عون: ما نراه اليوم أنه ما من بلد في العالم مد يده على لبنان إلا ويتقاصص
Read this story in Englishأكد رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون عزم التيار الوطني الحر على إكمال مسيرة الشهداء "لاننا مؤتمنين على مسيرتهم ولن ننحني لاي مذلة" مشيرا إلى أن كل بلد مد يده على لبنان "يتقاصص" اليوم.
وقال عون في ذكرى شهداء 13 تشرين الأول 1990 "المشهد الذي نراه اليوم يؤكد أنه ما من بلد في العالم مد يده الى لبنان الا ويتقاصص، لم نكن يوما معتدين في أي مكان بل كنا ندافع عن ذاتنا وندافع عن الوجود لذلك بقى موقعنا قوي وضميرنا مرتاح".
وإذ أشار عون إلى أن "قوة المسيحية لا تأتي بالدبابات انما بعدم الخوف من الدبابات" أردف:"الذين استشهدوا قبلنا هم دين علينا".
وأضاف:"نحن اليوم في صراع قوي ونحن ملزمين ببناء دولة التي لا تبنى الا على معايرين، المعيار الاخلاقي والقيمي والمعيار القانوني وطالما هناك ناس بالمسؤولية لا يحترمون هذه المعايير هناك صعوبة ببناء الدولة ويبقى الصراع من اجل ان تنتصر هذه القيم".
وعليه تمنى عون على الكنيسة "ان تكون مساعدة لنا لتأمين احترام هاذين المعيارين وفيهما تندرج كل القيم".
ولفت رئيس التيار الوطني الحر إلى أن إحدى "الفضائل المسيحية" التي تمتع بها التيار هي "أننا حافظنا على المحبة ولم نتعامل مع الناس بحقد ولم نستسلم للحقد ولا للثار، تغلبنا على الحواجز وعدنا للتعامل مع الجميع".
remember... in january 2005 aoun was denouncing the syrian aoccupation, the arsenal of the hezb claiming it s a factor of destabilization, and the arsenal of the palestinians... now he is defending them.... ironic isn t it?
in october 2003, he told the Magazine "why should we be ashamed of asking the help of the Americans to preserve our sovereignty and independance? "
now he is fiercly against them.... ironic isn t it?
in nov 2003 he declared to le Figaro: "syria is responsible for the massacre of thousands of lebanese, the destruction of many northern villages, of assassinations of MPs, of journalists, of political figures...." now he is defending the syrian regime... ironic isn t it?
on radio liban liberte he declared that lebanon will never be able to have good relations with syria till the assad regime remains... now he visits them and tell us it is a good regime... ironic isn t it...
see how this man is...
Lebanon is being pnished. The Hezz found a dancing fool to be the mouthpiece for their propaganda. The perfect fool who takes money and stabs his own community in the back.
Lebanon is being pnished. The Hezz found a dancing fool to be the mouthpiece for their propaganda. The perfect fool who takes money and stabs his own community in the back.
How can you become a Martyr if you keep running away from the battle?
Everything he is stating contradict what he really does.
The power of Aoun does not come from tanks but from hezbollah and from his gullible followers.
This man has caused the death of many lebanese and the destruction of many neighborhouds. He now stands to speak in memory of his desertion! How can people accept his lies?
Finally he spit the beans:
He means Syria is being punished as much as Israel was punished.
Well done Keep it that way.
Do not forget Micho that there is a trial awaiting you in charges of ethic cleansing.
@Bandoul you are so right! I agree the moderators, at least some are part of Aoun's rubbish.
YOU ARE THE ONE WHO'S GONNA BE PUNISHED, you and Frodo ur son-in-law
ur just a crazy old schyzo psycho, who says 1 thing and does the complete opposite
Who is punishing the killers and assassinating machine of the Leb figures?
Let me remind you: Eid, Gemayel,Tueni, Kassir, Hawi and Harriri.
Two days ago you wanted to punish and bring to justice those who will fund the STL which WE voted for to bring and punish those who you said today need to be punished. you devised the word of truth.
Can you imagine if the Hezb were to disconnet from Aoun...
He would be left hanging high and dry and nobody to support him he would probably wither away and die....
hope he chokes on something while he's giving one these maniac speeches... snake..
the ally of our glorious resistance said something and than rabid dogs from zionist information war department went on barking and howling, and growling...
HABAL AMEL, the regime in Syria is falling man.. it is just a matter of time now.. Iran will also suffer internal dissent and follow the Arab spring. Dictatorships that do not deliver freedoms to their peoples can not deliver the freedom to the Palestenians. Aoun is a loser, you are too young and you did not see how he used to cuss hafez assad and how he ran like a rat to the french embassy in beirut. It is time for all the lebanese to build the state together, and enough zionist this and zionist that, if israel is really the issue and not some sectarian conflict, explain to me what follows: HOW COME FAYEZ KARAM GETS ONLY TWO YEARS IN JAIL !!?!?! is this the penalty of HELPING THE "ZIONISTS"!?!? so SHUT UP!