"الكتائب": قانون الانتخاب الجديد عملية غش هدفها العودة المقنعة الى الستين

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علق حزب "الكتائب اللبنانية" على قانون الانتخاب الجديد الذي تم الاتفاق عليه أمس الاربعاء ويعتمد النسبية في 15 دائرة، معتبرا أنه عودة الى قانون ستين مقنع.

وقال مصدر كتائبي مسؤول لصحيفة "الجمهورية" "ما حصل هو عملية غشّ سياسي هدفُها العودة المقنّعة الى قانون الستين".

ورأى المصدر إنه "قانون فصِّل على قياس بعض أهل السلطة، وقد تمّ تفريغ النسبية الحقيقية من مضمونها لمصلحة صفقة سياسية واضحة".

وأضاف "القانون مليء بالسلبيات وسيكون للحزب خلال 24 ساعة موقفٌ واضح ومفصّل من كلّ الأمور التي وعَدت السلطة بها الناس من دون أن تفيَ بوعودها".

التعليقات 5
Missing wakeup 10:39 ,2017 حزيران 14

If Kataeb could just stop criticizing and making a fuss about every single litle achievement or project wouldn't life be easier? ( as if life in lebanon wasn't already complicated!)? They are starting to sound like jalous litle children who were not allowed to join the game! Enough! You are not impressing anyone anymore!

Missing un520 10:56 ,2017 حزيران 14

Exactly. Its time for Kataeb to join the bandwagon and create a strong christian political presence, or else they will be conquered by division for eternity. Only after FPM and LF got together things have started to move out of gridlock. With Kataeb joining in things could be even better. It would be great if Marada also got in, but given their history and viewpoints that could be too much to hope for right now.

Missing wakeup 10:39 ,2017 حزيران 14

If Kataeb could just stop criticizing and making a fuss about every single litle achievement or project wouldn't life be easier? ( as if life in lebanon wasn't already complicated!)? They are starting to sound like jalous litle children who were not allowed to join the game! Enough! You are not impressing anyone anymore!

Missing moonsear 16:18 ,2017 حزيران 14

"Any electoral law that prevents a candidate without a sectarian affiliation from running for elections and prevents citizens from voting for a candidate that has committed to represent them outside of any sectarian affiliation is Unconstitutional.

Article 7: All Lebanese shall be equal before the law
Article 9: There shall be absolute liberty of conscience

The secular state is the rule and sectarian representation is the exception.

Default-user-icon FreeLebFromTyranny (ضيف) 18:09 ,2017 حزيران 14

Kataeb the only people with a conscience