المستقبل رد على حزب الله: أظهر تغليبه الولاء الايراني على المصالح اللبنانية
Read this story in Englishرد "تيار المستقبل" على البيان الذي أصدره "حزب الله" يوم الاربعاء، معتبراً ان الحزب فضّل "التبعية الايرانية" على "المصالح اللبنانية والهوية العربية".
وجاءت افتتاحية صحيفة "المستقبل"، الخميس، بكاملها للرد على بيان "حزب الله الذي أكد ان "ارتباط تيار المستقبل بالنظام السعودي" لن يسكته عن "العدوان" على الشعب اليمني، الذي تشنه الدول العربية بقيادة الممكلة العربية السعودية ضد الحوثيين في اليمن.
وفي مطلع الافتتاحية، جاء، "أما وقد اختار حزب الله الإيغال في تغليب تبعيته الإيرانية على حساب الهوية العربية والمصالح اللبنانية، مسطّراً في البيان الذي أصدره أمس جملاً جديدة من الشتائم والسباب بحق العرب والسعودية".
واعتبرت ان ما جاء في بيان الحزب "من اتهامات وافتراءات طالت تيار المستقبل لم يكن سوى وليد مبادرته بدايةً إلى إقحام أنفه وأنوف اللبنانيين معه في الشأن اليمني منذ اندلاع عاصفة الحزم العربية لإنقاذ الشرعية اليمنية من سطوة انقلاب ميليشيوي مسلّح قادته طهران بقفازات حوثية".
وكان قد صدر عن العلاقات الاعلامية في "حزب الله" بيان الاربعاء جاء فيه "اعتاد مسؤولو وقياديو تيار المستقبل على مدى السنوات الماضية، على شن هجمات عنيفة على الجمهورية الإسلامية في إيران، مطلقين الكثير من الاتهامات الباطلة والافتراءات التي لا أساس لها خدمة لمشاريع خارجية وأجندات عربية وأجنبية".
الى ذلك، اعتبرت افتتاحية "المستقبل" ان بيان الحزب جاء لـ"الرد على الردود الوطنية على "عاصفة الكراهية" التي أثارها في وجه الأمة العربية جمعاء خدمةً لمصالح إيرانية بحتة لا ناقة للبنانين فيها ولا جمل".
وأضافت ان العاصفة "تضرب مصالح اللبنانيين الوطنية بعرض الحائط من خلال نوبة الشتائم والإهانات التي آثر أمين عام حزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله أن يطلقها في فضاء الأمة رداً على الإجماع العربي الذي برز إزاء التحدي اليمني".
ولفتت الافتتاحية الى انه "في المضمون، فقد دان حزب الله نفسه بنفسه بعيداً عن شكليات الردّ والردّ المضاد التي يحاول الحزب إغراق اللبنانيين بها من خلال فحوى بيانه الذي يعيد فيه ما كان سباقاً في بدئه من هجوم على العرب تحت عنوان شجبه "العدوان" على اليمن".
وشددت على ان "تيار المستقبل كان السبّاق إلى محاولة إطفاء ألسنة السوء المتطاولة على العروبة دفاعاً عن هوية لبنان العربية وعن مصالح أبنائه في الوطن والمهجر إيماناً منه بأنّ الذود عن الهوية اللبنانية والدفاع عن العروبة وجهان للعملة الوطنية لا فصام لأحدهما عن الآخر".
واكدت ان "المستقبل وبكل فخر وانتماء يقرّ بولائه للأمة العربية وللهوية العربية وللوحدة العربية التي أقرتها الشرعية الدولية بالأمس"، مشيرة الى ان "علامات الاستفهام والتعجب لا تنفك ترتسم في الأفق اللبناني ليسأل كل لبناني مخلص إلى من يعلن حزب الله ولاءه وانتماءه من خلال تصريحات وبيانات الشتم المتتالية التي يلعن فيها أبناء جلدته العربية".
وتابعت ان "المستقبل عمل وسيبقى يعمل بكل ما أوتي من نَفَس وطني وعروبي على إعلاء المصلحة اللبنانية على كل مصلحة خارجية".
وتستهدف الحملة العسكرية للتحالف العربي بقيادة السعودية منذ 26 آذار الحوثيين الشيعة المرتبطين بايران والقوات الموالية للرئيس السابق علي عبدالله صالح، وذلك تحت اسم "عاصفة الحزم".
وكان الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله ندد في خطاب له وكذلك بحديث الى قناة "الاخبارية السورية" بـ"العدوان" على الحوثيين، مهاجماً بشدة المملكة العربية السعودية قائلا حينها ان "هزيمة كبرى" ستلحق بها في اليمن.
