مقتل صحافي فرنسي و6 سوريين عند سقوط قذائف على مجموعة من الصحافيين بحمص وفرنسا تطالب بتحقيق
Read this story in Englishقتل الصحافي الفرنسي العامل في شبكة "فرانس 2" جيل جاكييه وستة سوريين الأربعاء عند سقوط قذائف على مجموعة من الصحفيين في حمص وسط سوريا، في وقت طالبت فرنسا "توضيحا كاملا لملابسات" مقتل الصحافي.
وقال مصور وكالة "فرانس برس" أن قذيفة سقطت على مجموعة من الصحافيين كانوا يجرون تحقيقا في المدينة التي تشكل معقلا للحركة الاحتجاجية.
وهو أول صحافي غربي يقتل في سوريا منذ بداية الحركة الاحتجاجية منتصف آذار الماضي.
وأوضح مصور "فرانس برس"، أن عددا من أعضاء المجموعة جرحوا أيضا لكنه لم يتمكن من تحديد عددهم.
وأفاد أن أحد الجرحى صحافي بلجيكي أصيب في عينه.
وكانت مجموعة الصحافيين موجودة في حمص في اطار رحلة نظمتها السلطات السورية التي تحد من تنقلات وسائل الاعلام الاجنبية في سوريا.
من جهته، قال المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان لـ"فرانس برس"، أن "قذائف هاون او آر بي جي سقطت على المنطقة بين أحياء عكرمة والنزهة" بينما "كان وفد صحافي موجودا هناك".
وأكد المرصد أنه "لا يعلم ما هو مصدر القذائف لكن النشطاء في المدينة يتهمون السلطات"، مطالبا "بفتح تحقيق في الحادث".
وأعلن وزير الخارجية الفرنسي آلان جوبيه الاربعاء، أن فرنسا طلبت "توضيحا كاملا لملابسات" مقتل الصحافي الفرنسي العامل للقناة الثانية العامة في التلفزيون الفرنسي جيل جاكييه (42 عاما) في سوريا.
واضاف في بيان: "نطالب بتحقيق بهدف التوضيح الكامل لملابسات هذه المأساة" التي حصلت في حمص وسط سوريا.
وتابع جوبيه: "نحن نندد بشدة بهذه الفعلة الشنيعة"، مطالبا السلطات السورية بـ"ضمان أمن الصحافيين الدوليين العاملين على أراضيها وحماية حرية الاعلام التي هي حرية أساسية".
وأكد "أن سفيرنا في دمشق (اريك شوفالييه) على اتصال بالحكومة السورية من أجل تقديم كل مساعدة ضرورية للاشخاص الذين يرافقون مواطننا"، مردفا: "وسيزور على الفور المكان لتقديم دعم السفارة لهم" مقدما تعازيه لاسرة الضحية وللقناة.
وكانت شبكة فرانس 2 أعلنت أن الصحافي الذي قتل الاربعاء في حمص بوسط سوريا هو جيل جاكييه، أحد كبار مراسلي هذه الشبكة العامة.
وقال مصور لوكالة "فرانس برس" كان موجودا في حمص أن، قذيفة سقطت على مجموعة من الصحافيين الذين كانوا يعدون تحقيقا في هذه المدينة التي تشكل أبرز مناطق الاحتجاج على النظام السوري.
وكان جيل جاكييه واحدا من كبار مراسلي "فرانس 2" منذ 1999. فقد غطى وقائع الحرب في العراق وأفغانستان وكوسوفو واسرائيل. واعد عددا كبيرا من التحقيقات لبرنامج "موفد خاص" الشهير في فرنسا.
وبدأ عمله في شبكة فرانس 3 العامة في تحرير الاخبار الاقليمية في مكتب ليل شمال فرنسا في 1991، ثم انتقل الى تحرير الاخبار الوطنية في 1994.
وحصل في 2003 على جائزة البير لوندر التي تكافىء الصحافيين، مع برتران كوك أحد كبار مراسلي فرانس 2 أيضا، عن تحقيق أعداه خلال الانتفاضة الثانية والعملية التي شنها الجيش الاسرائيلي في نيسان 2002.
وهو أول صحافي غربي يقتل في سوريا منذ اندلاع حركة الاحتجاج على النظام في 15 اذار. وكانت مجموعة الصحافيين موجودة في حمص في اطار رحلة سمح لها النظام السوري الذي يحد من تحركات وسائل الاعلام الاجنبية في سوريا.
وكان جاكييه ضمن مجموعة من الصحافيين الذين سمحت لهم السلطات السورية بزيارة هذه المدينة معقل الاحتجاجات ضد النظام.

