عرض فيلم تركي يسبب اشكالا خلال تحرك نظمه شبان أرمن في الـ ABC

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نفذ شبان من حزب الطاشناق الأربعاء تحركا تطور الى اشكال احتجاجا على عرض فيلم تركي بعنوان "الرسالة الأخيرة" بحضور سفير تركيا في مجمع الـ ABC أشرفية.

وقد تطوّر الإعتصام بحسب قناة الـ LBCI إلى تدافع وتضارب بين من كانوا يشاهدون الفيلم وبين المعتصمين.

وأفادت قناة الـmtv عن "تضارب بالايدي في الـ ABC بعد منع شبان من الطائفة الارمنية عرض فيلم تركي في صالات السينما".

الا ان عرض الفيلم استكمل بحسب القناة عينها بحضور سفير تركيا.

وحضرت القوى الأمنية وأقفلت المجمّع لمدة حوالى الساعة وفرّقت المعتصمين.

وأوضح "الطاشناق" ملابسات ما جرى، وقال في بيان صدر عنه ان "قطاع الشباب ومصلحة الطلاب في الحزب نظم تحركا سلميا في مجمع الـ ABC في الاشرفية، رفضا لعرض فيلم تركي".

وصدر عن التحرك بيان بعنوان "سخافة تركية جديدة... وهذه المرة باستخفاف عقول اللبنانيين".

واضاف البيان "وها نحن اليوم في بيروت امام مشهد تركي انتهازي جديد، الا وهو عرض فيلم SON MEKTUP في صالات السينما اللبنانية"، معتبرا أن العرض مجرد "انتاج تركي دعائي ليس الا".

وشرح ان الفيلم "يسرد هذه المرحلة من التاريخ العثماني الدموي والظالم، بحيث يجهد عباقرة هذه السفارة المشؤومة والعاملين في غرفها السوداء، الى القيام بخطوة ظاهرها بريء ولكن باطنها واهدافها مجبولة بالخبث التركي الأصيل".

ويروي الفيلم قصة طيار تركي شاب يقع بغرام ممرضة خلال معركة "غاليبولي" عام 1915 التي انتصرت فيها السلطنة العثمانية على الحلفاء في الحرب العالمية الاولى.

و يحتفل الاتراك بذكرى المعركة التي اندلعت في 25 نيسان، في نفس أو اليوم التالي التي يحيي فيه الارمن ذكرى المجازر التي تعرضوا لها في 24 نيسان من كل عام.

ويعتبر 25 نيسان عطلة وطنية في تركيا التي يعتبرها الارمن أنها ارتكبت "إبادة جماعية" بحقهم، الامر الذي ترفض الاعتراف به أنقرة.

وبدأت معركة "غاليبولي" بانزال نفذته قوات انكليزية ونيوزيلاندية واسترالية وفرنسية في شبه جزيرة غاليبولي الواقعة حاليا في شمال غرب تركيا وهدف يومها الى فتح مضيق الدردنيل لنقل الحرب الى قلب السلطنة العثمانية، حليفة المانيا في الحرب العالمية الاولى.

وبعد تسعة أشهر من القتال اضطر الحلفاء الى التراجع تاركين خلفهم 180 الف قتيل، في حين سطع نجم الكولونيل مصطفى كمال، الذي اعلن لاحقا في 1923 قيام الجمهورية التركية.


التعليقات 20
Missing aounophobia 22:27 ,2015 آذار 18

Armenians are not worthy to live in our country, since they turned against the real lebanese resistance (read Bachir and co.) and allied themselves with the archennemies the syrians and their puppets like michel murr all those years. TFEH


Default-user-icon serouj b (ضيف) 01:18 ,2015 آذار 19

You are an idiot. THEF. shame on you.
Learn your history before you open your mouth next time.

Default-user-icon CFTC (ضيف) 10:47 ,2015 آذار 19

because you think you are a 'real' Lebanese? please let me laugh. i would rather say you are a pefect idiot and/or a troll (...'and' most probably)

Missing sanctify 11:51 ,2015 آذار 19

You're right. Armenians are responsible for all the country's problems, from water and power shortages to the presidential vacancy, not forgetting the inter-maronite divisions and the sunni-shiite tensions.

Thumb megahabib 12:00 ,2015 آذار 19

The only people in the Middle East who benefited from Turkish occupation were the Sunnis. Any pro-Turkish Christian or Shia is a traitor.

Thumb lebanon_first 22:40 ,2015 آذار 18

Armenian are the only minority in lebanon that are contributing to our society and economy.

