"المئات من مقاتلي حزب الله يتوجهون الى الداخل السوري"

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يقوم "حزب الله" في الآونة الاخيرة بنقل عدد من مقاتليه الى الداخل السوري، وسط مخاوف من "معركة الربيع"، وفق ما أفادت المعلومات الصحافية.

فقد نقلت صحيفة "المستقبل"، الاحد عن مصادر ميدانية، قولها ان حزب الله "ضخّ خلال الأيام الأخيرة مئات المقاتلين على متن سيارات نقل صغيرة جرى رصد عبورها تباعاً باتجاه الداخل السوري".

ولفتت الى ان أجواء الترقب "تسود المنطقة البقاعية ربطاً بالمخاوف من اندلاع معارك حدودية ضارية خلال الفترة المقبلة مع تحسّن أحوال الطقس".

يُذكر ان المعلومات الصحافية كانت قد أفادت عن ان مسلحي تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية الارهابي يستعدّون لشن "معركة الربيع"، مع تحسّن الاحوال الجوية وذوبان الثلج عن الجرود الحدودية.

ومن الجدير بالذكر ان "حزب الله" يشارك في القتال الدائر في سوريا منذ آذار 2011، الى جانب قوات نظام الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد.

يُشار الى ان الجيش اللبناني خاض مطلع شهر آب الفائت في بلدة عرسال البقاعية الحدودية مع سوريا معارك دامية مع مسلحي "النصرة" و"داعش" الذين انسحبوا بعد ايام معدودة. ومذ ذاك الحين تواجه القوى العسكرية محاولات التسلل من قبل مسلحين على حدود لبنان البقاعية والشمالية.

وكانت آخر المعارك، في وجه مسلحين حاولوا التسلل الى عرسال وجرود رأس بعلبك، حيث احبط الجيش تحركاتهم موقعاً في صفوفهم عدداً من القتلى.


التعليقات 48
Thumb EagleDawn 09:17 ,2015 آذار 22

“hundreds of Hizbullah fighters were transported into Syria in small vehicles.”

I am sure Abbas Ibrahim is unaware of the movement of these sectarian terrorists. Now that he has read this article, maybe he will take action and uphold the law that he preaches.

Default-user-icon Horus (ضيف) 14:54 ,2015 آذار 22

Last time they tried was in 1975, I don't think they would try it again.

Thumb Mystic 15:37 ,2015 آذار 22

Tribute to the Men of God, moving up to take the last remaining takfiri enclave in Qalamoun mountains -


Missing greatpierro 17:24 ,2015 آذار 22

hisbollah is going into syria to protect the assad regime and avoiding it to collapse.

Missing greatpierro 17:25 ,2015 آذار 22

hisbollah is going into syria to protect the assad regime and avoiding it to collapse.

Missing helicopter 19:34 ,2015 آذار 22

Unlike you Southern, Mystic, Mowaten, .... we never claimed loyalty to any entity other than our Lebanese holy flag. But the only way you can defend a lunatic entity like HA ois to accuse its opponents of being loayl to another lunatic organization like IS (keep on trying, you can do better than that).

Thumb justin 09:37 ,2015 آذار 22

Iranian owned sectarian militia does what it pleases right under the nose of our security forces. We are either all equal under the law or let's scrap the laws and be equal.

Thumb joebustani 09:42 ,2015 آذار 22

bless anyone person, entity, organization, brigade or country that inflicts pain and suffering, death, torture, and destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia and its members, supporters or followers wherever they may be.

Default-user-icon roukuz (ضيف) 09:47 ,2015 آذار 22

I often think of you and how you are managing to post as you lay in pieces and tranquility at your final resting place dear flamethrower.... RIP Shia Hero

Default-user-icon Al Manar (ضيف) 10:51 ,2015 آذار 22

Dear Flamethrower
Thank you for contacting us through @Mystic and forwarding your impressive resume'. Your long history and experience in propaganda are impressive indeed and fit in well with our objectives. We look forward to working with you and ushering in a new era of selective and unbiased reporting.

