اعتصام لعدد من السوريين الموالين لنظام الأسد أمام السفارة الروسية في بيروت
Read this story in Englishتجمع عدد من السوريين الموالين لنظام الرئيس بشار الأسد أمام السفارة الروسية في بيروت اليوم الأحد، تعبيرا عن شكرهم لموقف روسيا الداعم للنظام السوري.
وقد سجل انتشار للقوى الأمنية في المكا، حسب ما أفادت إذاعة "صوت لبنان" (93.3).
وقد رفضت روسيا دعم مشروع قرار اوروبي عربي مشترك في الامم المتحدة حول الازمة السورية يمنح دعما قويا لمبادرة اطلقتها الجامعة العربية تدعو الاسد للتنحي.
وتحظى موسكو بعلاقات تجارية وثيقة مع حليفتها دمشق منذ الحقبة السوفييتية حيث وقعت على عقد جديد بتقديم طائرات عسكرية الى سوريا هذا الشهر كما مازالت البحرية الروسية تستأجر ميناء بسوريا.
وقد تقدمت روسيا بمشروع قرار من جانبها يلقي باللائمة في اعمال العنف بالتساوي بين الاسد والمعارضة، وهو ما رفضه الغرب.
وكانت روسيا والصين استخدمتا في تشرين الاول الماضي حقهما في النقض (الفيتو) ضد مشروع قرار سابق يدين القمع الدامي في سوريا الذي اوقع اكثر من خمسة الاف قتيل منذ منتصف اذار 2011، حسب الامم المتحدة.
Some day the Russians are going to regret their actions again. Throughout their history they always took the wrong decisions ...
The statement should read: a number of Hizbollah followers staged hopeless march towards the Russia embassy as the traffic and market is slow to sell Chicklets.
Sit ins are usually a sign of protest, not support. Even Bashar's supporters are confused......
the filthy zionist information war department hallucinate about bashar's supporters being confused.
you are only one confused here
@Habal has transported non-paying electricity families from the Dahieh and South to show support for the regime so that they continue to be thieves of the Government infrastructure and maintain the status quo.
yeah jabelalem, history has shown us that sit-ins are held in support instead of opposition--face it, these "protesters" just wanted their faces shown so Bashar would spare their families, for now.
Anyhow, what goes around, comes around http://www.naharnet.com/stories/en/28259-thousands-take-to-moscow-s-ring-road-in-anti-putin-protest
What a bunch of losers!!!
Supporting such a scumbag.
Russia is playing a very dangerous game....it will lose everything supporting a lost cause just like they have supported Milosevic
If Putin was intelligent he would speak to Syrian opposition and make sure Russian interests would be safeguarded.
To all the intellects commenting here. If things get worse in Syria, what do you think is going to happen in Lebanon? You talk about Russia choosing losers. US chose Bin Laden against the Russians. They chose Saddam against the Iranians. Then they turn on them. You idiots, do you really think, US has any interest in you. The plan is to turn all of you against each other, so Israel can relax. What is happening in Syria, they want to turn it into Sunnis against Shia. So be ready, you are next in Lebanon. At least Hizballah kept their arms, meaning they know politics better than you. So you have two choices stop barking at them, or start packing, or die.
jcamerican..In case no one has told you yet, as soon as Assad Baathist regime collapses, Hassan Nasrallah will submit his weapons all willingly to the Lebanese army. There is no doubt about that. So the only one who will start packing are hizbullah members who will disobey Nassarrah's orders.
Elie, thanks for the info. In case you forgot, you use to say get Syria out, and the lebanese will get their house in order. You have a very limited and focused view. Read this article which is made not in Lebanon. Maybe you will get non biased picture from reading this. In short they are telling you to pack.
I guess my last remark was not the truth. Since a lot of you voted it out.Bashar will be killed soon, and Lebanon will be the greatest country on earth. Hizballah will disapear, Iran will be wiped out and Iraq too since most of them are shia. I think the Palestinians should go too, and everyone not liked by M14 and M16 should go, then Lebanon will be great again. Dream of fools.
Just a quick question for jcamerican - you mention - and I quote you "If things get worse in Syria, what do you think is going to happen in Lebanon"
to answer, I dont think anything will happen in Lebanon. the main cause of troubles for Lebanon for the last 40 years has been directly caused by Syrian meddling.
In my honest opinion, I think that the Shia will be empowered to rid themselves of the Hizbollah tumor within their community, the Sunni's and Christians and Druze among others will step back and allow them to clean house themselves. This will allow the Lebanese government to concentrate on disarming the Palestinian camps and securing the rest of the country.
wishful thinking maybe - but then again, many of my wishes have come true the last year or so!