الحريري عاد الى بيروت: العلاقة مع السعودية لن تتأثر بمحاولات الإساءة اليها
Read this story in Englishعاد الرئيس سعد الحريري الى بيروت مساء السبت بعد جولة في الخارج استمرت أسابيع عدة تنقل خلالها بين أوروبا والمملكة العربية السعودية.
وكان الحريري توجه بالتهنئة إلى القيادة والشعب السعوديين لمناسبة العيد الوطني 86 للمملكة، آملا أن "تبقى المملكة دولة قوية ورائدة للعرب والمسلمين في العالم"، منوها ب"دور خادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز، لدعم القضايا العربية والإسلامية".
وإذ أشاد الحريري في حوار أجرته معه "وكالة الأنباء السعودية" لمناسبة اليوم الوطني السعودي بمتانة العلاقات السعودية- اللبنانية، قال: "المملكة كانت حريصة على دعم كل اللبنانيين ومساعدتهم، بدون استثناء، كي يستطيع لبنان تجاوز أزماته ومشاكله الداخلية، ويحافظ على أمنه واستقراره"، لافتا إلى أن العلاقات بين البلدين "لن تتأثر بمحاولات بعض الأطراف الإساءة لدور المملكة وتشويه صورتها لحسابات إقليمية معروفة، لأن أكثرية اللبنانيين تحرص على استمرار هذه العلاقة التي تصب في مصلحة البلدين والشعبين الشقيقين".
so you are admitting your iranian terrorist org is using weapons to intimidate the lebanese.
Hariri was done when he lost the support of the saudi oily kings back in 2011.
Since then he's been desperately seeking to regain it, and in the process speaking more and more like a saudi, not even trying to appear Lebanese anymore, but to no avail. The brown nosing alone wont do him much good, other pawns have been selected and groomed since, and eager to prove their devotion to the wahhabi masters.
Saad must be real proud, knowing he conspired with his father's killers (only question here is whether it was before or after the fact) and thought he would gain power and glory, only to be tossed out the back door like a used diaper. When will all the traitors in Lebanon realize this is and has always been their common fate? Nobody likes a traitor, not even those who benefit from their treason.
terrorist wrote and no one dared to respond to the dark ages culture:
The grand Ayatollah Khamenei issued a decree forbidding women to ride bicycles in Iran because it is Haram.
He said, "Riding bicycle often attracts the attention of men and exposes the society to corruption, and thus contravenes women's chastity, and it must be abandoned,”according to the state-run media, September 10, 2016.
the Ayatollah issued the fatwa because he said the bike ride stimulates the clitoris and makes the vagina wet.
In his declaration a week before,when he spoke about the "direction of the state" and general policies on "family”; Khamenei defined women's only "role and mission" as "motherhood and housekeeping".
Source: http://irannewsupdate.com/news/women/3067-khamenei-issues-fatwa-women-may-not-ride-bicycles.html
Who would want to live under a backaged culture? Do the Lebanese Shi3a want to go backwards along this kind of model?
There is no need for insulting Saudi Arabia as a backward culture. Dare to answer about Iran and express your agreement or disagreement with this dark age culture.
Dear terrorist
I hope I didn't infringe any copyright by using your message. It was remarkable from you, as always.