عون مرتاح ومتمسك بالعودة الى الشعب لتجديد شرعية النظام

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نقلت صحيفة "النهار" عن مصادر في التيار الوطني الحر أن عون مرتاح في هذه الفترة، وكل ما يريده هو "تحقيق الشراكة الفعلية ان كان على صعيد الرئاسة او قانون الانتخاب او التعيينات في المراكز القيادية، وخصوصاً أن ثمة قراراً بالاستمرار في عدم الاعتراف بأننا طرف أساسي في المعادلة الوطنية ونمثل فئة كبرى من اللبنانيين، وبالتالي هم لا يريدون تحقيق الشراكة الوطنية ولا يملكون الارادة لتصحيح الخلل في النظام السياسي على صعيد المؤسسات الدستورية ولا على صعيد الادارة".

وشدد المصدر على "تكريس القواعد الدستورية لتصحيح الخلل في النظام على مستوى الشراكة، وكنا منفتحين على كل الخيارات لكن ليس على حساب الميثاق والدستور، لا لبنانياً ولا مسيحياً. وليتحمّل اليوم من يأخذ البلد الى هذا المسار مسؤوليته.

وأكدت المصادر أن تأجيل الحوار بعد الغاء جلسة اليوم ليس بسبب مواقف عون الذي يستمر الى الآن بالمشاركة فيه ممثلاً بالنائب ابرهيم كنعان، الذي أكد موقف الرابية داخل الحوار وخارجه، وهو الرفض المطلق للبازارات والصفقات والتسويات، والتشبث بقاعدتين ميثاقيتين لا يجوز لأحد تجاهلهما لأنهما تتعلقان بالدستور، أولاهما على صعيد الرئاسة أن تكون الصفة التمثيلية الوازنة بيئة الرئيس العتيد، والثانية تتعلق بقانون الانتخاب، أي المناصفة الفعلية، مشدداً على "أن الدستور نحترمه ولا نناقشه"، علماً ان مبدأ العودة الى الشعب لا يفارق العماد عون البتة، عبر انتخابات نيابية بعد إقرار قانون انتخاب جديد وفق القاعدة النسبية كما يطالب هو، وكذلك الحراك الشعبي، باعتبار ان هذا النظام في حاجة الى تجديد لشرعيته، كي تنبثق منها كل السلطات بما فيها الرئاسية.

التعليقات 23
Thumb ex-fpm 09:01 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

A deal on the promotion of several officers, including Aoun's son-in-law Chamel Roukoz, has collapsed, prompting the Change and Reform leader to consider that his foes “don't want to admit that he represents a large faction of Lebanese.”

and if you do represent a "large" faction of Lebanese, does your relative have to be promoted and appointed?

Missing humble 09:46 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

If Chamelle was NOT the son-in-law and NOT a member of the Party would he had received this attention????

Missing un520 11:58 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

Is Chamel Roukoz a member of FPM? I would presume that no officers were allowed to be a member of a political party. Family member is another case. Would Ahmad Hariri be secretary general of Mostaqbal if his name wasnt Hariri?

Default-user-icon un.521 (ضيف) 11:59 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

Ahmad hariri is not in the army and does not have a government position. But well said

Missing humble 09:05 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

Corrupt. Agent. Khadim. Liar. Traitor.
Destroyer of the economy, of the institutions, of the Christians.

Any Christian who supports a traitor, is himself a traitor.

Thumb saturn 09:18 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

Did Aoun molest you as a child or something? Like a broken record you whine and moan the same tune. When he dies, everything will be peaches and cream!

Get a bit of a life.

Default-user-icon saturn (ضيف) 09:23 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

milk is not always white
chocolate is not always sweet
coffee is not always black
ice-cream is not always cold
Barbie is not just a doll
yellow is the new orange

Default-user-icon universe (ضيف) 09:28 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

saturn, go orbit around rabieh

Missing humble 09:29 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

Caporal is the enemy from within. The most dangerous type. I will continue to preach and fight until his (Christians) followers start understanding who he REALLY is.

Thumb saturn 09:33 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

Magic wand magic wand, let's replace Aoun with... go on?

Default-user-icon flamethrower (ضيف) 09:20 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

hi humble
do you know why i was banned and treated like a diseased leper? please be honest with me and don't worry about hurting my feelings.

Missing humble 10:19 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

Yep. Everyone knows about your leprosis.
You need to have serious treatment. Iran didn't provide you with the right medication.
You have no more flames to throw. To recover, I advise you to join us. We forgive and love those who are back on the right path.

Default-user-icon Addikted (ضيف) 09:18 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

Walid Junblatt, General Aoun, and mowaten are the only 3 leaders working for lebanon's interests... the rest pffft.

Default-user-icon mowaten (ضيف) 09:25 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

FT, the_roar, sobibor, treblinka, shlomo.hariri, hassad, and I are the 7 most admired and informative posters on naharnet by 7 country miles. No wonder our posts are always in the VIP section of the top rated comments.... No wonder!

Missing humble 09:27 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

Abi Ramia claims he paid a heavy price? Which price. He always lived in France!!!

Missing humble 09:31 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

Heavy price? The one with which he paid the construction of his palace in Ehmej???

Default-user-icon comisyangeh bassil (ضيف) 09:51 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

Aoun: Unless you hire all my relatives I will keep obstructing

Thumb Machia 10:42 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

Aoun has one thing in mind:
Is it the economy?
Is it a better tomorrow for Lebanon's kids?
Is it the rubbish crisis?
Is it the safety and security of Lebanon?
Is it an electric and water infrastructure that actually work?
No, Aoun has none of these on his mind. Aoun has Aoun, (in the third person yes), on his mind. He is a vulgar and populist megalomaniac who uses "Christian rights" to fill the pockets of his relatives and who is ready to burn us all to get into Baabda.

Thumb Machia 10:51 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

He came back 10 years ago and he, along with his Hizbollah allies, managed to destroy our economy and any hope of a better tomorrow.
No vision, no plan and no intelligence that is what he is bringing on the table. Unfortunately, our tribal politics values secterian bull over real results.
I will support any politician who will bring back electricity, water, give us a world class telecomunication/broadband system, cleans up the rubbish, gives us better roads, enforces the law on everyone and revives the economy.
Any politician who says:
"Christian" "Sunni" "Muslim" "Shia" "Israel" "Iran" "Saudi" "Syria" etc. is a lying populist.

Default-user-icon i have the answer (ضيف) 10:59 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

the politician you are looking for is hassan nassrallah

Missing peace 13:12 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

white wedding : since when does Lebanon have responsible politicians? all they do is count their money and find ways to make even more. who cares about lebanese people? NO ONE.
all they say is just low propaganda based on fears and populism to stay in power, get elected and make money. all of them....

those to blame are the people sitting idly by or walking like sheep to make the politicians business even better...
no wonder ngo's like "you stink" scare the politicians as they are not affiliated to a party so cannot be easily manipulated , at least for now...

Missing lebcan 14:57 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

the Change and Reform leader to consider that his foes “don't want to admit that he represents a large faction of Lebanese.”

NO you don't ... you represent a SMALL minority and that is IT!

Default-user-icon abbas heshems (ضيف) 20:18 ,2015 تشرين الأول 08

his foes “don't want to admit that he represents a large faction of Lebanese.
it's Aoun who refuses to admit that others represent as large a faction of Lebanese as he does if not more.