عشرات الألوف في احتفال "خريف السلاح..ربيع الاستقلال":لإسقاط "الهيمنة الأسدية" وإخراج لبنان من "السجن الكبير"

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إحتشد عشرات الألوف من أنصار تيار المستقبل وحلفائه بعد ظهر الأحد تلبية لدعوة التيار إلى إحتفال بعنوان "خريف السلاح ... ربيع الاستقلال" لمناسبة العيد الـ68 للاستقلال، في معرض رشيد كرامي الدولي في طرابلس، فيما شددت الكلمات على ضرورة "إسقاط الهيمنة الأسدية المجرمة على لبنان" وإخراجه من "السجن الكبير لحظة خروج الشعوب العربيّة منه".

وتقاطرت الوفود الى مكان الاحتفال من مختلف المناطق الشمالية فيما غصت الشوارع المحيطة بالمعرض بالسيارات والباصات التي نقلت الوفود الى المهرجان.

ولوحظ انتشار كبير للجيش اللبناني في الطرق في وقت رفعت فيه صور الرئيس سعد الحريري على السيارات التي اخذت تجوب الشوارع على وقع الاغاني الحماسية

ورأى عضو كتلة "المستقبل" النائب محمد كبارة في كلمة خلال الإحتفال أنه "لا بد من إنجاز إسقاط الهيمنة الأسدية المجرمة على لبنان" أضاف "لا بد أيضا من إنجاز إسقاط السلاح المجرم المتهم باغتيال الرئيس الشهيد وبقية الشهداء".

وأردف: "الأسد في سوريا يترنح، والطاغية في لبنان يتبجّح، والاستقلال استبيح، وما تبقّى منه يتأرجح تحت معادلة ثالوث الغاء الدولة التي لا يذكرها في صيغة الجيش والشعب والمقاومة جازما أن هذا الثالوث "غير المقدّس الذي فُرض علينا اولاً وثانياً وثالثا سيسقط بإذن الله".

وهاجم كبارة حزب الله بشدة قائلا "(...) من يرسل مسلحين بسيارات رباعية الدفع علنا إلى سوريا لضرب الشعب السوري، ليس مقاومة، ومن يُرسلُ ضابطَ مخابرات أسدياً ليراقب بكركي وطريقها وزوارها فيقتل ضحيةً شابةً مؤمنةً، هو أيضاً ليس مقاومة".

وسأل عضو "المستقبل" عن مدينة طرابلس أيضا النائب سمير الجسر: "ألم يتعلموا من ربيع بيروت أن الشعب أقوى من كل الطغاة وأن الأنظمة الأمنية تسقط بوجه العزيمة الشعبيّة؟".

وجزم الجسر أن "هذه الحكومة ليست بحاجة لأي إسقاط لأنها بالأصل ساقطة من وجدان الناس ومن ضمائرهم لانها أتت بالإنقلاب في يوم أسود وبصناعة القمصان السود وبنكس الوعود والعهود".

وفي إشارة إلى قطع العلاقات مع رئيس الحكومة قال الجسر "إن تمويل المحكمة من مسؤوليّة الحكومة ولن ترفع الإستقالة مسؤوليّة سوء التقدير من ركب موجة الإنقلاب والتغيير".

أما النائب مروان حمادة فشدد على أنه لن يترحم أبدا "على حكومة "حزب الله" الساقطة ولن أشفع أبداً على نظام الأسد المجرم".

وتوجه حمادة إلى ميقاتي دون تسميته قائلا "جئت إلى هنا لأقول لم اعتقدناه رفيقاً لا تترك القتلى يسرحون ويمرحون فوق دماء شهدائنا وأناديه من هنا بأن لا يترك العدالة تنهزم على يد حكومته العرجاء".

وطالب حمادة ميقاتي أن "لا يغفر أبداً لم فتك أولاً بصديق له الرئيس الشهيد رفيق الحريري لينقض أخيراً على مواطن له الشهيد البطل الشاب وسام عيد".

ودعا حمادة رؤساء الجمهورية والحكومة ومجلس النواب ألا يدخلوا لبنان "في السجن الكبير لحظة خروج الشعوب العربيّة منه".

