منصور يعلن أنه سيرسل تذكيرا للسفارات لتسجيل اللبنانيين استعدادا للانتخابات
Read this story in Englishأعلن وزير الخارجية والمغتربين عدنان منصور أنه سيرسل تذكيراً جديداً للبعثات الديبلوماسية اللبنانية في الخارج من أجل تسجيل الأسماء للانتخابات النيابية سنة 2013.
ولفت منصور في حديث لصحيفة "النهار" صباح الخميس، الى أن كثيرين منهم كانوا قد قرأوا الملصقات على أبواب السفارات والقنصليات العامة المنفصلة عنها أو بواسطة الانترنت، مشيرا الى أنه كان بعث بتذكير بعد التعميم الأول منذ أسابيع.
وكانت وزارة الخارجية قد أرسلت الى بعثاتها تعميماً بضرورة إحصاء المقيمين في كل بلد فيه جالية لبنانية، مع إحصاء بالمسجلين لدى السفارات كلبنانيين.
وقد ذكر مطلعون أن "الملصقات على أبواب السفارات والقنصليات العامة في القارات الخمس غير كافية، لأن العديد من المنتشرين لا يترددون على تلك المراكز بسبب انشغالاتهم، ومن المفضل توزيع اعلانات عن ضرورة هذا التسجيل بواسطة المحطات اللبنانية للتلفزة التي يشاهدها اللبنانيون المهاجرون في أوروبا والدول العربية والاميركتين".
ولفتوا إلى أن "التبليغ عن طريق المواقع الالكترونية والرسائل الالكترونية خطوة مفيدة لكنها غير كافية".
وفي 16 كانون الأول عقد لقاء ماروني موسع في بكركي تبنى طرح اللقاء الأرثوذكسي لقانون الإنتخاب على أنه "صيغة صالحة لتحقيق التمثيل العادل والفاعل" معلناً تكليف لجنة متابعة منبثقة من اللقاء لبدء التشاور مع المكونات الوطنية كافة إنطلاقا من هذا الطرح، ومذكرا أن التفريط بالمناصفة يشكل "تهديداً للوحدة".
ويدعو طرح اللقاء الأرثوذكسي إلى أن تنتخب كل طائفة نوابها على أساس النسبية ضمن اعتبار لبنان دائرة انتخابية واحدة.
how do they expect people to be informed or even head to foreign missions. In certain countries the Lebanese missions are a plain joke and the people in charge are even worse. Diplomats are supposed to engage the community in their areas of interest and work with individuals in ensuring the community's overall wellbeing. Sadly, foreign diplomatic posts are, for some, a long paid holiday.
The embassies have collected our contact information many times...so how come they dont use technology (i.e. email for instance or maybe phone if it is simple for them) to contact us...is it too much to ask...
They are posting this on the wall of the embassies...what a joke. By the way, I live in California and the embassy is in DC. How on earth will I know about this? I don't hang out next to the embassy every day to see the freeking wall ... so I hope our diplomatic missions staff stop drinking coffee all day long and do one thing right for a change.
this guy has to be one of the least smart (to use political correct word)politicians in the modern era.
There is others i dislike, but at least you can see they are sharp as foxes.
not this poor cookie
Let's be honest, Hizballa, Amal and the rest of M8 don't want the expatriates to vote because the vast majority is clearly patriotic, against Hizb, Syria and pro M14. Now this little foreign minister is following Berri's instructions and trying to be sneaky and outsmart the expatriates. It is an obvious ploy that will not work. We are Lebanese and we've seen many of your dirty disgusting kind. Wake up M8 before it's too late.
To Hanna
I beg to disagree...
He seems pretty smart to me...The law says that embassies must advertise the Election Policy in some manner...but it didn't specify how. So he figured out that by posting it on embassy walls, it would still be legally an "Advertisement" while at the same time suiting his purpose of not reaching any potential constituent....And he could have gotten away with it...Clever indeed.
the filthy zionist information war department halucinate that if lebanese across the worlds vote that their parties will win.
no they won't. here where i live, almost everyone (and there is a lot of us) will vote hezb'allah.
and those who won't vote hezb'allah will vote aoun.
you suckers.
your side will be defeated on next elections with so much difference that you won't believe it for next 4 years.
To Jabal Habal
Hummm if I remember correctly M8 lost both 2005 & 2009 election - you didn't get a majority.
The only reason M8 came to power was by putting a gun at Jumblat's head and forcing him to switch side again
So with what is going on in Syria right now - what makes your feeble mind think that you will win in the next election - unless M8 use their position in power to rigg it.
As long as the filthy Zionist/CIA infested Islamic Revolution in Lebanon behind this guy controls the foreign ministry the expats will never get the right to vote. Consecutive foreign ministers and directors general of immigrants, from al bee2at al hadinat for Zionist spies and bomb planting saints, have stalled, obstructed, stonewalled and invented all kinds of excuses to block the Lebanese nationals residing abroad from voting.
yes allouchi you should call it the islamic republic of dahiye because they don t seem part of lebanon anymore....
the filthy zionist information war department is hallucinating that m8 need any illegal measures to win next elections