Thumb Mystic 12:42 ,2015 آذار 22

Great to see our beloved Men of God, are pushing forward, their strength and determination decides the faith of Lebanon, either we will become an ISIS state, or the Resistance will save us all. Period

Thumb Mystic 15:33 ,2015 آذار 22

Now you make me laugh again texas. Do you know what is happening at the Qalamoun mountains this minute? The takfiris are gearing up for their last stand, they know they have lost.

Now we will see about the weakness of your American policies in the middle east. How it will break so fast around you. It is not your time anymore texas, yet you try to make it look like as it is.

We will see how the takfiris, uses the LAF soldiers as hostages when the Resistance advances up the hill.

Thumb Mystic 15:54 ,2015 آذار 22

Pathetic one will be you, when you see that all your words on this here article. Will be for nothing, this enclave will soon be taken. This here enclave by the way, is where they keep the captured LAF soldiers.

Thumb Mystic 16:40 ,2015 آذار 22

The takfiris had this enclave in the mountains, for years. Even after the fall of Yabroud, they all managed to mass up there instead. Now that has to be cleansed aswell, just too bad that they are cowards using LAF soldiers as hostages instead of fighting fairly.

Missing greatpierro 17:22 ,2015 آذار 22

the best thing that could happen to lebanon is that both hizbollah and isis/nusra fight themselves until total annihilation.

Thumb kanaanljdid 18:05 ,2015 آذار 22

If you really believe in Hizbullah and if you are coherent, why didn't you go fighting there instead of publishing threads here like an hypocrite coward ?

Missing helicopter 19:29 ,2015 آذار 22

Nice try.
We doi not care to become an IS state nor a welayat faqih State. Stop dreaming and distorting who HA is. The holy Cedar is our only Flag.

Default-user-icon samleb@defacto (ضيف) 12:45 ,2015 آذار 22

well said @defacto

Thumb skeletor 12:48 ,2015 آذار 22

The extension to the west wing will come in handy and just in time for what I believe will be my best Spring ever.

Thumb Mystic 13:47 ,2015 آذار 22

Soon we will witness a great onslaught on the remaining takfiri enclave inside Qalamoun area. Hopefully the LAF soldiers held captives can be rescued, either that. Or the takfiris will use them as leverage and hostages to stop the Resistance from firing back.

Thumb Mystic 15:52 ,2015 آذار 22

Excuse me texas, is Assad still in power or not? Your people who said he would be finished 5 years ago. So who is the weak your takfiris sitting in a besieged enclave, or the Resistance moving up to take it?

Keep dreaming, await your mercenaries. They will be send back to you in jars. We will soon witness that.

Thumb Mystic 16:37 ,2015 آذار 22

Yes I do know, that this is the plan of the Western nations. To keep this war up as long as they can, this is bleeding them dry by the way.

They have spend alot of dollars on this fake revolution. They didn't succeed, the U.S already began to loose hope this month.

Thumb Mystic 17:22 ,2015 آذار 22

Yeah right, the so called Lethal & Non-lethal aid from the U.S to the takfiris has by far overcome half a billion dollars.


Even your own CNN media confirms that texas. When will you stop shooting yourself in the foot?

Missing humble 14:50 ,2015 آذار 22

Ebola is a disease eating our beautiful country to return it to middle ages.

Thumb Mystic 15:28 ,2015 آذار 22

Seems like your American masters mission, at toppling Assad. Was a failed task aswell.

Thumb Mystic 15:30 ,2015 آذار 22

Nice of you to wish the death of all Lebanese texas. That is what will happen if your dreams comes true.

Now watch, the next spring battle will be nothing ever seen before. The takfiris will become ashes you will see.

Thumb Mystic 15:52 ,2015 آذار 22

Funny how you fail to mention, whom kicked and humiliated the Lahd army out of Lebanon.

