الحريري: ايران تعمل منذ سنين على استنساخ حزب الله في اليمن
Read this story in Englishاكد رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري ان ايران تعمل "منذ سنين على استنتساخ حزب الله في اليمن" معتبراً ان عاصفة الحزم وجدت لـ"منع هذا الخطأ"، كما رفض من جهة اخرى "استدراج تلفزيون لبنان الى فخ المشاركة في حفلة الشتائم" ضد السعودية.
وفي بيانٍ اصدره مكتبه الاعلامي الاربعاء، رأى الحريري ان "ايران تريد استنساخ النموذج اللبناني في اليمن ، وتعمل منذ سنين على ان يكون تنظيم أنصار الله الحوثي نسخة عن حزب الله".
وكان السفير السعودي في واشنطن عادل الجبير، وخلال مشاركته في ندوة عقدت بمقر الكونغرس الأميركي، قد اعرب عن تخوف بلاده من تحول الحوثيين الى نسخة من حزب الله في اليمن، قائلاً: " في لبنان ميليشيا حزب الله تسيطر على الدولة ولا نريد أن يحدث مثل هذا الأمر في اليمن عن طريق الحوثيين".
وتستهدف الحملة العسكرية للتحالف العربي بقيادة السعودية منذ 26 آذار الحوثيين الشيعة المرتبطين بايران والقوات الموالية للرئيس السابق علي عبدالله صالح، وذلك تحت اسم "عاصفة الحزم".
من هنا، اوضح الحريري ان المملكة العربية السعودية تعمل على معالجة هذه المشكلة حتى اللحظة الاخيرة "بالوسائل السياسية والدعوات المعقودة على الحوار ولكن من دون جدوى".
بناءً عليه، اعتبر رئيس المستقبل ان "عاصفة الحزم والتحالف العربي المشترك وجدا لمنع وقوع اليمن في الخطأ الذي وقع فيه لبنان".
كذلك، اشاد الحريري بدعم السعودية للبنان، قائلاً عبر البيان: "التاريخ قد كتب وسيكتب بحروفٍ من ذهب ما قدمته المملكة العربية السعودية الى لبنان، ولن يكون في مقدور الابواق المسمومة ان تغيّر من هذه الحقيقة او ان تتمكن من تشويهها".
ومن هذا المنطلق، تطرق الحريري الى قضية تلفزبون لبنان، معتبراً انه " لم يكن ينقص لبنان والمشاكل التي يراكمها حزب الله على رؤوس اللبنانيين، سوى إقحام تلفزيون لبنان في حلبة الملاكمة الإعلامية والسياسية".
ورفض الحريري الصمت "غير المبرر وغير الجائز في هذا الشأن"، لا سيما انه " تم استدراجه الى فخ المشاركة في حفلة الشتائم ضد المملكة العربية السعودية وقيادتها".
وفي السياق عينه، اعرب رئيس تيار المستقبل عن اسفه "لأنه يتم استغلال لبنان الى هذا الحد" مندداً بأن "تكون بعض منابرنا شريكة لمنابر السفّاح بشار الاسد (الرئيس السوري) في الاساءة للدولة".
يُذكر ان تلفزيون بنان كان قد نقل عن "الاخبارية السورية" الاثنين، مقابلة مع أمين عام حزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله يهاجم فيها السعودية، ما دفع بوزير الاعلام رمزي جريج ان يعلن اتخاذه "تدابير بحق" هذه القناة.
وكان نصرالله قد أكد خلال المقابلة ان "هزيمة كبرى" ستلحق بالمملكة العربية السعودية في عاصفة الحزم في اليمن. ورأى ان كل حروب السعودية في المنطقة فشلت، وحتى الآن لم يتحقق أي شيء من الأهداف التي وضعت عبر القصف الجوي، وهذا يؤكد الفشل الكبير للعدوان السعودي الأميركي"، مشيرا الى ان "من انجازات الحرب السعودية دعم داعش والقاعدة في اليمن".
between the Swedish prime minister and president Obama and you mr harriri , the right and independent mind will believe the words of the two western leaders
god bless democracy
Lebanon can choose to give the Shia majority civil rights now peacefully or have it imposed on you a bit later. By "Lebanon" I obviously refer to the four or five warlords who cash the checks from KSA and NATO.
Giving the shia civil right? can u enphasise? Elaborate? What civil right more than sunis do u think they diserve?? This if u are talking about parlementary seats (in 3 rd ; sunis and shia will get both more seats while christian less)....
Or were u thinking of a civil state with civil mariage? Gender equality?... Hezbos wanted that all that time and we just didnot get it???
chrisrushlau - The Shia are a majority in Lebanon. At most, they are the largest sect followed by Sunnis. But I seem to agree with you ' By "Lebanon" I obviously refer to the four or five warlords who cash the checks from KSA and NATO.' Those cashing checks from Iran hardly qualify as Lebanese.
