ساركوزي يطالب بالاحترام المتبادل مع تركيا واردوغان يتهم فرنسا بـ"إبادة"

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طلب الرئيس الفرنسي نيكولا ساركوزي الجمعة من تركيا احترام "قناعات" كل طرف وذلك اثر ردود الفعل القوية لانقرة على تبني فرنسا قانونا يجرم انكار "ابادة" الارمن.

وقال ساركوزي في تصريح صحافي ببراغ حيث يشارك في تشييع جنازة الرئيس التشيكي الاسبق فاتيسلاف هافل "أحترم قناعات أصدقائنا الأتراك، إنه بلد كبير، وحضارة كبيرة، وعليهم احترام قناعاتنا" في المقابل.

وكان اردوغان الجمعة قد اتهم ساركوزي باللعب على مشاعر "كراهية المسلم والتركي" وفرنسا بارتكاب ابادة في الجزائر في رد فعل على تبني فرنسا قانونا يجرم انكار "ابادة" الارمن.

وقال في مؤتمر في اسطنبول أن "الرئيس الفرنسي ساركوزي بدأ السعي لمكاسب انتخابية باستخدام مشاعر كراهية المسلم والتركي" في فرنسا.

وأضاف "أن هذا التصويت الذي وقع في فرنسا حيث يعيش نحو خمسة ملايين مسلم، أظهر بوضوح الحدود الخطرة الذي بلغتها العنصرية والتمييز وكراهية المسلمين في فرنسا واوروبا".

ودعا اردوغان فرنسا الى ان تتحمل المسؤولية عن ماضيها الاستعماري.

وقال "تقدر بـ15 بالمئة من سكان الجزائر نسبة الجزائريين الذين تم اغتيالهم من قبل الفرنسيين بداية من 1945. هذه ابادة" في اشارة الى اعمال عنف ارتكبت خلال معركة استقلال الجزائر من الاستعمار الفرنسي بين 1945 و1962.

وتابع اردوغان "اذا كان الرئيس الفرنسي لا يعرف انه حصلت ابادة فانه يمكنه أن يسأل والده بال ساركوزي الذي كان خدم في الجزائر في اربعينات القرن الماضي".

وأردف "أنا على يقين أنه (بال ساركوزي) لديه الكثير من الأمور ليقولها لابنه بشأن المجازر التي ارتكبها الفرنسيون في الجزائر".

وكانت الجمعية العامة الفرنسية تبنت الخميس قانوناً يعاقب بالسجن عاماً وبغرامة كل منكر لابادة الارمن في تركيا بين 1915 و1917، ما اثار غضب انقرة.

التعليقات 28
Default-user-icon ziad mousa (ضيف) 12:25 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

erdogan totally right

Default-user-icon Anonymous2 (ضيف) 13:26 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

funny two nations who have committed genocides are accusing each other to justify their "justified" stance in this "civilized" world, but i'll bury that two face erdogan first and then deal with zionist sarkozy later.
but whats important is one less genocide bill to worry about for now and erdogan should just shut his A hole before he sees worst scenarios unfolding in his already self buried state, congrats erdo you just made ur last standing "good" neighbor "Syria" ur enemy now now ur meddling with france in an orgy of "enemy made" neighbors you already hold from , iran, iraq, armenia now syria and wow it goes on congrats ur surrounded!

Default-user-icon Horatio (ضيف) 14:19 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

One descendant of criminals accuses another descendant of criminals of committing genocide. Filth begets filth.

Default-user-icon Chechen (ضيف) 14:31 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

French genocide in Algeria? Whoever believes this should get their facts right. Besides, did the French chief at the time declare he wanted an Algeria without Algerians, as the Sultan declared about the Armenians? How many Algerians in France and Armenians in Turkey now?

Default-user-icon Luxembourg Bob (ضيف) 15:36 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

If you've ever met an Armenian you'd know that the Turks are right either way.

Default-user-icon BigH (ضيف) 15:39 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Nobody can deny history. There were a lot of genocides throughout the ages; Stalin vs. Russians, Nazis vs. Jews, Jews vs. Palestinians, French vs. Algerian, Turks vs. Armenians, English vs. North Americans, Spanish vs. South Americans, Dutch vs. Africans, etc
The victims of the genocides have to move on and stop acting like victims. You can't change people's opinions about genocides; some acknowledge them, some deny them and the rest don't care.

