وقفة احتجاجية لهيئة "العلماء المسلمين" أمام المحكمة العسكرية على خلفية توقيف الشيخ طراس

Read this story in English W460

قطعت هيئة العلماء المسلمين الطريق أمام المحكمة العسكرية احتجاجا على توقيف الشيخ بسام رطاس على خلفية تفجير كسارة - زحلة.

وأكد المعتصمون رفضهم الابقاء على اعتقال الشيخ الطراس"، قائلين " المعاملة التي نعامل بها هي التي تربي وتخلق الارهاب واذا كانت تهمة الشيخ الطراس انه يدعم الشعب السوري فكلنا مع مناصرة هذا الشعب".

وأضافوا "نحن أصحاب مشروع دولة و نحن مع بناء الدولة العادلة ودولة المؤسسات وليس دولة الميليشيات و الفساد و نحن مع قضية الوجود الامني ولكن نريد الدولة العادلة والمنصفة".

واوقف الشيخ طراس ونجله للتحقيق معهما على خلفية تفجير كسارة الذي وقع الشهر الفائت وأدى الى مقتل إمرأة وإصابة آخرين.

التعليقات 8
Thumb barrymore 12:48 ,2016 تشرين الأول 09

"His new arrest is not linked to the bomb attack, al-Joumhouria newspaper has quoted State Prosecutor Samir Hammoud as saying."

It appears his arrest is linked to his support of the syrian rebels.

Only shias are allowed to have an opinion, active participation, and a militia in Syria.

Thumb Mystic 13:13 ,2016 تشرين الأول 09

Stop crying Wahabi, your kind have no place in Lebanon.
But you can always whine as much as you want in Tripoli or the Western countries.

Thumb ex-fpm 13:30 ,2016 تشرين الأول 09

“He was summoned by the Internal Security Forces Intelligence Branch for interrogation at the request of Assistant State Commissioner to the Military Court Judge Hani Helmi al-Hajjar, who went to the branch's headquarters to oversee the investigations,”

Strange, it must be Ashraf Rifi's fault he was arrested since the shias on this site always claim Rifi controls the ISF Intelligence Branch of course in addition to all the judiciary.

Thumb Southern...... 14:18 ,2016 تشرين الأول 09

but those member of "Muslim Scholars Committee" are the ones who facilitated the kidnapping of the Lebanese servicemen by Al Nusra... therefore, it's time to arrest all of them and put them where they deserve to be: with their cousins in Rumiyah Prison.

Thumb Mystic 15:23 ,2016 تشرين الأول 09

The Salafi Scholars Commitee have sympathy with Al Nusra and ISIS in Lebanon.

Thumb ice-man 19:49 ,2016 تشرين الأول 09

@Mystic MF ( My Friend)

are you saving your tears like I am doing ready to pour them all out on the day of blessed Ashura?

Default-user-icon kazan (ضيف) 14:45 ,2016 تشرين الأول 09

Lebanon is a lost country ,why? read the comments above, this is a sample of the thoughts of the population; in fact the population is a volcano ready for eruption.

Thumb enterprise 07:47 ,2016 تشرين الأول 10

This country is governed by the shias. Tarras son is a medical student. The security agencies stormed his house, arrested him and brought him in for questioning like a criminal. His crime is as follows: He told his co-workers and friends that once he graduates from medical school he plans to go to Syria and help the Syrian people.

Yet, you have a 'lebanese' or iranian militia that is committing massacres in Syria and its actions are approved and blessed by the Lebanese authorities.

Civil War brewing and for a good reason.