جعجع:"القوات" لن تصوت على الموازنة بلا خصخصة الكهرباء
Read this story in Englishأعلن رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع ان وزراء نواب حزبه لن يصوتوا على الموازنة بلا خصخصة الكهرباء.
وقال جعجع في حديث الى قناة الـ LBCI "يكفي الدولة أن تلزم انتاج الكهرباء للقطاع الخاص حتى تتأمن الكهرباء 24/24 من دون أي تكاليف، فنكون بذلك وفرنا تقريبا المليار ونصف مليار دولار أميركي أي عام كسر للموازنة على الدولة بما يخص موضوع الكهرباء".
وسأل "اذا كنا نمتلك هذا الخيار فهل نبقى على الخيارات الأخرى التي تكلفنا المليار والنصف زيادة ولا توفر الكهرباء 24/24?؟ طبعا لا".
عليه، أكد أن موقف "القوات" واضح وصارم لأنه يقدم للناس الكثير من ناحية الكهرباء ومن ناحية المردود المالي على الدولة"، قائلا "20 عاما مروا ونحن لا نزال في الدوامة عينها والخسارة ذاتها".
وإذ شدد على "ضرورة تلزيم الإنتاج للقطاع الخاص وفق دفتر مواصفات واضح جدا"، قال جعجع "لا وزراء حزب "القوات" ولا نوابه سيصوتون على الموازنة بلا خصخصة الكهرباء".
وخلص الى القول "نحن نفتش بالفتيل والسراج على مئة مليون دولار من هنا ومئتين من هناك ان كان كهبات أو فرض أعباء ضريبية على المواطنين، في وقت أن هذه العملية وبقرار شرعي صغير في قانون من المجلس النيابي توفر على الخزينة مليار ونصف مليار دولار، كما توفر على المواطن اللبناني 2 مليار دولار خصوصا أنه يدفع المبلغ الذي تتكبده الخزينة حتى أنه يدفع فواتير المولدات الكهربائية".
1- privatize the sector
2- give a head start to EDL then open the market to competition
3- government gives incentives for renewable energy. Wind turbines, sea turbines, photovoltaic.
Where's the big deal!?
Totally agree with i.report. In addition to incentives; first, enact net-metering by requiring dual counters at homes with PV so no batteries are needed (consumers pay difference between generated and used power); second, government should provide research money on renewable to all major universities (can team up with start-ups). If government subsidize 10% of renewable, for every watt it pays, ten watts will be generated by the private sector. Net-metering benefits EDL as solar power is at its peak when power demand is highest for AC use.
renewable energy. Wind turbines, sea turbines, photovoltaic. 100% and no private generators except hospitals etc
No I have not. It means there's a communication problem. I have not seen a single wind turbine in my country yet. But generators mafias have infiltrated the 10452 Km².
Well now it is run by the State which is obviously not accountable to the people.
Privatising and fostering competition would give incentive for companies to provide the best & most efficient services, just like it does in most free-markets. Let in domestic or foreign companies or private investors - perhaps a few royals from KSA? (since they love spending money in Lebanon so much) - who realise real financial opportunity and in return can offer the people a real benefit. Commercial enterprise is more beneficial than relying on government because the mutual benefit is transparent - a loss of quality would only be a problem if one company had a monopoly over the sector, if there's competition a drop in quality means a drop in market share.
Privatization will work for one simple reason, it has been proven to work in Europe and the US.
We all know what the government run company has not been able to do. Privatization must come with few regulation by an oversight committee to protect consumers when it comes to rates and company's efficiency.
You're describing oligopoly privatization and not pure competition.
In case of pure competition, the service is competitive and the prices are competitive.
For example, in the case of DSL, the private sector was about to start DSL, and they were pushed over by the government and we ended up stuck with a horrendous DSL service which has no plans of ever upgrading (the system cannot get better, it needs a complete restructure of infrastructure)
Had the private sector done it, it would have done a far better job and having many companies competing would push for better service and lower prices.
I agree with you flamethrower here
a za3im will be the main beneficiary for sure.
And our electric bill will go up.
But it certainly won't be more expensive than the 60-100 usd I pay for 5 amps a month
I prefer privatization and 24/7 electricity over paying generator mafia (who end up in the za3im pocket also)