الحريري: الموقف اللبناني في قمة الرياض ينطلق من خطاب القسم والبيان الوزاري

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شدد رئيس الحكومة سعد الحريري على أن الموقف اللبناني في قمة الرياض ينطلق من خطاب القسم والبيان الوزاري، مؤكدا أهمية تحييد لبنان عن المشاكل القائمة حوله.

وقال الحريري في جلس مجلس الوزراء التي انعقدت في قصر بعبدا الاربعاء "الموقف اللبناني المعبر عنه بوحدتنا الوطنية ينطلق من خطاب القسم والبيان الوزاري، وما يهمنا ان يستمر الجو الايجابي وتحييد لبنان عن المشاكل القائمة من حوله".

ولفت الى أن "مشاركة لينان في هذا المؤتمر أمر طبيعي"، مضيفا "نحن نعمل دائما على ترميم علاقاتنا مع كل الدول وهذا هو الشيء المهم بالنسبة الينا".

واشار الحريري الى انه التقى على هامش القمة بعدد من رؤساء الدول والحكومات وبحث معهم في الوضع في لبنان والمنطقة ووجه اليهم دعوات لزيارة لبنان".

كما اشار الى اتفاقه مع المسؤولين السعوديين على انعقاد اللجنة الاقتصادية المشتركة اللبنانية السعودية في

خلال رمضان".

وعن قانون الانتخاب، شدد على وجوب "التوصل بشتى الوسائل الى إقرار قانون لانه لا احد يرتضي الوصول الى الفراغ او العودة الى قانون الستين".

وتابع "بالنسبة الي فانني اعتبر ان هناك فرصة حقيقية لانجاز هذا القانون، ويجب ان ينجز وان نعمل جميعا من اجل ذلك وهذا ما يريده رئيس الجمهورية أي قانون جديد وان شاء الله نصل قريبا اليه".

وخلص الى القول "يجب ان نعلم، أن هناك متغيرات في المنطقة وعلينا ان نحيد لبنان لاننا لا نريد ان نكون جزءا من اي خلاف او صراع، لقد اخترنا النأي بالنفس في بعض المراحل ولا نريد ان يكون لبنان مع فريق ضد الاخر وهذا هو اساس سياستنا".

وشارك وفد لبناني برئاسة الحريري في القمة رغم انها انعقدت على مستوى الرؤساء والملوك وكان من المفترض أن يمثل لبنان رئيس الجمهورية، لكن الدعوة توجهت الى الحريري من قبل القائم بالاعمال السعودي وليد البخاري.

وصدر في ختام القمة بيان اطلق عليه اسم "اعلان الرياض"، أعلن "بناء شراكة وثيقة بين قادة الدول العربية والإسلامية والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية لمواجهة التطرف والإرهاب".

وسبقت القمة العربية الاسلامية الاميركية قمة خليجية اميركية تم خلالها التوقيع على مذكرة تفاهم "لتأسيس مركز لاستهداف تمويل الإرهاب".

ووقعت على مذكرة التفاهم السعودية والامارات والبحرين وسلطنة عمان وقطر والكويت.

وخلال القمة هاجم الرئيس الاميركي دونالد ترامب النظام الايراني، وحمله مسؤلوية "الارهاب العالمي".

وقال "من لبنان الى العراق واليمن، ايران تمول التسليح وتدرب الارهابيين والميليشيات وجماعات متطرفة اخرى تنشر الدمار والفوضى في انحاء المنطقة".

وفيما دعا ترامب الى عزل ايران، شبه حزب الله الى "داعش" والقاعدة".

وكان وزير الخارجية السعودي عادل الجبير اتهم ايران ببناء "أكبر منظمة إرهابية في العالم" هي حزب الله، وبدعم المتمردين الحوثيين في اليمن الذين قال انهم "ميليشيا متطرفة تملك صواريخ بالستية وقوة جوية".

التعليقات 35
Thumb justin 14:28 ,2017 أيار 24

We must distance Lebanon from that because we do not want to be part of any conflict. We do not want Lebanon to support one side against another, it is our major policy," Hariri stressed.

and how is having Hezbollah which is part of your government waging wars in Syria, Iraq and Yemen accomplishing what you just said?

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 14:34 ,2017 أيار 24

Hariri: Lebanon's Stance at Riyadh Summit Stems from Oath of Office, Ministerial Statement


Thumb the_roar 14:48 ,2017 أيار 24

The Saudi's keep undermining Lebanon...the fact Lebanon's President was not invited is enough to understand their sinister behavior.

Either Lebanon bows to the Saudi will or else.
Hariri needs to clarify his true identity..is he Lebanese or Saudi?

Thumb janoubi 15:02 ,2017 أيار 24

the summit invited heads of states that are intent on fighting terrorism; aoun is not. He is allied with a terrorist group and he became president as a result of that alliance.

Thumb the_roar 15:05 ,2017 أيار 24

So according to you Lebanon's army should not be armed, because they are fighting hand in hand with HA
well according to your twisted logic anyways.

Thumb the_roar 15:18 ,2017 أيار 24

I am your obsession..what else would drive a person to log in & out with new names of me to post?

try to stick to one name, try to address the topic & finally at least try to have a life outside of naharnet.

Thumb the_roar 15:31 ,2017 أيار 24

Whatever allows you to lead a normal life dude.

Thumb the_roar 15:02 ,2017 أيار 24

So you're telling us that in Iran they have elections?

Damn, that means I can't tell you to go comment on your Saudi elections...It doesn't exist ...shame that!

