عون: ما الداعي لبقاء الحكومة ان تخلفت عن واجباتها؟

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رأى رئيس تكتل التغيير والاصلاح النائب ميشال عون ان "لا داعٍ لبقاء الحكومة " اذا استمرت لالتخلف بالقيام بواجباته وعلى رأسهم ملف التمديد للقادة الامنيين، طارحاً من جهة اخرى 4 حلول من شأنها المساهمة

ومن دارته من الرابية، اعتبر عون في مؤتمر صحافي عقده الجمعة ان "الحكومة وجدت بتسهيل منا، لكي نؤمّن بمشاركتنا الحد الادنى من الاستقرار الأمني والاقتصادي فماذا يبقى من داعٍ لوجودها إن هي تخلّفت عن واجباتها؟".

واذ رأى رئيس التكتل ان " الدولة بلغت مرحلة التفكك والعجز"، لفت الى ان "كل ما لا تستطيع الحكومة مجتمعة إقراره ضمن اطار القوانين، تترك وزيراً يقرّه بنفسه خارج اطار القوانين".

وعن معلومات عن رغبة عون في تولي صهره قائد فوج المغوير في الجيش اللبناني العميد شامل روكز قيادة الجيش، علّق عون قائلاً: " يوجد اعذار خلاقة ومن ابرزها ان المرشح لقيادة الجيش يجب ان يدفع ثمن القربة، فهل ذلك يسبب خطيئة مميتة؟".

عليه، شدد عون على" المحافظة على المؤسسة العسكرية بأعلى الكفاءات المهنية والأخلاقية"، مضيفاً : " لن نسمح بعد اليوم باستباحة حقوقنا واعتقد اننا دخلنا مرحلة العد العكسي بل نحن في داخلها الآن".

يُذكر ان عون كان قد هدّد بالاستقالة من الحكومة في حال الاستمرار بـ"تجاهل" وجهات نظره في ملف التمديد للقادة الامنيين. ويخشى التكتل من أن يطال التمديد قائد الجيش العماد قهوجي الذي تنتهي ولايته في 23 أيلول 2015 كما يرفض التمديد ايضاً لولاية المدير العام لقوى الأمن الداخلي اللواء إبراهيم بصبوص التي تنتهي في حزيران المقبل، بعد ان كان قد عيّن في آذار 2014.

وعلى صعيد الانتخابات الرئاسية، رأى رئيس التكتل من الرابية ان "المسيحيين هم من دفع الثمن مع أنهم عنصر استقرارٍ واعتدال فألغي تمثيلهم الصحيح بقوانين انتخابات تخالف الدستور ووثيقة الوفاق الوطني".

وتساءل: "أين أصبحت المناصفة وصحة التمثيل في قانون انتخابٍ نصّ عليه الدستور ووثيقة الوفاق الوطني بعد مرور ربع قرن على الطائف"؟

بناءً عليه، اعتبر عون ان "الأكثرية اخلّت بالوعد ومُدِّد لمجلس النواب فزوِّرت الإرادة الشعبية مرتين بالتمديد وبالاحتفاظ بنفس الأكثرية لثماني سنوات".

وفي المجال نفسه، طرح رئيس التكتل 3 حلول تسووية ممكنة للخروج من الازمات الدستورية الى جانب حل رابع دستوري.

أولاً: اعتماد الانتخابات الرئاسية المباشرة من الشعب على مرحلتين؛ الاولى مسيحية، والثانية وطنية، والناجح في هذه الانتخابات تثبّت رئاسته في مجلس النواب.

ثانياً: القيام باستفتاء شعبي، ومن ينل الأكثرية ينتخبه المجلس.

ثالثاً: يختار المجلس النيابي بين الأول والثاني من الموارنة الأكثر تمثيلاً فيه.

