عسيري يؤكد متانة العلاقة مع لبنان ويقول: انها أسمى من تُقَيَّم بتصرفات حزب الله

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شدد السفير السعودي علي عواض عسيري على "عمق" العلاقات بين بيروت والرياض، لافتاً الى انها "أسمى من ان يتم تقييمها من خلال تصرفات حزب الله".

وفي حديث الى صحيفة "الرياض"، الاثنين، نوّه عسيري بالتنسيق بين السعودية والحكومة اللبنانية، كاشفاً عن تلقيه "اتصالات كثيفة من مختلف الفئات اللبنانية تستنكر الحملة التي يقودها حزب الله ضدّ المملكة حول عاصفة الحزم".

وقال: "حبذا لو تهتم بعض الجهات السياسية بشؤونها وبمصلحة بلدها وتحرص على وحدة الصف اللبناني عوضاً عن السعي الى النيل من الآخرين".

وأكد ان "العلاقات اللبنانية السعودية أكبر وأسمى من أن تُقيَّم من خلال تصرفات حزب الله".

وأوضح عسيري في حديثه ان "المملكة تحظى بأقوالها وأفعالها الإيجابية تجاه لبنان وفي مختلف المحطات باحترام ومكانة لدى كل اللبنانيين بمختلف طوائفهم".

وأشار الى ان المسؤولين اللبنانيين "يؤكدون في لقاءاتهم معنا على قناعتهم الراسخة بالتأييد المعلن للمملكة العربية السعودية في جميع مواقفها سواء في تلك المعتمدة تجاه لبنان أو إذا ما اضطرّت المملكة إلى اتخاذ قرارات حازمة كما فعلت في قيادة التحالف القائم حاليّا في عملية عاصفة الحزم في اليمن".

وتستهدف الحملة العسكرية للتحالف العربي بقيادة السعودية منذ 26 آذار الحوثيين الشيعة المرتبطين بايران والقوات الموالية للرئيس السابق علي عبدالله صالح، وذلك تحت اسم "عاصفة الحزم".

وكان الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله ندد في خطاب له وكذلك بحديث الى قناة "الاخبارية السورية" بـ"العدوان" على الحوثيين، مهاجماً بشدة المملكة العربية السعودية قائلا حينها ان "هزيمة كبرى" ستلحق بها في اليمن.

من جهة أخرى، علّق عسيري في حديثه الى "الرياض" على الدعوى التي رفعتها السعودية ضد صحيفة "الاخبار"، قائلاً انها "تجاوزت الحدود الأخلاقية والمهنية في حديثها عن المملكة وقياداتها".

أما عن اعتبار هذا الأمر مسّاً بحرية الصحافة، فرد عسيري بالقول: "نحن لم نعترض يوما على حرية العمل الصحافي وهو ميزة للبنان، ونحن لسنا من هواة المنابر أو المحاكم لكنني لا أعتقد بأنّ الحرية تجيز النيل من قيادات بلدان صديقة للبنان".

وأضاف ان "المادة 104 من قانون الإعلام تضمن حقنا بإقامة دعوى ضدّ هذه الصحيفة لما صدر عنها".

يُذكر ان عسيري وفي مطلع الشهر الجاري، قد كشف عن ان السفارة السعودية قررت مقاضاة صحيفة "الاخبار" بسبب "تشهيرها بالمملكة"، ولأنها قامت بتجاوز المملكة ورموزها مرات متكررة.

من جهتها اعتبرت الصحيفة في بيان آنذاك تصريحات السفير "تهديداً مباشراً يمسّ حياة العاملين في المؤسسة، بالإضافة الى كونه يمثل اعتداءً سافراً على حرية التعبير في لبنان، وتجاوزاً فاضحاً للأعراف والقوانين".

كما كشفت عن أنها "هي تحتفظ لنفسها بحق مقاضاته وملاحقته أمام كل الجهات القضائية والهيئات المعنية لبنانياً وعربياً ودولياً".


التعليقات 62
Default-user-icon roukuz (ضيف) 09:09 ,2015 نيسان 13

i often think about you and how you are doing dear flamethrower as you lay in pieces and tranquility at your final resting place... RIP Houthi Hero

Default-user-icon speakteezly (ضيف) 09:12 ,2015 نيسان 13

Lebanese Democratic Party leader MP Talal Arslan traveled to Moscow to meet with Russian foreign ministry officials.

Missing lqu7 09:18 ,2015 نيسان 13

The Al Saud family need to learn the concept of criticism and free thought. Everyone is liable to criticism as it promotes healthy debates.

