عون يحذر من "تفريغ مواقع المسيحيين" في الرئاسة وقيادة الجيش: التمديد غير مسموح
Read this story in Englishحذر رئيس تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون من ان المحاولات في "تفريغ مواقع المسيحيين في رئاسة الجمهورية وقيادة الجيش" على حد سواء، مشددا في هذا السياق على ان "التمديد المخطط له للسلك العسكري غير مسموح".
وقال عون بعد اجتماع للتكتل الثلاثاء " بقولون ان الجنوال سيخرج من الحكومة اذا لم يعين شامل روكز قائدا للجيش وأنه يريد ان يكون رئيسا كل هذا غير صحيح فالواقع فقط ان الدولة هيكل عظمي لانها سقطت في الدستور والقوانين والرئاسة".
عليه جدد عون المطالبة بـ"رئيس قوي يمثل اللبنانيين تمثيلا صحيحا"، قائلا "نحن سقفنا لبنان وموجودون ومراكزنا مش شحادة".
وأضاف "لا ننكر الصفة التمثيلية للموجودي من السنة والشيعة لكن لا يجب ان بنكرونها علينا".
وفي هذا الاطار تناول عون مووضع مسيحيي الشرق لينتقل من خلالهم الى لبنان ، وقال ان " مسيحيي الدول العربية اختفوا ولا وجود لهم خاصة في المؤسسات الفاعلة ولا رأي لهم ومع الزمن اندحروا والذين بقيوا تم القضاء عليهم في السيف".
وتابع "الان خضعنا لنفس المحاولة في السبعينات لكننا قاومنا"، لافتا الى انه رغم الطائف الا أن دور المسيحيين بقي في رئاسة الجمهورية وقيادة الجيش ومجلس النواب".
يشار الى ان اتفاق الطائف قلص صلاحيات رئاسة الجمهورية واعطاها للحكومة.
بناء على ما تقدم، أوضح رئيس "التكتل" في بيانه ان "ما يحدث اليوم هو انهم يريدون تفريغ موقع الرئاسة من القرار وقيادة الجيش من الكفاءات"، معتبرا أن "قصة التمديد يخطط لها لابعاد اشخاص وابقاء اخرين".
وشرح ان "هناك كفاءات يمكنها بناء مؤسسات ونحن اليوم لا نرتكز على الكفاءة ولا القانون"، مشددا على اننا "كيان وميثاق لا تثبته السمسرات بل الدستور".
وأضاف "اذا طارت الشرعية سيموت الكيان".
كما اوضح عون "لم أقل انني اريد صهري شامل روكز قائدا للجيش، لكن قلت انني اريد تعيين قائد الجيش وازالة الموجودين بطريقة غير شرعية".
وخلص عون الى القول "موضوع التمديد لم يعد قابلا للبحث فهو ممنوع"، محذرا من أنهم كتيار سيأخذون "الاجراءات اللازمة وهي موجودة من دون تعدادها".
ويثير ملف السلك العسكري جدالا كبيرا لا سيما لدى "التيار الوطني الحر" الذي يطالب ببت التعيينات بعد انتهاء ولاية القادة الامنيين. ويهدد الفراغ الرئاسي الذي يخيم على لبنان منذ سنة هذا الملف، اذ يتوجب تعيين بدلاء عنهم او التمديد لهم الامر الذي يرفضه "التغيير والاصلاح".
وتنتهي ولاية قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي في أيلول المقبل وسط احتمال ان يتم التمديد له بعدما كانت قد مددت ولايته في أيلول 2013 لسنتين بدل أن يحال الى التقاعد، الامر الذي يعتبره التكتل "غير قانوني".
Aoun: Who are the influential Christians in the state and its institutions?
you and your entourage are not enough?. What have you done to reclaim the post of Director of General Security back to the Christians? Are you not “ONE” body with hezbollah? Can’t you borrow a body part from them and make it Christian again?
Aoun: There are competent officials who can build the institutions but nowadays competency is not the rule.
that is why your son in law has been a minister since 2008.
Aoun: I did not say that I want the appointment of my son-in-law but I said that I want the appointment of an army commander and to remove those who are serving in an illegitimate manner.
How about before appointing a commander for the army, you help appoint the commander in chief of the army i,e. the President.
Aoun: We are not refusing to acknowledge the figures who represent their sects but they must also recognize our representatives.
Of course you do, that’s why you wrote a one way ticket to hariri and appointed Miqati who “represents” his sect.
Aoun: We are not begging for "our posts."
Then go down to parliament and earn your post by electing a president.
General Aoun is on the rise, while the Geagea is falling. The Saudis ditched Geagea in favor of Qahwaji.
Bye bye "7akim"
Yes texas, I know very well that you would like a new Saudi stooge, just like Michel Suleiman. Guess what, that mistake will not happen again.
Qahwaji lost all respect, when he started bowing down to the Saudis wahabi welfare.
The whole Lebanese army constitution can't be based around one individual commander texas, in that regard I see that you recognize the LAF are so weak, that it belongs to one man called Qahwaji?
The Lebanese Armed Forces belongs to Lebanon and nobody else, which is why Qahwaji has broken the LAF code by taking a political stance, being a pro Saudi.
