سانا: ضبط أسلحة وحبوب مخدرة وشرائح خلوية لبنانية على الحدود مع لبنان

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تم العثور على كمية من الأسلحة وحبوب مخدرة وشرائح خلوية "لبنانية" من نوع ألفا على الحدود السورية اللبنانية.

وذكرت وكالة الأباء السورية "سانا"، أن "الجهات المختصة ضبطت قرب جسر سويد على الحدود اللبنانية السورية وكذلك في مدينتي تلكلخ والقصير بحمص كميات من الأسلحة تضمنت رشاش بي كي سي".

وأضافت أنه تم ضبط "14 قذيفة مضادة للدروع و14 قذيفة أر بي جي وبنادق متنوعة وقناصة ومسدسا 9 ميليمتر وقنابل و جعبا عسكرية".

وأفادت عن ضبط "شرائح لبنانية من نوع ألفا ونحو ألف حبة مخدر".

وكانت الجهات المختصة قد ضبطت في وقت سابق بحسب "سانا"، كميات من الأسلحة والذخيرة في معبر جديدة يابوس لدى محاولة تهريبها إلى سورية في سيارة براد شاحنة قادمة من لبنان تحمل اللوحة العراقية رقم 9073.

وقالت الوكالة السورية "سانا" أن "السلطات المختصة في محافظة حمص كانت قد ضبطت خلال الشهر الحالي كمية كبيرة من الذخائر والأسلحة محملة بسيارة شاحنة تحمل لوحة لبنانية أثناء محاولة تهريبها إلى سوريا في معبر الدبوسية على الحدود السورية اللبنانية".

وتشهد الحدود اللبنانية السورية الكثير من الأحداث، حيث تكررت عمليات توغل جنود سوريين واطلاق النار في اتجاه الاراضي اللبنانية خلال الاشهر الماضية متسببة بسقوط قتلى وجرحى، ومتزامنة مع تطور الحركة الاحتجاجية في سوريا التي تواجه بحملة قمع واسعة سقط فيها منذ منتصف آذار اكثر من خمسة الاف قتيل بحسب الامم المتحدة.

وتعتبر وادي خالد ملجأ للعديد من النازحين السوريين لا سيما للمعارضين. وتقدر السلطات اللبنانية عدد النازحين السوريين الاجمالي في لبنان باكثر من خمسة الاف.

التعليقات 18
Default-user-icon Bouthaina Ramadan (ضيف) 16:59 ,2012 كانون الثاني 01

SANA reported this so it must be true!

Default-user-icon Anonymous3 (ضيف) 17:21 ,2012 كانون الثاني 01

here's how it all works:

weapons are headed to the head of the opposition "peaceful protesters" groups around Syria.
Narcotics are later used to drug whoever will be on the ground firing these weapons, to help make them feel invincible and up their Morales in a narcotic delusional sense after being brainwashed by their leaders.
and finally the sim cards are used to make further contact with their lebanese suppliers and masters mainly from the sunni sect in and around the lebanese borders.

and then when they are caught and killed doing all this suddenly they are martyrs and Lebanon must deploy forces to protect these "innocent Civilian" casualties which the evil evil bad Syrian regime is commiting!

Default-user-icon Habib (ضيف) 17:40 ,2012 كانون الثاني 01

Lebanese Authorities should be able to track the seized “Alfa-type Lebanese (mobile phone) SIM cards" particularly who's name these are registered in. Ooops I forgot there won;t be any traces - remember Mossad has infiltrated Alfa. What a joke. Assad should wipe this filth from his country once and for all.

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 18:25 ,2012 كانون الثاني 01

This is a BS story from the filthy Hezz drug selling, rape of Beirut war department. This stuff could easily have come through Turkey, Jordan, or Syria. The two players of Syria and the Hezz run gov't of Lebanon have no credibility on the world stage.

The recent Muallem video and the ASSad interview confirm that anything they "uncover" was set up by them.

Default-user-icon abbas (ضيف) 18:30 ,2012 كانون الثاني 01

jew? Do you hate the Christians as well Mr Mawaz?

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 18:48 ,2012 كانون الثاني 01

we are just returning the goods u sent us...

Missing peace 19:45 ,2012 كانون الثاني 01

hahaha! after al qaeda which appeared out of the blue (the M8 gvt confirmed it wasn t true!!!) now this other lie just to throw the blame on lebanese! what a joke! what next? let s wait and see the new lies coming! oh! i guess a nuclear bomb found on the border ready to go to damascus!

Default-user-icon FADY ADHAMY (ضيف) 20:06 ,2012 كانون الثاني 01

The story is made in the syrian capital.All arms in the hand of hizbollah came from syria.So,i don,t believe those criminals.They want to divert the world attention on what is going on in their country.

Default-user-icon a proof is a proof (ضيف) 20:24 ,2012 كانون الثاني 01

Fawaz is right I mean how can anyone with a half a brain doubt the Syrian government truthful evidence especially after Mr Moualem showed us that the video footage of that Egyptian rape and murder suspect that was lynched in South Lebanon in 2010 was in reality a Syrian security forces member lynched by terrorists in 2011 Syrian, unlike the Fawaz, Habal and co one gotta be an idiot not to believe such irrefutable evidence, right?

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 21:06 ,2012 كانون الثاني 01

if u look at the arms, they are from the soviet era sent originally by the assad family to bilad el arz, for a reason... and as honest lebanese, we returning it back to sender.

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 21:15 ,2012 كانون الثاني 01

SANA, is this even a news organization?

Default-user-icon Hot off the press (ضيف) 23:21 ,2012 كانون الثاني 01

This is a fresh photo of the weapons seized courtesy of SANA and the Syria department of truthiness... really


Default-user-icon TITUS (ضيف) 04:47 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

Yeah right! Most probably planted by the Iranian terrorist Group Hezb Ebola themselves! DDuhh! Trying to frame the free Lebanese (as they have been doing for the past thirty odd years) in order to give the criminal Syrian regime a pretext for further violation of Lebanese sovereignty, the fact that these weapons are outdated speaks volumes, they were obviously planted in "plain sight" to be found and not fit to be used as claimed by the Assad criminal regime and its full of Sh*t mouthpiece "SANA".

Default-user-icon TITUS (ضيف) 04:47 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

Of course not that these silly well known games the Assad Stalinist regime and its partner in Crime the Iranian regime and their cronies in Lebanon have been playing for more than 36 years now in trying to undermine the rise of the sovereign free economically vibrant democratic modern state of Lebanon at Peace, this will certainly NOT change the fate of either criminal regime for both their fates are sealed, all these games will probably be one of humdred more Catlysts that would expedite the end as both regimes accelerate voluntarily towards the abyss...

Default-user-icon jack (ضيف) 05:36 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

no SANA is not a news org. Urgit news or LCC are legitimate news gathering organization,
lol, give me a break

Thumb jabalamel 17:26 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

only the filthy zionist information war department can try to somehow dispute what is clear

Thumb jabalamel 17:27 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

mustapha wanted to say:" as a traitor we send them to traitors"

Thumb jabalamel 22:45 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

the filthy zionist information war department claimed for months that there is no smuggling weapons from lebanon to syria.
now that whole world knows there is smuggling, now they say it's ok.

in 5 years when truth about their involvemnt comes out, they will say it's classified and they can't talk about it.