Default-user-icon IQ7 (ضيف) 09:28 ,2015 نيسان 13

well said

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 09:38 ,2015 نيسان 13

Criticism: yes. Even in Canada, there is a limit to what you can write. And it is why we have courts.

Thumb ex-fpm 09:44 ,2015 نيسان 13

accepting criticism like burning TV stations (Al Jadeed and Future TV), threatening journalists and accusing them of being zionists the minute they disagree with you.

Missing helicopter 07:25 ,2015 نيسان 14

Criticism of Khameini by anyone in Iran will also cost the freedom or even life of the person criticizing. So why are you allied with the Iranian Barbarian regime? I got it, because they arm you and make sure you have the upper hand in Lebanon.

Thumb geha 09:33 ,2015 نيسان 13

hizbushaitan and iran behind it are the major disease in the whole region.

Thumb Mystic 09:36 ,2015 نيسان 13

“All Lebanese from all sects respect the Kingdom's deeds,” he said.

It's too early for lies ya Saud.

Thumb ex-fpm 09:39 ,2015 نيسان 13

He was referring to Lebanese not Iranians who live in Lebanon.

Default-user-icon jaafar ibn iblees (ضيف) 09:41 ,2015 نيسان 13

is that a martyred huthi iranian terrorist family in your avatar, God Forbid?

Missing humble 09:53 ,2015 نيسان 13

Welcome to our Iranian friend.

Thumb Mystic 10:01 ,2015 نيسان 13

I do not have dual citizenship like most of you here my friends.

Thumb ex-fpm 10:06 ,2015 نيسان 13

we already knew that yes, you only have the Iranian citizenship.

Missing humble 10:06 ,2015 نيسان 13

It is enough that your obedience goes to Iran and not Lebanon to become a traitor (see dictionary)

Thumb Mystic 10:25 ,2015 نيسان 13

You don't like the fact of me having Lebanese passport? Well you might aswell strip 1.5 Lebanese of their citizenship alongside mine then.

Thumb Mystic 10:26 ,2015 نيسان 13

1.5 million that is.

Missing peace 10:35 ,2015 نيسان 13

you are not lebanes miss tic... maybe your passport is but your mind lies in tehran not beirut.... you just spit on the lebanese institutions preferring your allegiance to tehran... like any extremist fanatic you pledged allegiance to the iranian revolution remember? never have we seen hezbollah pledged allegiance to the lebanese flag...
you have nothing to envy alnusra or isis or wahabbis, you are the same! isis believe in a caliphate you pledged allegiance to Khamenei! they have a black flag, yours is yellow with the koran on it stating "islamist" resistance not lebanese!

hypocrit antilebanese....

Thumb Mystic 11:27 ,2015 نيسان 13

I do have loyalty to the Army & Resistance institutions. I do not care one bit about M14's dreams, politics or stances though.

Which is why I am not a citizen to you people. That is very typical M14 by the way, alienating all whom are against it.

Thumb the_roar 11:28 ,2015 نيسان 13

Peace,who has given you the God given right to charge people with what country they can belong to?

No wonder m14ers are so desperate,,,figment of their own imagination & power trip...yet in reality they are the hero's of may 2008.

Default-user-icon jaafar ibn iblees (ضيف) 11:29 ,2015 نيسان 13

is that beloved zaineb in your avatar?

Thumb barrymore 11:48 ,2015 نيسان 13

this is funny rofl !!!

Thumb the_roar 12:01 ,2015 نيسان 13

your my hero Peace,...I noticed how brave you are.

Your toughness over the net is something unseen.

Don;t be jealous of FT, peace..your the net toughie ..Hero/peace.

long live may 2008 followers & their bravery.

Thumb Mystic 12:05 ,2015 نيسان 13

No wonder the people rose against the corrupted M14 Government in 2008. You keep alienating other Lebanese, then you bark when they hit you back in the face peace. Yes I admit, I have no love to M14 or anything they stand for at all.

Missing peace 12:11 ,2015 نيسان 13

still miss tic: unable to tell what is M14 in my post denouncing your allegiance to iran...

never mind, your posts speak loud about how you consider Lebanon....no need to bark...

and you may insult M14 as you wish, i do not even care about M14 and what they do, unlike you i just care about the welfare of Lebanon, not a party! LOL
if it eases your frustrations out then be my guest: insult M14 all day long if you want, it does not affect me a bit.

Missing peace 12:16 ,2015 نيسان 13

hezbollah pledged allegiance to the isamist revolution = FACT
hezbollah caries a koran on its flag = FACT
hezbollah writes "islamist" resistance not "lebanese" on its flag = FACT
hezbollah obey iran = FACT

stating facts is alienating people for miss tic!!!
... prove us this is wrong miss? can you? or you just cannot assume the fact that hezbollah is an iranian tool?