Default-user-icon jaafar ibn iblees (ضيف) 16:11 ,2015 آذار 22

is that a martyred jihadi iranian terrorist familia in techno color in your avatar?

Thumb Mystic 16:37 ,2015 آذار 22

Very cute question, comes from the cowards themselves. You know nothing about my whereabouts, or where I have been. You do not know my past history, neither my present one.

Just keep wishing for takfiri victories, you wretches.

Thumb justin 16:46 ,2015 آذار 22

judging by how much time you spend on naharnet and how much spam you produce, I doubt you are anywhere but in a hezbollah propaganda office.

Thumb Mystic 17:28 ,2015 آذار 22

The more you doubt, the merrier for me. You can see me as a wuus, an insect or a terrorist for all I care. I will remain here so far, to keep my stings on you takfiri cheerleaders, which has succeeded thus far and that is a perfect result of the personal comments you throw with right now, very good indeed.

An Nahar newspaper aswell, needs some butt kicking once in a while, just to remind them they reside in Beirut, Lebanon the land of Resistance. Not the Wahabi Kingdom of Riyadh.

Default-user-icon CFTC (ضيف) 16:49 ,2015 آذار 22

@samleb, E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T comment. I am laughing so much. Thank you thank you

Thumb megahabib 18:30 ,2015 آذار 22

Lebanese Army and Hezbollah combined could wipe out ISIL. But The Saudi cronies in Lebanon won't let it happen.

Thumb megahabib 18:44 ,2015 آذار 22

Is that why we hear about ISIS kidnapping Lebanese and Syria daily inside Lebanon?

Thumb megahabib 18:44 ,2015 آذار 22

Is that why we hear about ISIS kidnapping Lebanese and Syria daily inside Lebanon?

Thumb megahabib 18:44 ,2015 آذار 22

Is that why we hear about ISIS kidnapping Lebanese and Syria daily inside Lebanon?

Missing helicopter 19:26 ,2015 آذار 22

Stop elevating HA above ISIS SamIran. HA and ISIS are both low Sectarian criminals.

Missing helicopter 19:27 ,2015 آذار 22

I am with you syaing may ISIS fighters turn into ashes. Where we differ is wishing the same for HA. Only the LAF are legitimate defenders of Lebanon.

Thumb liberty 19:29 ,2015 آذار 22

I hope they never come back and if the do, only in body bags.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 20:34 ,2015 آذار 22

can wait for it to happen, hope the will get good tv or video coverage of the fierce battles so everyone will watch the battle field

Missing mark 22:48 ,2015 آذار 22

Hope they will be able to kill all IS terrorists, and hope also none of themcome back alive to Lebanon. This will be these good riddance of both filthy animals.

Thumb westernlebanese 23:29 ,2015 آذار 22

Death to HA, ASSAD, ISIS, NUSRA, IRAN... PEACE AND FREEDOM WILL BE THE WINNER. now watch the houthis call me isis, or israeli supporter.. just because i Push ad ask god for freedom.

Missing humble 23:36 ,2015 آذار 22

Caporal is now kissing the hand of KSA and Hariri.
Followers of Caporal, shut your mouth and follow the liar who is cheating you.

Thumb shab 00:13 ,2015 آذار 23

Filthy murdering militia in body bags

Thumb EagleDawn 07:46 ,2015 آذار 23

Assad is not using and never used barrel bombs according to the paid mouthpiece mowaten. He is using "barrel shaped" bombs to give them an artistic look.

Thumb shab 13:22 ,2015 آذار 23

Yes to honor Muallem

Default-user-icon pofe (ضيف) 18:27 ,2015 آذار 23

Ur wahhabis arab, all of the world there is is tired of u. European, east, west, africa, asia and even south amrrican countries dislike u. I have some european freinds. They got now how problematic and dangerous a sunni arab is. No one, christian, buddhist, hinduist and other muslims trust u.

Default-user-icon balle (ضيف) 18:31 ,2015 آذار 23

Everyplace there is wahhabi there is potential problems and boms for socity, no matter if europe, asia, africa or south america