مرافقا وزير حالي يعتديان على شاب وشقيقته عند طريق نهر الموت - الزلقا

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أقدم مرافقان إثنان لوزير في الحكومة على الإعتداء بالضرب على مواطن وشقيقته عند طريق نهر الموت – الزلقا بسبب اعتقادهما أن الشاب أدار سيارته نحو موكب الوزير المذكور.

وأفاد عدة شهود عيان لـ"نهار نت" أن "مرافقي وزير تحمل سيارته رقم 27 حكومي اعتدوا على المدعو فريد جان الشقطي وشقيقته ستيفي على طريق نهر الموت- الزلقا وانهالا عليهما بالضرب".

وأشارت المعلومات إلى أن المرافقين "شهرا الأسلحة بوجه الشخصين المذكورين وقالا لهما "نحن طاشناق" بحجة أن الشقطي أدار سيارته باتجاه موكب الوزير".

وأكد الشهود أنه لدى محاولة شقيقة فريد ستيفي إبعاد المرافقين عن أخيها "رمى أحدهما بها بعيدا خارج السيارة".

وإذ تسبب هذا الإشكال بزحمة سير على الطريق المذكور، علم موقعنا ان المعنيين عازمان على رفع شكوى ضد المعتدين في مخفر أنطلياس.

التعليقات 18
Default-user-icon Choura2yak (ضيف) 18:37 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

Who is this minister ? WHY you don't dare to reveal his identity! ??

Thumb geha 18:53 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

now even tachnaq act like thugs? this new! they are learning from their mentors and masters :)
the armenian community is no more like it was....

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 19:24 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

This country is lawless and dangerous. poeple have no manners and no class. Ministers are supposed to be the example and in this case they were the agressors and attackers. What a country. Everything can be taken with force with no recourse to the rule of law. That's why many lawyers who graduate are unemployed. That's why there is no entrance exam for lawyers to enter university. Law degree is very honoured in the west while in Lebanon is the lowest of the low.

We are creating a monterous anarchy which will destroy us all in the end.

I think these bodyguards should be prosecuted and held responsible for attacking civilains and denegrading them.

Default-user-icon abraham (ضيف) 20:40 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

I didnit lnow that Naharnet has the capabilities of knowing whats going to happen tomorrow.
according tho your wire story the incident is going to happen wednesday, today is tuesday, are we fabricating stories
MP's travel with army bodyguards not party security, due you research
Does Naharnet have an agenda against Tashnag Party

Default-user-icon Hovsep (ضيف) 21:48 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

Farid and Stephie are probably Kurds and deserved it!

Default-user-icon christianityprevails (ضيف) 00:47 ,2011 كانون الأول 07

learn how to spell english then come and defend a party that doesn't belong to lebanon
i'm pretty sure naharnet is smarter than just posting fabricated stories online to the whole Lebanese community. they said the names of those assulted and gave the license plate of the minister's car. if tashnag was that worried it would file a complaint and would not need your comment

this party threatened a community only a few weeks ago (the kurds in borj hammoud) and raise the flags of armenia instead of lebanon, im sure they would do what the incident claims they have done

Default-user-icon abedlataya (ضيف) 02:27 ,2011 كانون الأول 07

ماذا عن نديم الجميل و مرافقيه؟؟؟ ألم يضربوا شابين في الأشرفية؟؟؟ لماذا لم تنشروها؟؟ لماذا قيل أن الجميل تعرض لمحاولة إغتيال؟؟؟مع العلم أنهما ضربا فقط لرتدائهمة لوناً معيناً من الثياب؟؟؟؟

Default-user-icon لبناني (ضيف) 11:39 ,2011 كانون الأول 07

لماذا هذ الإنتقاد الأعمى؟ نهار نت لم يقولوا أنه طاشناق...المرافق صرخ بوجههم "نحن طاشناق"... ثانيا إذا علموا بالخبر ألستم مع الحريات؟ كائنا من كان الوزير من 8 أو 14 كيف ترضون أن يعتدي على مواطنين لمجرد أنه وزير؟ عيب عليكم... تفكرون بالإنتماء السياسي وتنسون الحريات... عيب

Thumb leblover 11:43 ,2011 كانون الأول 07

لأن الطريق ملك ابوه حتى تنزل زلمه اتقتل العالم.