Think Syrian, Palestinian vs. Armenian. A world of difference.

Missing bold 10:41 ,2015 آذار 19

I do agree with lebanon_first. In general, Armenian imigrants did only good to the country.
Now there are exceptions within every community.
ABC is a privately owned land and performing a demo inside is not only illegal but a complete lack of respect. On another hand, freedom of expression should apply once for all in this country. The same way we are upset when a movie about Christians or Muslims, etc is banned, we should be upset when a bunch of immature tried to stop the Turkish movie at ABC.
Last but not least, it has been 100 years since the genocide happened. While we should never forget and make sure horrible history marks do not happen again, it is about time we move on...

Default-user-icon Hagop (ضيف) 15:37 ,2015 آذار 19

we will NEVER move on until its recognize NEVER EVER so take that out of your head....no matter where we live , no matter where were born we will forver be Armenian first and we will never stop fighting for our right......

Thumb just-lebanese 22:52 ,2015 آذار 18

God bless all the Lebanese (and Arab world) in their struggle for freedom of speech, choice, religion, etc.

Default-user-icon Dave (ضيف) 22:56 ,2015 آذار 18

God bless all Armenians in their struggle against Turkish genocide denying, that said it does not give anyone the right to attack movie goers especially that the movie has nothing to do with the Armenian genocide..

Default-user-icon visitor (ضيف) 00:28 ,2015 آذار 19

The Ottoman empire elevated and oppressed minorities according to its whims, and played them against one another. It was an equal opportunity oppressor. The Armenians were the last to be attacked in the last days of the empire. But so did many others before them. That's why the Middle East is a mishmash of displaced minorities. The Ottomans were not alone. Their neighbor the Russian empire did the same thing. Divide and conquer.

Default-user-icon serouj b (ضيف) 01:20 ,2015 آذار 19

Tfeh 3aleyk.

Missing Ned_Stark_7ay_Fina 09:02 ,2015 آذار 19

Turkey is a main funder and the main infiltrator of Isis recruts into syria responsible of thousands of murders of innocents.

History repeats itself, i fully support the tashnag movement here, Even though they should have protested at the embassy instead of ABC who wrongfully paid the price.

Default-user-icon Jonathan (ضيف) 09:47 ,2015 آذار 19

I fully support the Armenian public for that matter, even if I have some criticism over how they acted during the Lebanese civil war. but the matter of fact is: History repeat itself, if the Turks are now innocent how come they are indifferent about opening their borders for new ISIS recruits to get inside the Islamic State from their front.

In fact Erdugan dreams of reviving the Ottomon Empire which was by the way the Ancient Islamic Caliphate even if at the moment ISIS seems to be much more horrendous they are not way worse than the Turks. Let's not forget that ISIS destroyed all the tombs of the prophets while they never touched the Tomb of that Turkish "Shah", why, because they wouldn't dare since their actual providers are the Turks and they are the ones buying fossil fuel from them.

all what is happening right now in ISIS, is the same happening in BOKO HARAM, the same pattern repeating itself over the middle east and even the world is the Rise of Evil

Default-user-icon Jonathan (ضيف) 09:28 ,2015 آذار 19

This is Jihad and Shariaa Law in Islam by the way

Default-user-icon 7abboob (ضيف) 09:59 ,2015 آذار 19

LBC, MTV and other channels play crappy Turkish Soap Operas ALL THE DAMN TIME! I wish they protested that!

Missing sanctify 11:17 ,2015 آذار 19

I wish all of Lebanon's problems were at this magnitude.

Thumb Maxx 13:26 ,2015 آذار 19


Thumb Maxx 13:27 ,2015 آذار 19

Weren't we also Ottomans in 1915?

Default-user-icon harout demirdjian (ضيف) 16:40 ,2015 آذار 19

this film is a political tool & Turkey is cynically shifting the date to overshadow ceremonies expected in Armenia and across the world to remember the 100th anniversary of the mass killings of Ottoman Armenians by Ottoman forces in World War I...this means they had killed their own subjects and citizens instead of protecting them as stipulated in international laws. 2- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarkis_Torossian for one hundred years the modern Turkish government was promoting the idea that the Armenians were traitors and they fought with enemy forces against ottoman empire. only recently the government of Turkey spoke about Armenians who fought with the Turkish army against the invaders...http://www.independent.co.uk/.../the-armenian-hero-turkey...
in conclusion : the protest is not merely over a Turkish movie...