عون يخيِر بين انتخابات نيابية عبر النسبية او انتخاب رئيس من الشعب: لرد السلطة الى مصدرها

Read this story in English W460

خيَر رئيس تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون الفرقاء الذين سيحضرون جلسة الحوار يوم غد الأربعاء بين اجراء انتخابات نيابية وفق قانون نسبي أو انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية عبر الشعب.

وقال عون بعد اجتماع التكتل عصر الثلاثاء "غدا لدينا حوار حول المشاكل الموجودة، فإما يكون لدينا القدرة على حلها بشكل عادل وإما سيكون هناك فشل ذريع".


ودعا عون الى انتخابات نيابية عبر قانون انتخاب نسبي فقط لا مختلط (اكثري ونسبي) ، قائلا "اننا اقترحنا قانون النسبية لأنه يسمح بتمثيل كل الاحزاب".

وأضاف "اننا نريد رد السلطة إلى مصدر السلطة أي إلى الشعب اللبناني، نريد قانونا نسبيا عندما نقره نجري الانتخابات النيابية عندها ننتخب رئيس الجمهورية وتتشكل الحكومة"، الا انه لفت الى انتخاب رئيس عبر الشعب كبديل عن القانون النسبي.

وتابع "كل اللبنانيين يريدون القانون النسبي، وهذا لا مزاح به، وانتخاب الرئيس من الشعب يحرره من الضغوط الدولية لأن الشعب انتخبه"، متمنيا "ألا نجبر للعودة الى الشارع لكن اذا عدنا فهذه المرة ستكون الدعوة لكل الشعب اللبناني".

ودعا الشعب الى رفض "التأثير الخارجي على انتخاب المسؤولين في بلدنا"، آملا ان يكون المسؤولين الذين سنجتمع بهم بهم غدا قد فهموا علي وان نمضي بالحوار لتشكيل دولة لا مزرعة".

اما حول ازمة النفايات التي تغرق بها البلاد منذ شهرين صرح عون أن التكتل سيؤمن خطة كاملة تحتوي على أفكار جديدة لملف النفايات"، لافتا الى أن "هناك أمورا لا يمكن للبلديات حلها"

وفي مستهل حديثه هنأ عون كل من شارك في تظاهرة "التيار الوطني الحر" التي جمعت الانصار وحتى الخصوم"، آملا ان "تكون طريقة التعبير الحضارية مثالا لكل اللبنانيين".


التعليقات 27
Thumb ex-fpm 18:42 ,2015 أيلول 08

Aoun: Referring the waste management problem to municipalities will not resolve the crisis.
what will? You have vetoed every possible solution so far.

And Sami Gemayel exposed this hypocrite.... Aoun has been calling for decentralization specifically regarding waste management yet he now opposes it.

الجميل: كافة الأطراف السياسية مواقفة على خطة الوزير شهيب باستثناء فريق واحد هو ذاته طالب في الماضي بلا مركزية النفايات والإفراج عن أموال البلديات.

Thumb ex-fpm 18:45 ,2015 أيلول 08

Aoun: We want to return authority to its source, to the Lebanese people
If the current parliament elected you President, Will you still be calling for direct elections by the people? I bet not. It has nothing to do with Christian rights or people's power it is all about Aoun and his family.

Sami Gemayel answered you :

الجميل: البلد معطل منذ 10 سنوات من أجل شخص والأسوأ من كل ذلك يبتزوننا بموضوع النفايات من أجل التعيينات العسكرية وكل ذلك باسم "حقوق المسيحيين".
الجميل: لو نجحت التسوية في مجلس النواب هل كنا سمعنا طروحات انتخاب الرئيس من الشعب؟

Thumb ex-fpm 18:48 ,2015 أيلول 08

Gemayel: It is unacceptable to suspend governments and elections for months for the sake of one person and what's worse is that they are blackmailing us by threatening that they will block solutions for the garbage crisis if we don't approve raising the retirement age of top military officers. This selfishness is being practiced under the excuse of "Christian rights."

Missing ex-fpm.daycare 11:27 ,2015 أيلول 09

there is only one person who is more misinformed than you are, and it's Sami Jmayyel.

Thumb marcus 18:51 ,2015 أيلول 08

Destructive selfish man who only cares about himself. No principles, No honor, No morals.

Thumb ex-fpm 18:54 ,2015 أيلول 08

Bassil was Minister of Energy and Water for FIVE years from 13/11/2009 until 4/2/2014. He referred to his ministry as «هي وزارة الطاقة والطاقات اللبنانية»
Indeed it was the ministry of “potentials” but of a different kind; potential for corruption, embezzlement and becoming a multi-millionaire. He pledged he would provide 24/24 electricity and for that he and his party demanded around $1.7 bn from the government to be granted to his ministry with absolute authority over the way to spend it without accountability or means of audit. He declined other means to finance the project through Arab and international Donors investment funds because the donor country appoints an independent auditing authority. He also argued against private electric companies such as Zahle Electric Company.
Today Bassil is urging the people of Lebanon to join him in his demands of the government to provide basic services to its people such as electricity and water!