Default-user-icon Armenian Pride (ضيف) 12:57 ,2011 كانون الأول 07

To Christianity Prevails

Armenians are more than apt to educate you in english, you retard. I would mind my words if i were you. Your are free in your opinion, but never in abuse. It appears as so you need education, not in gramatics however.
God help those who can't help but being idiots. The idiot in this story is you. Just for clarification.

Thumb benzona 13:45 ,2011 كانون الأول 07

STOP stigmatizing an entire community over an incident. The political party doesn't represent the Armenian community just as much as hizbullah and amal don't represent the shias.

Default-user-icon Simon1890 (ضيف) 22:23 ,2011 كانون الأول 07

a typical turkish series with their poor scenario. i bet the minister mentioned was never on that road even, plus, why should a bodyguard emntion about his polotical identity? a minister's bodyguards are well enough trained at least let the lie be convincible! and who said the Armenian ministers bodyguards are from tashnag party? how fun, naharnet is well known for his jokes...

Default-user-icon Lebanese Armenian (ضيف) 00:32 ,2011 كانون الأول 08

Dear Genius who pretends to be a christian,
Before you speak of Armenians or Tashnag, you put yourself In front of the mirror you ignorant. What happened in bourj hammood a couple of weeks ago is that the MUNICIPALITY was reorganizing the region as there were many illegal rents, rented by illegal people(whose majority happens to be kurds) who were bothering their neighbors even by stabbing knives in their bodies!
However, ya CHRISTIAN enta, FPM,LF and KP in bourj hammoud SIDED with the municipality's decisions and actions :)
One more thing, 2 days ago Tashnag has celebrated its 121st anniversary, so don't bother urself commenting cause nor u neither Naharnet with your fabrications and bullshits are able to ruin Tashnag's or Lebanese Armenians' reputation ;)

Missing armgnrr 01:35 ,2011 كانون الأول 08

yes, as the minister in question does not have the personal contacts to "make the complaint go away"
Moreover, are you criticizing armenians for raising their nation's flag?You must understand that armenians are lebanese, of course, however being armenian precedes being lebanese for the majority of us.Tashnag has no political purpose here beyond securing a good environment for the armenians living in Lebanon. Saying "this party doesn't belong to Lebanon", it's "doesn't belong IN Lebanon" by the way, it's funny how you were making fun of abraham's written english while you yourself don't know how to form a flawless sentence in english.
Adding to that, the name Farid Jean al-Shaqti doesn't seem to be much of an armenian name now does't it, let alone a Tashnag (more preferably a Tashnagtsagan*).
Bottom line, the victims' origins and political orientations are questionnable, while the assault was immoral.

Default-user-icon theKing (ضيف) 10:46 ,2011 كانون الأول 08

Naharnet , this article is silly and not credible cuz u don't mention the name of the minister , while u mention the name of the assumed victims . Plus it's well known that u r against armenians from day 1 . U had articles on bourj hamoud in a pejorative tone , u don't show the positive side of the armenians .
Therefore , ur policy regarding armenians is questionable .

Default-user-icon Azad (ضيف) 12:59 ,2011 كانون الأول 08

actually the ministers bodyguards had 100% right to do what they did you have no right of blocking a ministers car ... at least the minister did not close down the entire highway like the old ones used to do

Missing sergio 15:35 ,2011 كانون الأول 08

guys guys with all do respect to the Armenian, Christian, Muslim & all sect the minister's bodyguards has the right to defend the minister however not at this case we all know how it is driving in Beirut, we block, cut in front of each other at least 10 times a day how would we know iv the driver is one of our beloved lebanese Thugs after all they are all thugs. They should be more humble & tolerant.

Default-user-icon abraham (ضيف) 21:47 ,2011 كانون الأول 08

Hey MR. Christianity
You must be a real ignorant christian, ask yourself how an any news editor would put a story without checking the facts, but then again we are living in Lebanon where everything goes, ask Hariri, G. Murr, Amin and all those clowns who own the media, and naive people like you who follow everything they say or write.
P.S Naharnet changed there story date from wednesday onto Tuesday I wonder why?