عون: هناك جنوح نحو السيطرة بممارسة الحكم ووعدنا لكم ان قوى التكفير لن تقوى علينا

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تعهد رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" النائب ميشال عون بأن الارهاب "لن يقوى على اللبنانيين"، مؤكداً في الوقت نفسه ان الفراغ الرئاسي سببه "الجنوح نحو السيطرة في ممارسة الحكم مما اضعف المسيحيين".

وخلال كلمةٍ القاها في مناسبة الذكرى المئوية للابادة السريانية، بتنظيم من الرابطة السريانية وحزب الطاشناق و التيار، قال عون من فندق لو رويال ضبيه: "وعدنا لكم ان قوى التكفير والارهاب لن تقوى علينا".

واضاف: "ما يلحقنا من خير يطال الجميع وما يلحقنا من شر سيطال الجميع"، مشدداً على انه "لدينا ما يكفي من العزم لاكمال المسيرة".

واذ اشار عون الى ان "ما نشهده من همجية اليوم أبشع من الأمس"، لفت الى ان هذه الهمجية "اعادت الينا صور الماضي وأيقظت فينا القلق على المستقبل".

وذكر عون بتاريخ 1915 وبالابادة السريانية مضيفاً : "نشعر ان الحلم الذي راود العثمانيين سابقاً لا يزال يراود بعضهم ".

يُشار الى ان الجيش اللبناني يقوم بالتصدي للارهابيين في الجرود، ويعمل على قصف مواقعهم والتقدم في الجرود، متمركزاً فيها.

اما في لبنان، فرأى رئيس التيار ان هناك " جنوحاً نحو السيطرة في ممارسة الحكم ومبدأ ما هو لي هو لي وهذا ما يفقد المرجعيات المسيحية دورها بالنسبة لمن تمثل".

يُذكر ان لبنان يعيش مرحلة فراغ رئاسي بعد فشل النواب في انتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية ورفض الرئيس السابق ميشال سليمان تمديد ولايته، وكان قد القى خطاب الوداع في 24 ايار الفائت.


التعليقات 19
Thumb Mystic 21:07 ,2015 أيار 06

“The Ottomans are to blame for the genocide after they refused to provide protection for the Christians and took part in the killings”

Now all Christians of Lebanon should listen to those words carefully, now this is indeed what is coming to Lebanon if Nusra and ISIS conquers it.

Let go off Geagea and Hariri if you want to live, Hariri will not be able to hold back the takfiris and save you, when they enter Achrafieh, Jounieh etc. You place your bets on the Wahabis, instead of those fighting them. Pathetic Phalangists.

God bless General Aoun for stating this obvious truth.

Thumb -phoenix1 01:19 ,2015 أيار 07

This is Aoun the claoun, what an ugly face truly, and his son The boaring Roar, that so called roar with an evil dirty tongue and with an even worse character of lying, Roar, the son of Michel Aoun, the undeclared son of Aoun, but don't worry, Roar cannot be lost, he has that same character as his old papa, chronic liar, dirty tongue, dirty attitude, cannot accept to be challenged, and as insane, sorry, forgot to say, true to his dad Aoun, just as bloody ugly.

Thumb zahle1 03:54 ,2015 أيار 08

Aoun is telling the truth. Everything he said I agree with. I even agree that Hariri cannot stop the takfiri. This is the problem, the moderate Sunni are too weak and not strong enough. However, I disagree that the Phalangists are pathetic. They may have leaned too close to KSA, but they would fight hard against any takfiri in Lebanon no doubt. They are very concerned with takfiri, they just don't admit it. Just like you won't admit that Assad wants to control Lebanon, if he did not have this Sunni problem in his country.

Thumb Mystic 21:19 ,2015 أيار 06

So you deny that the Ottomans killed all 1.5 million Armenians in that genocide? Ottomans were the worst kind of devilish empire ever, they slaughtered all minorities they could, just like your takfiris does now.

The Ottoman empire failed, so will your takfiri plot inshallah.

Missing helicopter 04:13 ,2015 أيار 07

Mystic yells "Labayka ya Khomeini"
F.T announces that HA arms is to keep the Christians from having more privileges than they deserve.
Aoun who is conspiring in keeping th highest Christian post (Presidency) vacant.
Ans now all of them are expressing regret for the diminishing Christian role and warning them of the dangers of ISIS. With friends like that who needs enemies.

Missing peace 23:42 ,2015 أيار 06

seems those hezbi lovers never set foot in the north, all they know about it comes from elmanar not from their knowledge of it....

go and tell the christians in the north they are in takfiri land, they will laugh at you....

Thumb -phoenix1 01:10 ,2015 أيار 07

Wlak ya habileh Roar, on this thread alone, you've created more than 5 new acronyms, and all so synonymous with your acronym's character. Tell me, how much time do you have ya Aussie lair in your hands, all this just to thumb down people you hate? Is it that bad to go to such lengths ya evil sod? How sick must you be do do such lowly things? Every time you rear up your ugly head, you just show how utterly dumb you can be. All these thumbs up for your yellow side and all these thumbs down for those you hate? Only an idiot so baldy possessed by Lucifer Satan can do these things, otherwise no sane person can go so far, and for what, for another aging Lucifer, a Freemason like your Claoun? Habileh.