I want the Qahwaji gone from the Commander post, there are many better ones for the job. Now this is what I am thinking, then you can judge how you want, being an American based Wahabi yourself.
Mystic and his warriors should watch this video:)
هروب جماعي لقوات النظام من معارك ريف إدلب
@ cedars,
According to Mystic, your question is faulty. Lebanon to Mystic and his likes is not a State, rather Lebanon is part of welayat elfaqih under the command of waly elzam walmakan the Supreme Ayatollah.
all you hear this creature do is blame blame and then some more blame. All he says is "they this and they that".... he lives in his own delusional world.
The Antediluvian yearns to become president at whatever the cost to the people and the country while everyone else has already realized that's never going to happen. So until he hopefully, with treatment, comes to that obvious conclusion himself, Aoun will as usual do what any animal in nature does when it's cornered, act erratically and blindly lash out at everything around him!
FT = the most informative poster this site has ever seen by a country mile
No wonder his posts are removed within minutes of them being posted.
And who's hand collapsed the Lebanese Constitution? It is Aoun and his boycotting of electoral sessions of Parliament. His general complaint of the loss of political privilege of the Christians is also by his own hand. By trying to monopolize all Christian political rights to members of the Aoun Family, Aoun has not only made impossible demands on the non-Christian members of the political class, but has alienated his natural allies in the Christian political class. This guy is a disaster. He brays about the problems that he himself has created.
week after week we have to put up with this man's lies and distortions. Parliament is not far to go elect himself president.
The parties seeking to empty the Christian posts..
18/04/1989 بري: لن نقبل برئيس ماروني بعد الآن
30/06/1989 حزب الله يعلن الولاء المطلق لآية الله السيد علي خامنئي
01/09/1989 حزب الله يعلن حرب مفتوحة مع الموارنة معتبرا حملة عون على سوريا هي حملة لابادة المسلمين
21/09/1989 حزب الله : نرفض رئيسا مارونيا ونرفض الذل تحت اسم التعايش مع النصارى
13/10/1989 حزب الله : سنمزق اتفاق الطائف
20/10/1989 بري: غير معنيين بالطائف والقبول به خيانة
12/11/1989 حزب الله: الطائف استسلام للمارونية السياسية واسرائيل
18/04/1989 Berri: We will no longer accept a Maronite president
30/06/1989 Hezbollah declares absolute loyalty to the Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei
01/09/1989 Hezbollah declares open war on the Maronites calling Aoun's attacks on Syria a campaign to exterminate the Muslims
21/09/1989 Hezbollah: We reject the Maronite president and reject the humiliation in the name of coexistence with the Christians
13/10/1989 Hezbollah: We will tear up the Taif Agreement
20/10/1989 Berri: We are not interested in Taif and accepting it is a betrayal
12/11/1989 Hezbollah: The Taif Agreement is a surrender to the Maronite political system and Israel
The man is lunatic. He will not agree to an extension at a time where the political elite cannot agree on a replacement. And he blames others for doing exactly what he is doing 'Emptying Christian Posts'
the role of this guy is one thing: the destruction of Christian presence in Lebanon.
Did you see him? He is on his high end...look at his eyes, face, body, hands...the drugs are no longer sufficient:
At the end he says " cannot tolerate anymore: tofe7 el keyl"
Uncle FT I got something much healthier we don't want the general to get a coronary with your red meat, this one is even made with him in mind
Aoun was so ridiculous dispensing his exaggerated bull today not even flame would attempt to defend him, he just posted a favorite recipe.
“If we cannot select a commander out of 500 brigadier generals, let us dissolve the army,” he lamented.
-- 499 of whom have been disregarded in favour of your son-in-law. Let's dissolve the army lmaoooooo what a clown...
From inner circle of FPM: Caporal is still waiting for a word from Hariri after he finishes his visit to Washington. A close MP told him that the position of Hariri is positive to choose him. Another person who was present agreed totally and insisted that Hariri has a different position than Saniora.
In my opinion, they are lying to him because he is in an awful neurasthenic crisis...
truth magic mushrooms eh, explains so much of the habitual nonsensical rants of the trolling full timer
one cannot even begin to start pointing out the pointlessness and irrelevance of your comment, so instead, i'm gonna share with you a yummy recipe for a white chocolate and blueberry cheesecake:
M.Aoun n'a plus rien à perdre. Si on dit qu'il est fou, ça lui fait plaisir. Il faut responsabiliser personellement chacun des deputés du Tayyar et leurs alliés. L'éléction du president est responsabilité personnelle de chacun d'eux.
Look at the madman how he treats the journalist of MTV:
Imam Ali (AS) said that the tongue is only a piece of meat held into the mouth by muscles and ligaments, yet the tongue is strong enough to destroy whole societies. This man Aoun, this summit of all failures and insanities will never change, never, insane or briefly sane, this man has two personalities and both are evil. He commits his crimes, yet all too readily accuses his opponents and critics of the crimes he commits. Wlak ya Aoun, zi7 minil darb, and let us elect ea new president! Wlak enta ma bit za2eff, wala byitza2aflak, wala bit zi7 min darbel za2iffeh!!