سليمان يطالب "بالغاء انتخاب رئيس بالثلثين": الرئيس القوي يمثل البلد لا طائفته

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طالب رئيس الجمهورية السابق ميشال سليمان "بالغاء انتخاب الرئيس بالثلثين"، محذرا من تصنيف الرئيس القوي على أنه "يمثل طائفته".

وعلق سليمان عبر اذاعة صوت لبنان 93.3 السبت على اقتراح تكتل التغيير والاصلاح باجراء استفتاء شعبي حول رئاسة الجمهورية، قائلا أن "هذا الاقتراح لا يتوافق مع الوضع الراهن ويحرّف اتفاق الطائف".

عليه، طالب سليمان "بالغاء انتخاب الرئيس بالثلثين بعد الوصول الى حائط مسدود وعدم تمكن أي مرشح من الحصول على الأغلبية المطلقة".

وسأل "هل من المنطقي وضع مواصفات تعجيزية لرئيس الجمهورية؟ وهل تم التفريط بحقوق المسيحيين في السنوات الماضية؟".

وفي هذا السياق، حذر الرئيس السابق الذي انتهت ولايته في 25 أيار الفائت، من "تصنيف الرئيس القوي على أنه يمثل طائفته حصراً"، مشددا على أن "رئيس الجمهورية يمثل لبنان بكامله مسلمين ومسيحيين على حد سواء".

ورأى أنه "لن يتم انتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية طالما أن حزب الله لا يزال يقحم نفسه في الحرب السورية".

كما عول سليمان في حديثه الى الاذاعة عينها على "حكمة رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام للخروج من الأزمة الحكومية الحالية".

وأضاف ان "مسيرة تعطيل المؤسسات مستمرة من رئاسة الجمهورية مروراً بملف التعيينات وصولاً الى العمل الحكومي".

وإذ استغرب مقولة أن الجيش غير قادر على محاربة الارهاب وحده وبالتالي حاجته الى المساعدة، دعا سليمان الى "دعم الجيش على الحدود ليكون سداً منيعاً ضد أي محاولات تسلل للارهابيين".

وما زالت البلاد تعيش في حالة شغور رئاسي منذ 25 أير الفائت تاريخ انتهاء ولاية سليمان الذي رفض التمديد لنفسه. ويفشل السياسيون بانتخاب رئيس لتعطيل بعضهم النصاب، ولخلافهم على طرح رئيس.

وينعكس هذا الفراغ على اداء مؤسسات الدولة والحكومة التي تتولى تسيير الامور حاليا.


التعليقات 14
Missing humble 11:11 ,2015 حزيران 13

That is certainly correct because the parliament is supposed to be in continuous and open reunion and the first vote with the required quorum of 2/3 has already taken place. All successive assemblies require only a quorum of 50% plus one deputy. But Monsieur du Barry wanted to please M8...the rest is History.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka+ (ضيف) 11:18 ,2015 حزيران 13

A head of state should represent the whole of Lebanon, Muslims and Christians alike,” Suleiman stressed.
prime minister should represent the whole of lebanon .......
head of parliament should represent the whole of lebanon ,,,,,
so all position should be treated the same what goes for the prime minister and head of parliament goes for the presidency
you want a president tawafouki so must be the prime minister and the head of parliament
this is real patrtenership
god bless democracy

Default-user-icon +oua nabka+ (ضيف) 11:38 ,2015 حزيران 13

A head of state should represent the whole of Lebanon, Muslims and Christians alike,” Suleiman stressed.
the best way to achieve this is a popular vote
god bless democracy

Missing humble 15:09 ,2015 حزيران 13

Resistance ? Which resistance ? The one that destroyed National Unity and the living together???

Missing humble 15:11 ,2015 حزيران 13

You want a PEOPLE vote? No problem ...let all the Lebanese abroad participate in the vote. Your Caporal will get less than 5% from the Christians abroad!!!

Missing humble 15:13 ,2015 حزيران 13

By the way, the Chrisians abroad are more than 7 millions.

Thumb theresistance4.0 15:35 ,2015 حزيران 13

The RESISTANCE that is whipping the floor with you holy rebel head chopping organ eating Saudi brought democracy lovers ya Bumble that Resistance :)

Thumb -phoenix1 15:12 ,2015 حزيران 13

@theresistance4.0. We now have a good idea of what it would have been like if your side ruled Lebanon, the nature of this post of yours alone is ample testimony of what could have been La Sama7 Allah. The more people like you write, the more we feel convinced that our stand against your aims is noble and worth every single sacrifice. Should you have felt somewhere in time that people like me did for a while believe in your rhetoric, well now is the confirmation that when feathers fly, bare skin is explanation enough as to why times are changing. Calling fellow posters as you did is in truth like your spitting against the wind, the day will come dear friend when you will need a handkerchief to wipe your face from your own excesses, and charity will be the furthest thing to you.

Thumb -phoenix1 15:54 ,2015 حزيران 13

@theresistance4.0, of course, to each his opinion and may God help us all. I respect your views to my very end and will defend you right to free speech, but then rest assured, my mind is mine and no one can ever creep over it. The objective is Lebanon, not Syria, not Iran, not Yemen, not the US, not France just our little Lebanon of 10,452 M2. Lebanon is bigger than us all, and even though you see wrong in me but trust me, moderate people like me are the surest guarantee of this nation and that means every single Lebanese. I said it before and will repeat it again, I am one of those who means no harm for Hezbollah and will never bloat the death of one of its fighters, but I know wrong from right, and what HA is doing today is because of the wrong it got into 5 years ago, not I can only wish it good fortune and wisdom to make it come back to the fold.

Thumb -phoenix1 15:55 ,2015 حزيران 13

**Now I can only wish it...**

Thumb -phoenix1 15:17 ,2015 حزيران 13

Mr. President, I am truly sorry to tell you this: You are a good man, a decent man, a noble man, but your single worst mistake you committed was to leave the presidency. You believed in the law and the constitution when the opponents of Lebanon keep flaunting it. You thought that you were doing the right thing and you certainly had in mind that had you stayed then the enemies of Lebanon would have accused you of standing in the way of democracy. But look at now what they did, their intentions were very clear from day one, Sir, you should have stayed, and you should have stomped your boot on their necks, period.

Thumb theresistance4.0 15:50 ,2015 حزيران 13

News are bad? Which news? You mean the dreams of M14ers (as yourself) who praised groups like Al-Nusra and only lived to seem them crushed like a bug by the #MenOfGod? Bad news for you maybe :)

Thumb -phoenix1 16:14 ,2015 حزيران 13

This kind of language will get you nowhere ya Lebanon08 and a perfect indicator that in this conflict, your side will end up in poor shape.

Default-user-icon icar (ضيف) 18:06 ,2015 حزيران 13

how about all Lebanese vote including the ones who are living abroad if they are good to pay their relatives bills they are good enough to have their say.