And who does not like foreign reporters covering Syrian uprising???
Guess whos done it?
This is a major nail in Bashar's coffin!

soon will get rid of this monster killer
but i guess now they are getting some taste of their own meds
same shit they did to lebanon now its happening to them
im so glad

according to the mou3arada el sourieh the regime orchestrated the bombings in damascus and today in homs
if so the regime in few month will kill all his supporters so no need for foreign intervention just give time to the regime and he will finish himself up

the filthy zionist information war department with their partners in crime in syria disguisded as rebels are killing journalists now becuase they have pens and papers and can write about their criminal acts. These cheap attempts will only make the great bashar stronger and stronger by the day. Today he said he will hit these barbarians with a fist of iron and steel.

The people posting under the "jabal amel" nickname are mukhabarat agents.... They should be banned from this site. It was "le phenicien" earlier, now that nick disappeared and we get this drivel about zionists and the "great" Bashar. Please do not respond as they are trolls, with posts aimed at increasing sectarian tensions in Lebanon. Be wise, ignore them and unite as Lebanese.

a clear warning to anyone who want to report on the truth... they were authorized to go there by the regime and hop! a shell falls on them... strange isn t it?! a perfect play by the regime to accuse the opposition...
if there was a true foreign conspiracy against the regime why is that that there are NEVER pro assad demonstrators killed???? only those against him?
the regime is clearly desperate and is starting to do anything to keep the power...

A rocket that large aimed at western journalists can only be sent by Bahshar.
He is finished. Hopefully there was a Russian reporter there to send info back to Putin who did it.

the filthy zionist information war department first tried to say that syrian army killed journalist.
when they were faced with french article that says terrorists killed them, than they say "who cares".

just wait and see mortadella... just wait and see who are the liars...
what is hapening now is the same scenario that happened in many dictatorships on the verge of falling... they do not hesitate to kill even their supporters to throw the blame on others.
the bombings in damascus has been already been talked about by some experts as a natural course of the revolution many months ago! they said that the day the regime will feel that everything is escaping them they wouldn t hesitate to do such atrocities to try and convince that without them only chaos is coming...and i bet you it isn t finish and you ll see even worse from the regime.
oh! and remember the thousands of supporters of khaddafi demonstrating in his favor? just like in syria now...

acceleration of tragic events these coming 2/3 weeks in syria, but no worry for lebanon

Enno inta khayi zaki, bass moch 3am befham shou matlabak? insa shou l siyesiyin 3am bi 2oulou, 2ensa l comments w 7alil lawa7dak.enno shou hadaff men te3li2atak ? ennak defi3 3an l dictateriyi? Enno inta bte2bal dictateur ye7kmak ?
Yalli bi 7ett 3elto kella bel 7ekem shou bi koun? Yalli byemna3 l 2a7zab w byefrod 7ezeb wa7ad shou bikoun? Yalli byemna3 l 7oriyet shou bikoun? Yalli byeghtel ness w siyesiyin shou bikoun? Yalli bye7boss mo3aridin 2ello shou bikoun? Yalli b3emro ma darab 7ajar 3a Isra2il w bi2oul 2enno houwi l mokawami shou bikoun? Yalli attal shabebna w shabeb watano shou bikoun? Yalli 3emil majezir bi lebnen w bi souriya shou bikoun? Yalli mjawa3 sha3bo shou bikoun?
Please ya sa7bi, bass lal 2enseniyi, 7kom ka 2ensen!!!!!!

mortadella, yes keep on in your world of lies , dream of this democratic syrian regime , you must be proud of it, so keep supporting it it will be all the more fun when they will disappear and see you crying here!
oh, but i guess you won t assume the day the regime falls and we ll never hear from you again on this site!

oh and you keep refering to the 1973 war but since then? they never threw a single stone on israel as hafez made a deal to stay in place in exchange of peace in the golan heights...your regime is in place by the will of the usa and israel
very resistant country indeed....