Thumb Mystic 13:08 ,2015 نيسان 13

It's a fact that all you can do is bark about it peace. Just like all the rest of M14, you can't do anything you tried and failed in 2008.

The Resistance is here to stay, you should learn to live with that. alienating them wont help you one bit.

Yes they have alliance with Iran, it is no secret so why do you try to make me admit something that is obvious?

Thumb Mystic 13:10 ,2015 نيسان 13

M14 have alliance with Israel, USA and Saudi Arabia GCC countries. You do not care about that at all, I do.

You act like you are all solely Lebanese while eating out of Saudi hands, now that is the definition of a hypocrit. I admit support to Iran, you do not admit support to the Gulf.

Missing peace 13:58 ,2015 نيسان 13

sure FT sure whatever.... keep up the good job...

facts are facts as hard as you try to deny them it only makes you look more foolish every day.....

Thumb Mystic 14:12 ,2015 نيسان 13

Yeah peace, I know this garbage story about being only for Lebanon. Why do you support the takfiris in Syria and Lebanon then?

Missing peace 14:15 ,2015 نيسان 13

"Why do you support the takfiris in Syria and Lebanon then? "

only in your sick mind....

Thumb Mystic 14:46 ,2015 نيسان 13

You are against the Syrian Government, which means you back the same takfiris that beheaded LAF soldiers. Nusra & ISIS are the main forces against Syria.

Missing humble 10:08 ,2015 نيسان 13

My loyalty is to Lebanon and to Lebanon ONLY, despite all stupidities you can say.

Missing humble 10:11 ,2015 نيسان 13

That makes a huge difference between a PATRIOT (see dictionary) and traitors who receive orders from outside.
People like you are not even aware of the destructions you are causing in the society.

Missing humble 10:15 ,2015 نيسان 13

Your beliefs and behavior leads us to think that there is really no hope to live together.

Thumb geha 10:17 ,2015 نيسان 13

until al manar or otv explains the meaning of these words, hr will not understand them.
he does not have a dictionary (you want him to think on his own?)

Default-user-icon flamethrowerbemoss (ضيف) 10:51 ,2015 نيسان 13

and violets are blue...

Thumb marcus 11:10 ,2015 نيسان 13

bravo ya norma bravo:)!

Thumb EagleDawn 11:14 ,2015 نيسان 13

focus on the article, troll and stop harassing posters. Ice-man has been your nightmare and you never could recover. Suddenly, you appear when all those fake offensive aliases disappear.

Thumb justin 11:26 ,2015 نيسان 13

phoenix1 exposed this troll nicely when he caught him admitting on the orange room that he purposely attacks posters personally on naharnet to divert discussions and derail the threads. Just ignore him

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 11:29 ,2015 نيسان 13

all we can wish to Saudi Arabia is all the best in everything and the best of political systems is democracy
god bless democracy

Thumb the_roar 11:33 ,2015 نيسان 13

Who gave Asiri the right to interfere in Lebanese matters?

Who cares what a man wearing a dress has to say?

Who cares if a man who thinks women & children are slaves & nothing more has to say?

oh wait...M14 & their followers do.

Missing peace 11:34 ,2015 نيسان 13

you do care apparently....

Thumb the_roar 11:35 ,2015 نيسان 13

In fact I don;t don't...but I do care about you Peace.


Missing peace 11:43 ,2015 نيسان 13

"i don't i don't"... repeated twice like a crazy 5 year old boy caught red handed and denying...

poor baby.... don't cry. take your pills...

Thumb the_roar 11:44 ,2015 نيسان 13

One can only laugh or cry...so I'll do the laughing whilst you shed some tears.


Thumb the_roar 14:01 ,2015 نيسان 13

I do? says who? you? lol@ you..houthis & fouthis.

Default-user-icon tric.australia (ضيف) 11:33 ,2015 نيسان 13

S.O.S.... Save the Huthis In Levant...S.O.S.

Thumb al.finique 11:54 ,2015 نيسان 13

the_roar, I don't know how many times I have to say it to you: PHOENIX is a million times better than you will ever be. Accept it and don't wrestle with heavyweights. You are a registered troll, nothing more nothing less.

Thumb the_roar 11:59 ,2015 نيسان 13

Your debate & contribution to the forum is next to none.

May you shadow the old man till he carks it.