Default-user-icon Europe's conscience (ضيف) 17:15 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

may be we should ask why there are 500,000 armenians in France the first place, and 2 million in US, etc.... Armenia has a population of only 3 mln. Naturally they did not immigrate...

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 18:46 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

its a mistake ya hajj, sarko lost with the turks more than he gained with the armenians.

Default-user-icon abe (ضيف) 18:59 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

why don't you ask your father or grandfather to what they did to the Armenians living on THEIR land between 1915-1918, I'm sure Pamuk's, Dink"s and others would have been glad to tell you about the genocide.
You and your goverment is not man enough to do it

Thumb jabalamel 19:57 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

all the imperial nations have blood on their hands in the history. important is what are they doing now.

Default-user-icon Europe's conscience (ضيف) 20:21 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

we should wonder how come 500,000 Armenians ended up in France and 2 million in US and hundreds of thousands in other countries in the 5 continents of this world, out of a total population of 3 million currently living in Armenia, then you have the answer.

Default-user-icon Gregory (ضيف) 22:00 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

to all of the above: genocide is not determined by the number or the cruelty of the killings, but by the intention behind them. The Russians lost 20 million people in WWII, but that is not recognized as a genocide in the textbooks. When Hitler master-planed the extermination of the Jews within his territories, he famously said "After all, who remembers the Armenians?". The Armenian Genocide was a precedent he was referring to.

Default-user-icon Gregory (ضيف) 22:00 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Talaat Pasha of the Young Turks ordered the SYSTEMATIC, ORGANIZED killing of Armenians with the goal of EXTERMINATING them.
Now, saying that France did the same is a little far-stretched. YES, France killed THOUSANDS, REPRESSED and PUNISHED Algerians in its dark colonial past, but the goal was NEVER to eradicate the Algerian people. They just a wanted a submissive and compliant community. NOT nice either, BUT PLEASE DON'T CALL IT A GENOCIDE!!
It makes me sick to see a trash bag like Erdogan standing for justice in the Middle East... maybe he has a very selective memory of his own nation's past.
Up until today, people are judged and imprisoned for "insult to Turkish Identity" (article 301), a prominent Armenian journalist was assassinated in daylight, in the heart of Istanbul, by some "crazy nationalist".... who is now venerated by the masses!! Come on....

Default-user-icon Gregory (ضيف) 22:00 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

I went to school in France, and it is certainly not with pride that the Algerian chapter is taught...
This French law would not be needed if Turkey followed the example of Germany.

Default-user-icon Romelus (ضيف) 22:00 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Filth begets filth.

Default-user-icon RK (ضيف) 22:44 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Dr. Rafael Lemkin Professor of Law he is best known for his work against genocide, a word he created in 1943 from the root words genos (Greek for family, tribe, or race) and -cide (Latin for killing).

He is the author of Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 9 December 1948 as General Assembly Resolution 260.

He created the word GENOCIDE based on the Armenian experience at the hands of the Ottoman Turks.

So Mr. Erdogan you cannot escape from the crimes that your grandparents committed.

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (ضيف) 04:40 ,2011 كانون الأول 24

@Habal/smalldig/sweating_rat: Hafez Assad destroyed Hamah on the head of its citizens claiming Al-Qeada or extremists were inside the city. He later destroyed with GRAD missiles almost every city in Lebanon (i.e. Tripoli, Knat, Zahle, Baabda, East Beirut and more..). These were lessons learned from the Turks who ruled ruthlessly the middle east for many years before we were set free by the English/French army and then later we were independent. People like you would prefer the Ottoman genocide ruling than to be set free with decent life and future.

Default-user-icon agop (ضيف) 13:01 ,2011 كانون الأول 24

turks usally black mail other nations when they want to cover their terrible past. they turks, the otoman, killed my grand parents and cofisticated their land in sevaz. thats all i can say about those criminal otoman turks.

Default-user-icon agop (ضيف) 13:13 ,2011 كانون الأول 24

The ottoman turks committed very bad things to Armenian people. they systematically murdered one million and half Armenians.the rest of the rest Armenians a handful, were saved by kind Arabian people.we owe thanks to syrian,lebanese,French,and russian,and some American missionaries.
today,we still exist. ottoman and young turks planed,to exterminate Armenians. unfortunately,their plan failed. we exist,as a nation,and, have a country Armenia.