وتابع "هذا النداء أرفع من ان أوجهه لـ"حزب الله" هيمنة السلاح وقدسية المتهمين أو لـ"التيار الوطني" تيار الشتائم البرتقاليّة والفساد الكهربائي لأنهم خاضعون في سجن الشمولية الكبرى".

وسأل حمادة "ماذا حل بالوحدة العربيّة والإشتراكيّة ونقول وهذا قول (مؤسس حزب البعث العربي الإشتراكي) ميشال عفلق "لا هذا البعث بعثي ولا هذا العسكر جيشي؟لا ما بقي من وحدات الشبيحة لا علاقة لهم بالجيش العربي الأصيل".

بدوره رفض النائب بطرس حرب أن يكون "السلاح أداة تهويل في يد فريق من اللبنانيين بوجه الفريق الآخر" قائلا "السلاح هو من عطل الحوار الوطني ووضعنا أمام خيارين إما الحرب الأهليّة أو الإملاءات، أفي هذا المنطق يمكننا بناء لبنان؟ وجوابنا: نحن لا نريد حروب بل الحياة التي سقط من أجلها شهداؤنا".

وتابع "السلاح يقتل حامله بالنتيجة ونحن لا نريد لا أن نُقتل ولا أن نَقتل وكلنا يجب أن ننغص حياة اللبنانيين ليحافظ قلة من الطارئين على مواقعهم".

وتوجه حرب لمن يسأل "بتحرز يتعطل البلد كرمال المحكمة؟ بالقول "كأنهم نسوا أنهم عطلوا البلاد أشهرا من أجل شهود الزور وأين أصبحوا شهود الزور؟".

وشدد على "أننا لن نقبل أن يمننا أحد بتمويل المحكمة" مضيفا "إن مولوها فبواجبهم يقومون وإن لم يمولوا فسننتفض من جديد ونعتبره إغتيالا جديدا".

وإذ أصر على أن "هذه الحكومة تعرض لبنان للأخطار وبقاءها ضريبة على البلد وخطر على مستقبله" وعد حرب "أننا لن نألو جهدا لإسقاط الحكومة والإطاحة بها لأنها حكومة السلاح والصدفة حكومة تغطي أكبر فساد في تاريخ لبنان".

إلى ذلك أفادت وكالة فرانس برس أن "عشرات الألوف" تجمعوا في طرابلس "من مناطق عدة في لبنان".ورفع المحتشدون اعلام تيار المستقبل الزرقاء بالاضافة الى صور الحريري .

وقال محمد علم الدين (27 عاما) القادم من المنية "كنا مع الشيخ سعد من اجل حرية لبنان، واليوم نحن معه من اجل حرية لبنان وسوريا ومن اجل التخلص من سلاح حزب الله ونظام بشار الاسد".

بدوره أشار منسق الامانة العامة لقوى 14 آذار فارس سعيد للصحافيين لدى وصوله الى معرض رشيد كرامي الدولي "ظن النظام السوري انه يستطيع ان يضع حكومة لبنان بتصرفه للدفاع عنه في المحافل العربية والدولية".

واضاف "هذا ما نرفضه كلبنانيين، نرفض ان تلصق حكومتنا بنظام قاتل، نظام يبطش بالشعب السوري. نحن ننظر الى الشعب السوري بعيون الاكبار، ولا نريد ان نخجل في ما بعد انه كانت هناك حكومة ساندت النظام ضد هذا الشعب" جازما أن "هذه الحكومة يجب أن تنتهي".

التعليقات 17
Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 18:46 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 27

The crowd (that does not look like to number "tens of thousands" look extremely bored in the pictures. Also, they did not seem to pay the Islamists enough money to attend. Politics aside, what a bunch of inept politicians they are.

Missing people-power 18:55 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 27

This is the natural progression from the Cedar Revolution. The experiments of the "National Unity" governments after winning elections in 2005 and 2009 were failures. Perhaps it was necessary to go through that phase before entering the next phase.

M8 has distorted the constitution at every step of the way.

