موسكو: قصف الطيران السوري على خان شيخون استهدف مستودع مواد سامة للمعارضة

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أعلنت موسكو الأربعاء أن الطيران السوري قصف "مستودعا إرهابيا" يحتوي على "مواد سامة"، غداة "قصف بغازات سامة" اودى بحياة 72 شخصا من بينهم 20 طفلا في شمال غرب سوريا.

وجاء في بيان صدر عن وزارة الدفاع الروسية أنه "بحسب البيانات العملية للجهاز الروسي لمراقبة المجال الجوي، فان الطيران السوري قصف مستودعا ارهابيا كبيرا بالقرب من خان شيخون" البلدة التي تسيطر عليها المعارضة في محافظة إدلب.

وذكر البيان أن المستودع كان يحتوي على "مشغل لصنع القنابل اليدوية بواسطة مواد سامة" من غير أن يوضح ما إذا كان الطيران السوري استهدف المستودع بصورة متعمدة أو عرضية.

وتابعت الوزارة أن "ترسانة الأسلحة الكيميائية" كانت موجهة الى مقاتلين في العراق، مؤكدة أن معلوماتها "موثوقة تماما وموضوعية".

وأضافت أن استخدام مثل هذه الأسلحة "من قبل إرهابيين أثبتته مرارا منظمات دولية وكذلك السلطات الرسمية" في العراق.

ولم توضح وزارة الدفاع الروسية بالتالي إن كان النظام السوري على علم بوجود أسلحة كيميائية، مشيرة إلى مسؤولية "الإرهابيين" باتهامهم بامتلاك أسلحة كيميائية.

قتل ما لا يقل عن 72 مدنيا بينهم 20 طفلا اختناقا صباح الثلاثاء واصيب العشرات  بحسب المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان في "قصف جوي بغازات سامة" استهدف بلدة خان شيخون، واثار تنديدا واسعاً من عواصم العالم.

وعلى اثر القصف على خان شيخون، دعت فصائل سورية معارضة بينها خصوصا جبهة فتح الشام، الفرع السابق لتنظيم القاعدة، الى "إشعال الجبهات" في وجه النظام وحلفائه. وشددت "هيئة تحرير الشام" على ان "جرائم نظام (الرئيس السوري بشار) الاسد استمرت يوما بعد يوم، يدعمه ويشاركه كل من إيران وروسيا".

كما أثار الهجوم تنديدا دوليا واسعا ولا سيما من واشنطن ولندن وباريس، واستدعى اجتماعا طارئا يعقده مجلس الأمن الدولي الأربعاء.

ونفى الجيش السوري "نفيا قاطعا" استخدام اي اسلحة كيميائية او سامة في مدينة خان شيخون، متهما "المجموعات الارهابية ومن يقف خلفها" بالوقوف خلف الهجوم.

ويسيطر ائتلاف فصائل اسلامية أبرزها جبهة فتح الشام (النصرة سابقاً) على محافظة ادلب التي غالبا ما تتعرض لقصف سوري وروسي. كما يستهدف التحالف الدولي بقيادة واشنطن دورياً قياديين جهاديين في المحافظة.

التعليقات 27
Thumb gigahabib 12:24 ,2017 نيسان 05

Sounds much more likely. Syria has nothing to benefit from using chemical weapons, not to mention the fact that they don't have any...

Thumb marcus 12:52 ,2017 نيسان 05

if you say so shia troll, if you say so.

Thumb Southern...... 16:04 ,2017 نيسان 05

one has to ask one simple question!.... does it benefit the Syrian govt attacking its own people having the internationl stance in favour and the army is in control over the terrorist groups!?, the answer is simple too, NO.

therefore, the only benefiary of such attack is the so-called opposition terrorist groups who feel abandoned and without horizon... they did it.

Missing peace 18:52 ,2017 نيسان 05

it benefits the syrian regime poor southern.. why? spread more terror knowing that the russians have his back he believes he is untouchable so one massacre more or less he don't care...

1/ why would he bomb a depot knowing it contains chemicals as the russians claim? they know that the chemicals would spread around and kill...
or 2/ if the regime bombed with chemicals it will result the same.

SO in both cases he knew he would spread horror with your full approval ...!!!!

Thumb i.report 13:17 ,2017 نيسان 05

the 6 millions readers that visit Naharnet everyday are sick and tired of reading Iranian propaganda. you're kindly asked to lower the amount of daily rubbish you spew on here.

Thumb justin 14:27 ,2017 نيسان 05

lol @flamethrower

Thumb Southern...... 16:03 ,2017 نيسان 05

one has to ask one simple question!.... does it benefit the Syrian govt attacking its own people having the internationl stance in favour and the army is in control over the terrorist groups!?, the answer is simple too, NO.

therefore, the only benefiary of such attack is the so-called opposition terrorist groups who feel abandoned and without horizon... they did it.

