بري رداً على دعوة 14 آذار لتغيير النصاب الانتخابي: نحن في بلد ديموقراطي
Read this story in Englishلم يعلّق رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري على دعوة نواب قوى 14 آذار الذي اجتمعوا في بكركي من أجل العودة الى نصاب الصف زائداً واحداً في ما خص انتخاب رئيس، واكتفى بالقول "نحن في بلد ديموقراطي...لا تعليق".
وفي تصريح الى الصحف المحلية، الاربعاء، علّق بري على الدعوة إلى الحضور اليومي للنواب في المجلس، قائلاً: "هذا الأمر كنت قد أجبت عليه، وأذكّر الجميع بأن المجلس ومنذ 24 آذار 2014 في حال انعقاد دائم لانتخاب رئيس جمهورية، وإن دعوتي الى جلسات لانتخاب رئيس جمهورية تندرج في هذا الإطار، أما موضوع الانعقاد اليومي فهناك كرامة للمجلس، لأنه لا يجوز دعوته إلى جلسات يومية ولا تنعقد".
ولفت الى ان "هناك دعوة الآن للمجلس الى الانعقاد في 3 حزيران المقبل لانتخاب رئيس، ولكن إذا حصل اتفاق اليوم أو في أي وقت قبل 3 حزيران على هذا الرئيس أحدّد موعداً لجلسة خلال 24 ساعة. ولكن أقول إن للمجلس كرامته، وما حدا يعَلّمني كيف أدعو إلى الجلسات، فأنا أعطي دروساً في هذا الشأن".
وأضاف "فليتركوا هذا الأمر جانباً ويعملوا على التوافق أولاً"، موضحاً ان "الدستور هو الذي يحدّد نصاب الجلسة، وفي هذا الشأن اتخذنا موقفاً في هيئة مكتب مجلس النواب من باب العلم بالأمر، وقد أعلناه في الهيئة العامة. لكن يبدو أنّنا في لبنان أصبحنا كما يقول كليمنصو: "الديموقراطية جيّدة لكن من دون انتخابات"".
والاربعاء، نقل نواب بري عنه قوله اثر لقاء الاربعاء: "البلد مر بالكثير من الأزمات واعتمدنا دائماً نصاب الثلثين عند انتخاب الرئيس".
Mr du Barry. Your quorum of 2/3 AFTER the FIRST meeting is wrong. You know it...but you don't dare....
After the first round, the quorum is half plus one but Berri is only a tool of the iranian regime.
Mr. Berri, no matter how many skins you may want to wear, bottom line is, when nothing is left but to confront the truth, your real skin always appears. You may have gesticulated, wiggled done all you can to make people believe that you're impartial, but now that the truth beholds you starkly in the face, you've shown that you're nothing but a pawn in the hands of many masters. Truth is, it's high time you go and be replaced by a new face, a lot more connected with our realities.
I posted this post some 8 minutes ago, yet already got 3 downs, in fact like suddenly has happened to every M14 poster here, just to show the sleeping mods what is going on with our yellow friends on this forum. I suspect someone has a lot more than one alias and I am not wrong either.
I disagree FT, M14 posters are being downed a lot more and this simply shows foul play, end of story. In the simplest of terms, some M8 posters here are using many other profiles and even when banned will simply revert to another account and keep downing our posts. Though we may not bother much, but it just shows the poor "modding" of this forum, especially just before and during weekends. Then let us not forget the direct insults, mockery and sheer derogation we received so often simply for voicing our minds. M8 posters are a lot more abusive on this forum and at least speaking for myself, it just goes to show the M8 low level of tolerance for free speech. You may wish to deny, you're free, but this is the truth and there are many things we too know.
FT, again, you don't seem to focus on what I said, I am free to criticize any political figure, any, but in total contrast to you and your fellow M8 posters, I do not focus on the person of the poster. Look FT, I am sure you've seen me in the past how I can react when attacked unfairly and insulted, I can keep the rythm for days non-stop, so you're no stranger here. Then you of all, you seem to forget all too readily just how many times and times you've insulted leaders of the M14 side. You've called them names, insulted them, but by and large we kept it clean, can you deny? Sure, I do call Aoun like Claoun, Al Capaoun, clown, deranged, mad, but this is it, then I am only describing a man whom befits such. But have I for instance ever called you anything but FT? At least make the effort to emulate me.
FT, this is exactly what I was alluding to and I quote from you "and you've just joined them. a sure sign of political bankruptcy" unquote. When you elevate your standards, then you will find me ready to chat you again. By the way, I simply joined those who oppose most of M8 views, it's not corruption, it's the beginning of resistance, the real one.
Boutros, what I know of this majnoun is that he never made sense. Back in 1989 when he was "attacking" the Syrians and taking weapons from Saddam Hussein, who at the time was engaged in Desert Storm against the US and the coalition, every single political analyst could see NO sense whatsoever of it. Syria which became part of the US coalition against Saddam quickly got the US blessings, and the rest we all know. Today we know why Majnoun did what he did, it's all pure sabotage and he hasn't kicked the habit till now, finally, being his true self nut-case, his calculations are never right, just like when he said that the elections be made from the street, even that he will lose and lose badly. Call him majnoun or majdoub, the man loves money and power.