رئيس المجلس الوطني السوري يتعهد "بقطع العلاقات" مع حزب الله وإيران بعد سقوط النظام
Read this story in Englishصرح رئيس المجلس الوطني السوري برهان غليون الجمعة أن سوريا ستقطع فور وصول المجلس الى الحكم فيها، العلاقات مع إبران وحزب الله وحماس لافتا في الوقت عينه أن حزب الله لن يبقى على حاله بعد سقوط نظام الأيد.
وقال غليون في مقابلة مع صحيفة وول ستريت جرنال: "لن تكون هناك علاقة خاصة مع إيران"، موضحا أن "قطع العلاقة الاستثنائية يعني قطع التحالف الاستراتيجي، العسكري"، مؤكدا أن بعد سقوط النظام السوري لن يظل حزب الله كما هو الان".
ويمكن لخطوة كهذه أن تفقد ايران حليفا عسكريا رئيسيا، يعتقد أنه يلعب دورا مهما في امداد حزب الله في لبنان وحركة حماس الفلسطينية بالدعم، ما يقود الى تغير موازين القوى في المنطقة.
ودعا الاستاذ الجامعي البالغ من العمر 66 عاما في المقابلة التي أجريت معه في منزله بباريس بعد ثمانية أشهر من الانتفاضة التي تزداد عنفا ضد الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد: " الى دعم دولي اقوى للمتمردين بما في ذلك فرض منطقة حظر جوي على سوريا".
وأوضح:"هدفنا الرئيسي هو ايجاد اليات لحماية المدنيين ووقف آلة القتل".
وتأتي المقابلة مع رئيس المجلس الوطني السوري بينما يسعى المتمردون على حكم الاسد لحشد الدعم الدولي.
وأضاف: "نقول انه بات لزاما اللجوء لاجراءات قوة لاجبار النظام على احترام حقوق الانسان".
وأكد غليون أن "المعارضة ملتزمة اذا وصلت الى السلطة في سوريا، استعادة مرتفعات الجولان التي احتلتها اسرائيل في حرب 1967"، لافتا الى أن المعارضة "ستسعى لاستعادتها عبر التفاوض وليس عبر الصراع المسلح".
وأشار الى أنه "سيسعى الى تطبيع العلاقات مع لبنان بعد عقود شابها التوتر بين دمشق وبيروت".
Ghalioun is not a rebel but a puppet for the US and European Union.
If he is planing to take The Golan Heights through dialogue, he should stand in the queue after the palestinians.
So were we to expect otherwise from a movement created and funded by Saudi, Qatari and Turkish Sunni crazies? Good luck, hopeless hopefuls.
This explains why Hezbollah and Iran have sent black shirt snipers and basij to kill unarmed protesters in Syria. They need to keep Assad in power or else they will themselves become severely weakened.
The hypocrisy of Hezbollah and Iran is on full display. They have placed themselves on the side of the oppressor against the oppressed. They support the tyrant Assad regime, and not the Syrian people. They are helping the murderous regime kill thousands of unarmed protesters, including hundreds of children, just so they can keep the arms supply lines open from Iran to Lebanon.
Major backlash against Hezbollah and Iran will occur not just in Syria, but all over the Arab world. After the Assad regime falls, look for sanctions against the dictator regime in Iran.
While hizballah supported the Arab Spring elsewhere they turned a blind eye on the Syrian people. Big mistake, Bashar is in trouble and he is already looking at exit strategy including moving to Russia
What Galoun is saying has already been factored in by Huzbullah; that's why they are appearing more conciliatory and less aggressive hoping that their power after the end of the Syrian regime would be mimimized by not quashed. The battle for the Syrian people is going to be rather protracted and many more innocent people would die before this bashar abdidate the throne and God know where would his whereabouts will be as he already had tumbled all the nridges with all his traditional allies and friends. I wouldn't be amazed if he ends up exactly like his fellow dictator Gaddafi.
My heart goes to those children that were killed by the regime for no reason whatsoever other than wrecking havoc amongst the opposition party. But the opposition also has no way back from its demands of regime change. So, we are facing a deadlock which means one party has to win in order to end the strife in Syria. My hunch is the opposition would ultimately be the winner.
Hey joesikemrex, are you currently maintaining your ties with Hizbullah? Are you waiting for the Syrian Rambos to cut the ties first and then you will follow? Will you stick around when this happens or will you be controlling the operations from overseas? Please clarify. m3alla2in bi 7ibal al hawa.
Inshallah! We are all dreaming of a time when we can have a sovereign and free Lebanon.
One thing is for sure. Things will never get back to normal in Syria. The defectors are getting more organized by the day, more and more martyrs means more and more thirst for revenge, and the international community will never forgive Assad...nor will the people...
It is a matter of time only. But the collapse is an inevitable certainty!
