?

G8 debating skills on show from m14ers once again..they start a lie then you refute it, then for the next hour they go on about anything & everything except what was refuted.


Thumb Elemental 18:44 ,2015 آذار 08

More M14 assumptions, the psychiatric splitting is strong in this one.

Thumb the_roar 18:49 ,2015 آذار 08

since you're the sane one in this debate, why have you avoided the lie you started? simple ...you have been TOASTED !

Let me give you some free advise headbanger...when you lie, your debate becomes very weak as is most evident here.
you won;t need to distort & cry about it if you learned to stop telling lies.

ok sane headbanger?

Thumb Elemental 18:51 ,2015 آذار 08

It's a bigger fact than you can ever comprehend my Aussie friend, I'm not gonna debate with a poor egocentric foreigner about things he knows nothing about.

Thumb the_roar 18:53 ,2015 آذار 08

another lie...if what you claim resembled an ounce of truth, you would not be replying with such dedication....but your replies is not of the debate which you got toasted on, so you moved it to distortion.

move along liar.

Thumb Elemental 18:55 ,2015 آذار 08

Ok my foreign and easily influenced friend. I hope you get the proper treatment you sorely need. Enjoy your throne ;)

Thumb the_roar 18:57 ,2015 آذار 08

no problem my Isis lover friend.. try not to lie though.

today you got toasted because of your lies...

Thumb Elemental 19:06 ,2015 آذار 08

Whatever floats your boat my foreign and easily influenced friend with a sorely needed therapy. ISIS and HA are both garbage, try to break beyond your psychiatric programming and assumptions, it's entertaining yet I feel incredibly sorry for you at the same time.

Thumb the_roar 19:10 ,2015 آذار 08

You still avoid the lie you started ...why?

tell us who asked for the Lebanese to vote directly & elect a Pres with no outside influence & who refused it?

you claimed Aoun wants outside influence.. answer the first part & you will see your nothing but a liar.

Thumb Elemental 19:12 ,2015 آذار 08

His devotion to the outside influence is enough, now please carry on with your ranting, or go to bed, it's late over there...wow that's sad.

Thumb the_roar 19:14 ,2015 آذار 08

So you can;t answer the question ?

as I thought...you;re nothing but a liar who thrives on hate & lies.

Thumb Elemental 19:14 ,2015 آذار 08

Ok there buddy lol.

Thumb the_roar 17:04 ,2015 آذار 08

loyal to a failed ex President....enough said.

move along your irrelevance !

Missing cedars 17:28 ,2015 آذار 08

Ex is failed because in his last days he told the truth that hizbollah is sticking to the wooden game? You see anyone who says the truth is always failed and evil in your eyes. The president was ok when hizbollah ate lunch in Baabda and signed the treaty not to interfer in foreign wars as in Syria. Then when assad and Iran ordered you to help them, the president became a failed one.

Thumb the_roar 17:51 ,2015 آذار 08

wrong cedar, in fact very wrong.

I posted from day one he was a failure...from the day he came to be Pres which was against the constitution right to the end where he shackled the LAF's hands.

but honesty is not what I expect from you or any m14er.

Missing humble 19:27 ,2015 آذار 08

The Boar...you are just bull shitting...you are never answering straightforward...answer on the facts of the Caporal.
Your silence equates approval.

Thumb Elemental 19:38 ,2015 آذار 08

But I'm sure they'd want us to ignore that obvious fact.

Thumb the_roar 20:08 ,2015 آذار 08

If you believed what you posted Gabby, then why not allow the Lebanese people to vote directly & remove any possible outside interference?

oh hold on it was the General who proposed making it just for the Lebanese
& it was Geagea & m14 who refused it...so do you Gabby.

Only the General has given Lebanon the purest option of electing a Lebanese President by Lebanese...yet you m14ers oppose it & then whine about outside interference.

Thumb Elemental 20:11 ,2015 آذار 08

Ok there buddy, wow it must be late there, guarding on your throne from down under.

Missing peace 20:35 ,2015 آذار 08

"why not allow the Lebanese people to vote directly & remove any possible outside interference?"

you know perfectly well that it is impossible... just a populist wish

Thumb Elemental 20:28 ,2015 آذار 08

Why do I have a bad feeling she's gonna be assassinated?