Thumb thepatriot 19:40 ,2017 نيسان 05

lol yeah right!

Thumb ashtah 12:55 ,2017 نيسان 05

sounds much more like mowaten's story. Yes of course from complete denial to now bombing a toxic weapons depot. I wonder why the rebels never used them on assad and hezbollah in Aleppo.

Thumb ashtah 12:59 ,2017 نيسان 05

That does not make assad and his criminal regime less guilty. Bombing a toxic weapons depot intentionally is as bad as dropping the chemical weapons themselves. What did the regime think would happen to the sarin gas after they bombed the toxic depot?... that it would disappear or cause a massacre?

Russia and Assad's stories are as usual mere lies and propaganda.

Thumb Mystic 13:05 ,2017 نيسان 05

Then why do you salafis have depots and warehouses full of toxic substances?

Thumb i.report 14:12 ,2017 نيسان 05

hayalla32, what you write makes sense and is purely logic. but you're dealing with paid propagandists who are literally financed by Khamanei and Bachar. There's nothing you can say to change their mind, their blood money / persian dollars are stronger than any of your arguments.
However, the readers know the truth, they are mostly Lebanese and know what Bachar and father did to Lebanon. Even the mituelians have suffered and disappeared under the Assads. Those who are pro Syria today have sold their souls to the devil.

Thumb justin 14:28 ,2017 نيسان 05

so those children were not 'sedated' after all as mowaten/flamethrower said yesterday..... they did actually die.

Thumb Mystic 14:55 ,2017 نيسان 05

First a toxic warehouse gets blown up, the gas hits the Nusra front and their White helmet allies.

To gain sympathy from the West and other pro salafi organisations, they sedate the children on the pictures.

Because we never saw any outcry to Yemeni children blown to bits and piles of little Arms and legs laying around, but babies with gas masks are more credible for the West.

Thumb justin 15:45 ,2017 نيسان 05


Thumb Mystic 16:23 ,2017 نيسان 05

Sorry, Yemen does not have White Helmets hollywood stars filming and running around.

Yemen is besieged by America not the Saudi Arabia, it is the American fleet that surrounds Yemen and stops the food from coming in to the people in need.

America is a war criminal, Trump is a criminal he bans muslims from coming to America, and whom backs his ideas? The Saudi Princes.

Thumb Mystic 17:31 ,2017 نيسان 05

If Naharnet deletes this, I will just repost it.

This is what Saudi Arabia and America does to the children of Yemen.
We see no global outrage or Western sympathy for these children in Yemen.

Why? Because Britain, France and America provides the weapons to the Saudis that kills these children.


Thumb gigahabib 13:16 ,2017 نيسان 05

They used chem weapons on Kurds and Iraqi armies before, this is well known. Perhaps also on the Syrian army.

Thumb i.report 14:03 ,2017 نيسان 05

Did you read about the Hama massacre? 2 feb 1982, 38.000 souls Murdered By Hafez Assad and his brother Rifaat. what about the Halabja massacre? 16 March 1988 killing 5000 kurds by Saddam Hussein and his cousin Chemical Ali? Chemical attacks are in the genes of these diseased lineage. The sons of Hafez are the scum of the earth just like the sons of Saddam were before being rightfully dealt with. Anyone who defends or supports such people is the lie de l'Humanité, there's no other words to describe such people.

Thumb gigahabib 15:21 ,2017 نيسان 05

Hama was an armed Muslim Brotherhood uprising, nothing more, nothing less.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:30 ,2017 نيسان 05

38.000 only? are you sure they werent 38 million?

Thumb justin 16:35 ,2017 نيسان 05

the mowaten irani is here now so he will perfect the propaganda

Missing peace 18:57 ,2017 نيسان 05

of course for the hezbi trolls hama was never a massacre perpetrated by the syrian regime... just like they deny the massacres the regime did in lebanon... and thanked syria instead!


Missing peace 19:11 ,2017 نيسان 05

you ve been there yourself to tell? LOL

Missing peace 19:20 ,2017 نيسان 05

do they need to be right in the city to treat patients? the doctors cannot tell if the people suffer from chemicals?
so the patients they treated were not from idlib too then...

a whole world conspiracy it seems for hezbi lovers....

Thumb thepatriot 19:46 ,2017 نيسان 05

I just love the competition between Southy and Mowateh... I really wonder which one of'em will be Idiot of the year...

Missing peace007 20:22 ,2017 نيسان 05

What's going on in Syria and Yemen is a crime. Nobody involved in the conflict is clean. We should all be able to agree on that.