"governing system" inta 3am teda7ak 3layi 3anjad!!! no comment.
" you haven't seen him starving his population" kamen no comment.
ana moch 3am 2arin heda l nizam l fesed ma3 aya nizam ghayro, Of course ana ded l nizam bel s3odiyi, akid ana ma3 7oriyet l mar2a w moseweta ma3 l rajol. ana ded l nizam bel s3odiyi w bi kel l belden l 3arabiyi. w berfed enni defi3 3anon w betmana mennak te3mol nafess l shi.
bass l nizam l sourri tkhata kel l 7doud, men te3zib, la 2eghtisab, la 2atel l atfal (betmana testa3lim 3an kiff l sawra balshit bi souriya)...
3ala kollin ana ma bedi fout bisejel. bass 7ebet menak tbatil defi3 3an hek nizam fesid,w bala ra7mi!!!
Je laisse a l'Histoire de jujer ce regime!

laisse perestroika, certains n arrivent pas a comprendre qu on puisse etre contre la syrie et egalement contre le regime integriste saoudien! pour eux si tu es contre la syrie c est que tu defends l arabie saoudite! esprit binaire voila tout...
mais comme ils ne font que repeter ce qu ils entendent de leur leader evidemment ils n arrivent pas a tout a fait reflechir d eux memes...
de plus tu leur montre les pires horreurs commises par le regime syrien qui tue ses propres citoyens(ce qui ne les choque pas du tout!) ils te diront que c est de la propagande sioniste ou americaine...
ils glorifient un regime qui n en est pas a ses premiers crimes contre l humanite (hama par exemple ou maintenant ce meme regime a construit des ecoles sur les fosses communes!)
haram 3aleyhoum

after patriotic lebanese exposed their lies, the filthy zionist information war department went on to drop their usual retarded comments on syria in general

The filthy Syrian and Iranian war department is afraid of the fall of Assad , of course they will deny it and try to prove how great things are for them , but their time is coming .. So I advice them to reconcile with fellow Lebanese before its too late

Benzona ... from all the people who commented on this story ... ur the only MAN
RIP Gilles
I wish others will look at the real issue here and that human lives are being lost here. WAKE UP IDIOTS OF ALL SIDES AND STOP THESE IDIOTIC COMMENTS. Leaders from both sides are just toying with your lives and you are sooo happy to roll over when they tell u to. Start having minds of your own and THINK!
(P.S. my name is due to the extreme lunacy of this ahbal amel and not driven by any political issues)

Let me get this straight...
1- Journalists are finally authorised to step foot in Syria.
2- The regime escorts them to Homs.(not just any city)
3- SUDDENLY a few men gather in front of the journalist and start praising Bashar !??!
4- Again, SUDDENLY, two rockets are fired at those people who had started their little dance!?!
5- Journalists from the world witness the barbaric ways of "the terrorists" and relay the story...
Now, if the sandwich believes that this story is credible, believable, and won't raise any doubts... I question his iq.

non. ils parait qu'ils sont des militants "pro-democratie" qui ne demandent que la liberte et la paix civile. aucune crainte a avoir de la part de ces heros. qu'ils puissent envoyer une rpg pr tuer des alaouites qui etaient en compagnie du reporter de France 2 est inconcevable...
y en a vraiment bcp d'alice au pays des merveilles par ici

Mowaten: An arrogant blogger whose belief is "the more I post, the more credible I am".

Mowaten: Un blogueur arrogante dont la croyance est "plus je poste, le plus crédible, je suis".

how about resisting the temptation of insult to those who do not think like you??? it is kind of odd for those who defend "democracy" and despise "dictatorship" to be so prone to hateful comments. quit the double standards so that an intelligent exchange can take place

Martadella. Je faisais reference aux alices si pretes a croire les cliches des journaux televises occidentaux ou tout est blanc ou noir. les gentils sont les pro-democraties et les mechants sont le regime et ses sbires. je ne peux que craindre l'obscurantisme (qu'il soit en turban ou en costume cravate). et le pritemps arabe, pr l'instant, a montre plus d'obscurite que de lumiere.

Read again... I have no certainty (unlike the sandwich who is only good at insulting others)...I have doubts...I think that's fair enough...
I also wonder if this incident was not a justification for keeping away the journalists from syria...

What goes around comes around...
Apres 60 ans de dictature, les hommes deviennent des betes... les regimes autoritaires ont tous une date de peremption...je n'excuse personne...il faut juste essayer de comprendre...

Yes, we know that the syrian regime is the victim of gangs, terrorists, US, Future Movement, Israel, the Saudis,the Arabs, etc...
Who have they not acused yet?
They are only collecting the fruit of their policy during the last decades.