الامر الذي اعتبره السفير السعودي علي عواض عسيري في وقت سابق، أنه يعكس "أزمة نفسية"، لافتا الى أن "الشأن اليمني ليس من شأن أي قيادة في لبنان".
I don't think Mostaqbals allies the Kataeb and Lebanese Forces care much about Arab identity, I thought they took pride in Phonician culture, yet they have no problem taking greasy arab oil cash.
At least they are not causing Fitnas across the Arab world by arming sectarian militias. I am a Lebanese Arab. What are you?
All Lebanese agreed on the Arab identity of Lebanon including shia.
so what are you talking about? is Lebanon farsi and we do not know it?
Actually I would rather see what someone like phoenix write about it, not you mostaqbali gentlemen.
We are part of the Arab world much as Christian Syrians, Christian Palestinians, Christian Jordanians, Coptic Egyptians, etc are. Some Christian Lebanese leaders are part of Iran.
Before the Iranian revolution we were nobody, the bottom of the food chain in Lebanon, working for all sects for minimum wages, those times are over. I believe the Resistance and M8 is more patriotic than all M14 combined, they withstood the Israeli occupation, they are the ones holding the takfiris at bay now.
Mystic, you are still nobody. Only in your mind you think you are somebody because you have weapons.
If i am a nobody vulture, then how come I have to see you whine about the people I support every single day? Nobodys do not get that sort of attention.
Mystic - you have just admitted your sectarian agenda. So please stop talking nonsense about resistance. Also before the so called revolution, and I know you are too young and too unread to realize, it was the lebanese national movement that fought to correct many of the injustices against Shia including the Baath parties whose member your HA hunted down and assassinated.
Before the revolution Hezbollah didn't exist, what garbage are you trying to fill out? So you are now going old on me ArabDemocrat? You probaly aren't born in Lebanon to begin with.
KSA policy has never been a terribly good one on a whole slew of issues. But in the face of the predatory policies of Iran toward the Arab world, I stand against Iran and reluctantly with Saudi Arabia. I know you stand 100 percent with Iran but almost everyone knows you for what you are: a sectarian person whose primary loyalty is to his sect and to the supreme leader.
Wake up, Lebanons whole constitution and politics are based on secterianism, that is the Taef Agreement.
Another answer that has no relation to the post it is supposed to answer. But at least you show your sectarian color and it has nothing to do with resistance but sectarian domination.
Fighting the Wahabis, while supporting the real sunnis against them and Israel. Ofcourse for Mostaqbalis wahabis are the real ones right?
miss tic just think he knows better than God himself about who is a true muslim and who is not.... pityful sectarian idiot he is that is for sure
From the Gospel of St John:
"For God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but so that through him the world might be saved.
No one who believes in him will be judged; but whoever does not believe is judged already, because that person does not believe in the Name of God's only Son.
And the judgement is this: though the light has come into the world people have preferred darkness to the light because their deeds were evil.
And indeed, everybody who does wrong hates the light and avoids it, to prevent his actions from being shown up;
But whoever does the truth comes out into the light, so that what he is doing may plainly appear as done in God.'
All those who proclaim wars and violence and encourage hatred are evil souls and will be judged and prevented from the light of God.
To our friend peace above, what my stic is dowing is the essence of the Tekfiri mentality.
yemen is lost to iran and they know it. the UN resolution under chapter 7 leaves no doubt about it. even russia did not block it :)
the problem is that iran and its followers have lost their marbles while discovering that their dreams about the farsi empire are gone.
the iranians and their followers seem to forget that Yemen is an Arab country.
the next step will be to recover syria from them, then Lebanon. (maybe Lebanon first?)
Yemen was never Iran's to be lost to it. It was however under saudi domination for decades, and this is definitely over now. Sit back and watch while your kingdom of corruption, greed, hatred and filth collapses.
Are you also a supporter of Saudi-sponsored democracy for Lebanon? Please tell us how you envision it. Would it be achieved through Hariri's willpower alone, or would it require some collaboration with your israeli masters?
mowaten, you are not Atheist Secular. Everybody knows you are an Iranian Shia so stop your BS.
did you do better the other day when you decided that @phil was not a Christian but an Israeli? Shameless propagandist
Yes I did do better, because I was right about phil, while you are wrong about pretty much everything :)
He actually speak for very many Lebanese who are sick and tired of the stupidity and arrogance of the Hizb.
I actually know several supporters of the Hizb who cannot make sense of its position vis Yemen.
Caporal and FPM ministers are willing to quit the Government.
