مصادر "المستقبل": عون يتصرف وكأنه صاحب القرار في كل شيء وتهديده بالفراغ غير مقبول
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انتقدت مصادر وزارية في تيار "المستقبل" تهديد رئيس الجمهورية ميشال عون بالفراغ إذ لم يتم إقرار قانون جديد للانتخابات النيابية، معتبرة أن عون يتصرف مع الجميع وكأنه صاحب القرار في كل شيء.
ورأت المصادر في حديث الى صحيفة "الاخبار" أن "الرئيس ارتكب دعسة ناقصة". وقالت "تهديد رئيس الجمهورية بالفراغ ليس مقبولاً".
ونبهت من ان "كلام عون سيُدخل البلد في نقاش دستوري حول صلاحيات رئيس الجمهورية"، مشيرة الى أن "الرئيس عون يتصرف مع الجميع وكأنه صاحب القرار في أي شيء، وكأن زمام الأمور في يده وحده".
وأكّدت المصادر أن "حديثه عن أن الفراغ أفضل من الستين والتمديد أزعج الرئيس سعد الحريري الذي يعتبر الفراغ في أي مؤسسة في الدولة غير مقبول".
يشار الى ان عون أعلن خلال جلسة مجلس الوزراء انه إذا خير بين الفراغ والتمديد يختار الفراغ. بمعنى انه لن يجري الانتخابات النيابية ولن يمدد لمجلس النواب.
وفي حديث الى الصحيفة عينها الجمعة، أكد عون لن يسمح باجراء انتخابات وفقا للستين، مجددا تأييده للنسبية المطلقة.

dialogue Mustaqbal, dialogue! when is your next meeting with hezbollah?

One would think these mustaqbal/hariri would have agreed with aoun on something regarding the election law prior to endorsing him for president.

he was in so much rush to become prime minister he forgot the details.

in so much of a rush*

Congratulations, Lebanon. You have your own Donald Trump, who was allowed to take office because the others hoped--as the Republicans hoped in the US--that he didn't mean all those things he said, and that getting into the office would help him mature. Harram.

The President Aoun openly declared to all Lebanese what he wanted and what he expects... after all these years, don't we know that what he wants and wishes for the Lebanon, will happen! He wants a real government, a real and corruption free, representative government! To think that anything otherwise would happen is silly or ignorant.
Those against Aoun for president need to adjust to reality!... Lebanon finally has a patriotic government that is allergic to the corruption that has been so free previously.

How is this government different than any of the previous ones? Bassil is still a permanent fixture, Berri is still Corleone the godfather, Junblatt is still the king of deals, along with Mustaqbal and their unmatched incompetence.
Stop your falsafeh and get in touch with reality.

he has to post what was scripted to him.

Jumblatt and Berri are struggling to adjust and its clear why they were against Aoun's presidency! But it is now reality and the mafia that have ruled lebanon since Syria's invasion was completed.

@flamethrower: my best friend from years past !!!!!!
How in the world are you MF ( My Friend ). I was shocked to learn that you were fired from your job at KFC. It must have been really hard for you and the family and what not. But hey look at the bright side of things, now we can see a lot more of you online.
Take care MF ( My Friend )

hahahahahaha! who would think of such a brilliant and witty response to the hyenas other than our flamesrower. I hope you started to see your gift and talent that the all mighty Ayatollah has given you.
My Nepalese domestic helper and I are so lucky to be your contemporaries and to have witnessed the rise of a legend called flamesrower.
Somesing Anazar!