حزب الله عن اتهامه بقصف الزبداني: سخيف ومضحك ولا أساس له من الصحة
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نفى حزب الله ما قاله بعض الناشطين السوريين المعارضين أنه يقصف منطقة الزبداني في ريف دمشق بصواريخ الكاتيوشا معتبرا أنه "اتهام سخيف ومضحك".
وقال الحزب في بيان أصدره عصر الأربعاء أنه "بعد إصرار من جهات في المعارضة السورية وبعض وسائل الإعلام العربية ومواقع الإنترنت على توجيه الإتهام لحزب الله حول قصف منطقة الزبداني بصواريخ الكاتيوشا، يؤكد حزب الله أن هذا الإتهام سخيف ومضحك ولا أساس له من الصحة".
وكان اتحاد تنسيقيات الثورة السورية ان منظمة حزب الله تطلق صواريخ "كاتيوشا" على المناطق السكنية في بلدتي الزبادني ومضايا بريف دمشق.
ورأى حزب الله ان هذه المعلومات تأتي "في إطار التحريض المتبع ضد حزب الله من قبل هذه الجهات منذ عدة أشهر".
وكانت تشهد هذه البلدتين منذ أكثر من خمسة أيام قتالا بين الجيش النظامي والجيش السوري الحر المنشق إلا أنه سرت اليوم معلومات عن هدنة بين الفريقين بعدما تكبد الجيش النظامي خسائر فادحة وباتت تدخل المساعدات إلى المنطقتين، دائما بحسب المعارضين.

Somebody is lying....probably those that are desparate, and somebody is being truthful...probably those that are fearful. Where is the Arab League?

Whether its true or false i guess we will never know since our Lebanese army isnt even on the borders, and even if was , wont do anything nor to Hezbollah or to Syrian army

Ya Mowaten ya Adami, so you still are pushing your head in tthe sand and don't want to see the reality. Hezbollah is going to bring havoc to the region, and the first one to suffer will be us the Mowatinine.....

the same old hezbi propaganda: "we are victims of mean people who plot against us"!
all totalitarian regimes use the same old trick, an international plot, a conspiracy...
worse thing is that their supporters are unable to see how this party works using the same tricks as dictatorships all around the world...

It is a proof that americans can control the world <<<!!!!!

mowaten, The Muslim brotherhood is very different then salafism. Why is it so hard to understand that the vast majority of Lebanese are against Israel and the Zionist BUT at the same time, they also against any weapons outside the government. why is it so hard to understand that you can be patriotic, against Israel, against Zionist, support Palestinians etc… and still be against Hizballah’s weapons and the Syrian Baath regime? We simple believe in a strong unified truly democratic Lebanese state and that cannot happen with weapons outside it, really that simple.

funny how M8 people would think that the closest ally to the syrian regime would stand still and not help the terrorist regime?
such naive beliefs are almost laughable!

Mowaten, salafi state = she3a mini state in da7iye, both suck and both are stone age, and if you believe mahde is coming on a white horse you need to wipe your eyes and see what kind of advanced planes white people have created for boys like you to fly with. Quit your hypocrisy and your nazi hate for sunis, Bashar will fall idiot, can you imagine the size of mutiny in his army 6 months from now? where would the economy in his country be? his special forces are gettin tired and patheticaly unable to take small towns like zabadani and bab amro from a handful of freedom fighters. Yes sunis too have their resistance against opression like imam hussein did. Learn to live in peace with them, because they are going to form the next Syrian government whether you like it or not.

Mowaten. Hizballah are liars, Geagea is good, because he has a palace after he got out of jail. He was a hard worker. Plus his man joined Jumblatt list after he screwed up the area with his Israelis visions. Yet still he is a leader for the Lebanese forces in the area itself. These commentators want peace. Give them guns and see. If I was Nisrallah, I would have crushed all of them in Beirut at that time. So no more barking.Now they have hope if Syria goes down, they will prosper again. Bunch of fools. Think of Iraq, freedom rules. Think of Tripoli, freedom rules. Hopeless Lebanese people, your future is disastrous. As long you listen, to the countries you call friends, you are doomed. Read your recent history books, and see how your alliances fell one after the other.

Cookie-monster seems to be enjoying having his/her head up Hassouna's a...the ones who are getting slaughtered are the Sunnis & Christians in Iran and Iraq...and next time get your facts straight hun, only 5 countries don't consider your glorious resistance terrorist (Syria, Iran, North Korea...only shitty countries having shitty leaders...

Mowaten, quit being a hypocrite and show some decency. Are you trying to convince us that you OPPOSE an Islamic She3a State in Da7ye that spreads its influence over lebanon?? please! we are not dunia tv watchers over here. And btw, the atheists like you who support crazy fundamentalist mehdi believers like nasralah are far worse than the real religous folks.

Mowaten, so you are secular atheist with the exception of support for a fundamentalist mehdi state in lebanon lol. nice one.

I don't oppose an Islamic Shia state per say but I do oppose one for Lebanon. Lebanon is too diverse for that.. do you oppose Saudi's Salafi/Sunni state?

And if you are such a humanitarian how on earth can you support racist nazi thugs like maher and bashar?..i was really moved by your eloquence... Saddam, Bashar, Qazafe, etc.. all belong in the history bin and it's about time you accept it within yourself (at least to stay consistent with your humane projections) that the Syrians deserve a better life WITHOUT bashar who came to power illegaly and yes they have every right to defend themselves against the barbaric attack of the assad nazis(btw i invite you to go check how madlene albright gave bashar her blessing during his dad's funeral). Assad used to go to france and europe with his wife i.e he was their boy, it is the Syrian people with their biblical sacrifices who are making history here, another fact that you have to come to terms with and learn to accept. Assad has become too big of an embarrasment to be politicaly swallowed in 2012 with fb and twitter.