عضو في المجلس الوطني السوري سيحضر احتفال 14 شباط

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أفادت معلومات صحفية أن 14 شباط سيشهد مفاجأة وهي مشاركة عضو في المجلس الوطني السوري المعارض في احتفال هذه السنة الذي سيقام في البيال.

وأكدت مصادر لصحيفة "الأنباء" الكويتية أن هذا المشارك لن يكون رئيس المجلس برهان غليون، واعتبرت أن هذا الحضور في الاحتفال الذي أدرج تحت عنوان "دعم الثورة السورية" سيغطي غياب رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري بسبب اصابته في رجله، والذي سيحضر عبر الشاشة العملاقة.

وقررت قيادات قوى 14 آذار إحياء ذكرى استشهاد رئيس الحكومة الأسبق رفيق الحريري الثلاثاء 14 شباط الجاري في البيال، على أن يليها مهرجان شعبي كبير في 14 آذار المقبل في ساحة الشهداء.

وكانت قد أكدت صحف محلية سابقا احتمال دمج الاحتفالين في مهرجان كبير واحد يقام في 14 آذار المقبل، مكتفية بالصلاة على روح الرئيس الحريري في 14 شباط.

وقد تعرض سعد الحريري إلى حادثة أثناء ممارسته رياضة التزلج في جبال الألب الفرنسية منذ أسابيع عدة، أدت إلى كسر في رجله خضع على أثره لعملية جراحية. وهو يمضي الآن فترة المعالجة في منزله في باريس.

وأدت حادثة الحريري إلى إرباك التيار بشأن إقامة الاحتفالين، وطرحت علامة استفهام حول إمكان الأخير من الحضور إلى لبنان.

التعليقات 13
Thumb Chupachups 09:21 ,2012 شباط 05

hmm... i dunno if this a good idea.

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 13:09 ,2012 شباط 05

Cookie, Hariri doesn't need to justify anythin. He is far more secure where he is. We don't want him back. When you control security of the airport, and obstruât other security appartuses work, you know each and every mouvements going through the airport. Tueini's family know something about this. We don't want anymore dahyie film thrillers showing us why (god forbids!)Israel would have assassinated Saad Hariri! Funnily enough for 30 years only one camp has suffered political assassinations...Wonder why. The vermines who did it can only wait..In Serbia it took more than 10 years to loch up war criminals.In Lebanon and syria it won't take that long it seems.

Default-user-icon Ibn akkar (ضيف) 13:41 ,2012 شباط 05

La place de cette statue Hariri est en Arabie Saoudite. rendons à césar ce qui est à César.

Thumb jabalamel 16:37 ,2012 شباط 05

we don't need foreign traitors on commemorations for patriotic lebanese.

Missing allouchi 17:24 ,2012 شباط 05

EXCELLENT move...This will strengthen M14 cause and help Lebanon to be more united and free. That will also help us remove the clutches of the monsters Hizballa, Iran and M8 thugs from our government. LONG LIVE M14 and the SNC. M8 your time is OVER start packing and move to Iran. No one else wants you. Start learning Farsis...

Default-user-icon yazalameh (ضيف) 17:45 ,2012 شباط 05

naharnet correction: academics not academicians...naharnet ur reporting is getting so lousy that i stopped i following, officially starting today

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 18:25 ,2012 شباط 05

@Flame: Keep up with your identity hysteria from Cookies to Flames, The Majority will always prevail and your people who robs the government and infrastructure will eventually pay the price. Start thinking about paying your electric bills and build your homes on legal lands instead of harassing the ISF and gov employees who continuously get beaten by the Shabiha for doing their jobs.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 19:25 ,2012 شباط 05

This is a bad idea. Very bad. Although i tend more to the March14 side, they are clearly making a lot of mistakes, and this one is a huge one. We can support the free people of Syria, but this is too much. Where were they when we where bombarded for 30 years? And now specially it is clear it is a HARIRI VS BACHAR era. Very wrong move Hariri, this will incite the lebanese scene and give a reason for the Hezb to create problems as well in order to bring back the lost balance from the syrian fall.

Missing allouchi 20:04 ,2012 شباط 05

Thrower blower, let explain it to you S L O W L Y...most shia and Amal are against Hizb but afraid to say so because of its illegal arms. M8 hide behind hizb weapons, they are nothing without the weapons. When the Syrian regime falls, Hizb will be much weaker and the TRUE Lebanese will be in a much better position to disarm Hizb and M8 gangs...Maybe You and other M8 should either learn farsi or hebrew..LOL

Missing peace 20:42 ,2012 شباط 05

"and how will this strengthen M14's collaborationist cause again?"

what do you mean by collaborationist? who with?

Thumb jabalamel 20:56 ,2012 شباط 05

the filthy zionist information war department is very loud on "lebanon independance from syria" but they don't apply same principle if, somehow hypoteticaly, the usa/zionist backed goverment would be in damascus, hypoteticaly of course.

Thumb shab 00:45 ,2012 شباط 06

With this sissy goverment, this action will show that the free civilized Lebanese support a free Syria

Thumb jabalamel 03:23 ,2012 شباط 06

the filthy zionist information war department is getting aroused by possibility of syrian traitor coming to lebanon and is not obssesivly repeating that it's a good idea to receive him him.