Thumb -phoenix1 01:31 ,2015 أيار 07

Jiddo, just behind him and in a state of profound coma was his ugly undeclared Aussie son The boaring Roar. It was too much, the Aoun females have now discovered the pleasures they missed for so long, The Roar, the liar couldn't take it any longer.

Thumb -phoenix1 01:35 ,2015 أيار 07

Liar Roar, as long as your evil father Aoun the claoun is alive as long as he will do all he can to divide the Christians. In the past 24 hours you cracked your nuts trying to insult everyone who opposes his views and that's because now it's confirmed that he is just a wasted piece of sh*t, just like you, he and you don't float anymore. Both you and him have lost it, gone mad, and it shows in every post you write and in your crazy dad's speeches, every one of them. What made it even worst is Bachar Al Assad's declaration of the 6 May about sustaining losses on the battleground. All of you, you're going bust and nuts, especially you ya satanic liar.

Thumb -phoenix1 17:47 ,2015 أيار 07

FT, stay out of it, afdal, you and I maintain a good relationship here for a very long time now, don't be dragged into this.

Thumb beiruti 05:06 ,2015 أيار 07

What institutions of State? Aoun has paralyzed them all to death. His complaint about others exerting "hegemony" over the Christian role in Lebanon is the result of whose hand? Who sold the FPM to Iran? Who gave that constituency over to Hezbollah, to "others"? And who is he kidding, when he says "we" and "us". He is not speaking of Lebanese Christians, he is not even speaking about the FPM, but his "we" is the Aoun family. He doesn't want anyone crowding in on his monopolistic claim to the exercise of "Christian political power" in Lebanon. Anyone who does, whether Sunni or Druze or Gemayel or Geagea, all are, in Aoun's demented mind, "tikfiri".
He has destroyed the Christian position in Lebanon by his obsessive attempts to monopolize and control it.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:32 ,2015 أيار 07

(1) Naharnet, in brief, this thing called the Roar, he is not an haphazard poster, he actually works for the FPM in the Orange Room. he does not live in Australia as he is lying to us but here in Beirut. He has 6 friends, 3 of them co-workers who are tasked to check on other forums what they call target threads, in simpler words threads that have as subject Aoun, or the FPM and by lesser importance Hezbollah. His role and that of his mates is to disrupt the normal flow of the discussions with personal attacks, derogations and insults to the point where it hopefully gets derailed. Another technique is to thumb down or up where it so applies. He was banned from Naharnet for 2 weeks, during all that time he kept posting at the FPM both as a Mod and as a poster.

Thumb -phoenix1 17:49 ,2015 أيار 07

FT stay out of this, if a kherfen is commanding your response, then you must be a true jadbeh. Habileh ent.

Thumb -phoenix1 17:52 ,2015 أيار 07

FT, 3 dots here, more dashes there, must be a few scars on you though. Ya habibi, as they're telling on this forum you FT, stick to the topic, you and I have never reached this point, yet, except if this is what you are looking for. But to remind you and the rest of the yellows, your provocations and insults have not worked, the threads are moving on fine thank you, so if you have anything worth our reading post it, otherwise this silly kherfen thing of yours just proves what so many keep telling you......You decide.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:33 ,2015 أيار 07

(2). Naharnet. On the Roar. His activities go by Beirut time and certainly not by Australia time. His IPs are Lebanese IPs, even if the FPM has tried to mask them under several layers. I am doing best as I could to respect the ethics of the profession by limiting the findings of my team, lest we forget that I own a company in the trade, but if Naharnet does not restrain this character, then I will divulge more and more info on the Roar's activities including those of other FPM trolls. Just to recap, The Roar is NOT just another poster, but a paid FPM Troll who actually works at the Orange Room, and also posts from there including the other persons who work with him and in tandem, the aim is to disrupt and derail. If the Naharnet mods don't wake up, someone will do it for them.

Thumb freedomarch 13:57 ,2015 أيار 07

Thanks for your observation, it should be well taken by all here. All your points seem true and this person is not falling to far from clAown Tree, Trolling School of Art ing and kneeling institute.

Thumb freedomarch 13:59 ,2015 أيار 07

Thanks for your observation, it should be well taken by all here. All your points seem true and this person is not falling too far from clAown Tree, Trolling School of Art ing and kneeling institute

Thumb -phoenix1 12:38 ,2015 أيار 07

lebanon08, talking of bowing, Aoun has bowed to every hand that has given him just a handful of Dollars, first in line Hezbollah. His repeated U-turns, his repeated denials and counter denials and a lot more all indicate to a man who has no principles, no morals but sheer greed, or what the French would call an ARRIVISTE, donc tout les moyens sont bons. It so happens that Aoun is HA's ally, but let us suppose that he reverts to his positions of previous, where HA was his main tool and subject of accusation, by now people like you would be short of words to attack him, maybe even assassinate him. Just remember that there's never smoke without fire just under it.

Thumb freedomarch 19:30 ,2015 أيار 07

I heard clAown will be enertaining the ruling family with the circus especially built for him.