"التغيير والاصلاح" يطالب باتخاذ إجراءات عملية تعيد النازحين الى سوريا

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طالب تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" الثلاثاء باتخاذ اجراءات ضرورية عملية لعودة النازحين الى سوريا.

وقال التكتل بعد اجتماعه الأسبوعي أن "مسؤولا اوروبيا كبير قال علناً ان خطر التوطين في لبنان جدي".

ورأى انه "بعد الحديث عن مناطق آمنة في سوريا يجب اتخاذ قرارات عملية تقضي بإعادة النازحين الى بلادهم بعد وقف إطلاق النار".

وفيما أكد ان الكتل "مع المساعدات الآنية" للنازحين في لبنان، رفض تشكيل بنى تحتية طويلة المدى، لافتا الى ان "نسبة زيادة سكان لبنان تجاوزت 35%".

وأضاف "لن نذكّر بمواقف وزراء التكتّل واتهامنا بالعنصرية، الا أنه أشار الى ان نفس الكتل السياسية التي تخوننا اليوم لا تريد مواجهة التوطين.

وذكر أن "حجم الذي حصل كبير وهي أكبر نسبة انتقال شعب الى شعب آخر".

وفي سياق، آخر سال التكتل "لماذا لا سناقش الحوار الوطني اقرار قانون الإنتخابات لإجرائها؟".

وشدد على أن "انهاء حالة الفراغ لا تكون شكلية فالمطلوب تصحيح الشراكة الفعلية"، معتبرا أن "هناك فراغ في مسألة التمثيل السياسي النيابي، وهذا أهمّ فراغ".

وخلص الى القول "بعد 26 سنة على الطائف ولا نقرّ قانون انتخابي جديد والبعض لا يريد شراكة مسيحية اسلامية".

التعليقات 12
Thumb ex-fpm 18:24 ,2016 نيسان 05

the solution to your rhetoric is simple:

Send Bassil without further delay to Damascus and establish an Air Bridge between Beirut and Damascus and transfer the Syrians refugees to Damascus. I would bet all my worldly possessions not a single person in Lebanon regardless of their sect or political affiliation would object.

Would Hezbollah agree?
Would the FPM agree?

Thumb Maxx 20:46 ,2016 نيسان 05

Why would any sane Syrian ever want to return to the areas in Syria controlled by the butcher who was committing a genocide against them? If you were an Armenian in 1915, would you have moved to Turkey as soon as World War I was over? The overwhelming majority weren't running away from Daesh or Nusra. So the only way we can convince the refugees to return to Syria is if all the terrorists in there were removed, starting with Baschar and Hizb, to Nusra and Daesh.

Thumb liberty 02:47 ,2016 نيسان 06

actually he did say that.

Thumb barrymore 07:40 ,2016 نيسان 06

any objections to simple solutions to "made" up and non existent problems?

Default-user-icon +oua nabka+ (ضيف) 19:06 ,2016 نيسان 05

let lebanon have the same number of refugee camps be it syrian or palestinian as much as there are camps in the whole gulf countries

Thumb ashtah 13:58 ,2016 نيسان 06

how many do you have in iran?

Thumb justin 20:00 ,2016 نيسان 05

I just don't get!

The FPM always implies that someone wants to keep the Syrian refugees in Lebanon. Talk to your ally in Damascus and send them back. What seems to be the problem?

Default-user-icon harry (ضيف) 20:00 ,2016 نيسان 05

Lebanon should ask Syria to pay for all the cost of carrying the refugees plus penalties plus interest

Missing humble 21:04 ,2016 نيسان 05

I urge measures to return Caporal to exile with all his Family Protected Mazra3a.

Missing helicopter 02:18 ,2016 نيسان 06

I am fine with this by having Pro-Regime refugees move back into pro-regime ares and pro-rebel refugees move into the reble held areas (the refugees will choose where they want go in Syria). Some exceptions could be made for women, old men and children by evaluating special cases.
But Mr. Kanaan, you neglected to mention the HA militants of Iranian origin, The Members of Iran's forces who are here to train and oversee HA's dominance over Lebanon. This is even higher priority

Thumb liberty 02:46 ,2016 نيسان 06

keeping HA as a dominant illegal entity does not bother him. He gets richer and thinks one day he will also be president.

Thumb barrymore 07:40 ,2016 نيسان 06

They did not vote for Assad. He said they did;)