قتلى لمجوعة من "النصرة" في كمين لـ"حزب الله" في جرود عرسال
Read this story in Englishتمكن "حزب الله" من القضاء على مجموعة من "جبهة النصرة" في كمين نصبه لهم في جرود بلدة عرسال البقاعية الحدودية مع سوريا، لجهة جرود نحلة.
وأفادت قناة "المنار" الناطقة بإسم "حزب الله"، الاربعاء، ان "المجموعة المستهدفة التي تم رصدها عبر طائرة استطلاع كانت تنوي تنفيذ عمل إرهابي انطلاقاً من الكسارات جنوب عرسال".
ولفتت الى ان "قائداً ميدانياً من بين قتلى المجموعة التكفيرية".
وكشفت القناة عن انه "تم تدمير آلية عسكرية وغرفة اجتماعات لهم".
يشار الى ان الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله كان قد اكد الاحد وقوفه الى جانب اهالي بلدة عرسال في مواجهة المجموعات المسلحة، ودعا الدولة الى تحمل المسؤولية في هذا الاطار ، لكنه أعلن بحزم عن ان حزب الله لن يسكت عن وجود أي ارهابي في جرود البلدة.
The group was allegedly spotted with surveillance drones that were overflying the outskirts of Arsal and Nahle, Hizbullah's mouthpiece al-Manar said.
the keyword here is Al Manar is Hizbollah's mouthpiece:)
you think with your new screen name (the 100th) you can harass posters and insult them?! Focus on the article and spare the readers your sectarian rhetoric flamethrower with new name;))
When the armys hands are tied by pro takfiri political factions mainly mostaqbal, then the people of Lebanon and their Resistance must take care of the threats themselves.
Good job beloved Resistance.
why every time you people can't successfully refute @FT, you accuse him of being sectarian? I've been reading this forum for years and I've never managed to know what is @FT's religion. sometimes I think he's shia, sometimes, huthi. so I stopped guessing. It's people like you, who are sectarian... FT is pure Huthi.
the troll is back with vengeance after he got fed up making up fake accounts and insulting every poster.
all lebanese soil should be liberated from takfiry terrorist filth and god bless whoever do it
god bless democracy
I second you, less problems for us. Army is our top priority, if needed to come to the battle they should do, just keep Hizbolah away because it will stir more problems than it think it can solve. SHI3A SUNNI. war is not our war, Lebanon's freedom and welfare is.
its a legal duty written in the charter of the united nations
any occupied land should be liberated by all means army people resistance and how come if our Lebanese soil is occupied by takfiry terrorist filth
god bless democracy
the move to liberate anbar is all but "100% purely Shiites Armed Militia", once again you failed to differentiate between your fantasies and reality. look it up, get informed for once.
Aoun: "Hezbollah is collaborating with Israel to legitimize Israel's use of destructive force [against Lebanon]"
-An-Nahar 4 February 2002
Aoun: "Hezbollah, internationally, falls under resolution 1566 which calls for fighting terrorism"
An-Nahar, 31 January 2005
talking about collaborators you should then start with hezbollah ...
oupsss! i forgot hat your memeory stops in 2005, all what aoun said before are just lies....
"resisting forces like hezb and M8 "
wahahaha! good one! keep up entertaining us! a real clown you are! ROFLMAO
"Le général a par ailleurs critiqué la Syrie et le Hezbollah avec virulence. Il a accusé le Hezbollah «d’avoir permis à l’occupation israélienne de se perpétuer», l’appelant à «remettre immédiatement ses armes à l’État libanais parce que sa mission de libération est terminée»."