رابعاً: إجراء انتخابات نيابية، قبل الانتخابات الرئاسية، على أساس قانون انتخاب جديد يؤمّن المناصفة بين المسيحيين والمسلمين وفقاً للدستور ووثيقة الوفاق الوطني.

يشار الى ان الفراغ الرئاسي مستمر منذ ايار 2014، لرفض الرئيس السابق ميشال سليمان تمديد ولايته وفشل النواب في التوافق على رئيس جديد.


التعليقات 31
Thumb geha 12:16 ,2015 أيار 15

kindly stop trolling the whole site!
tens of comments on each subject!
just say your opinion and stop bothering other posters.

Missing peace 12:41 ,2015 أيار 15

he is just trying to exist here... he is a frustrated gay boy in real life...

Thumb geha 13:01 ,2015 أيار 15

most probably :)

Thumb mahdi-firuz-berhouz 17:05 ,2015 أيار 15

hahahahahahaha! you are simply the best flamesrower, simply! No one does it better, no one could mix political debate, humor, history, and google maps like you do. A legend in your own right, brilliant analyst, a man with a legacy. Somesingly very anazar flamesrower!

Missing peace 12:38 ,2015 أيار 15

he is a natural....

Missing peace 12:40 ,2015 أيار 15

don't worry: M8ers logic is inexistant.... so their binary thinking leads them to think taht all those against hezbollah are necessarily all allies...
they suffer from inferiority complex that's all....

Missing ya_kord 12:48 ,2015 أيار 15

lets see who in saida attacked the army? al asir who was gonna run against mustaqbal. Asir lost and his defear proved he barely had followers but here u are accusing all of saida and tripoli of attacking the army and being takfiris.. seriously it is this kind of behavior that will drive a wedge in lebanese society and will end up destroying our country like Syria

Missing peace 17:18 ,2015 أيار 15

sure there is only berri in M8 who collaborated but yet still allied with him.... LOL at your idiocy...

Thumb liberty 04:59 ,2015 أيار 16

do you also know when flamethrower goes to the bathroom?

Missing ya_kord 12:58 ,2015 أيار 15

really? from what i remember it was march 8 who rejected the same election law they agreed on the previous elections.. second of all your beloved hezbollah voted on the extension too. most parliament did or it wouldnt have passed. second of all is that all u had to say? insulting and accusing me of memory loss? what an educational debate flame! is that how you try resolve all of your debates with insults and threats? is that how you like hezbollah governing the country too? no logic no debate just threats and insults

Missing ya_kord 13:09 ,2015 أيار 15

have u noticed how everytime u reply it doesn't address my points... sorry I bothered.

Thumb freedomarch 14:14 ,2015 أيار 15

Flame thrower: So what do you think about the military court ? Was the ruling proprtional to the confessions? Were any or most membera of the court influenced, coursed, taimed, obliged, blackmailed to takesuch decision, were any or most of the members affliated, appointed by, working for, following the orders of either to Aoun, Hizbulah, Amal or Syrian regime parties or Frangieh? Didthey take into consideration the Reaction from the Sunni population, moderate or non moderate Christian Patriarch and if this rulling can influence them to become alienated from the institutions that seem overwhelmingly under Hizbola and Aouni and his sunni hate trademarks? I just want yoy to think about yourself, Flame thrower, Tell us really, all what you wanted is to burn and create fires of discrimination and hate againsy your fellow citizins and think it's ok? Is that fair? Do you want that, to happen to you?

Thumb freedomarch 14:17 ,2015 أيار 15

Flame thrower: So what do you think about the military court ? Was the ruling proprtional to the confessions? Were any or most members of the court influenced, coursed, taimed, obliged, blackmailed to take such a decision,? Were any or most of the members affliated, appointed by, working for, following the orders of either to Aoun, Hizbulah, Amal or Syrian regime parties or Frangieh? Did they take into consideration the Reaction from the Sunni population, moderate or non moderate, Christian Patriarch, and if this rulling can influence them to become alienated from the institutions that seem overwhelmingly under Hizbola and Aouni and his sunni hate trademarks? I just want you to think about yourself, Flame thrower, Tell us really, all what you wanted is to burn and create fires of discrimination and hate against your fellow citizins and think it's ok? Is that fair? Do you want that, to happen to you?

