حزب الله وقوات النظام يدخلان مدينة الزبداني في ريف دمشق
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دخلت القوات النظامية السورية بمؤازة حزب الله الاحد مدينة الزبداني في ريف دمشق، اثر هجوم عنيف بدأته أمس السبت على المدينة التي تعتبر آخر معاقل المعارضة في المنطقة الحدودية مع لبنان.
وذكر مصدر امني سوري لوكالة "فرانس برس" ان "جبهة الزبداني شهدت تقدما ونجاحات اليوم"، مشيرا الى ان "الجيش بدأ الدخول الى اطراف المدينة".
وذكر التلفزيون السوري في شريط اخباري عاجل ان "وحدات من قواتنا بالتعاون مع المقاومة اللبنانية أحكمت سيطرتها على حي الجمعيات في غرب الزبداني وحي السلطانة في شرق المدينة".
واضاف ان هذه الوحدات "تتابع عملياتها بنجاح موقعة عشرات الارهابيين قتلى ومصابين".
من جهته، اكد المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان دخول المدينة، موضحا انه جاء اثر عملية عسكرية عنيفة قام خلالها الطيران منذ صباح الأحد "بالقاء ما لا يقل عن 12 برميلا متفجرا" على الزبداني، بالاضافة الى قصفها بصواريخ "يعتقد بانها من نوع ارض- ارض".
وتسببت "الاشتباكات العنيفة" في محيط المدينة بمقتل 14 عنصرا من قوات النظام وحزب الله بالاضافة الى 11 مقاتلا من المعارضة خلال الساعات الاربع والعشرين الاخيرة.
وبثت قناة "المنار" لقطات لمقاتلين بلباس عسكري قالت انها لعناصر الجيش السوري وحزب الله داخل المدينة، وهم يطلقون النار من رشاشاتهم او يلقون القنابل من داخل ابنية او في مساحات حرجية، بينما كان في الامكان مشاهدة دخان ابيض كثيف ينبعث من انفجارات قوية.
وتبعد الزبداني نحو عشرين كيلومترا شمال دمشق، وكانت تشكل قبل بدء النزاع ممرا للتهريب بين سوريا ولبنان، وهي من اولى المدن التي انتفضت ضد النظام في منتصف آذار 2011، ودخلت تحت السيطرة الكاملة لفصائل المعارضة منذ اواخر 2013.
في نيسان، استكمل مقاتلو حزب الله والقوات النظامية عملية عسكرية واسعة في منطقة القلمون طردوا خلالها مقاتلي المعارضة من المنطقة التي تشكل الزبداني امتدادا لها. الا ان المئات من المقاتلين تحصنوا في مناطق جبلية على الحدود.
لكن حزب الله عملية شن عملة جديدة الشهر الماضي نجح خلالها في ابعادهم عن الحدود.
وتشرف الزبداني على الطريق العام بين دمشق وبيروت. وتعتبر استراتيجية لحزب الله اكثر منها لمقاتلي المعارضة المحاصرين فيها منذ اكثر من سنة، اذ ان من شأنها ان تسهل تنقله بين سوريا ولبنان.

You must have misread :) read again and then go mourn your takfiri lovers

@mowaten E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T. Still laughing since you made the comment years back you were not shia but rather secular and atheist. That was funny, thank you!

Every time they suffer a big loss(Aleppo), ASSad and Hizbollaat pretend they're making strides in a small town...what good is Zabadani when Aleppo falls to the opposition?

Syrian rebellion? These are all ISIS in Zabandi, why don't you bless them in the open? Why try to wrap it up you coward, just say it plainly.
You support Da3ish against the "Rafidah". Because you live up to your name terrorist.

Zionist ISIS rebellion in Zabadani, you are being broken. Your plans to destroy holy places and destroy the tomb of Sayeda Zeinab sa have all but failed.
You thought Bashar Al Assad would be gone within 2 weeks. He still sits comfortable on his chair while you cowards gets backup by Israel across the Golan fields.

Mythtic no ISIS/Da3ish in Zabadani. According to Al Manar's Sunday nightly news Nusra is there. The same Nusra takfiris that Hezbollah takfiris and ISIS/Da3ish takfiris are fighting. Nasrallah claimed there was no unrest in Syria that was four years ago. Aoun insisted that the regime is going to finish with the unrest by next Tuesday, that was three years of Tuesdays ago. And the Golan are heights not fields. These are your lessons for today they are worth everything you've ever been taught till now, memorizing them makes you the smartest guy in your neighborhood. Give them to southern he'll benifit too.

go get a life troll. You never post anything of value but cheap canned propaganda. Your hizb of murder is defending Damascus and not Beirut.

I'm glad to make you American libtarded Nusra lovers mad, it is ISIS that controlled Zabadani not Nusra and they are the same takfiris anyway. I know you cowards likes Nusra even if they beheaded LAF troops.
I hope Assad will finish all your kind in his country. Days goes by and my no mercy should be shown to you any longer.

There are fields in Golan Mr. libtard, learn geographics. It's funny that proud Americans supports Al Qaeda affiliated groups, Al Qaeda is CIA. 9/11 inside job

an activist from Zabadani who now lives outside Syria, said there were still thousands of civilians in the east of the town and many wounded people.
do they look like ISIS to you? You just simply throw accusations and assumptions that have no basis in reality. If you read, you will learn there is no ISIS in zabadani and the FSA along with its residents are defending it.

There are no civilians in Zabadani. They all left a long time ago, you are still buying that old story with so called FSA? They hardly exist any longer, now they are part if Al Nusra all of them.
Your activist probaly lives in some high class office in London.

So how come you takfiris arrive from all over the world to overthrow Assad? You are supporting Al Qaeda you know that?

Geographics is a word, golan heights are field, al manar is wrong and in dahieh truthiness in considered education. It's the mythtic way.
Mystic, personally I will focus only on the military aspect of the matter. Zabadani is a main artery and a lifeline for Damascus itself, just as the Qualamoun is. The regime is losing ground in most fronts in Syria, now to Daesh, now to Al Nusra, now to some of the Islamist groupings, now to the FSA, so what the Syrian regime is doing in view of the losses that it is sustaining, is to retreat together with Hezbollah and Iran to what it considers its strongholds and try to secure supply lines. If you're gloating or celebrating over Zabadani, then it just shows how bad things are overall with the regime, Qualamoun and Zabadani and do or die issues for Bachar, thus has no other choices and you know it. Then could you answer why such a large number of Iranians in such comparatively and seemingly small areas?
Then my dear Mystic, evidence has surfaced that IS is actually not really fighting the regime but more so the Syrian rebel groupings that are opposing the regime. IS is almost entirely made up of Non-Syrians, whereas the other groupings are mostly Syrians. Things have started changing both on the ground and in the corridors of foreign diplomacy. True, much support went to Daesh from both the West and the Gulf countries, but this is being rectified now with funds and logistics now going to the FSA and the other rebel groupings. Now dear Mystic, I already know that you will deny this or even deride it, but I am telling you what the world is now beginning to know. Anyway, things will clear up as time goes in Syria.