We can all agree that Hariri may not be the best speaker in Lebanon. But the prize for the demagoguery goes to:
Exactly man how smart are u, and to counter actack iran ordered their secular guy to not go to parlementary sessions and leave the country without a president...
M14 simply can't understand, that the free people wants to break the Saudi shackles tied to their legs, that is why the Saudi wahabis made such a desperate move on Yemen.
Please Mystic what about the huthis shooting on innocent peaceful civilians demonstrating on the street against the armed agression of the huthis on public and government institutions? Is this freedom?
What peaceful protests were those? They are armed people financed by Saudi and Hadi the fugitive. Saudi Arabia used tanks to assist the corrupted Bahraini government and rolled over protest camps there, nobody said anything back then.
الهدف من بندقية حزب الله كان المساهمة بإنشاء مشروع ولاية الفقيه والامبراطورية الفارسية. أما مواضيع العداء النظري لإسرائيل والمتاجرة بفلسطين وقضيتها، فكانت جزءاً من عدّة الشغل
Southern - Nasrallah expressed his opinion with a total disregard to the Lebanese national interest. Hariri expressed his opinion in the defense of Lebanese national interest. People can choose who to support! The difference between Hariri and Nasrallah is that only one is willing to impose his will in total disregard to the national institutions, drag the countries into war, overthrow government by force, assassinate opponents, ...
LOL ya ArabTheocrat, hariri only speaks in defense of his kind and master, don't forget he is saudi by birth and education.
And if he finds it "shameful" to use medias to voice opinions, why is he constantly tweeting verbal attacks and hate? Is it just his masters and kings that cannot be criticized?
And finally, I dont see what the problem would be if Yemen was "turned into Lebanon"?
If Yemen became 10% like Lebanon it would already be far better off than what the Saudis did to it. Nobody could do worse to Yemen than Saudis did by excluding them from the GCC because they are too poor, stealing their resources, and using them like slaves & cattle ( https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=867289179976370 )
“Lebanon has been dealing with this error on the basis of safeguarding national interests, averting strife, and preventing further Iranian meddling in our daily life,” he explained.
>> what meddling? all i see is oily kings giving us their "instructions" and placing their "vetoes" all over our political decisions
“It is our duty to also not remain silent over the major and minor voices that are harming Saudi Arabia and its leadership,” he stated.
>> that's the only thing he cares about, faithful puppy to his masters.
sick minds... is it the same mufti who had this other fantastic idea?
Mowaten - All of those replies and you did not deal with a single point I made. Not one. Hundreds of thousands of Lebanese work in the Gulf. Billions of dollars have been given to the Lebanese government by Gulf countries. Where is the national interest in alienating these countries? It shows yet again that Nasrallah and the HA care only for their masters in Tehran and not for the average Lebanese who is struggling to make a living in the impossible conditions created by Hezbollah.
(1). Here we are, Lebanese arguing against each other for the KSA and Iran. Interesting, very interesting how much heart you fellows put into it. I have yet to see one damn Iranian or one damn Saudi who argues with his own brother respectively for us Lebanese, not one, not now not ever. But we Lebanese, we're so good at it, the next thing is we will carry guns and shoot at each other because of the NON-Lebanese. Haven't we done that already for the PLO and Arafat? haven't we done that for Hafez Al Assad then continued in the tradition for his son Bachar? Haven't we shot at each other for Iran's Ayatollah's? Or for the Saudi kings? Or for the monarchs of the Gulf? Lebanon sure has a flag, an anthem, is made up of 10,452 sq.kms. Lebanon sure is inhabited by a supposed 4 million Lebanese, but Lebanon is not in the hearts of most Lebanese, what is in the hearts of most Lebanese are NON-Lebanese countries.
(1). BJ, you failed to read from history's records. The LF, then Kataeb did not choose Israel by sheer coincidence, that world you mentioned was all against us Christians. yes, you are right, Christians like most humans are divided, (circa Amal Hezbollah wars) to cite one of many examples of human nature. Bachir united our ranks, even if forcefully so and we lived under One command for years. We bought our weapons BJ, no one gave us much. We sewed our uniforms, and I was one who wore that uniform with pride for it represented the fight against those who wanted us Christians out of the way to make a substitute Palestinian state. Our disunity came about the agents that Syria used against us, Elie Hobeika or HK, the Michel Aoun or the Claoun. They tried first with HK, it didn't work, then they got us Aoun the claoun, and he did the job for Syria
(2). BJ. HK is gone, wou Allah maye reddoh, but Aoun, ah yes, that evil claoun is still around and hoping to be president of lebanon, so that he could finish the job. But you see, that won't happen. You see BJ, Kataeb, Al A7rar, Al Rabtah Al Marouniyeh, in brief, the LF, they did not happen for the pleasure of it, it happened when Christians are cornered, the LF are the circled wagons of the true Lebanese Resistance and not some Charlie Chaplin comedy movie like Hezbollah. We don't aspire to build a micky mouse state, we step in to preserve it. I wish we were an island BJ, because we would not have had that trash called Syria or Iran or anything of the like peddling their rubbish on us. Finally, this is where you made your worst mistake by good BJ, no one can swallow us and hope to digest us, you forgot, we are Lebanese, anyone who tried to swallow us had to spit us out, look at Syria now, and you will understand why.