Thumb freedomarch 14:23 ,2015 أيار 15

You think they are like the Da7yeh? Stop attacki ng and using hate messages or will gave ask the authorities to track you and shut yiu down what you are doing is not helping your cause.

Thumb freedomarch 14:33 ,2015 أيار 15

Deeb did abd said: "it was ver fair rulling"

Missing maroun 15:12 ,2015 أيار 15

Aoun is a deserter

Missing maroun 15:49 ,2015 أيار 15

...flamethrower-you are the slave ...you general never fought the Syrians he was too busy fighting fellow Christians.i dont belong to any group ..i am against any one that support anything other then a lebanese goverment.

Missing peace 16:59 ,2015 أيار 15

keep up your insulting spree frustrated ft... it may ease your sickness a bit...

amazing how you try and hide aoun's fierce opposition to hezbollah for decades, sure it is bad for your propaganda of the day...

facts die hard, nothing you can do to change it!

Missing peace 17:02 ,2015 أيار 15

poor ft, he will choke on his hatred and frustrations... good for Lebanon though....

Missing peace 17:17 ,2015 أيار 15

""Following a Syrian withdrawal, it is quite conceivable that
the Syrian regime will leave behind many of its instruments of
terror and destruction as well as its paramilitary/intelligence
apparatus. Therefore, it is imperative that Syrian withdrawal be
accompanied by a complete disarmament of all armed elements."
aoun US senate speech...

never has he asked for hezbollah to disarm since....

but ft will deny it of course.... LOLLLL

Default-user-icon Ras al Baydah (ضيف) 17:26 ,2015 أيار 15

Cabinet dancing lambada, president in the Caribbean islands, government out of office, can only be summertime

Thumb irani 18:00 ,2015 أيار 15

I agree solutions to problems come through the electings of the Cristhians presidence by the people with the Shits majority of the Lebanon so the Cristhians presidence will be against the Meca and Israel mafia boy Geagea. The Meca boy only receveid order of Saudis!!!

Missing humble 18:26 ,2015 أيار 15

Tric. Go home

Thumb -phoenix1 19:15 ,2015 أيار 15

Tric, cut out your tricks!!

Missing humble 18:25 ,2015 أيار 15

Absolutely correct.

Missing humble 18:25 ,2015 أيار 15

A mareedman's place is in Deir El Salib.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:21 ,2015 أيار 15

Today I was on the highway between a honking convoy of FPM supporters going to Rabieh to visit Aoun and what a shock it was for me to count them all: 8 cars and 2 half empty buses. I remember not that long ago, Aoun's convoys were a lot bigger and people at the time seemed to cheer them, in those days. Today no one bothered even look. This is what I've been saying all along, Aoun's support base is dwindling, I even went as far as where he lives, and again, what a disappointment to see such a small presence compared to what he used to see before. Aoun at the end of the day is his own worst enemy, he might as well make that joint declaration with the LF and save what's left of his constituency.

Thumb ex-fpm 21:32 ,2015 أيار 15

Aoun: Some sides have linked Lebanon and their own fate to foreign powers and preserving independence and freedom is harder than obtaining them.

Was it not him who said he was an integral part of the syrian-iranian-hezbollah axis of resistance...

Thumb liberty 04:57 ,2015 أيار 16

lol @ flamethrower and company
“I am definitely in the axis of the resistance ” Aoun told al-Akhbar newspaper on March 10.

Thumb ex-fpm 10:34 ,2015 أيار 16

thanks @liberty for answering the troll and his 50 aliases.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:39 ,2015 أيار 16

Et aussi un mentard.