الحريري "وافق على تعيين شامل روكز قائداً للجيش"

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وافق رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري على تعيين صهر رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر"، قائد فوج المغاوير في الجيش اللبناني العميد شامل روكز، قائداً للجيش، وفق ما أفادته المعلومات الصحافية.

ولفتت معلومات لصحيفة "الديار"، الاحد، فإن الحريري وافق على تسوية قدمها رئيس التيار النائب ميشال عون والتي "تقضي بأن يتولى شامل روكز قيادة الجيش اللبناني والعميد عماد عثمان مديراً لقوى الامن الداخلي".

وكشفت عن ان موفداً للحريري "سيبلغ عون بالموافقة".

واوضحت معلومات "الديار"، ان هذا الامر يعني ان "البلاد مقبلة على انتخابات رئاسة الجمهورية بعد فترة".

الى ذلك، أشارت الصحيفة الى ان رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري "ليس لديه فيتو على تعيين العميد شامل روكز قائدا للجيش وهو مع التمديد للقادة العسكريين اذا لم يحصل التعيين".

يُشار الى ان التيار يرفض رفضاً قاطعاً أن يطال التمديد قائد الجيش العماد قهوجي، خصوصا على ضوء عدم انتخاب رئيس للبلاد منذ 25 أيار الفائت، وسط معلومات عن رغبة عون في تولي، صهره، شامل روكز قيادة الجيش.

وتنتهي ولاية قائد الجيش، الممددة أصلاً بقرار من وزير الدفاع السابق فايز غصن في 23 ايلول 2015.


التعليقات 15
Thumb EagleDawn 09:26 ,2015 أيار 03

ad diyar reports are as credible as when mowaten says he is secular and lebanese. How can we trust an iranian owned propaganda media junk outlet?

Thumb justin 09:51 ,2015 أيار 03


Thumb EagleDawn 10:59 ,2015 أيار 03

when will mustahbal subcontract the LAF with the tripoli and arsal security? any idea at all?"

8 minutes ago VDL (93.3): Thee suspects were arrested in raids carried out by the army in Bab al-Tabbaneh.
9 minutes ago VDL (100.5): The army is heavily deployed on the entrances of Tripoli's Bab al-Tabbaneh and near Abdullah bin Massoud mosque as troops are carrying out raids in the area.

Missing humble 11:03 ,2015 أيار 03

Look how imbassil is happy....
To all followers of the Caporal keep this in mind: "as long as the caporal will be part of Ebola, agent to Iran and Syria, accepting a Mutelateh, he will never get anything even if he is kissing the hands more and more".

Missing humble 11:04 ,2015 أيار 03

As far from reality as when "chicken will have teeth"

Missing humble 11:11 ,2015 أيار 03

A photo that speaks for itself. Guess who is begging?

Missing humble 12:51 ,2015 أيار 03

Can you imagine Caporal president, Chamel General, and imbassil minister and ALL of them agents to Ebola...who is governing ???

Missing Ghazanfar 14:40 ,2015 أيار 03

Unlikely story only on account of this caveat, "The daily however said that Hariri's agreement would block Aoun's presidential aspirations."
Aoun will never sign in to such agreement.

Missing Ghazanfar 18:51 ,2015 أيار 03

Of course flamethrower you are correct as usual. In fact in 2008 Aoun went to Doha convinced his allies military takeover will appoint him ex-Lebanese army commander President Michel Aoun, and as expected he came back ex-Lebanese army commander President Michel.. Sleiman.
Here's your sign!

Missing Ghazanfar 22:03 ,2015 أيار 03

flamethrower don't you ever address me like I am your mother and your sisters, besides practicing the world oldest profession they learned from many generations of their mothers is how they were able to put you all the way through the three years of douzième and made you the first "educated" individual to come out of the rare specie that evolution bypassed.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 17:53 ,2015 أيار 03

mabrouk to naharnet for our new general of the army
god bless democracy all over the arab world

Thumb beiruti 18:20 ,2015 أيار 03

So, it is "illegal" for the Defense Minister to extend the term of a security chief without that co-signature of the President, whose office now lies vacant, but, Aoun enters an agreement with Hariri, who is not in office to appoint Aoun's son-in-law, and le petite general is made happy! But isn't it "illegal" as well to appoint a new army chief without the co-signature of the President, whose office remains vacant?
To try to find consistency with Aoun is a fools errand, unless one accepts the common thread, that any action which helps Aoun's family party, the FPM, or family members is "legal" and anything that doesn't is "illegal".

Thumb thepatriot 15:35 ,2015 أيار 04

to work with FMP is to work with outlaws and mafias or you dont know that?

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 19:57 ,2015 أيار 03

mabrouk for naharnet and Lebanon keep on the good work

Missing alyanko10452 20:27 ,2015 أيار 03

Maybe they will make him president after? you never know.