نصر الله استقبل عون للتأكيد على متانة التفاهم والتحالف بين الطرفين
Read this story in Englishاستقبل الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصر الله رئيس تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" ميشال عون وتم التأكيد على "متانة التفاهم والتحالف القائم بين الطرفين ما يساعد على تحصين لبنان أمام كل التحديات القائمة والمقبلة".
وفي البيان الصادر عن العلاقات الاعلامية في "حزب الله"، جاء أنه وخلال اللقاء تم "التأكيد على أهمية التنسيق الكامل واعتماد آليات فعالة لذلك خلال المرحلة المقبلة"
وتم "استعراض الأوضاع والتطورات الإقليمية والمحلية، وجرى تقييم لمجمل الأداء الحكومي خلال الأشهر الماضية".
وحضر اللقاء وزير الطاقة والمياه جبران باسيل و المعاون السياسي للأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" حسين الخليل ومسؤول وحدة الارتباط والتنسيق في "حزب الله" وفيق صفا.
two traitors meeting trying to coordinate their efforts to keep their grip on this country.
all their efforts are useless as they will fail.
be realistic! one follows totally orders from iran which makes him a traitor to lebanon, and the other, follows totally orders from syria and is their boot licker which makes him too a traitor to lebanon.
open your eyes and see the reality of things.
@ Geha
Why is it that alliances with Syria and Iran, become such a controversial issue?
Why is following orders from the USA and Europe any better?
I mean fair and square, the current ruling government has NEVER had a chance to prove itself.
Iran offered electrical sub-stations, building dams, and a rehaul of Lebanons manufacturing industry to Saad Hariri and he refused simply because it doesn't suit the USA.
Why is so hard to see an alliance between the biggest Christian leader and the leader of the biggest sect in Lebanon?
Us Lebanese have become the most negative thinkers, it's shameful that we dont judge on merit, we only judge based on our hateful mentalities.
one day you will start realizing how much of traitors these two are :)
and as usual little demon, the only thing you know is insults!
let us hope that one day you will be able to sustain a real conversation....
The Iranian and Syrian regimes are tyrannical and have nothing in common with the aspirations and beliefs of the patriotic Lebanese.
Nassrallah's ideology is inspired by the Khomeiny styled "Islamic republic" teachings, is this what we want to see in lebanon?
As for Aoun, he is still riding on the political gullibility of some Lebanese to feed his thirst for power and greed for money!
These two men along with their masters in Iran and Syria are the true enemies of Lebanon and will soon be weakened tremendously by the fall of Assad.
this meeting proves that supremathy in lebanon went from syria to iran, and the orangy general is gambling all his tribe not only half of it....it is the mistake of saddam invading irak. some people learn and some.....
the orangy general is gambling, he is putting all his eggs in the hizballah faqih camp....has hakim enough cover in case?it the middle east stupid.
Allah yi7meek ya 3imad ma 7ada ghayrak 7eme il Massi7ieh bee Libnen....aghfor lahon ya abatta la yadrikoon matha yaf3aloon.
The truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to Michel Aoun / Hassan Nasrallah / Saad Hariri / Samir Geagea. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
Evil alliance. One is a traiture to his sect, the other to the whole country. "Strong Alliance" as long as money flows in from Iran and drugs.
Normal Leb: The reason an alliance with Syria and Iran is contraversial is that these despotic regimes do not believe in the Lebanese state, but rather use Lebanon or either as a forward base against Israel and the West (in the case of Iran) or rob its economy.
I personally would not object to assistance from Iran if it were from state to state but no - they assist only their militia Hizbollah - which in reality is a batallion of the IRGC in Lebanon.
Now that Hizb is in power, why do they still need to have a militia? Why doesn't Iran assist the Lebanese army, and dismantle the milita?
On several occasions, Iran has even publicly stated that Hezbollah are an Iranian army on the border of Israel.
Hassan Nasrallah himself has stated publically and without shame that if Iran or Syria are attacked, they will launch an attack on Israel.
Remembering the devastation from the 2006 war on Lebanon, how can Hezbollah be seen as anything but traitors to Lebanon?
I think lebanon is better off wthout these two leaders. Lebanon has suffered extensively under these people and is bound to suffer more if they remain in power and even if they remained in Lebanon.
The best thing is for Hassan to be shipped to Iran and Aoun to send him to a nut house.
Only in this way could Lebanon be saved.
Although employees deserve to be well paid, but today's decision by this alliance will harm employees to the extreme and put our economy in jeopardy.
the end result is that many employees will be fired as a new year gift thanks to Aoun and nasrallah coalition.
this coalition is evil itself and will not rule for long. their days are reaching a deadend.
bigdope, looks like they both NEED to look like thay have that ‘Strong Alliance’ and ‘Full Coordination’ because Mikati is running away with his own agenda and Hassan can't afford for the government to fall and with nowhere else to go has to follow, Micho is on Hassan's payroll. Case in point today again Mikati saved his pay rise plan by sponsoring the deal between the workers and the employers with the help of Berri, Hassan and Micho's MPs stayed behind debating the color of the drapes and other decorating matters.
I partially agree with you, Le Big. Yes, Hezbollah is calling all the shots in Lebanon using its "Resistance" Weapon and money flow from Iran. However, Aoun and his clowns are merely taking orders, and fellating the Hezb. There is no alliance. There is only a master-servant/hooker relationship. No?
orange puppet went to pay visit to his pimp... it seems these two try to show strenght while in fact afraid of losing their master and all the privileges...there s a saying that says : "the dogs that bark loud only try to hide their weakness"...
Top marks to the decorater of the turbanned Rat's lyre. Almost looks like a sitting room above ground if not for no windows.