"جيروزاليم بوست": الجيش الإسرائيلي يجري تدريبات استعدادا لأي حرب ضد ايران أو "حزب الله"
Read this story in Englishيجري الجيش الإسرائيلي تدريبات مكثفة على توجيه ضربة عسكرية ضد إيران، وقد يترتب على هذه الحرب نتائج عدة، وفي مقدمها إندلاع حرب محتملة مع "حزب الله" وإشتعال الجبهة الشمالية.
ذكرت صحيفة "جيروزاليم بوست" الإسرائيلية السبت، أن "الكتيبة 13 التابعة للواء غولاني في الجيش الإسرائيلي، أجرت تدريبات مكثفة على جبل الكرمل شمال إسرائيل، تحسباً لوقوع حرب محتملة مع منظمة حزب الله".
وبحسب الصحيفة، فإن "التدريبات التي أجراها الجيش شملت التدرب على معدات عسكرية مختلفة ورشاشات ثقيلة وقذائف هاون ونيران قناصة، بالإضافة إلى تدريب على اقتحام مواقع وهمية".
وأشارت الصحيفة، إلى أن "التدريبات جاءت في الوقت الذي تسلط وسائل الإعلام أضوائها على احتمالات شن إسرائيل حرباً على المنشآت النووية الإيرانية، وما قد يترتب عليها من اندلاع حرب أخرى مع حزب الله في لبنان، ولذلك يركز الجيش الإسرائيلي من خلال التدريبات التي يجريها على تحقيق الانتصار على حزب الله في حال اندلعت مثل هذه الحرب".
ونقلت الصحيفة عن ضابط كبير في لواء "غولاني"، قوله، "هدفنا هو أن نكون مستعدين قدر الإمكان في أي حرب قادمة بصرف النظر عن مكان نشوبها".
وقال ضابط آخر رفيع المستوى في الجيش الإسرائيلي للصحيفة عينها، "إن مثل هذه الأنواع من التدريبات تجرى في أوقات الليل لاعتقاد الجيش أنها ستكون أكثر أماناً، وخشية من تعرضها لهجمات صاروخية في أوقات النهار، كما حصل خلال حرب لبنان الثانية عام 2006".
وأضاف الضابط، "إن الجيش الإسرائيلي بحاجة إلى معرفة كيفية التحرك والمناورة في جميع الأوقات ليلاً ونهاراً، وهذه التدريبات توفر لنا الشعور بأننا جاهزون ومستعدون دائماً".
Nelson Mandella said: aparthaied states are doomed to live in fear and eventually to disappear
israel is and will always be on a alert and forever trainning ,I fight, so, i exist they say
the only way to deal with israel is tto continue what they started ie build a 20 meter wall on all the frontieres
And you consider this news? The louder the Israelis blabber, the more they show (and we all know) what paper tigers they have become. It is really glorious to see Israel cower.
+ OUA NABKA +. Walls and fences being built to protect from Jew lovers like you are and to defend our children from from suicide bombers in buses and public places.
If Israel is an Apertheid state, pls tell me what rights did the Palestinian living in Lebanon get more than 65 years?
How many Palestinian can elect or be elected to the Lebanese parliament.
How may can be landlords or free to live wherever they like.
While in Israel there are Arab members of the Knesset and had an Arabian member of government, we never saw a Palesitinian member or minister, (not to mention Jewish ones).
Pls tell me how many Jews entered Saudi Arabia,
How many churches are there or sinagogues.
And you compare Israel to South Africa.
Does the health systems separate between Arabs and Jews? or all are using same health institutes.
If we are such an apartheid state how come Arabs from all countries around Israel are coming for health care?
Danny B
let israel obide by all united nations resolutions then i can discuss with u if israel is an apartheid state or not
and if u say they have arabs in parliament and so on why when president Busch came to israel he announced the jewdaisme of the state of israel ?!!!!
this is not a kind or full apartheid state
are theparliamentary arabs jews ??
Guys, I tend to agree with oua nebka for the following reason:
with a fence around it, Israel will perish from within. their social issues stopped once the war preparations started. their economy lives on outside assistance, and without war their economy will go down the drain, resulting in it imploding.
Galliardo did you hear hassan's tone on Friday according to your logic he's scared shitless which is ironic he's already in the sewers hiding
Danny B I suggest you enjoy the Health System to check the functionality of your Brain ...Your comment is a twisted form of diversion... Your comments belong to the 50’s area we are done with nonsense… Beirut Synagogue will reopen soon and guess what it doesn’t have any security fence!!!
Son it's better you see a doctor....
Danny B why would Palestinians elect or be elected in Lebanon they are not Lebanese and have no such rights, the few that were naturalized from as far back as the 1950's or more recently vote and can be elected like any other Lebanese citizen. Can a non Israeli Arab Palestinian vote or be elected in Israel?
The Arabs in the Knesset are Israelis, they are like a Jewish American, an Algerian Frenchman or a East Indian Brit citizens of their respective counties and have the same rights as any other citizens.
Comparing the Palestinians in Lebanon to Arab Israelis is idiotic.
Of course Beirut synagogue have no security fence because where you will find a Jew who will visit it? )))))
Name, the arabs in the knesset are palestinians. We give more rights to non-jews than you even give eachother. A non-jew citizen of israel has a million more rights than a so called lebanese citizen of so called lebanon.
We do not care about Israel, its problems or its population diversity. We have our own problems we need to fix in Lebanon, i.e HizbAlkzb and its fake resistance agenda, Palestinian refugees. Build that 20m wall between us and Israel, who cares, send the Palestinians to Gaza, westbank or Uranus came from, and we Lebanese want to live in peace, enough is enough, no to Israel, Syrian, Iran, Palestine problems.
Time for a real resistance, time to free Lebanon
Eliran, Palestinians are by definition citizens of Palestine so do you admit that you occupy a land that does not belong to you.
Arabs in the Keenest are according to Israeli law Arab Israelis not Palestinian because calling them Palestinian would be recognizing the existence of an independent Palestine.
Actually Lebanese law affords Lebanese citizens more rights than even a Jews in Israel unfortunately no one here respects the law.
Saying "we give more rights to non-jews..." is like Assad and Saddam claiming they give Christians rights and the Ayatollah saying we give Jews rights, it's idiotic when they say it and similarly idiotic coming from you.
Rights to be valuable should not be given they should be protected by laws otherwise they are not realty rights are they. What is given can easily be taken away, Hitler gave Jews rights until he decided not to, .
As usual some want war: this is all they know.
what is really difficult to achieve is peace, but thugs like these guys cannot strive in peace.
in case you are wondering, I am talking about both sides talking about it.