إيهود باراك: سقوط نظام الاسد سيكون "نعمة" لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط
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أعلن وزير الدفاع الاسرائيلي ايهود باراك الاحد ان سقوط نظام الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد سيكون "نعمة" لمنطقة الشرق الاوسط وضربة ل"محور ايران-حزب الله".
وقالت وكالة الانباء النمساوية أن باراك اعلن خلال مؤتمر في فيينا ان "سقوط الاسد سيكون نعمة لمنطقة الشرق الاوسط".
واضاف الوزير ان "اسرة الاسد محكوم عليها ولا احد يعلم ماذا سيحصل لاحقا".
وبحسب بيان نشرته وزارة الدفاع الاسرائيلية قال باراك "شهدنا في الايام الماضية معارك بين القوات الموالية لاسرة الاسد والمعارضة".
واضاف البيان "انه استمرار لافول نجم اسرة الاسد الذي سيؤدي في نهاية المطاف الى سقوط نظامه. لا يمكننا التكهن بما سيحصل (لاحقا). في اي حال ستكون ضربة موجهة الى محور ايران-حزب الله".
وبحسب المفوضة العليا لحقوق الانسان في الامم المتحدة نافي بيلاي ادى القمع في سوريا الى مقتل اكثر من اربعة الاف شخص منذ بدء حركة الاحتجاج في اذار.

@arzz: what the hell did Assad do to stop Israel? When was the last time Syria went to war to protect Lebanon?

Arzz, I have to disagree. The Syrians, Hezz, and iranians are active inside the country strangling it and taking it over in a methodical fashion turning it into a mini-Persia like a cancer. Israel is external and not nearly as entrenched in Lebanon. They are evil in Israel and the Palestinian territory for sure, but their evil is not more that the constant force applied to all of Lebanon by the Hezz. The faster ASSad falls the better it will be for Lebanon, and Israel.

Arzz Bashar goes down, hezzbelshaitan goes down then our beloved country will have a new government, Syria's & Lebanon's new government will sign a peace with Israel. then you will see the blessing of the entire middle east. Lebanon will be able to get their natural resources & Lebanese people will live in peace & prosperity.

Oh please! Wake up! The real bully and the real threat in the region is Iran and her proxy Syria. Hizballah is just an Iranian militia with Lebanese passports. After they're all gone, we'll make peace with Israel and move on with our lives, grow our economy, rebuild our country, educate our children and live in peace. Enough of this BS. Wake up!

The entire middle east would like to see Israel go down before ALL other. Israel is a racist terrorist state. No Arab country can sign a peace treaty with it. This is like Blacks all over the world making peace with white Apartheid South Africa or Jews making peace with NAZIS.

wether syria or israel have invaded us for long periods at the same time, dividing our country between them as if it was a cake. so the hell with both

what will you do with the 700K palestinians? Will you accomodate israel and take them in give them jobs? Do you even have enough jobs for Lebanese? Does israel pay us or them as Germany paid them?
Forget it. In their eyes you are worth as much as a rat. They might give you peace while you're in full submission to them; Else they will slap you around like a little doggy.
Then you might wake up and discover you need a resistance. ooops!

Looking at the ups and downs, there are more zionist infested thugs voting than Lebanese. This shows they are desperate.

playing the numbers game :) once more.....
at least on this blog the numbers speak for themselves :)

for the time being you think you are invincible because of your Syro/iranian alliance and the guns they provided you with, but that will not last and your fall will be the hardest fall for any sect in this country (all the sects tried this game before you).
however, do note hizhullah and amal have antagonized so much people, which makes them so hated in this country, that they will never recover from this fall.
so keep the hatred coming with this false ideology and in the near future you will be reaping its fruits....

I am sure the youngest of my kids might be of your age :)
I know my history and know the country which I refused to leave like others, especially during the israeli invasion, and stayed in Beirut on purpose, not to become like the palestinian people :)
as well I was in Beirut when the hords of hizbullah and amal invaded beirut... way before the israeli invasion, and still remember their chants like "we want to say openly, we do not want to see sunnis" and that was in Beirut.
also I still remember the real resistance people being shot in their backs in the south while going for an operation.....
by the way I am christian :)
so review your comments, and please do not say hizbushaitan never did blah blah blah: it is enough the way they usurp the power now.
just tell me who apponted them ??

Hariri and ALL M14 leaders have made it clear that Lebanon will be the LAST country to make peace with terrorist Israel. Those Zionist fanatics are wasting their time on this web site. They should comment on ignorant American and Western media. The fact that Israelis or Zionists hide their identity tells you that Israel's years are numbered as an Apartheid Jewish state.