1. Claiming the Speaker of Parliament has to be decided by the majority of Shiites. This is not true, as the Speaker is decided by the Majority who controls Parliament (which was M14 in 2005). Whoever controls Parliament gets to elect any Shiite Speaker they wish to elect.

2. Imposing the selection of Suleiman as President. A weak figure who was put in his previous position by the Syrian Occupation, and was not the first choice of the Majority who won the elections in 2005, and specified by the constitution. The Majority in Parliament elects the President.

3. Extorting Veto Power in the Cabinet to the M8 minority. This is not provided for in the constitution.

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 19:05 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 27

This demonstration is a clear manifestation of the wedge between the regime in Syria and m 14. It’s the turn of Syria to endure the repercussions of its involvement in Lebanon which has brought destruction of the Lebanese fabric. I think M14 has come to the conclusion that the Syrian regime’s end is unfolding and the time to reap the fruit of that is better now than later. It’s a very rational thinking because the ones that support the opposition in Syria would be the ones who would reap the benefits when the Syrian regime collapses. Lebanon has always been used by Syria as a donkey for its own purposes and has been rather successful in taming most of the leaders in Lebanon including at some point members of M14. Now it’s its turn to get the same from Lebanon. The days of Hezbollah and Aoun on the other hand are numbered. They would be condemned to the rear of history as being at some point supporters of evil impersonated by the Syrian regime.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 19:13 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 27

Nice rally, but if it is only in Tripoli and only Sunni complaining of injustice at the hands of the Shia governing clique, then the rally is of little to no concern to Hezbollah.

Freedom and justice are cross-confessional ideals, not insular, but universal. Lebanon, if it is to reach that level of political development to which it aspires, must begin with a look in the mirror at themselves, not in the newspapers to look at the faces of their political class. The political class is a reflection of what the Lebanese see in their mirrors, that is, of themselves.

If the Lebanese demand leaders who respond to confessional identity politics; who will pay patronage in order to obtain their blind loyalty; and who do not hold elected officials accountable, then the sorry political class is what the Lebanese deserve.

Change starts with the people. They must rise above confessional identity politics and demand accountability from the political class if Lebanon is to be a country.

Missing people-power 19:16 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 27

The Veto Power was extorted by the May 7 thugs, at the same time they promised in Doha not to resign from the government.

But the thugs broke their promise not to resign from government, and that was the beginning of Phase 2.

Why did they resign? Because the STL has built up enough evidence to prove their guilt in the murder of Hariri and others, and they felt the need to try to stop the STL by resigning.

The attempts at unity and dancing together in Phase 1 is being replaced by CONFRONTATION in Phase 2.

No more skirting of the Constitution. The future Speaker in 2013 will be elected by the majority of all sects in Parliament, not a back room deal, and not Berri. The next President will be elected by the Majority in Parliament, not determined in Damascus. The Cabinet will be selected by the Prime Minister without giving Veto Power to the minority. And ILLEGAL ARMS will no longer be tolerated.

Phase 2 has begun, and it is the right path of the Cedar Revolution

Missing people-power 19:35 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 27

On a different scale, the criminals will pay a price for their crimes. Those who killed Hariri, Gemayel, Tueni, Kassir, Eid, Hawi, Eido and others will suffer consequences. And so will their paymasters.

The regimes that support the murder of politicians, journalists, and peaceful protesters will not survive. This is no longer the same Beirut as during the civil war, or the same Hama as 1982. Times are different now. The whole world is watching on cable TV and internet. The crimes cannot be swept under the rug.

Not only the Western powers, but even the overwhelming vast majority of Arab League countries have decided that the criminal regime in Syria must end. It is only a matter of time.

And furthermore, the dictator regime in Tehran has overplayed its hand. They have overstepped their boundaries and need to be reprimanded. After the fall of Assad, Hezbollah will be weakened severely. The STL will weaken them further, and will also have severe consequences in Tehran.

Default-user-icon Selim Selisse (ضيف) 20:35 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 27

Tens of thousands? That's an improvement over past years when they used to count in the millions! Keep up the good work. But now, just go back to tweeting and dreaming.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 20:57 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 27

IbnalJabal..what does "john" mean? It is a name, Arabic is Hanna. What do you mean??? I am a Lebanese citizen, Sharqee. Because my name is John, I need to be a western slave? Is "Nelson" Mandela a western Slave? How about George Habash or George Hawi of the LCP? Are ALL African Americans who were given their masters slave names are owned by the white man?