To all Christians : do you understand that the Caporal is destroying further the institutions and creating more void and chaos.
The Caporal is destroying the Christians for the next 100 years.
Christians Wake up.
looooooool coming from the saudi tools this is hilarious.
and hi ArabDemocrat, are you still a big fan of saudi democracy?
And how many "supporters of the hezb" do you know? Can you tell us if they are also supporters of saudi wahhabia spreading democracy in the world?
Ebola is a disease which is spreading hatred among the people of the same country. It is destroying the possibility of living together.
mowaten, I noticed lately you are very hurt and holding in a lot of hate and anger. Is it because your huthis are getting hammered in Yemen and for the first time you started to understand how it feels to be on the receiving end of huge aircraft bombs falling on your head? I sense a high level of frustration whereby you jump from one poster to the other and just post nonsense unlike your unbiased secular comments of days past.
Very interesting eaglyawn, how exactly did you "notice" all that, and what made you think I care?
why are you always off topic? and how come you always post at the same time as eagleyawn?
IRAN.O7, Is being truthful to his iranian origins doing what it takes to defenf it against. Any Lebanese that think of Lebanon first. GOOD JOB, G JOB.
god bless the venezuelan president and the swedish prime minister
god bless democracy
The brewing dispute between Hezbollah and Mustaqbal does lend concern to worry, just a week or so ago we had a dialog that was greeted by all, now this? This just shows that our Muslim siblings will always fight for the non-Lebanese first and very little for Lebanon. Let us have our new president and make sure that at least some institutions still work as our siblings are busy arguing.
I see this more of a political strategic dispute not just among our moslem partners. We should all be concerned. What is the meaning of nasrallah's first speech and what will be the meaning of his speech tomorrow other than attacking (insulting) KSA, hurting Lebanese interests in the gulf, and causing us more enemies. Yes, we are all concerned about Yemen, but we have our own problems and people are fed up with nasrallah paralyzing our lives, taking us to wars, and destroying our economy.
But you see, Nasrallah doesn't care what you and I think. He takes orders directly from Khamenei, and right now, the Iranian interests in Yemen are at risk, so he's barking louder and louder, at the expense of Lebanese interests in the Gulf.
Actually, I love Iran, The beautiful, Iran, The artists, the live and contemporary, the classical iranian music, the iranian writers, the free women an men. The educated, the open minded business men and women, the Iran that takes care of itself rather than looking at other countries to export religious beliefs and armed Militias.
15:09"رويترز": مسؤول حوثي كبير يدعو الى وقف القصف الذي تقوده السعودية في اليمن فورا وبلا شروط.
To our brothers in Naharnet,
is it a movie? We disagree but we are not going to fight. AND NO MATTER what, Lebanese are brothers and we should protect each other.
PLEASE REDUCE THE tit for tat, even if trie, here. WE ARE FED by violence, Iran might agree with the west and the KSA, and we are still debating furiously, and hands are on each other necks and you are happy to sit and watch. Hope this gets better in the future.
Again, We love Iran, the free as much the same as KSA the open and prosper, but Lebanon must be first. for lebanese.
To our brothers in Naharnet,
is it a movie? We disagree but we are not going to fight. AND NO MATTER what, Lebanese are brothers and we should protect each other.
PLEASE REDUCE THE tit for tat, even if is true, here. WE ARE FED up by violence, Iran might agree with the west and the then KSA, and we are still debating furiously, and hands are on each other necks and you are happy to sit and watch. Hope this gets better in the future.
Again, We love Iran, the free as much the same as KSA the open and prosper, but Lebanon must be first. for lebanese.
mustaqbal is merely stating facts: hezbollah works for the interests of iran not Lebanon, never Lebanon....
This is what benefactors do. Hezbollah, on behalf of Iran, attacks Saudi Arabia in the Lebanese media over Saudi involvement in Yemen. Mustaqbel responds, in defense of Saudi Arabia, in the Lebanese media, to the Hezbollah (Iranian) attacks with regard to Saudi involvement in Yemen.
Meanwhile, in Lebanon, where Mustaqbel and Hezbollah hold parliamentary seats, there is a boycott on electing a president, the roads are not safe for driving, the food not safe for eating, raw sewage pours into the Mediterranean from Beirut and Israel is horizontally drilling into the Lebanese oil reserves offshore.
This is what happens when political parties are beholding to foreign patrons rather than to the resident citizens of the country.
Maroun, you mean to Qom in Iran? Nooooo they are still brothers even after all what the did and doing and will do, it will all be done, and at one dawn all will be sitting down and having fun at the down town ..one day.