Sorry mowaten, Bigdig, Swety thing, and the gang, but your allie is going down...and so are you...and you know it!
hahhahahahha ba3do ma haf wala 2a3ad 3al raf hal2 heda howi lee bado ye2ta3 l 3ala2at l soriyi ma3 7izb allah balashit tbayin 2ahdeef l thawra l soriyi 3afwan l isra2iliyi bee soriya w hawi l jrabee3 3ena bee lobanan kameen ba3don 3am ye7lamo y2admo ras 7izballah lal amarkeen 3a taba2 men dahab .......bas taweli 3a ra2bitkon ya sahayini
I didn't know that there was no relations between Syria and Lebanon,
thanks for telling us Mr Ghalioun
what"s and embassy for?
O"h you ment between Hariri and your gang of so called revolutionaries
it is a mondial struggle or back to the "cold war"...the line from tehran.. baghdad...damascus.. beirut(the mediterrenean ) will be cut, so they put the gangrena in syria to cut from the leg,,,, and the dangerous dewpoint is b4 the end of decembre (the date the americans leave irak.... and we must not forget that russia has its last presence on the mediterrenean through syria,tartous popov naval base...
Marc, a good point about HA turning a blind eye in Syria. Also, ALL the Arab head of states and the M14 leaders NEVER supported the Arab Spring in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen or anywhere else except in Syria and Libya. Before the "Arab spring" is over, ALL the dictators and western puppets of the middle east will be history.
To Haifa
If Ghaloun is a US/EU puppet...isn't Bashar an Iranian/Russian puppet too
Personally I think they chose the better camp to look up and forge their country in their image.
Just by looking at the living standards, rule of law & respect of human rights in US and Europe that drove millions of Lebanese Shiites & Iranians to emigrate there. I don't see you Haifa eager to emigrate to Syria or Iran.
As for the Peaceful attempt to regain the Golan heights - just observe how much the Palestinians have achieved in the last few years by following peaceful struggle. Compared to the Zero gains they achieved throughout 50 years of terrorism, I would say the Palestinians are on the right track and Palestinians are not dying while getting there.
This statement will hurt the opposition. For the last several decades, the opposition has been criticizing the government for not using armed struggle to liberate the Golan heights. Even if this is ONLY to get short term help from pro_Israel western counties, it will divide the opposition further and play into the government propaganda that they are with the enemy. Asking help to overthrow the Asad regime is one thing, talking about surrendering to the Zionist enemy is totally different. The Iraqi opposition never made statements about Israel to appease the Zionist controlled West whose land is not occupied by Israel. .
Gabby, is the hezb screwed already or are you predicting that the hezb will be screwed sometime in your foreseeable future? You have been generous in the past as to the time frame within which things were going to happen, such a your: next Saturday is coming twenty five days ago!!! (duh!), or your: three months and ASSad will go five months ago (perhaps you meant that he will go to take a leak???), and now this! Man, you were right each and every time! How can I personally thank your mentor, Doctor Mufahman Chi! Have a nice weekend.
Hey, all you HOPING for the fall of Syria (not only the regime) forget it. The Arab zionists may do what they are being told by the US/Isreal but Russia and China will not allow the Zionists to take hold of the Middle East.
What Syrian Opposition are you talking about. Lets see, 1. calling upon foreign troops to destroy their own country 2. dealing with US/Isreali governments to destroy their country's economy 3. Manipulating media with the help of the Arab Zionists. To me all this shows that these so called 'Opposition groups' can only be refered to as traitors and the only thing they want is power and money. Keep dreaming idiots.
Hmmmm Israel/Iran is the key in the whole issue. If Bashar decides to cut the ties with Iran he will remain in power "forever" ................
Most of the comments i read doesn't reflect any understanding of the ME political dynamism...
What are you expecting from disrespectable person such as Benzona (Son of the B.. ) .Naharnet when you guys will be responsible and honest??
@sweatin boy = you still didn t answer why you so proudly support the assad s regime after all they did to lebanon!
just blabber talk as usual...
reading sweating baby 's last comment it looks like the syrian were only in lebanon to help the LF...
he forgot to mention (alzheimer i guess) that the syrian helped no one but themselves in lebanon! as soon as one side was getting strong they allied to the opposite side to maintain chaos... helping christians then the muslims then christians then muslims...
concerning the "liberation war" he also forgot to mention that hafez promised aoun the presidency but at the last moment didn t keep his promise resulting in a revenge war against the syrians not a liberation one!
anyway he didn t answer a simple question why is he supporting the syrian regime - and his friends even thanked them for all the good things they did in lebanon- ... remember alzheimer boy?
i guess he doesn t know himself but just because he is told to do so by his masters....
This statement will hurt the opposition. For the last several decades, the opposition has been criticizing the government for not using armed struggle to liberate the Golan heights. Even if this is ONLY to get short term help from pro_Israel western counties, it will divide the opposition further and play into the government propaganda that they are with the enemy. Asking help to overthrow the Asad regime is one thing, talking about surrendering to the Zionist enemy is totally different. The Iraqi opposition never made statements about Israel to appease the Zionist controlled West whose land is not occupied by Israel.