Thumb the_roar 15:12 ,2017 أيار 24

Monarchy still have elections ...but hey your love of the human rights & free elections of the world just fade away when it comes to your beloved Saudi's.

Thumb gigahabiib 15:20 ,2017 أيار 24

ما بدنا جيش بلبنان إلا جيشك يا حسين

Thumb i.report 15:21 ,2017 أيار 24

Sale iranien!

Thumb i.report 15:24 ,2017 أيار 24

Monsieur Roar,

Les puissances islamiques étaient conviées en Arabie. Est-ce que Michel Aoun est musulman? Vous confirmez donc qu'il s'est converti au chiisme secrètement comme nous le pensions.

Thumb the_roar 15:26 ,2017 أيار 24

This is an English site...post in the Kings English.
there are many sites in Arabic, french etc...get a grip on reality people.

Thumb the_roar 15:41 ,2017 أيار 24

I wish I spoke Farsi or as many languages as possible. do you think your offending me by claiming I speak multiple languages?

But hey if you want to credit me with speaking multiple languages then cheers dude.

Thumb i.report 18:54 ,2017 أيار 24

How would you know aliens? Gigahabib has many names like Flamethrower et Mowaten.

Unless you also are mega/gigahabib???

Thumb thepatriot 23:42 ,2017 أيار 24

Our President bows to Hezbollah and its weapons...it is worse than bowing to anything else!

Thumb liberty 07:26 ,2017 أيار 25


wow, a simple IP verification;)!!!!!

the night security guard who works at an airport has the technical know how to do that;))))

Thumb liberty 07:28 ,2017 أيار 25


what has your shia venom against saudi arabia got to do with the article and hezbollah's terrorism?

Thumb Puppet 15:33 ,2017 أيار 24

I have the utmost respect for Mr. the roar for his firm stance on patriotism and iranianism.

Thumb the_roar 15:38 ,2017 أيار 24

No no no, all the respect to you ice-norma-terro etc etc.

I mean all these hours you put in every day just to tell us how you respect.

Thumb the_roar 15:56 ,2017 أيار 24

Reading posts whilst waiting at airports etc is not the same as you guys who are here posting 24/7 & even having the time to make giffs, change names etc etc.
Texas even admitted he only started posting from 7am his time because thats when he woke up..he was still posting 16 hours later.

reading posts in your spare time is the same as you guys right?

lol@ these nahrnet junkies

Thumb the_roar 16:08 ,2017 أيار 24

No I'm at home making a few comments on nahrnet & having a laugh at your expense.
as for my private life, Its fine but thanks for asking.

Thumb the_roar 17:06 ,2017 أيار 24

please do check....You will see how you are here without fail.

well said eagleyawn...I am all for looking at the history & seeing who never misses a day..some even copy & paste every single day

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 09:28 ,2017 أيار 26

still traumatized by ice-norma-terro-janoubu-justin-galaxy-exfpm, etc ?

Paranoia is a lethal disease

Thumb the_roar 15:53 ,2017 أيار 24

did anyone mention your name? why is that whenever those names are called out you start crying?

Don;t tell me to add you to the list...I mean it seems suss dude.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 16:06 ,2017 أيار 24

add me for sure; I will make your nightmare even more enjoyable

Thumb barrymore 16:29 ,2017 أيار 24

what is your measure of a good Christian? you and your fake Christian aliases flamethrower etc?

When somebody is against your iranian farsi sectarian militia he is automatically labeled by you as a ISIS supporter and therefore he cannot be Christian. What do you know about Christians?? Even the Aounis who are politically allied with your militia hate what you stand for and look down at you as savages.

Thumb the_roar 17:04 ,2017 أيار 24

Barrymore, where & when did I ever say you can't make your voice heard regarding any matter? what I have always claimed is if you have a valid argument based on facts then put them forward in a civilized manner, something most on here are unable to do.

You guys claim to be on the good side & mowaten mystic etc are on the bad side....just look at the discourse between them & you lot.
You guys wouldn't know how to debate with any decency, in fact every sentence you guys start with is name calling etc..

Just watch the two sides debates & it becomes very clear who is debating & who is throwing trash without reason.

Thumb barrymore 17:34 ,2017 أيار 24

the_roar 1 hour ago
spoken like a true follower of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Yes you a true Christian indeed...you have more hate than any daesh representative but use the Christian faith to pour the vile of your tongue on the forum.

sorry, i misinterpreted your comment above. You were debating and presenting an argument based on fact and you were not name calling and insulting.

Spare us your iranian BS.

Thumb the_roar 17:54 ,2017 أيار 24

barrymore, either you're in denial or just unable to see the truth.

Who presented a debate & who chose to respond with personal hate comments?

once again just in case you're slow, I put forward my post & was responded to without any decent discourse or debate, but all personal attacks.....now where are you & the so called Christian to condemn the party at fault?

you guys are so programmed to hate ...but hey you represent the good side right?
just take a look at the names you guys make up...nice language & nice discourse to match..

one only has to look at how you guys behave to see which side is the bad.

Thumb gigahabiib 15:44 ,2017 أيار 24



Thumb i.report 18:52 ,2017 أيار 24

More like a petard mouillé. How would you translate this to English? Wet fireworks? mdr!

Thumb gigahabiib 20:06 ,2017 أيار 24

بدك ترجمان يا رور؟

Thumb i.report 20:29 ,2017 أيار 24


Thumb gigahabiib 20:38 ,2017 أيار 24