Thumb ex-fpm 18:55 ,2015 أيلول 08

Prime Time News 07/09/2015 - 33 عاما... ولا كهرباء
The FPM and its allies the Tashnaq have been in charge of the Ministry of Energy for the last TEN years..... 10 years people and we still don't have electricity!

Thumb barrymore 19:07 ,2015 أيلول 08

don't forget the scandal behind the diesel deals and the fatma gul ship that took him 9 months to get it to start its engines.

Thumb ex-fpm 06:13 ,2015 أيلول 09

Your correction flamethrower will not help change FACTS.
Gebran Bassil was minister of energy during the Hariri government.
Lebanese government of November 2009
Gebran Bassil was minister of energy during the Mikati government
Lebanese government of June 2011

Which makes it 5 years... lol.

Thumb Maxx 15:57 ,2015 أيلول 09

Don't waste your breath. FPM sheep have the memory of a goldfish and the courage of a lemming.

Thumb ashtah 19:33 ,2015 أيلول 08

hehe yes somewhere in that vicinity:))

Thumb justin 19:42 ,2015 أيلول 08

phoenix, every time i listen to him i cringe.... the inconsistencies, contradictions, the lack of principles are beyond comprehension.

Default-user-icon boujamrah (ضيف) 20:44 ,2015 أيلول 08

phoenix you giving him too much credit, i can assure he's much worse than this.

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 19:45 ,2015 أيلول 08

General Aoun with a further important message from the heart full of ideas that will surely be quoted by generations to come all over the world, listen..


Thumb liberty 21:25 ,2015 أيلول 08

worthless narcissist

Default-user-icon nunya (ضيف) 21:44 ,2015 أيلول 08

caporal is scum of the earth

Default-user-icon PEACE (ضيف) 02:02 ,2015 أيلول 09

AOUN's dreams : If I am president
- the master bedroom in baa da will be for sayyid. Me in the servants chief room
- I will suck all the finance money to help HA (my way to be grateful)
-I won't bother to prepare any speech. All what I have to do is to read what is dictated by Iran
- all presidential guards from Loyalist HA. I don't trust the army even under the command of sil
- all my opponent will have their final tickets cut starting by the christians (like in glorious 1990 years)
- non Christian opponents will be left to deal with HA after my death (why bother)
- all rubbish will be dumped in Meerab
- by that time I won't be able to walk but my chair will be wheeled by Russian girll
- people interest : toss I am already president and after me the deluge

Default-user-icon PEACE (ضيف) 02:52 ,2015 أيلول 09

Aoun as president
- I already changed my mind about armed HA: as the majority wish, there will be only political HA because the Lebanese army will have a modern name lebanese Iranian HA army.
- mass production of RIP for dead christians.
That's what saw in my yesterday nightmare

Thumb beiruti 05:21 ,2015 أيلول 09

I see the Aouni have the thumbs down crew out trolling. As if that idiocy will cancel out the idiocy of their giddo micho

Thumb ex-fpm 06:26 ,2015 أيلول 09

this is the mowaten/flamethrower combination. Imagine the mass reporting he already did. Pathetic creature...

Thumb beiruti 05:23 ,2015 أيلول 09

I see the Aouni have the thumbs down crew out trolling. As if that idiocy will cancel out the idiocy of their giddo micho

Thumb EagleDawn 12:13 ,2015 أيلول 09

Somebody needs to feel the catharsis in putting an end to this lunatic's miserable life.

Thumb Maxx 15:49 ,2015 أيلول 09

“The Lebanese people do not trust this government and I'm afraid that they (dialogue parties) might suggest 'changing the people',” Aoun quipped."
Leh inta and your allies in Hizb what exactly did you do? You ruined this country, those who could afford it - the educated and the ambitious - left the country to seek better fortunes in a country where you don't exist, and now Lebanon is dominated by an idiot majority. How's that for changing the people?

Default-user-icon Darwr101 (ضيف) 17:58 ,2015 أيلول 09

In his frustrated quest to capture the presidency Aoun is slowly slipping into a senile and miserable man on his last gasp!!! Painful to watch.

Thumb -phoenix1 18:53 ,2015 أيلول 09

Naharnet, get off my back, stop deleting my posts will you??!! Aoun is sick.

Default-user-icon JCwilliams (ضيف) 18:59 ,2015 أيلول 09

ex-fpm believes what he writes? Then he is very stupid. If Aoun and "his family" have the most votes he should be President in a Democracy. Everything he said is true whether he is corrupt or not. Is it any different for Hariri and his family or Clinton and her family or Bush and his family? Or Putin or Assad and their families? You people need to grow up and take responsibility for yourselves instead of living off handouts from Saudi Arabia and Iran , United States and France and then letting criminals divide the spoils. Lebanon is hopeless because of people like you who want to blame other sects leaders because your own leaders are thieves. And by the way the " crisis" did not begin when garbage started piling up , this "crisis" began in 1948.

Default-user-icon Hannoun (ضيف) 10:57 ,2015 أيلول 10

Can someone explain to me how 'proportional representation' can be implemented in Lebanon? Thanks