Default-user-icon achrafieh (ضيف) 11:59 ,2015 نيسان 13

god bless democracy

Default-user-icon msharafieh not ashrafieh (ضيف) 12:18 ,2015 نيسان 13

well said

Thumb ashtah 12:38 ,2015 نيسان 13

ما هي علاقه حزب الله ببلد يبعد عشرات آلاف الكيلومترات عن لبنان ولا يؤثر فيه لا من قريب ولا من بعيد, سوى أن الحوثيين هم جزء من المشروع الطائفي – المذهبي الذي ينتمي إليه “حزب الله” في المنطقة

Thumb -phoenix1 13:44 ,2015 نيسان 13

Guys, it will be best not to respond to The Roar. Ignore him, forget him, leave him to talk alone and on his own. He was never on holidays as he is lying again, but being a person who has NO dignity, he can only do what he has been told to do, like his old man Aoun the claoun. Let his talk all day, let's just move along because a Troll will always be a troll, and a paid one will always be even worse. Forget him, he is not worth your time, his only role is to DERAIL a topic, especially when it is too critical of his Aoun. haven't you guys noticed the number of thumbs down, and yet he claims he was on holiday? Liar as always, so let's move on.

Thumb justin 14:27 ,2015 نيسان 13

flamethrower appears and 10 votes poured down in no time!

Thumb -phoenix1 15:34 ,2015 نيسان 13

Justin, please ignore The Roar, he is making you do exactly what he is paid to do, to take you out of your focus and keep you pinned on responding to his personal slurs. He has insulted me today many times and in different threads, but this time I am ignoring him, so must you Justin. Please do take a look at his posts, always insulting or deriding people that oppose his views, this is exactly why he is here for. So please Justin, you and everyone else, stop responding to him, he will only delay our discussion away from what we wish to post. Forget him, this is him and not much else. Now see how he will come back as disrespectful as ever. Guys let's move on. A troll is a troll and it's Naharnet's job to know such people.

Thumb the_roar 16:07 ,2015 نيسان 13

Naharnet knows very well who the trolls are....You old man is on the top of their list.

now accept your lies to be refuted & stop crying about it.

Tissue, old troll?

Missing humble 16:58 ,2015 نيسان 13

To Miss Tic, Miss toc-toc and Co.
1) - You say you are loyal to the LAF, that is good but NOT enough. A true patriot is also loyal to the Constitution (your MP's are not), to the Institutions (Justice: you place yourself above the Justice, Parliament : you have blocked it, Government, Presidency, etc.) ; loyal to the patrimony and values (respect of others, democracy, freedom of speech, human rights, etc.); loyal to our culture ( different from the culture of Arabs and Persia); loyal to the spirit of wanting to live with others (without forcing them to accept wars, when you decide and as you decide).
You say you are also loyal to the "Resistance". We are more than half of the country who believe you are not a resistance but the Army of Iran. We do not trust you anymore and do not wish to live with this "Army of Iran". Can you understand these simple things?

Missing humble 16:59 ,2015 نيسان 13

To Miss Tic, Miss toc-toc and Co.
2) - We are not for KSA, Qatar, or any other country. Nor America, nor Russia. We are against anyone interfering in our country. We want to have a normal and happy life, like many people have in Europe, Japan, Canada or Singapour. We want a Neutral country with economical prosperity for all. Our agenda is very different from your agenda filled with hatred, violence and war which you teach in your schools to young kids. We teach our kids to love others. If you do not want to become again the good lebanese like your parents were 50 years ago, and if you want to continue obeying to external countries like Iran, then we must partition the country, and then you can do whatever you like in your own region.

Thumb kesrweneh 17:57 ,2015 نيسان 13

Somebody should be telling KSA that this is Lebanon, we have freedom of speech and democracy, we have no moutawe3, our ladies have the right to drive, people have freedom of belief... It's so sad to see some Lebanese supporting KSA despotic rulers over our national TV. Being against Hezbollah and FPM or Pro Harriri should not make any Lebanese forget the tears and blood we shed for years to regain our freedom. any Lebanese should have the right to criticize any political stance or leader as long as it's done decently

Thumb kesrweneh 17:57 ,2015 نيسان 13

Somebody should be telling KSA that this is Lebanon, we have freedom of speech and democracy, we have no moutawe3, our ladies have the right to drive, people have freedom of belief... It's so sad to see some Lebanese supporting KSA despotic rulers over our national TV. Being against Hezbollah and FPM or Pro Harriri should not make any Lebanese forget the tears and blood we shed for years to regain our freedom. any Lebanese should have the right to criticize any political stance or leader as long as it's done decently

Default-user-icon Zafer (ضيف) 18:32 ,2015 نيسان 20

Hope the military guide supreme will have guts and heal from from smartie-Johnny syndrom and use those weapons against the occupying Islamist Shiionist militia