phoenix bro, you are much older than me, i know. but why bother argue with these traitors who co-operate with the devil against their own. This so called john is a syrian baathist who forgets if it were not for the Lebanese Forces everybody in Lebanon would be speaking arabic with a thick Syrian accent. Cheers and Beers bro.
(2). Hezbollah will fight for Syria and Iran, other Lebanese parties will fight for the KSA, hence and so forth, but who are the ones who will fight for Lebanon these days, whom? I guess the time has now come when we have to start our anthem with "Koulouna lil ghourbeyyeh, lil Houthis woul Wahabiyeh..." and put on our currency the heads of the Saudi monarch and Iran's Ayatollahs. OK, now people, watch how the accusations and counter accusations will fly, so predictable they have become.
Naharnet censoring the Saudi mufti! They might get some complaints from the shareholders lol
I don't think saad believes in freedom of press, just have a look at his country saudia and see how free their speech and press are.
And he never complained about it, so I guess he is satisfied with it.
ya mowaten you are a shining example of freedom of press. I love to read one article without having to see your disgusting propaganda polluting this forum.
do you have a life other then being on this forum 24/7 making fake names and making yourself look good?? There is a life out there you know.
Well tric thank you for not bringing "the christians of the levant" , really it is nice of you for a change..
Now to answer your question, probably never listen what aoun himself really think about assad and hezbos:
Mr. Hariri:
Your inaction, gullibility, and poor leadership coupled with bad advice from walid joumblatt allowed hezbollah and Iran to take control of Lebanon. The Yemeni people are doing what you did not dare to do and that is standing up to the iranian style hezbollah and defending their country with blood. After they surrounded your residence on May 7th, you went to Doha and signed an agreement with them and later formed a joint government with them. You will never learn and if Lebanon is to get out of this crisis, you need to go and let someone else take the reigns.
Thank you and I hope you read my comments.
just amazes me who has the time and energy to do this if he was not on someone's payroll. It is so funny because it seems to be done by the same person who creates a new account per comment and votes himself up. I read naharnet twice a day and I skim over comments to have a feel for what people think. For some time now, you will find the usual 2 yellow/orange posters and maybe 10-15 anti HA posters. Yet, the two usual yellow posters have 20 up votes:) Add to it the usual insults and derailing. Sure signs of weakness.. have a good evening.
As a leftist why don't you go live in North Korea and practice your freedom of Speech instead of living in the USA posting at 4 a.m Beirut time.
Bigjohn u seem frustrated, i'm sure all lebanese support democratic assad, secular hezbollah and very progressist suprem leadder ayatollah al khomaini... Don't listen to this wahabi hariri he wants to impose charia on us, nothing to be compared to baalbak/tyr fiestas organised by hezbollah...
And anyway the rest that donnot agree with nassy are just wahabi/zionists/imperialist/neo nazy...
Relax man, have some chupachups, chant some lebayaka ya nosrollah it will calm u down...
By the way talking about neonazy can u explain how come antinazy putin is backing far right europeen parties?...
Far right europeen right pro-orthodox? Man first it's nonsence (orthodox man?? Christians of the levent style?) the thing in comon would be fashism, homophobic, non acceptance of the others... Nazy style (u should read a litle about far right parties...)
Anw thanks for the debated, even if u are mixing stuff up it stays more elaborated than march 8 hassabalah group on this forum...
Bigjhon after all u said u still support this shiite sectarian millicia? ?
Do u know who are hezbos alternative to hariri in tripoli?? (Mikati sided later but the "patriotic parties under hezbos/march8 umbrella) hasem minkara and bilal chaaban!!!
Do u know how secular, how less salafist than hariri they are???
Bighohn please think it over and come for real arguments so we can go point by point...
And one more thing secular doesnot meet leftist, ump sarko and al. Are secular but not leftists..
But sectarians are worse than any imperialist/capitalist.....
Hitler secular?? Man hating jews is not secular?? Sending thousand to death bc of their religion is not secular, man where did u learn what secular means???
I'm against zionism (that is a political stand) but not against jews (many zionists are not even jews!!!)
Man hitler secular???
Maybe ya Southern, but Hezbollah and his little babies in the FPM starting from Aoun the claoun, they got the Ebola virus directly from a bad habit known as butt kissing, Iranian and Syrian butt kissing.