I am not aligned with any non-secular organizations like HA. But, HA never committed cold blooded massacres of woman and children (including Christians) like the criminals you support in M14. Try to be human, before being used for sectarian reasons by persons who only want to use you and harm you.

Default-user-icon Vivatch (ضيف) 21:40 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 27

It's not the quantity that matters. It's the quality. Just look at them and listen to their loud mouths. QUALITY!!! What do you expect when the millions of Syrian supporters have an impossible time coming through because of all the land mines there, and the Egyptians are busy re-revolutionizing? It is understandable. On the other hand, the millions of Christians of Dr. Falso & Co. have the day off. Remember, it's Sunday. However, I assure you that they are so in love with their Sunny crazies brothers, but as y'all Sunday is a special day for Christians. I hope y'all understand.

Default-user-icon Selective Breeding (ضيف) 22:24 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 27

To John who knows that his name means Hanna...

Why do people who support Hezbollah insist that the party has never killed "innocent people"? Mind you, a few years ago, the same historically-challenged people insisted that Hezbo never used their arms against the Lebanese. That changed in 2008, when that obvious lie could no longer be substantiated. Now, the same lie covers strictly women and children. Even if that statement were true, would it be OK to be killing fellow Lebanese men? Killing your countrymen is murder, be it men, women or children. And that makes Hezbollahis murderers who are not any better than the ones you are criticizing.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 22:51 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 27

To "Selective critic" :When you are asked a stupid question like what your name "means" you get a stupid answer.

HA in 2008 fired on Armed Hariri militias who were confronting them with gunfire. HA handed over all the captured gunmen UNHARMED to the Lebanese army. The Hariri militia in Halba tortured to death ALL the captured M8 gunmen. I NEVER said that HA or M8 were perfect, just a lesser evil. I am an independent leftist who opposes any sectarian groups (most of M8 are sectarian). This website is pro M14 so I mainly criticize M14. This is not the only website I read.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 00:24 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 28

Slash ...I agree with you about Aoun. Amal is very corrupt, but not as corrupt as Hariri. In 1992 when he became PM, he was not a billionaire, when he died in 2005, he had 16 billions in net worth. You are blaming HA for the killing of 1000 Lebanese for resisting Israeli aggression and occupation??? If that is the case, how many civilians death is Samir Geaga responsible for in the last 36 years??? Good night

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 00:32 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 28

Ibnaljabal...thoise who commit massacres, invade, and occupy, kill in the name of what??? It is EVIL to support them (and this is coming from a secular agnostic).

Thumb joesikemrex 01:10 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 28

Time to free Lebanon. Time for a real leaders focus on us LEBANON

Thumb loveandpeace 08:36 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 28

John from Koura
Agreed they are not the best politicians and they might not be as eloquent as Nasrallah, but the values they are defending are the basis on which a nation is built. We need to be progressive, we need to think independently as Lebanese and we need to build. March 8th has to understand that not all Lebanese want to enter History as the people who resisted the US influence in the region and gave a lifeline to the Assad's dynasty and created special ties with the ugly Iranian regime. They had their chance at government for years, well before The Hariri government and after it. Total disaster every time.
No one cares anymore whether your name is Hannah or Abbas, the best thing that ever happened in this country is the Cedar Revolution and March the 14 are trying to use it but so should everyone else!

Thumb thepatriot 11:00 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 28

Whenever there is an M14 rally...we hear the same crap from M8 people...
If we say there was a million in the streets, they scream hysterically, and say a hundred thousand at most...if we say hundreds of thousands...they go crazy, and say a few tens of thousands at most...when we say tens of thousands...same crap...
ok Galiboun... they were 100 people...chill...

Thumb thepatriot 16:51 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 28

@sweating thing
Bottom line, you compose with a tyrant, but when an opportunity shows up, you seize it (encourage it...finance it...support it....etc...)!