الحريري يؤكد لخليل استمرار حوار المستقبل - حزب الله
Read this story in Englishكشفت المعلومات الصحافية ان مدير مكتب رئيس تيار المستقبل سعد الحريري، نادر الحريري اتصل بالمعاون السياسي لرئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري وزير المال علي حسن خليل، مشدداً على استمرار الحوار القائم بين المستقبل و"حزب الله".
ونقلت صحيفة "الحياة" عن مصادر في "تيار المستقبل"، السبت، قولها "ان التأكيد على استمرار الحوار جاء على لسان الحريري في اتصال أجراه من باريس بخليل".
وأكدت المصادر أن خليل "أطلع بري على فحوى اتصال الحريري به"، مشيرةً الى ان رئيس مجلس النواب "تواصل لهذه الغاية مع قيادة حزب الله".
واوضحت مصادر "المستقبل" ان هذا الاتصال دفع ببري امس الجمعة، الى اصدار بيانه الذي اكد فيه ان "الحوار قائم في موعده ولا نية لتأجيله".
ووسط تردد معلومات عن امكانية ارجاء المستقبل لجلسة الحوار القادمة، اكد بري الجمعة ان جلسة الحوار ستنعقد في موعدها في 14 من الجاري معرباً في الوقت عينه عن استيائه من التصعيد السياسي والكلامي بين الطرفين مستشهداً بالمثل القائل: "كثرة الضرب تفكّ اللحام.
وبدأ اللقاء الأول بين الفريقين برعاية بري، في 23 كانون الاول في عين التينة، في محاولة لوضع "خارطة طريق" و"آلية" للجلسات المقبلة التي ستبحث كيفية "تنظيم الخلاف" بين الطرفين وتخفيف "الاحتقان السني – الشيعي"، غير ان التصعيد الكلامي بين الطرفين حول احداث اليمن، ما خلق تخوفاً من عدم استمرار الحوار بينهما.
sure, continue your dialogue with the terrorist perhaps you can have 2 more of his pictures removed. That's all you are going to get Hariri. Step down for heavens sake and let someone else take the leadership of the anti-hezbollah movement. You failed and failed miserably and allowed the terror party to control Lebanon.
I wish HA would love Lebanon and work for the interest of Lebanon as much as 1/100th of Mustakbal.
Southern, I am with you on this one, nothing literally replaces dialog, but honest dialog based on mutual trust and respect. However, who these days can trust Hezbollah, even Sayed Hassan does not keep his words. Today he says one thing, the next day the very opposite. Like @Humble rightly said, Dialog with a gun on our head is not dialog but arm-twisting and sheer intimidation. Unfortunately Hezbollah is not Lebanese anymore (I am being again very mild here), Hezbollah has other stuff on its mind than Lebanon, this Wilayet El Faqih is still very active on its mind despite HA's repeated denials to the contrary. Well, HA and Iran are now engaged in wars they don't seem to have any clue as to how to wiggle out of. sadly for HA, you remind me of duck hunters, just use the duck crackle, soon enough ducks will fly over and boom, down a few more ducks. Iran has done the same to you these days.
I simply don't understand much of this dialogue right now, they want to talk with the Resistance, while throwing accusations, that is not real honest talk.
Mystic, you more than all of us here ought to understand what is going on. The M14 side is truly desirous an sincere in maintaining the dialog, haven't they proved that amply yet? But indeed, what's the use of it all when the moderates are stifled, what do you get thereafter but the radicals. It's a lot like in banana republics masalan in Africa, a military dictator takes over only to stay there forever, what do you get then because of that but one coup d'etat after one coup d'etat and from bad to worse and from worse to worst? HA must act wisely, and now.
I wish these guys would hurry up and reach an agreement to be honest I don't care who runs the country as long as they govern for all lebanon who cares what your religion or sect is aren't we lebanese and if you aren't lebanese please leave.