L'obscurantisme en turban: Hassan Nasrallah
L'obscurantisme en costume: Nabih Berri

mowaten: "A self-proclaimed know-all & expert on everything from military, social, to political matters."

@thepatriot,it s very good to doubt AND give the benefit of the doubt and most of all to put it into practice. Those who who are always certain are fools.
Nonetheless, just as a reminder about the last decades, the US, Future Movement, Israel, the Saudis, the Arabs, etc... were all very happy to put Syria in charge of Lebanon and let them have their way in LB. They were not so worried about upholding freedom and democracy for Leb people. Now that their vital interests are shifting they remember their cherished principles. Doubts and benefit of the doubts should allow you not to be deceived by such double standards. And yes, sometimes they do send spooks on the field to train thugs and terrorists

essaie plutot l'obscurantisme en turban: les salafistes qui proliferent
L'obscurantisme en costume: George W Bush et ses acolytes neo cons

True (well...some of it, I won't elaborate it would be too long because you gereralised quite a bit), this is why we should take advantage of the geopolitical context and share common interrests now before they shift again.:)
Je ne vois pas vraiment ce que Bush viens faire la dedans... il est parti ya un moment...t'es au courant non??
Les speech facon Grand Satan sont passes de mode mon cher...
What double standards?
you spend too much time here. Shouldn't you attend to ur employees??

@thepatriot the geopolitical context at one point ended the outsourcing of lb to syria, then it shifted to a situation where anjar was replaced by awkar in every aspect of foreigners advancing their causes & interests @ the expense of lebs fighting each other. If u want to be true to ur name (patriot), then resent it and stop following unconditionally. Et merci de me prevenir pr la mode passee du grand satan. Je vais p etre rallier ton camp maintenant que la mode a change. C ds l air du temps de changer de camp anyway. Qt a bush et ses copains (incl libanais) il est l illustration parfaite des consequences de l obscurantisme mystique en costume cravate

Both words work mowaten. You're waisting my time.

mortadella ""city of hama contains christian minorities who were attacked by the muslim brotherhood. assad cracked down on them""
yes it surely justifies the massacre of 25 000 people killed by bombs...
you are insane..
oh and another stupidity: "over syria and any battle for the golan would at this point be suicidal. especially that israel also happens to be a nuclear power with the latest US technology. "
so i guess the hezb can attack israel because lebanon is nuclear proof and it is not suicidal for it...
what justifications to defend the syrian coward regime!
you d better say nothing instead of these stupidities

sweat-a-della: "owns his "own" business, a hight tech start-up Basterma & Falafel stand in Bourj Hammoud"

Great saying(s) of Mowaten: "not a grammar freak, but believes when mocking someone and trying to sound witty while dismissing him, it's important not to look stupid by making stupid mistakes"

Profile what would be ur start-up ? Racism & insults'R' us?

i counted 14 posts so far by this idiot mortadella......! Ok ok we get the point, you have nothing else to do, you are ugly, lonely, and nobody wants to go out with you. Try visiting "lonelyhearts.com". God, this is not a social site. It is distressing to see his on and on and on comments about nothing..... ufffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

havve a GOOD look mortadella... i can even give you more sites PROVING there were more than 20 000 killed...
so please STOP denying the truth just for the sake of your beloved dictatorship... GOT IT?

take a GOOD look mortadella and STOP denying the truth to defend your beloved terrorist regime! i can even give you more sites proving this historical FACT... GOT IT?

moratdella: how many sandwiches did you sell today? give us statistics of basterma versus falafel, and to what you attribute your success as a "businessman"?

Amnesty International's November 1983 report estimated that 10,000 to 25,000 people had been killed during the crackdown.
The death toll is unknown, but estimates range from 10,000 to 40,000. Contemporaneous accounts describe the stench of rotting corpses wafting out of the rubble.
20,000 http://wn.com/Hama_massacre
40,000 http://users.erols.com/mwhite28/battles.htm
...but noooooo....the silly sandwich knows better ;)

Never argue with an idiot.... they drag you down to their level then beat you with experience!

Its always refreshing to get the point of view of a teenager :)

haram mortadella, he is not selling enough sandwiches these days, so he spends all his lonely time on here hoping for some "virtual" customers, but no one is "biting".

@the patriot Thank God we have for us teenagers we have mature cynics like u to guide us out of naive perdition. Again u seem to have no doubts whatsoever. Draw ur own conclusions on ur level of maturity

Hi there, yeah this post is in fact good and I have learned lot of things from it concerning blogging.