الجميل ينتقد شربل لأنه يفضل إبقاء الأجهزة الأمنية خرساء وعمياء
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس حزب الكتائب أمين الجميل أن وزير الداخلية والبلديات مروان شربل "سخّف المعلومات الرسمية التي توفرت لدى الأجهزة الأمنية المهمة في وزارته" حول استهداف نجله النائب سامي الجميل.
وأكد الجميل في حديث لإذاعة "صوت لبنان" (100.5) اليوم السبت، أن "المعلومات تتعلق بتهديد مباشر بالقتل وتتعلق بحياة أحد المواطنين أيا كان هذا المواطن، ومن شأن هذا الوضع أن يهدد بزعزعة أمن لبنان واستقراره".
وأشار الى أنه "وكأن وزير الداخلية يأسف أن يكون مسؤول عن الأجهزة الأمنية قد أبلغنا بالخطر المحدق بنا، بينما هؤلاء القادة في الأجهزة قاموا بأبسط واجباتهم الرسمية، والانسانية والضميرية".
وأضاف "يبدو أن وزير الداخلية نسي أنني فقدت ابني البكر الحبيب بيار وفي ظروف معروفة، والان يأتي تهديد لابني الأصغر سامي، فهل بنظر الوزير الكريم كل هذا أمر هامشي ويتم تضخيمه ولا أهمية له، ولا أهمية لحياة المواطنين والاستقرار؟".
وكان شربل قد صرح وعن المعطيات في شأن محاولة اغتيال النائب سامي الجميل أن "الأمر ليس محاولة اغتيال بل هو نوع من التنبيه الى احتمال حصول أمر ما، ومن واجبنا تنبيه الشخصيات السياسية والقيادات لاتخاذ الحيطة".
وأكد أن ما حصل هو "سوء فهم حول هذا الموضوع، ونأمل ألا يحصل إرباك أو تضخيم".
وأعرب الجميل عن خرشيته من "أن يكون منطق بقاء الأجهزة الأمنية خرساء وعمياء هو السائد في البلد الان، وهذا أكثر ما يؤلم"، لافتا الى "انعدام الحس بالمسؤولية وانعدام الشعور الوطني والانساني وانعدام الثقة بالدولة ومؤسساتها".
وتضاربت المعلومات التي تناقلتها وسائل الإعلام الخميس حول إحباط محاولة اغتيال سامي الجميل الذي أكد ورئيس الحزب أمين الجميل، المعلومات عن التحضير لمحاولة اغتياله، فيما أشارت معلومات أمنية أن كل ما قامت به هو تحذير الجميل في ظل الوضع الراهن.
security forces will stay "blind" because they have nothing to see and "mute" because they have nothing to say.
because no one wish to kill nobody, the son of nobody and member of 2 man party.
Someone should kick this man's butt real good for making such non sensical comments: from the causes of the Antelias blast (personal dispute), to silencing the secret forces when they have to alert a targeted politicien, to obstructing (in fact being accomplices!) the delivery of key cell data to those who can uncover and prevent political assassinations under the pretense of protecting privacy!! Where was privacy when the Syrian opponents were being handed over to their butchers in Syria, when the criminals controlled every data (from airport to cell conversation , to mouvements monitoring....)to track and huntdown their political opponents: Gebran Tueyni. Pierre Gemayel, May Chidiac, Marwan Hamade,. etc...
By denying these attempts, I strongly believe that Charbel is protecting the Ouwets.
I am usually not a Big fan of Amin Gemayel or the kataeb, but I think there is no need to comment in this hateful manner jabalamel. Given that the man already lost a son, his concern is normal. If not as a politician, at least as a father.
It is a shame that the we Lebanese have lost all our values and good will for the sake of politicians.
All of you fighting with each others instead of reading the real picture!!! typical Lebanese People!
Samy Gemayel, should be an IDOL for all of you, a man that asks youngsters their to follow instead of following parties (even his), speaks loud without (NICK NAMES) not fearing death, and fighting to have the right to speak the truth! but it`s not about Gemayel Here, it is about Charbel taking commands from Hizbullah! and maybe threatened as well!
the real picture is that this countey is not ours anymore! and will never be... shame on all people and politics, no one deserves this country
the filthy zionist information war department is hallucinating that sami gemayel should be idol for us.
2012 - The leaders making the most sense, the ones speaking logically are not the one's in control of the government. Although, they were the the ones elected to it. A far cry from what comes out of the mouths of those in control of the government.
In the last month Aoun has proven himself to be a total madman with his statements. We should feel sorry for this poor man, his own people should be taking better care of him. Hopefully, in the coming year the Honorable Energy Minister (his Beloved Step Thieve, I mean stepson) can "appropriate" enough funds from his budget, to send El General to a luxurious retirement home on the coast of France.
More to come-
2012 part 2
I hear we are once again about to be enlightened by the One & Only... drum rolls please and remember to bow, they carry weapons, Mr Resistance himself will soon speak to the masses. Does any one know if these speeches will be telecast from his nest deep under the sewers of Lebanon or is he going to claw his way up to the world? (It would be a good idea if the people in charge of pest control would put out a few extra Rat traps, just incase he surfaces.) What will his words consists of...... Blah, Filthy Zionist, Blah... Blah, all Lebanese who do not obey are traitors, Blah... Blah, terrorist gangs in syria, Blah. Why does he have to make two new speeches to say the same thing he always says. Maybe I judge Big H too Harshly, he probably has no choice but to spit out the same old crap. After all his only real duty is to his masters in Iran!
hello!,I like your writing very so much! proportion
we keep in touch more about your article on AOL? I need a
specialist on this house to unravel my problem. May be that's you! Looking ahead to peer you.