Thumb jabalamel 15:11 ,2011 كانون الأول 24

the filthy zionist information war department tried to say something in the last post but said nothing like always

Default-user-icon merrychristmas (ضيف) 13:54 ,2011 كانون الأول 25

Ya europesconscience,

you do realise that humans procreate yes? 3million in 1915 should result in 10's of millions in the present day.
Seriously people think before you post..

Alot of casualties does not mean they were genocidal actions. As one poster said, look at current France and how many Algerians there are, compare that to how many turks are in armenia or how many armenians are in turkey..
Its ridiculous how many people are applauding Erdogan for saying this, like it absolves turkey of their actions...

Default-user-icon Le phénicien (ضيف) 20:03 ,2011 كانون الأول 25

Bravo président Sarkozy . Erdogan you are finished personnally as Well as Turkey and the fanatic Turcs . Thé doors of Europe are definitely closed IN your face .

Default-user-icon Anonymous.is.back (ضيف) 22:21 ,2011 كانون الأول 26

@Le phénicien
Turkey withdrew it's candidate-ship for EU A LONG TIME AGO DIPSHIT
Go back to school, read history than come back and talk a-hole..

We don't care about the genocide...
Why should people be punished 45000€ and 1year prison for denying that?

Anonymous will get france and armenia :)
All networks down how you like that.

Expect us.

Default-user-icon Anonymou2 (ضيف) 22:49 ,2011 كانون الأول 26

All countries should follow Germany's example, and yes Turkish government will pay the price not for the crimes their ancestors committed but the price to be paid is for the DENIAL! period. which in turn is a genocide for future generations historians and deliberate crime in deliberately trying to hide facts of history against a nation and its people and doing the up-most to erase it form the books, that in itself is a crime to pay for! everyone understood the concept here? good.. lets move on..

Default-user-icon Anonymous2 (ضيف) 23:00 ,2011 كانون الأول 26

oh and "Anonymous.is.back" just go back from being back here, if you don't care, 500 million + people in this world do its just your word against theirs,
and in this case I DON'T buy the rule of "everyone's entitled to free speech", No in this case its either you are humane which in turn would make you a functional human by seeing the truth of the past and present/future or such rules as free speech cannot be applied to soulless spines such as what you may be, such atrocities must be condemned by the entire world's opposing population unanimously and without a second thought if men can't do that anymore then good luck for the future of your children's children.

Missing bilal_marakbi 23:09 ,2011 كانون الأول 26

Lephenicheien, you say the french and british set us free? How dumb are you? Seriously?. The turks are barbarians, we know this but dont act as if the colonializers set us free because they came to our countries and treated us like dogs, they slaughtered tens of thousands, created secterianism and gave us dictators, israel and messed up politicial systems and while ruling us, they executed people left and right, raped women, stole, gave us bad names, put their shoes on our heads just to name some of the crimes. They didnt liberate us one bit. People like you are a disgrace. You worship the white man clearly. Over 1 million algerians were slaughtered and burned by the french liberators so keep your mouth shut please.

Missing bilal_marakbi 23:18 ,2011 كانون الأول 26

A genocide is not a genocide until the white man has said it is and the white man decides what is right or wrong while the house slaves follow like the stupid shoe worshipers that they are. Disgusting, truly disgusting.

Default-user-icon Anonymous2 (ضيف) 12:04 ,2011 كانون الأول 27

Agreed, the french and the British gave us much of our system, and today I just wish they had stayed, not this so called "independence" that we took as a country Lebanon, Seriously what independence ever since the day the french left we've been eating each other alive, we ruined all the wonderful culture and roads trains economy THEY GAVE US from the houses and style of jemaizi to the cultural buildings all have french architecture written on them the beauty of Lebanon is owed in its aesthetics and functionality of what it used to be to the french, face it and accept facts! just look at us today polluting the air, traffic jams all over economy down the basement and sectarian divisions on a brink of yet another war, culture being destroyed erected instead by commercial average looking buildings more and more reminiscent of UAE. I laugh every time we celebrate our so called "Independence" I want the french back so we could live in peace!