عون عقد خلوة مع هزيم: 2013 آخر مناسبة للتغيير ومن بعدها الإنهيار التام

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أعلن رئيس تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون أن الانتخابات النيابية في العام 2013 ستكون "آخر مناسبة للتغيير لأن من بعدها سيكون الانهيار التام" مشيرا إلى أنه "تأكد لنا مع الزمن ان لا فكر سياسي ولا اصلاحي في هذا البلد".

وقال خلال لقاء في كفرحزير-الكورة بعد خلوة عقدها بطريرك انطاكيا وسائر المشرق للروم الارثوذكس اغناطيوس الرابع هزيم في مقر البطريركية في البلمند: "في الوقت الذي ندعو فيها الحكومة الى تطبيق الاصلاح لا يقبض أحد الموضوع بجدية واعتبروا انه شعار انتخابي".

وأضاف عون "يبدو أن الكثيرين من الذين معنا هم من الفئة التي حاولت ان تتأقلم معنا وليست معنا في محاربة الفساد، وهم يتكلون على ان الشعب يأس ولكن الشعب هو الاساس وحقوقه هي المهدورة".

وأشار متوجها إلى المناصرين "يجب ان تتحضروا للاستحقاق المقبل لكي لا نجدد لمن اوصلنا الى هذه الحالة لأنه لا يمكن ان نقبل ان منت كان على رأس السلطة حامي المخالفات الكبرى".

ووجه عون سهامه باتجاه الجميع قائلا "لا يا اصحاب المعالي ولا يا أصحاب الفخامة ولا يا أصحاب الدولة لا نمزح معكم وعليكم الوعي في الوقت المناسب، ولا يمكن ان تبقوا في هذا النمط وهذا الاسلوب".

وختم رئيس التيار الوطني الحر بالقول "الانتخابات في العام 2013 آخر مناسبة للتغيير والإصلاح لأن من بعدها سيكون الانهيار التام، الاصلاح يبدأ دائما بالإتيان بالاشخاص الذين يطبقون النصوص القانونية".

وفيما لم يرشح شيء عن لقاء هزيم وعون تحتل قضية المسيحيين في الشرق الأوسط موضع جدال كبير بعد الحراك الذي يحصل في عدد من البلدان العربية، ففي حين يتخوف البعض من وصل أنظمة متشددة إلى هذه البلدان كالبطريرك الماروني بشارة الراعي يرفض عدد من مسيحيي سوريا ولبنان هذه المقولة مؤكدين أن المسيحيين "لا تحميهم دكتاتوريات".

التعليقات 14
Default-user-icon Libnane (ضيف) 17:59 ,2011 تشرين الأول 30

So Aoun is basically saying that Assad is the guardian of the Christians in Syria and by extension in Lebanon. Assad? Who do you think you're fooling old man? You and your stupid son-in-law who wouldn't even have job if it wasn't for you, are going to see your clout severly limited after the Syrian dictator is toppled.

Default-user-icon marie (ضيف) 18:15 ,2011 تشرين الأول 30

please michel mind your own business and leave the syrians alone. if you admire assad so much, i would suggest take your wife, family, friends and supporters and head to damascus on a one way ticket!

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 19:40 ,2011 تشرين الأول 30

it all depends on the regime in damascus, dont think too much general,it is very dangerous for u to have too much blood in syria b4 collapsing....u are afraid of paying the bill?

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 22:06 ,2011 تشرين الأول 30

I have to agree with Aoun. The current state of affairs is run by the Hezz and Syria. What a mess, especially the Hezz govt. In 2013 the voters will get rid of you and the Hezz for good, especially since ASSad will be gone by then.

Default-user-icon Ignace Sfeir (ضيف) 22:22 ,2011 تشرين الأول 30

What do you bet: By 2013 Mon General and his wider family will have bought enough private planes to fly their inflated megalomania and sick and self-righteous egos far from Lobnan el 3aziiim's thankless hopelessness. I am ready to take up a few bets about the chosen destinations.

Thumb will_rogers 02:41 ,2011 تشرين الأول 31

You always talk of Corruption Mr. TRAITOR CLAOUN. Why don't you and your Imbassil son-in-law open your books and let us see How did you and your family get Filthy Rich in such a short time ? We already know about your $35 M.
retirement compensation that you stole when you RAN to France in your Pajamas.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 03:26 ,2011 تشرين الأول 31

You're in charge now with your allies, Aoun so why don't you make the country better and fight corruption like you claimed? Hopefully the people that voted these idiots in learned their lesson, but I doubt it.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 03:27 ,2011 تشرين الأول 31

You're in charge now with your allies, Aoun so why don't you make the country better and fight corruption like you claimed? Hopefully the people that voted these idiots in learned their lesson, but I doubt it.

Thumb joesikemrex 07:01 ,2011 تشرين الأول 31

Take your failed political machiiii to Syria and Iran, we certainly do not need them in Lebanon. We almost fixed Lebanon when the Syrians occupation army left, but you ruined that for everyone. Wise guy.

PS: Don't forget a new pair of PJs.

Thumb thepatriot 10:18 ,2011 تشرين الأول 31

The "corruption" flag that Aoun waves is a clever trick. So far he did nothing to fight corruption. He has no opposition in the government, and still, he screams that corruption is not fought...Well...what is he waiting for? What are his propositions? What reforms does he propose?
Even if he was president (God Forbids), he would blame his ministers for not fighting corruption. This argument is a fake!
@Will Rogers
35 Million $... You're joking right? His wife has over 250 Million $ in London alone!

Thumb joesikemrex 10:40 ,2011 تشرين الأول 31

Well what a surprise, FPM has infiltrated Naharnet, and any comments the moderator does not agree with politically is deleted! Get a life Loser

Default-user-icon Raffi M. (ضيف) 11:13 ,2011 تشرين الأول 31

Christian Lebanese cannot support a representative of an Iranian Shia fundamentalist militia, nor a promoter of a totalitarian entity (that occupied and harmed Lebanon and Lebanese for decades). Both are in substance incompatible/irreconcilable with all that makes Christian Lebanese conscient collectif. A politician like M. Aoun must be fought instead with the most extreme vigour, until defeated. And Politically or otherwise.

Default-user-icon Censorship (ضيف) 11:18 ,2011 تشرين الأول 31

I agree..... I have seen many comments not even remotely offensive been deleted by the moderators here. This is not what al nahar should be.

Default-user-icon GB (ضيف) 16:06 ,2011 تشرين الأول 31

You're all a bunch of narrow-minded jerks. Aoun is trying to avoid that Lebanon becomes another Afghanistan or Iran, by warning of the dangers of fundamentalists if they ever take the regime in Syria. Don;t be blinded and look at Tunisia's election results. Look also at what is happening in Egypt.