Sergio and libnanie are the same person and keep dreaming of that so called treaty, we will never make peace with the children of satan, the gog and magog. Even the US who has given israel everything were treated like dogs by israel, they cant even feed over 40 million americans because of their aid to the zionists, a president cant get elected without the support of the zionist lobby and this is america. What would happen to lebanon? Worse than what happened to egypt and the desert jordan because we have more resources to steal, more tourist places to take control of as well as other factors. Not to forget the basic moral in the issue. A God fearing person does not make peace with an opressor and thief. Israel has no place in the middle east and true peace will never reach us until the zionist state has been removed regardless of how many treaties one were to sign with the devil israel.

@Mowaten the Fartsi: If you are an atheist, then I am E.T. Take a hike boy. You are a sectarian shia with thug characteristics who tries to hide behind his finger thinking people are naive not to figure you out. Your arrogance, ignorance, and prejudice are obvious to all, so shut the **** up and behave.

Correction: does not make :) anyway I think you understood it :)

Continued .....Does Naharnet have a limit to views it does not agree with to pander to certain groups???
Just look at the advertisement for the 3 Republicans Zionist thugs...I bet this will not be printed.

By the way, I visited severaal times the late Moussa Sadr in amiliyeh in ras el nabeh during his hunger strike :) that was a Man.

@mowaten: i m sorry but hezb doesn t have an alliance with iran , it has pledge its allegiance which is far worse!
you can disagree with your allies but you have to obey the country you pledge allegiance to!!
don t remember: they pledge allegiance in baalbek in 1989...
and you have to be blind for not seeing that the hezb is controlling lebanon under the threat of their weapons...or you do not want to admit it!
they do not want to overthrow the gvt but they prefer to control it indirectly which is far better to keep their arsenal in a weak country: they can do what they want and disobey the laws and constitution of lebanon as they please!
finally syria has harmed lebanon more than israel ever did.....

(I will not reply to the stupid comments of Galiboun, because he knows not what we are talking about)
Mowaten, you seem reasonable, and direct to the point, and I like that. but that does make your comments correct: any majority acquired at gunpoint is not valid, and the close future will show you that.
ubfortunately (and I mean it because I believe lebanon is for all) the shiite community will suffer the worst blow ever after the fall of the syrian regime (if not before as some indications are transpiring).
they are currently blamed for everything bad we are having in our lives that it will reflect in the conduct of each and everyone when the disaster will happen.
I do not wish that for them as they are lebanese, but it seems they do not realize what they are doing and what it is that their actions wilreflect on their community later on.
I think I said enough, and it should be clear to you what I mean. :)

Something must be wrong on this site as it is repeating my earlier post by itself !
do not play the game of numbers.
just wait and see these numbers after the destruction that is coming soon, and see where the majority is :)
you are utopic, but numbers and lebanon.....

Peace..if anything you are saying is true than the majority of Lebanese including the majority of Christians would not have voted for M8 in 2009 elections. You want to impose your stupid views on the Lebanese people.

yes hezbollah is threatening lebanon... it is not those little concessions made by hezb that counts for hezb as long as they can keep their weapons and do whatever they want in lebanon!
and yes hezbollah is obeying iran and that is a fact! they don t care about lebanon and its problems as long as they can do their own business without fearing anything.
even your leader said that the results of the elections means nothing to him....
keep dreaming mowaten but the hezb will implode because of its arrogance and complex of superiority....

Peace...The worst atrocities committed in Lebanon was by Lebanese against fellow Lebanese, Palestinians, and Syrians. You are full of it.

just a fact: before the arrival of the hezb the majority of the chias from the south were communists or they loved to drink arak or enjoy life and were not as religious as they appear now... then hezb arrived, paid the women to dress like crows and gave salaries to men to support them and got heavily armed. then they imposed their ideology and under threat obliged people to follow them. (they would break your shop if you disagree, harass you, punch the tires of your car etc so eventually you would comply)
at the same time like all islamists parties they opened schools, hospitals, distributed food to people to gain popularity. their demagogic side...
just go and live anywhere in dahiye and you ll see that the hezb will know everything about you and your family and what you do... so no opposition possible to them!
now take their weapons and you ll see that the hezb wont be as supported as they are now!

finally : why did the hezb erase all the other parties that were resisting israel? just to be the only one in that business and justify their lies...
if they were so patriotic they would have accepted all the resistant parties!!!
so they claim now that they are a lebanese resistance when on their flag it s written islamic resistance...
they make me laugh with their label of resistants... they only resist the laws of the state!

A warmonger is preaching for peace!!!! What is worst is the Lebanese reaction to deceiving preaches….
I am not concerned with what Barak is saying BUT I am more concerned with how the Lebanese are reacting!!!
As usual the Lebanese is ready to burn his house in order to tease his compatriot….